Version 8.31 (August 22nd, 2024)

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Version 8.31 (August 22nd, 2024)


You can download IFs Version 8.31 at IFs 8.31.

Interface Updates

  • Enter year to change directly in Customize Scenario Change, without having to click Next or Previous, which goes year by year.
  • Added Export of SCE files into IFs Standard CSV format.
  • Added Import of IFs Standard CSV format files into SCE.
  • Fix problem in comparing countries and groups in pyramids.

Model Updates

  • Updated Conflict Model to use: logit(SFCIVILWARUCDP) = - 4.292 + 0.003 * INFMORT - 0.008 * TRADEOPEN + 0.254 *CONTIGUITYINTLWARADD + 0.293 * DEMOCPOLYARCHY - 0.057 DEMOCPOLYARCHY^2
  • where FCIVILWARUCDP is the probability of intrastate conflict for country c in year t; iNFMORT is the infant mortality (deaths per 1,000), for country c in year t; This can be directly read from SeriesInfMortRateIHME. TRADEOPEN measures the trade openness of country c in year t, defined by a country’s total trade, which is the sum of import and export values, as a percent of its GDP for a given year; This can be calculated by summing up SeriesExportGoodSer% & SeriesImportGoodSer%. CONTIGUITYINTLWARADD represents the total number of country c’s neighboring countries that are experiencing intrastate conflicts in year t. A neighboring country is defined as country within the three Correlates of War Project distance categories (contiguous, less than 12 miles separation, and less than 24 miles separation); Is this table/variable in IFs? DEMOCPOLYARCHY represents level of electoral democracy, ranging from 0 to 10, with a higher score indicating a higher level of electoral democracy. This can be done by multiplying SeriesPolyarchy by 10.
  • Bilateral code blocks had some incompatibilities with the new energy model as they were hardcoded.
  • Fix to save PEACEYEARS in rebuild of the base.
  • Energy model revised and sys cost parameters added.
  • Bilateral Mode is turned on in this version.

Data Updates