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WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program: Water Supply and Sanitation

The water and sanitation series is developed using data from the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program for water supply and sanitation (JMP). The JMP reports country, regional and global estimates of progress on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) since 2000. 

The WSS JMP dataset provides substantial information on water, sanitation and hygiene, broken into national, urban and rural subgroups. Within these subgroups, global estimates are provided that show the proportion of a country's population using improved and unimproved access to water, sanitation and hygiene. For the water dataset, IFs draws primarily on...... For the sanitation dataset, IFs uses the sanitation estimates to break the data down into the proportion of population (%) and the amount of people within a population. To construct these data series, IFs draws primarily on the population served with improved sanitation, unimproved sanitation, other unimproved sanitation, shared sanitation, and open defication sanitation.

The most recent update was in Sept. 2024. There are 8 preprocessors and 100 non-preprocessors.

Instructions on Downloading data

  1. Go to

Instructions on Importing Water Data into IFs

This section explains the methodology to be followed when importing WSS JMP  water supply data into IFs. It also describes certain problems that a user might face in interpreting and understanding the data.

SourceWater supply data is published by the WHO/UNICEF JMP. The data is available at the website

Country List to be Used: WSS JMP

Types of DataThe following categories of data need to be imported into IFs:

  1. Can be directly found
    1. Units is 'Percent" - 27 in total
TAB Residence Type Ladder Variable Definition Extended Source Defn Units Code in Source UsedInPreprocessor UsedInPreprocessorFileName
wat rural AtLeastBasic WSSJMPWaterRural%AtLeastBasic Proportion of Rural population served with at least basic drinking water (%) Percent wat_basal_r 0
wat total AtLeastBasic WSSJMPWaterTotal%AtLeastBasic Proportion of Total population served with at least basic drinking water (%) Percent wat_basal_t 0
wat urban AtLeastBasic WSSJMPWaterUrban%AtLeastBasic Proportion of Urban population served with at least basic drinking water (%) Percent wat_basal_u 0
wat rural Limited WSSJMPWaterRural%Limited Proportion of Rural population served with limited drinking water (%) Drinking water from an improved source for which collection time exceeds 30 minutes for a roundtrip including queuing Percent wat_lim_r 0
wat total Limited WSSJMPWaterTotal%Limited Proportion of Total population served with limited drinking water (%) Drinking water from an improved source for which collection time exceeds 30 minutes for a roundtrip including queuing Percent wat_lim_t 0
wat urban Limited WSSJMPWaterUrban%Limited Proportion of Urban population served with limited drinking water (%) Drinking water from an improved source for which collection time exceeds 30 minutes for a roundtrip including queuing Percent wat_lim_u 0
wat rural OtherUnimproved WSSJMPWaterRural%OtherUnimproved Proportion of Rural population with Other Unimproved Water (%) Unprotected dug well, unprotected spring, cart with small tank/drum, tanker truck, bottled water (Bottled water is considered 'improved' for drinking only when the household used an improved source for cooking and personal hygiene) Percent wat_unimp_r 0
wat total OtherUnimproved WSSJMPWaterTotal%OtherUnimproved Proportion of Total population with Other Unimproved Water (%) Unprotected dug well, unprotected spring, cart with small tank/drum, tanker truck, bottled water (Bottled water is considered 'improved' for drinking only when the household used an improved source for cooking and personal hygiene) Percent wat_unimp_t 1 ECONOMY, INFRASTRUCTURE
wat urban OtherUnimproved WSSJMPWaterUrban%OtherUnimproved Proportion of Urban population with Other Unimproved Water (%) Unprotected dug well, unprotected spring, cart with small tank/drum, tanker truck, bottled water (Bottled water is considered 'improved' for drinking only when the household used an improved source for cooking and personal hygiene) Percent wat_unimp_u 0
wat rural Piped WSSJMPWaterRural%Piped Proportion of Rural population served with Piped Water (%) Piped household water connection located inside the user's dwelling, plot or yard Percent wat_pip_r 0
wat total Piped WSSJMPWaterTotal%Piped Proportion of Total population served with Piped Water (%) Piped household water connection located inside the user's dwelling, plot or yard Percent wat_pip_t 1 INFRASTRUCTURE
wat urban Piped WSSJMPWaterUrban%Piped Proportion of Urban population served with Piped Water (%) Piped household water connection located inside the user's dwelling, plot or yard Percent wat_pip_u 0
wat rural SafelyManaged WSSJMPWaterRural%SafelyManaged Proportion of Rural population served with safely managed drinking water (%) From an improved water source that is accessible on premises, available when needed and free from faecal and priority chemical contamination Percent wat_sm_r 0
wat total SafelyManaged WSSJMPWaterTotal%SafelyManaged Proportion of Total population served with safely managed drinking water (%) From an improved water source that is accessible on premises, available when needed and free from faecal and priority chemical contamination Percent wat_sm_t 0
wat urban SafelyManaged WSSJMPWaterUrban%SafelyManaged Proportion of Urban population served with safely managed drinking water (%) From an improved water source that is accessible on premises, available when needed and free from faecal and priority chemical contamination Percent wat_sm_u 0
wat rural SMAsNeeded WSSJMPWaterRural%SMAsNeeded Proportion of Rural population served with available when needed improved drinking water (%) From an improved water source that is vailable when needed Percent wat_imp_av_r 0
wat total SMAsNeeded WSSJMPWaterTotal%SMAsNeeded Proportion of Total population served with available when needed improved drinking water (%) From an improved water source that is vailable when needed Percent wat_imp_av_t 0
wat urban SMAsNeeded WSSJMPWaterUrban%SMAsNeeded Proportion of Urban population served with available when needed improved drinking water (%) From an improved water source that is vailable when needed Percent wat_imp_av_u 0
wat rural SMNotContam WSSJMPWaterRural%SMNotContam Proportion of Rural population served with free from contamination improved drinking water (%) From an improved water source that is free from faecal and priority chemical contamination Percent wat_imp_qual_r 0
wat total SMNotContam WSSJMPWaterTotal%SMNotContam Proportion of Total population served with free from contamination improved drinking water (%) From an improved water source that is free from faecal and priority chemical contamination Percent wat_imp_qual_t 0
wat urban SMNotContam WSSJMPWaterUrban%SMNotContam Proportion of Urban population served with free from contamination improved drinking water (%) From an improved water source that is free from faecal and priority chemical contamination Percent wat_imp_qual_u 0
wat rural SMOnPremise WSSJMPWaterRural%SMOnPremise Proportion of Rural population served with accessible on premises improved drinking water (%) From an improved water source that is accessible on premises Percent wat_imp_prem_r 0
wat total SMOnPremise WSSJMPWaterTotal%SMOnPremise Proportion of Total population served with accessible on premises improved drinking water (%) From an improved water source that is accessible on premises Percent wat_imp_prem_t 0
wat urban SMOnPremise WSSJMPWaterUrban%SMOnPremise Proportion of Urban population served with accessible on premises improved drinking water (%) From an improved water source that is accessible on premises Percent wat_imp_prem_u 0
wat rural Surface WSSJMPWaterRural%Surface Proportion of Rural population served with surface drinking water (%) Drinking water directly from a river, dam, lake, pond, stream, canal or irrigation canal Percent wat_ns_r 0
wat total Surface WSSJMPWaterTotal%Surface Proportion of Total population served with surface drinking water (%) Drinking water directly from a river, dam, lake, pond, stream, canal or irrigation canal Percent wat_ns_t 1 ECONOMY, INFRASTRUCTURE
wat urban Surface WSSJMPWaterUrban%Surface Proportion of Urban population served with surface drinking water (%) Drinking water directly from a river, dam, lake, pond, stream, canal or irrigation canal Percent wat_ns_u 0
    1. Units is "Thousands" - 9 in total
TAB Residence Type Ladder Variable Definition Extended Source Defn Units Code in Source UsedInPreprocessor UsedInPreprocessorFileName Formula Pop
wat rural OtherUnimproved WSSJMPWaterRuralPopOtherUnimproved Rural population with Other Unimproved Water Unprotected dug well, unprotected spring, cart with small tank/drum, tanker truck, bottled water (Bottled water is considered 'improved' for drinking only when the household used an improved source for cooking and personal hygiene) Thousands wat_unimp_r 0 /100 *(100-prop_u)/100*pop_t
wat total OtherUnimproved WSSJMPWaterTotalPopOtherUnimproved Total population with Other Unimproved Water Unprotected dug well, unprotected spring, cart with small tank/drum, tanker truck, bottled water (Bottled water is considered 'improved' for drinking only when the household used an improved source for cooking and personal hygiene) Thousands wat_unimp_t 0 /100 *pop_t
wat urban OtherUnimproved WSSJMPWaterUrbanPopOtherUnimproved Urban population with Other Unimproved Water Unprotected dug well, unprotected spring, cart with small tank/drum, tanker truck, bottled water (Bottled water is considered 'improved' for drinking only when the household used an improved source for cooking and personal hygiene) Thousands wat_unimp_u 0 /100 *prop_u/100*pop_t
wat rural Piped WSSJMPWaterRuralPopPiped Rural population served with Piped Water Piped household water connection located inside the user's dwelling, plot or yard Thousands wat_pip_r 0 /100 *(100-prop_u)/100*pop_t
wat total Piped WSSJMPWaterTotalPopPiped Total population served with Piped Water Piped household water connection located inside the user's dwelling, plot or yard Thousands wat_pip_t 0 /100 *pop_t
wat urban Piped WSSJMPWaterUrbanPopPiped Urban population served with Piped Water Piped household water connection located inside the user's dwelling, plot or yard Thousands wat_pip_u 0 /100 *prop_u/100*pop_t
wat rural Surface WSSJMPWaterRuralPopSurface Rural population with Surface Water River, dam, lake, pond, stream, canal, irrigation channels. Thousands wat_ns_r 0 /100 *(100-prop_u)/100*pop_t
wat total Surface WSSJMPWaterTotalPopSurface Total population with Surface Water River, dam, lake, pond, stream, canal, irrigation channels. Thousands wat_ns_t 0 /100 *pop_t
wat urban Surface WSSJMPWaterUrbanPopSurface Urban population with Surface Water River, dam, lake, pond, stream, canal, irrigation channels. Thousands wat_ns_u 0 /100 *prop_u/100*pop_t
  1. Need Calculation
    1. Units is 'Percent" - 12 in total
TAB Residence Type Ladder Variable Definition Extended Source Defn Units Code in Source UsedInPreprocessor UsedInPreprocessorFileName
wat rural Basic WSSJMPWaterRural%Basic Proportion of Rural population served with basic but not safely managed drinking water (%) Drinking water from an improved source, provided collection time is not more than 30 minutes for a roundtrip including queuing Percent wat_basal_r - wat_sm_r 0
wat total Basic WSSJMPWaterTotal%Basic Proportion of total population served with basic but not safely managed drinking water (%) Drinking water from an improved source, provided collection time is not more than 30 minutes for a roundtrip including queuing Percent wat_basal_t - wat_sm_t 0
wat urban Basic WSSJMPWaterUrban%Basic Proportion of Urban population served with basic but not safely managed drinking water (%) Drinking water from an improved source, provided collection time is not more than 30 minutes for a roundtrip including queuing Percent wat_basal_u - wat_sm_u 0
wat rural Improved WSSJMPWaterRural%Improved Proportion of Rural population served with Improved Water (%) Piped water on premises/other improved drinking water Percent wat_basal_r + wat_lim_r 0
wat total Improved WSSJMPWaterTotal%Improved Proportion of Total population served with Improved Water (%) Piped water on premises/other improved drinking water Percent wat_basal_t + wat_lim_t 0
wat urban Improved WSSJMPWaterUrban%Improved Proportion of Urban population served with Improved Water (%) Piped water on premises/other improved drinking water Percent wat_basal_u + wat_lim_u 0
wat rural OtherImproved WSSJMPWaterRural%OtherImproved Proportion of Rural population served with Other Improved Water (%) Public taps or standpipes, tube wells or boreholes, protected dug wells, protected springs, rainwater collection Percent wat_basal_r + wat_lim_r - wat_pip_r 0
wat total OtherImproved WSSJMPWaterTotal%OtherImproved Proportion of Total population served with Other Improved Water (%) Public taps or standpipes, tube wells or boreholes, protected dug wells, protected springs, rainwater collection Percent wat_basal_t + wat_lim_t - wat_pip_t 1 INFRASTRUCTURE
wat urban OtherImproved WSSJMPWaterUrban%OtherImproved Proportion of Urban population served with Other Improved Water (%) Public taps or standpipes, tube wells or boreholes, protected dug wells, protected springs, rainwater collection Percent wat_basal_u + wat_lim_u - wat_pip_u 0
wat rural Unimproved WSSJMPWaterRural%Unimproved Proportion of Rural population served with unimproved drinking water (%) Drinking water from an unprotected dug well or unprotected spring Percent 100 - (wat_basal_r + wat_lim_r) - wat_ns_r 0
wat total Unimproved WSSJMPWaterTotal%Unimproved Proportion of Total population served with unimproved drinking water (%) Drinking water from an unprotected dug well or unprotected spring Percent 100 - (wat_basal_t + wat_lim_t) - wat_ns_t 0
wat urban Unimproved WSSJMPWaterUrban%Unimproved Proportion of Urban population served with unimproved drinking water (%) Drinking water from an unprotected dug well or unprotected spring Percent 100 - (wat_basal_u + wat_lim_u) - wat_ns_u 0
    1. Units is "Thousands" - 9 in total
Ladder Variable Definition Extended Source Defn Units Code in Source UsedInPreprocessor UsedInPreprocessorFileName Formula Pop
Improved WSSJMPWaterRuralPopImproved Rural population served with Improved Water Piped water on premises/other improved drinking water Thousands wat_basal_r + wat_lim_r 0 /100 *(100-prop_u)/100*pop_t
Improved WSSJMPWaterTotalPopImproved Total population served with Improved Water Piped water on premises/other improved drinking water Thousands wat_basal_t + wat_lim_t 0 /100 *pop_t
Improved WSSJMPWaterUrbanPopImproved Urban population served with Improved Water Piped water on premises/other improved drinking water Thousands wat_basal_u + wat_lim_u 0 /100 *prop_u/100*pop_t
OtherImproved WSSJMPWaterRuralPopOtherImproved Rural population served with Other Improved Water Public taps or standpipes, tube wells or boreholes, protected dug wells, protected springs, rainwater collection Thousands wat_basal_r + wat_lim_r - wat_pip_r 0 /100 *(100-prop_u)/100*pop_t
OtherImproved WSSJMPWaterTotalPopOtherImproved Total population served with Other Improved Water Public taps or standpipes, tube wells or boreholes, protected dug wells, protected springs, rainwater collection Thousands wat_basal_t + wat_lim_t - wat_pip_t 0 /100 *pop_t
OtherImproved WSSJMPWaterUrbanPopOtherImproved Urban population served with Other Improved Water Public taps or standpipes, tube wells or boreholes, protected dug wells, protected springs, rainwater collection Thousands wat_basal_u + wat_lim_u - wat_pip_u 0 /100 *prop_u/100*pop_t
Unimproved WSSJMPWaterRuralPopUnimproved Rural population served with Unimproved Water. Unimproved drinking water sources/surface drinking water sources Thousands 100 - (wat_basal_r + wat_lim_r) - wat_ns_r 0 /100 *(100-prop_u)/100*pop_t
Unimproved WSSJMPWaterTotalPopUnimproved Total population served with Unimproved Water. Unimproved drinking water sources/surface drinking water sources Thousands 100 - (wat_basal_t + wat_lim_t) - wat_ns_t 0 /100 *pop_t
Unimproved WSSJMPWaterUrbanPopUnimproved Urban population served with Unimproved Water. Unimproved drinking water sources/surface drinking water sources Thousands 100 - (wat_basal_u + wat_lim_u) - wat_ns_u 0 /100 *prop_u/100*pop_t

Issues in the data and their resolution:

Instructions on Importing Sanitation Data into IFs

This section explains the methodology to be followed when importing WSS JMP sanitation data into IFs. It also describes certain problems that a user might face in interpreting and understanding the data.

SourceSanitation data is published by the WHO/UNICEF JMP. The data is available at the website!/table?geo0=region&geo1=sdg.

Country List to be Used: WSS JMP

Types of DataThe following categories of data need to be imported into IFs:

  1. WSSJMPSanitationTotal%Improved- Describes the proportion of the total population served with improved sanitation (%). Sum of National Latrines, Septic Tanks, Sewer Connections.
  2. WSSJMPSanitationTotal%Unimproved- Describes the proportion of the total population served with Unimproved Sanitation (%). Total Unimproved Sanitation is the sum of Open Defecation, Other Unimproved, and Shared sanitation access.
  3. WSSJMPSanitationTotal%OtherUnimproved- Describes the proportion of the total population with Other Unimproved Sanitation (%). National Unimproved
  4. WSSJMPSanitationTotal%Shared- Describes the proportion of the total population served with Shared Sanitation (%). National Limited (shared)
  5. WSSJMPSanitationTotal%OpenDefecation- Describes the proportion of the total population served with Open Defecation Sanitation (%). National Open Defecation
  6. WSSJMPSanitationUrban%Improved- Describes the proportion of the urban population served with Improved Sanitation (%). Sum of National Latrines, Septic Tanks, Sewer Connections.
  7. WSSJMPSanitationUrban%Unimproved- Describes the proportion of the urban population served with Unimproved Sanitation (%). Urban Unimproved Sanitation is the sum of Open Defecation, Other Unimproved, and Shared sanitation access.
  8. WSSJMPSanitationUrban%OtherUnimproved- Describes the proportion of the urban population with Other Unimproved Sanitation (%). National Unimproved
  9. WSSJMPSanitationUrban%Shared- Describes the proportion of the urban population served with Shared Sanitation (%). National Limited (shared)
  10. WSSJMPSanitationUrban%OpenDefecation- Describes the proportion of the urban population served with Open Defecation Sanitation (%). National Open Defecation
  11. WSSJMPSanitationRural%Improved- Describes the proportion of the rural population served with Improved Sanitation (%). Sum of National Latrines, Septic Tanks, Sewer Connections.
  12. WSSJMPSanitationRural%Unimproved- Describes the proportion of the rural population served with Unimproved Sanitation (%). Rural Unimproved Sanitation is the sum of Open Defecation, Other Unimproved, and Shared sanitation access.
  13. WSSJMPSanitationRural%OtherUnimproved- Describes the proportion of the rural population with Other Unimproved Sanitation (%). National Unimproved
  14. WSSJMPSanitationRural%Shared- Describes the proportion of the rural population served with Shared Sanitation (%). National Limited (shared)
  15. WSSJMPSanitationRural%OpenDefecation- Describes the proportion of the rural population served with Open Defecation Sanitation (%). National Open Defecation
  16. WSSJMPSanitationTotalPopImproved- Describes the total population served with Improved Sanitation. Calculated by the population*(Sum of Latrines, Septic Tanks, Sewer Connections/100).
  17. WSSJMPSanitationTotalPopUnimproved- Describes the total population served with Unimproved Sanitation. Total Unimproved Sanitation is the sum of Open Defecation, Other Unimproved, and Shared sanitation access.
  18. WSSJMPSanitationTotalPopOtherUnimproved- Describes the total population with Other Unimproved Sanitation. Calculated by the population*(National Unimproved/100).
  19. WSSJMPSanitationTotalPopShared- Describes the total population served with Shared Sanitation. Calculated by the population*(National Limited (shared)/100).
  20. WSSJMPSanitationTotalPopOpenDefecation- Describes the total population served with Open Defecation Sanitation. Calculated by the population*(National Open Defecation/100)
  21. WSSJMPSanitationUrbanPopImproved- Describes the urban population served with Improved Sanitation. Calculated by the population*(Urban Pop/100)*(Sum of Latrines, Septic Tanks, Sewer Connections/100)
  22. WSSJMPSanitationUrbanPopUnimproved- Describes the urban population served with Unimproved Sanitation. Urban Unimproved Sanitation is the sum of Open Defecation, Other Unimproved, and Shared sanitation access.
  23. WSSJMPSanitationUrbanPopOtherUnimproved- Describes the urban population with Other Unimproved Sanitation. Calculated by the population*(Urban Pop/100)*(Urban Unimproved).
  24. WSSJMPSanitationUrbanPopShared- Describes the urban population served with Shared Sanitation. Calculated by the population*(Urban Pop/100)*(Urban Limited (shared)/100).
  25. WSSJMPSanitationUrbanPopOpenDefecation- Describes the urban population served with Open Defecation Sanitation. Calculated by the population*(Urban Pop/100)*(Urban Open Defecation/100).
  26. WSSJMPSanitationRuralPopImproved- Describes the rural population served with Improved Sanitation. Calculated by the population*(100-Urban Pop)*(Sum of Latrines, Septic Tanks, Sewer Connections / 100).
  27. WSSJMPSanitationRuralPopUnimproved- Describes the rural population served with Unimproved Sanitation. Rural Unimproved Sanitation is the sum of Open Defecation, Other Unimproved, and Shared sanitation access.
  28. WSSJMPSanitationRuralPopOtherUnimproved- Describes the rural population with Other Unimproved Sanitation, Calculated by the population*(100-Urban Pop/100)*(Rural Unimproved/100).
  29. WSSJMPSanitationRuralPopShared- Describes the rural population served with Shared Sanitation. Calculated by the population*(100-Urban Pop/100)*(Rural Limited (shared)/100).
  30. WSSJMPSanitationRuralPopOpenDefecation- Describes the rural population served with Open Defecation Sanitation. Calculated by the population*(100-Urban Pop/100)*(Rural Open Defecation/100)
Residence Type Service Type Service level Facility type Safely managed element Column Variable Definition Extended Source Defn UsedInPreprocessor UsedInPreprocessorFileName Formula
rural Sanitation At least basic Coverage WSSJMPSanitationRural%AtLeastBasic Proportion of Rural population served with at least basic facilities (%) 0
total Sanitation At least basic Coverage WSSJMPSanitationTotal%AtLeastBasic Proportion of Total population served with at least basic facilities (%) 0
urban Sanitation At least basic Coverage WSSJMPSanitationUrban%AtLeastBasic Proportion of Urban population served with at least basic facilities (%) 0
rural Sanitation At least basis - Limited service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationRural%Basic Proportion of Rural population served with at least basic and not shared with others (%) Use of improved facilities which are not shared with other households 0
total Sanitation At least basis - Limited service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationTotal%Basic Proportion of total population served with at least basic and not shared with others (%) Use of improved facilities which are not shared with other households 0
urban Sanitation At least basis - Limited service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationUrban%Basic Proportion of Urban population served with at least basic and not shared with others (%) Use of improved facilities which are not shared with other households 0
rural Sanitation Limited service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationRural%Limited Proportion of Rural population served with limited facilities (%) Sanitation facilities of an otherwise acceptable type shared between two or more households. Only facilities that are not shared or not public are considered improved 0
rural Sanitation Limited service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationRural%Shared Proportion of Rural population served with Shared Sanitation (%) Sanitation facilities of an otherwise acceptable type shared between two or more households. Only facilities that are not shared or not public are considered improved 0
rural Sanitation Limited service Population WSSJMPSanitationRuralPopShared Rural population served with Shared Sanitation Sanitation facilities of an otherwise acceptable type shared between two or more households. Only facilities that are not shared or not public are considered improved 0 /1000
total Sanitation Limited service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationTotal%Limited Proportion of Total population served with limited facilities (%) Sanitation facilities of an otherwise acceptable type shared between two or more households. Only facilities that are not shared or not public are considered improved 0
total Sanitation Limited service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationTotal%Shared Proportion of Total population served with Shared Sanitation (%) Sanitation facilities of an otherwise acceptable type shared between two or more households. Only facilities that are not shared or not public are considered improved 1 INFRASTRUCTURE
total Sanitation Limited service Population WSSJMPSanitationTotalPopShared Total population served with Shared Sanitation Sanitation facilities of an otherwise acceptable type shared between two or more households. Only facilities that are not shared or not public are considered improved 0 /1000
urban Sanitation Limited service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationUrban%Limited Proportion of Urban population served with limited facilities (%) Sanitation facilities of an otherwise acceptable type shared between two or more households. Only facilities that are not shared or not public are considered improved 0
urban Sanitation Limited service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationUrban%Shared Proportion of Urban population served with Shared Sanitation (%) Sanitation facilities of an otherwise acceptable type shared between two or more households. Only facilities that are not shared or not public are considered improved 0
urban Sanitation Limited service Population WSSJMPSanitationUrbanPopShared Urban population served with Shared Sanitation Sanitation facilities of an otherwise acceptable type shared between two or more households. Only facilities that are not shared or not public are considered improved 0 /1000
rural Sanitation Open defecation Coverage WSSJMPSanitationRural%OpenDefecation Proportion of Rural population served with open defecation facilities (%) Disposal of human faeces in fields, forests, bushes, open bodies of water, beaches and other open spaces or with solid waste 0
rural Sanitation Open defecation Population WSSJMPSanitationRuralPopOpenDefecation Rural population served with Open Defecation Sanitation Disposal of human faeces in fields, forests, bushes, open bodies of water, beaches and other open spaces or with solid waste 0 /1000
total Sanitation Open defecation Coverage WSSJMPSanitationTotal%OpenDefecation Proportion of Total population served with open defecation facilities (%) Disposal of human faeces in fields, forests, bushes, open bodies of water, beaches and other open spaces or with solid waste 1 ECONOMY, INFRASTRUCTURE
total Sanitation Open defecation Population WSSJMPSanitationTotalPopOpenDefecation Total population served with Open Defecation Sanitation Disposal of human faeces in fields, forests, bushes, open bodies of water, beaches and other open spaces or with solid waste 0 /1000
urban Sanitation Open defecation Coverage WSSJMPSanitationUrban%OpenDefecation Proportion of Urban population served with open defecation facilities (%) Disposal of human faeces in fields, forests, bushes, open bodies of water, beaches and other open spaces or with solid waste 0
urban Sanitation Open defecation Population WSSJMPSanitationUrbanPopOpenDefecation Urban population served with Open Defecation Sanitation Disposal of human faeces in fields, forests, bushes, open bodies of water, beaches and other open spaces or with solid waste 0 /1000
rural Sanitation Open Defecation, Unimproved, and Limited service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationRural%Unimproved Proportion of Rural population served with unimproved facilities (%) Total Unimproved Sanitation is the sum of Open Defecation, Other Unimproved, and Shared sanitation access. Use of pit latrines without a slab or platform, hanging latrines or bucket latrines 0
rural Sanitation Open Defecation, Unimproved, and Limited service Population WSSJMPSanitationRuralPopUnimproved Rural population served with Unimproved Sanitation. Total Unimproved Sanitation is the sum of Open Defecation, Other Unimproved, and Shared sanitation access. do not ensure hygenic separation of human excreta from human contact. Unimproved facilities include pit latrines without a slab or platform, hanging latrines or bucket latrines 0 /1000
total Sanitation Open Defecation, Unimproved, and Limited service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationTotal%Unimproved Proportion of Total population served with unimproved facilities (%) Total Unimproved Sanitation is the sum of Open Defecation, Other Unimproved, and Shared sanitation access. Use of pit latrines without a slab or platform, hanging latrines or bucket latrines 0
total Sanitation Open Defecation, Unimproved, and Limited service Population WSSJMPSanitationTotalPopUnimproved Total population served with Unimproved Sanitation. Total Unimproved Sanitation is the sum of Open Defecation, Other Unimproved, and Shared sanitation access. do not ensure hygenic separation of human excreta from human contact. Unimproved facilities include pit latrines without a slab or platform, hanging latrines or bucket latrines 0 /1000
urban Sanitation Open Defecation, Unimproved, and Limited service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationUrban%Unimproved Proportion of Urban population served with unimproved facilities (%) Total Unimproved Sanitation is the sum of Open Defecation, Other Unimproved, and Shared sanitation access. Use of pit latrines without a slab or platform, hanging latrines or bucket latrines 0
urban Sanitation Open Defecation, Unimproved, and Limited service Population WSSJMPSanitationUrbanPopUnimproved Urban population served with Unimproved Sanitation. Total Unimproved Sanitation is the sum of Open Defecation, Other Unimproved, and Shared sanitation access. do not ensure hygenic separation of human excreta from human contact. Unimproved facilities include pit latrines without a slab or platform, hanging latrines or bucket latrines 0 /1000
rural Sanitation Safely managed service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationRural%SafelyManaged Proportion of Rural population served with safely managed facilities (%) Use of improved facilities that are not shared with other households and where excreta are safely disposed of in situ or removed and treated offsite 0
total Sanitation Safely managed service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationTotal%SafelyManaged Proportion of Total population served with safely managed facilities (%) Use of improved facilities that are not shared with other households and where excreta are safely disposed of in situ or removed and treated offsite 0
urban Sanitation Safely managed service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationUrban%SafelyManaged Proportion of Urban population served with safely managed facilities (%) Use of improved facilities that are not shared with other households and where excreta are safely disposed of in situ or removed and treated offsite 0
rural Sanitation Unimproved Coverage WSSJMPSanitationRural%OtherUnimproved Proportion of Rural population with Unimproved Sanitation (%) do not ensure hygenic separation of human excreta from human contact. Unimproved facilities include pit latrines without a slab or platform, hanging latrines or bucket latrines 0
rural Sanitation Unimproved Population WSSJMPSanitationRuralPopOtherUnimproved Rural population with Unimproved Sanitation do not ensure hygenic separation of human excreta from human contact. Unimproved facilities include pit latrines without a slab or platform, hanging latrines or bucket latrines 0 /1000
total Sanitation Unimproved Coverage WSSJMPSanitationTotal%OtherUnimproved Proportion of Total population with Unimproved Sanitation (%) do not ensure hygenic separation of human excreta from human contact. Unimproved facilities include pit latrines without a slab or platform, hanging latrines or bucket latrines 1 ECONOMY, INFRASTRUCTURE
total Sanitation Unimproved Population WSSJMPSanitationTotalPopOtherUnimproved Total population with Unimproved Sanitation do not ensure hygenic separation of human excreta from human contact. Unimproved facilities include pit latrines without a slab or platform, hanging latrines or bucket latrines 0 /1000
urban Sanitation Unimproved Coverage WSSJMPSanitationUrban%OtherUnimproved Proportion of Urban population with Unimproved Sanitation (%) do not ensure hygenic separation of human excreta from human contact. Unimproved facilities include pit latrines without a slab or platform, hanging latrines or bucket latrines 0
urban Sanitation Unimproved Population WSSJMPSanitationUrbanPopOtherUnimproved Urban population with Unimproved Sanitation do not ensure hygenic separation of human excreta from human contact. Unimproved facilities include pit latrines without a slab or platform, hanging latrines or bucket latrines 0 /1000
rural Sanitation Non-piped improved, Improved latrine and other, Piped improved, Septic tank, and Sewer Coverage WSSJMPSanitationRural%Improved Proportion of Rural population served with Improved Sanitation (%). Total Improved Sanitation is the sum of Non-piped improved,Improved latrine and other, Piped improved, Septic tank, and Sewer. Likely to ensure hygenic separation of human excreta from human contact. They include: 1) Flush/pour flush to (piped sewer system septic tank or pit latrine) 2) Ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine 3) Pit latrine with slab 4) Composing toilet 0
rural Sanitation Non-piped improved, Improved latrine and other, Piped improved, Septic tank, and Sewer Population WSSJMPSanitationRuralPopImproved Rural population served with Improved Sanitation. Total Improved Sanitation is the sum of Non-piped improved,Improved latrine and other, Piped improved, Septic tank, and Sewer. Likely to ensure hygenic separation of human excreta from human contact. They include: 1) Flush/pour flush to (piped sewer system septic tank or pit latrine) 2) Ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine 3) Pit latrine with slab 4) Composing toilet 0 /1000
total Sanitation Non-piped improved, Improved latrine and other, Piped improved, Septic tank, and Sewer Coverage WSSJMPSanitationTotal%Improved Proportion of Total population served with Improved Sanitation (%). Total Improved Sanitation is the sum of Non-piped improved,Improved latrine and other, Piped improved, Septic tank, and Sewer. Likely to ensure hygenic separation of human excreta from human contact. They include: 1) Flush/pour flush to (piped sewer system septic tank or pit latrine) 2) Ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine 3) Pit latrine with slab 4) Composing toilet 1 INFRASTRUCTURE
total Sanitation Non-piped improved, Improved latrine and other, Piped improved, Septic tank, and Sewer Population WSSJMPSanitationTotalPopImproved Total population served with Improved Sanitation. Total Improved Sanitation is the sum of Non-piped improved,Improved latrine and other, Piped improved, Septic tank, and Sewer. Likely to ensure hygenic separation of human excreta from human contact. They include: 1) Flush/pour flush to (piped sewer system septic tank or pit latrine) 2) Ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine 3) Pit latrine with slab 4) Composing toilet 0 /1000
urban Sanitation Non-piped improved, Improved latrine and other, Piped improved, Septic tank, and Sewer Coverage WSSJMPSanitationUrban%Improved Proportion of Urban population served with Improved Sanitation (%). Total Improved Sanitation is the sum of Non-piped improved,Improved latrine and other, Piped improved, Septic tank, and Sewer. Likely to ensure hygenic separation of human excreta from human contact. They include: 1) Flush/pour flush to (piped sewer system septic tank or pit latrine) 2) Ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine 3) Pit latrine with slab 4) Composing toilet 0
urban Sanitation Non-piped improved, Improved latrine and other, Piped improved, Septic tank, and Sewer Population WSSJMPSanitationUrbanPopImproved Urban population served with Improved Sanitation. Total Improved Sanitation is the sum of Non-piped improved,Improved latrine and other, Piped improved, Septic tank, and Sewer. Likely to ensure hygenic separation of human excreta from human contact. They include: 1) Flush/pour flush to (piped sewer system septic tank or pit latrine) 2) Ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine 3) Pit latrine with slab 4) Composing toilet 0 /1000
rural Sanitation Disposed insitu Coverage WSSJMPSanitationRural%SMDisposedInsitu Proportion of Rural population served with safely managed facilities (%) that are disposed in situ Safely managed = disposed in situ + emptied and treated + wastewater and treated 0
total Sanitation Disposed insitu Coverage WSSJMPSanitationTotal%SMDisposedInsitu Proportion of Total population served with safely managed facilities (%) that are disposed in situ Safely managed = disposed in situ + emptied and treated + wastewater and treated 0
urban Sanitation Disposed insitu Coverage WSSJMPSanitationUrban%SMDisposedInsitu Proportion of Urban population served with safely managed facilities (%) that are disposed in situ Safely managed = disposed in situ + emptied and treated + wastewater and treated 0
rural Sanitation Faecal sludge treated Coverage WSSJMPSanitationRural%SMEmpTreated Proportion of Rural population served with safely managed facilities (%) that are emptied and treated Safely managed = disposed in situ + emptied and treated + wastewater and treated 0
total Sanitation Faecal sludge treated Coverage WSSJMPSanitationTotal%SMEmpTreated Proportion of Total population served with safely managed facilities (%) that are emptied and treated Safely managed = disposed in situ + emptied and treated + wastewater and treated 0
urban Sanitation Faecal sludge treated Coverage WSSJMPSanitationUrban%SMEmpTreated Proportion of Urban population served with safely managed facilities (%) that are emptied and treated Safely managed = disposed in situ + emptied and treated + wastewater and treated 0
rural Sanitation Sewage treated Coverage WSSJMPSanitationRural%SMWastewaterTreated Proportion of Rural population served with safely managed facilities (%) that are wastewater treated Safely managed = disposed in situ + emptied and treated + wastewater and treated 0
total Sanitation Sewage treated Coverage WSSJMPSanitationTotal%SMWastewaterTreated Proportion of Total population served with safely managed facilities (%) that are wastewater treated Safely managed = disposed in situ + emptied and treated + wastewater and treated 0
urban Sanitation Sewage treated Coverage WSSJMPSanitationUrban%SMWastewaterTreated Proportion of Urban population served with safely managed facilities (%) that are wastewater treated Safely managed = disposed in situ + emptied and treated + wastewater and treated 0

Issues in the data and their resolution:

The 3 groups of series below are duplicated: "Shared" is "Limited service".

Residence Type Service Type Service level Facility type Safely managed element Column Variable Definition Extended Source Defn UsedInPreprocessor UsedInPreprocessorFileName Formula
rural Sanitation Limited service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationRural%Limited Proportion of Rural population served with limited facilities (%) Sanitation facilities of an otherwise acceptable type shared between two or more households. Only facilities that are not shared or not public are considered improved 0
rural Sanitation Limited service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationRural%Shared Proportion of Rural population served with Shared Sanitation (%) Sanitation facilities of an otherwise acceptable type shared between two or more households. Only facilities that are not shared or not public are considered improved 0
total Sanitation Limited service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationTotal%Limited Proportion of Total population served with limited facilities (%) Sanitation facilities of an otherwise acceptable type shared between two or more households. Only facilities that are not shared or not public are considered improved 0
total Sanitation Limited service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationTotal%Shared Proportion of Total population served with Shared Sanitation (%) Sanitation facilities of an otherwise acceptable type shared between two or more households. Only facilities that are not shared or not public are considered improved 1 INFRASTRUCTURE
urban Sanitation Limited service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationUrban%Limited Proportion of Urban population served with limited facilities (%) Sanitation facilities of an otherwise acceptable type shared between two or more households. Only facilities that are not shared or not public are considered improved 0
urban Sanitation Limited service Coverage WSSJMPSanitationUrban%Shared Proportion of Urban population served with Shared Sanitation (%) Sanitation facilities of an otherwise acceptable type shared between two or more households. Only facilities that are not shared or not public are considered improved 0