(NEW) Master Sheet of Tables Series: Difference between revisions

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(Changed sample formula)
(4 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
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|Example Series
|Series Example
|[https://pardeewiki.du.edu//index.php?title=FAOSTAT FAOSTAT]
|[https://pardeewiki.du.edu//index.php?title=FAOSTAT FAOSTAT]
|The Example Series is pulled from [https://pardeewiki.du.edu//index.php?title=FAOSTAT FAOSTAT] and is typically used to do stuff
|The Example Series is pulled from [https://pardeewiki.du.edu//index.php?title=FAOSTAT FAOSTAT] and is typically used to do stuff
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|Example Formula
|Example Formula
|Animals are cute
|This is showcasing a formula insert  
|This is showcasing a formula insert  
FORMULA: <math>\frac{\text{this is a formula}}{\text{over a formula}}</math>
FORMULA: <math>\frac{\sqrt{83\pm{597}}}{\text{sample}}</math>
Datadict Table
Datadict Table

Latest revision as of 03:53, 10 November 2022

Example Table

Series Name Source Last IFs Update Pulled By (Initials) Description
Series Example FAOSTAT 2022/11/09 TB The Example Series is pulled from FAOSTAT and is typically used to do stuff
Example 2 Series World Bank 2022/07/27 TZ Link to external source in Master Sheet
Example Formula Animals are cute 2022/08/18 CP This is showcasing a formula insert


Datadict Table

Series Name Source Last IFs Update Pulled By (Initials) Description
AbortJustifPercent World Value Survey 2010/08/01
AuthorbyEduc World Value Survey
AutonPercent World Value Survey 2010/08/01
DemocBest World Value Survey
DiploIGOWeightMaxStandardized Pardee Center Diplometrics 2013/04/01 JDM
GodImprtPercent World Value Survey 2010/08/01
HappybyEduc World Value Survey 2010/08/01
HappyPercent World Value Survey 2010/08/01
HomoJustifPercent World Value Survey 2010/08/01
MatPMTop World Value Survey 2010/08/01
PMMinMatPercent World Value Survey
RespectAuthPercent World Value Survey 2010/08/01
Series%boys(15-19)marriedorunion UNICEF 2022/03/03 KG
Series%girls(15-19)marriedorunion UNICEF 2022/03/03 KG
Series%men(20-24)marriedorunionbefore18 UNICEF 2022/03/03 KG
Series%women(20-24)marriedorunionbefore15 UNICEF 2022/03/03 KG
Series%women(20-24)marriedorunionbefore18 UNICEF 2022/03/03 KG
SeriesAdditivePolyarchyIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesAgBovineMeatProductionFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgCerealsEx FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgCerealsIm FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgCerealSupply FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAgCerealsYieldperHec FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgCerealWaste FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAgConMeat WRI Earthtrends 2008/05/01 Converted to million metric tons
SeriesAGCropCalPerCapPerDayFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGCropDomesticSupplyFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgCropExportQuantityFAOTrade FAOSTAT, Trade Domain 2018/02/22 HF,EB
SeriesAGCropExportsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgCropExportValueFAOTrade FAOSTAT, Trade Domain 2018/02/22 HF,EB
SeriesAGCropFatPerCapPerDayFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAGCropFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgCropImportQuantityFAOTrade FAOSTAT, Trade Domain 2018/02/22 HF,EB
SeriesAGCropImportsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgCropImportValueFAOTrade FAOSTAT, Trade Domain 2018/02/22 HF,EB
SeriesAgCropProdIndex WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/02/01 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAGCropProductionFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGCropProteinPerCapPerDayFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGCropStockVarFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAGCroptoFeedFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGCroptoFoodFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGCroptoFoodManuFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGCroptoOtherUtilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGCroptoSeedFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgCropTotEx Computed
SeriesAgCropTotIm Computed Sum
SeriesAGCroptoWasteFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFertUse WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/02/01 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAgFertUseperHectare WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/02/01 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAgFish%Protein WRI Earthtrends 2005/04/01
SeriesAgFishAquaCatchTot WRI Earthtrends 2009/07/25
SeriesAgFishAquaInland WRI Earthtrends 2010/11/23 EWF
SeriesAgFishAquaMarine WRI Earthtrends 2010/11/23 EWF
SeriesAgFishAquaOther FAOSTAT 2012/03/04 EWF;CN
SeriesAgFishAquaProdAqAnimalsFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishAquaProdAqPlantsFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/14 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishAquaProdCephalopodsFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/14 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishAquaProdCrustaceansFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishAquaProdDemersalFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishAquaProdFreshwaterFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/14 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishAquaProdMarineFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/14 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishAquaProdMolluscsFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishAquaProdOthersFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishAquaProdPelagicFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/14 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishAquaTotal WRI Earthtrends 2009/07/25 Converted to million metric tons
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayAqMammalsFAO FAOSTAT Food Balance Sheets 2015/08/19 N.S
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishCalPerCapPerDayFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCatchProdAqAnimalsFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishCatchProdAqMammalsFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishCatchProdAqPlantsFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishCatchProdCephalopodsFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishCatchProdCrustaceansFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishCatchProdDemersalFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishCatchProdFreshwaterFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishCatchProdMarineFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishCatchProdMolluscsFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishCatchProdOthersFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishCatchProdPelagicFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global Catch Production Quantity Data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyAqMammalsFAO FAOSTAT Food Balance Sheets 2015/08/19 N.S
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishDomesticSupplyFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyMealFAO FAOSTAT 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportQuantityFAOTrade FAO, FishstatJ 2015/07/02 SDT
SeriesAgFishExportsAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportsAqMammalsFAO FAOSTAT Food Balance Sheets 2015/08/19 N.S
SeriesAgFishExportsAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportsBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportsCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportsCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportsDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishExportsFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishExportsFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportsLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportsMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportsMealFAO FAOSTAT 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishExportsMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportsPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportVal FAO FishstatJ Software 2017/07/18 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishExportValueFAOTrade FAO, FishstatJ 2015/07/02 SDT
SeriesAgFishExpt WRI Earthtrends 2009/07/25
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayAqMammalsFAO FAOSTAT Food Balance Sheets 2015/08/19 N.S
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAGFishFatPerCapPerDayFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayAqMammalsFAO FAOSTAT Food Balance Sheets 2015/08/19 N.S
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFreshwaterCatch WRI Earthtrends 2011/12/01 CN
SeriesAgFishImportQuantityFAOTrade FAO, FishstatJ 2015/07/02 SDT
SeriesAgFishImportsAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportsAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportsBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportsCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportsCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportsDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishImportsFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishImportsFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportsLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportsMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportsMealFAO FAOSTAT 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishImportsMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportsPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportVal FAO FishstatJ Software 2017/07/18 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishImportValueFAOTrade FAO, FishstatJ 2015/07/02 SDT
SeriesAgFishImpt WRI Earthtrends 2012/03/04 EWF;CN
SeriesAgFishInlandProd WRI Earthtrends 2009/07/25
SeriesAgFishMarineCatch WRI Earthtrends 2011/12/01 CN
SeriesAgFishProdAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdAqMammalsFAO FAOSTAT Food Balance Sheets 2015/08/19 N.S
SeriesAgFishProdAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdAquaInland FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishProdAquaMarine FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishProdBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdCatchInland FAO FishstatJ software, Global Catch Production Quantity Data 2017/07/14 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishProdCatchMarine FAO FishstatJ software, Global Catch Production Quantity Data 2017/07/14 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishProdCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdMealFAO FAOSTAT 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishProdMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishProductionFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayAqMammalsFAO FAOSTAT Food Balance Sheets 2015/08/19 N.S
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishProteinPerCapPerDayFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishStockVarAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAGFishStockVarFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarMealFAO FAOSTAT 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishStockVarMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishtoFeedAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFeedBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFeedCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFeedCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFeedDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishtoFeedFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishtoFeedFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFeedLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFeedMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFeedMealFAO FAOSTAT 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishtoFeedMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFeedPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodAqMammalsFAO FAOSTAT Food Balance Sheets 2015/08/19 N.S
SeriesAgFishtoFoodAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishtoFoodFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishtoFoodFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilAqMammalsFAO FAOSTAT Food Balance Sheets 2015/08/19 N.S
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishtoOtherUtilFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilMealFAO FAOSTAT 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoSeedAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoSeedCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoSeedCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoSeedDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishtoSeedFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishtoSeedFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoSeedMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoSeedMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoSeedPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFoodEx%MerchEx WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAgFoodIm%MerchIm WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAgFoodPriceIndex WDI CD 05 2005/06/01
SeriesAgFoodProductIndex World Bank World Development Indicators 2008 2008/08/28 Food production index covers food crops that are considered edible and that contain nutrients. Coffee and tea are excluded because, although edible, they have no nutritive value
SeriesAgFruitEx FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAgFruitIm FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAgFruitSupply FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAgFruitWaste FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAgFruVegEx FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFruVegIm FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAggBlanks JRS 2012/01/23 Created by JRS 2012/01/23
SeriesAgGrainLiv%GrainCon WRI online 2012 2011/12/01 Blended with latest data.  The country list for the online data ends with Serbia and Montenegro; CN
SeriesAgLifestockProdIndex WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/02/01 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAgMachTracper100H WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/02/01 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAGMeatCalPerCapPerDayFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGMeatDomesticSupplyFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgMeatEx FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgMeatExportQuantityFAOTrade FAOSTAT, Trade Domain 2018/02/22 HF,EB
SeriesAGMeatExportsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgMeatExportValueFAOTrade FAOSTAT, Trade Domain 2018/02/22 HF,EB
SeriesAGMeatFatPerCapPerDayFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAGMeatFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgMeatIm FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgMeatImportQuantityFAOTrade FAOSTAT, Trade Domain 2018/02/22 HF,EB
SeriesAGMeatImportsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgMeatImportValueFAOTrade FAOSTAT, Trade Domain 2018/02/22 HF,EB
SeriesAgMeatOtherProductionFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGMeatProductionFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGMeatProteinPerCapPerDayFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGMeatStockVarFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAGMeattoFeedFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGMeattoFoodFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGMeattoFoodManuFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGMeattoOtherUtilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGMeattoSeedFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGMeattoWasteFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgMuttonandGoatMeatProductionFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgPigMeatProductionFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgPoultryMeatProductionFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgProdCereals FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdCocoaBeans FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdCoffeeGreen FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdEggs FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdFiberCrops FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdFruitsExclMelons FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdMeat FAO FAOstat; http://faostat.fao.org/site/569/default.aspx#ancor 2018/02/22 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdMilk FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdOilCrops FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdPulses FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdRootsTub FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdSugarCane FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdTreenuts FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdVegMel FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgPulsesEx FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgPulsesIm FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgRawEx%MerchEx WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAgRawIm%MerchIm WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAgVegetableSupply FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAgVegetableWaste FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAgVegEx FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAgVegIm FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAid%Untied Millennium Indicators Database, UN http://unstats.un.org/unsd/mi/mi_goals.asp 2004/10/01
SeriesAidCerealDon WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2012/03/04 EWF;CN
SeriesAidCerealRec WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2012/03/04 EWF;CN
SeriesAidDACEd%GDP OECD; http://stats.oecd.org/ 2016/03/22 BV; JM; Data converted from current dollar to % of GDP; had to leave out data points due to unavailabiity of GDP data
SeriesAidDon%GNI United Nations Statistics Division available at: http://mdgs.un.org/unsd/mdg/SeriesDetail.aspx?srid=568&crid= 2017/02/17 AN;JM
SeriesAidDonEd%GDP OECD 2015/12/21 JM, BV, Percent of GDP computed in IFs Project
SeriesAidDonEdScholar UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesAidDonLDCs%GNI United Nations Statistics Division available at http://mdgs.un.org/unsd/mdg/ 2017/02/17 AN;JM
SeriesAidDonSocServ%Total Millennium Indicators Database, United Nation's Statistics Division 2005/01/01
SeriesAidEnergyInfrastructure OECD 2011/04/01 MJE JM asked for exact source
SeriesAidforTradeCommitDonor UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesAidforTradeCommitRecipient UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/08/04 CW official indicator
SeriesAidforTradeDisburseDonor UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/08/04 CW official indicator
SeriesAidforTradeDisburseRecipient UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/08/04 CW official indicator
SeriesAidHealthcareGross UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesAidHealthcareNet UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesAidICTInfrastructure OECD 2011/04/01 MJE JM asked for exact source
SeriesAidInfrastructure%TotalAid OECD 2011/04/01 MJE JM asked for exact source
SeriesAidRec WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/02/01 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAidRec%GNI WDI  BATCH PULL 2020/08/05 RG,KBN,KM
SeriesAidRec%GNIOECD OECDStat and World Bank and OECD GNI estimates (current US) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesAidRecGrant%Total WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,AZ
SeriesAidRecGrant%TotRev WDI  BATCH PULL 2020 2020/08/07 YX
SeriesAidRecGrants%GNI OECDStat and World Bank and OECD GNI estimates (current US) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesAidRecGross%GDP WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAidRecLoanGross%GNI OECDStat and World Bank and OECD GNI estimates (current US) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesAidRecLoanNet%GNI OECDStat and World Bank and OECD GNI estimates (current US) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesAidRecLoanRepay%GNI OECDStat and World Bank and OECD GNI estimates (current US) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesAidRecPerCap WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/02/01 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAidRecRecover%GNI OECDStat and World Bank and OECD GNI estimates (current US) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesAidRoadsInfrastructure OECD 2011/04/01 MJE JM asked for exact source
SeriesAIDSDths WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2010/11/23 EWF
SeriesAidtoDevelopingCountriesUSD UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesAidTotalInfrastructure UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesAidTotalOECD OECD 2011/04/01 MJE JM asked for exact source
SeriesAidTotFlowsAgSector UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesAidWaterSanitation UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesAidWaterSanitationInfrastructure OECD 2011/04/01 MJE JM asked for exact source
SeriesAlternativeSourcesofInformationIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesArmsExp%TotExp WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/01/18 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesArmsExports WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/01/18 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesArmsExportsMonadic%GDP WB; SIPRI directly for Palestine, Montenegro, and Taiwan; Pardee calculations 2022/06/01 CLP Unit fix
SeriesArmsImp%TotImp WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/01/18 KBN,EM
SeriesArmsImports WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/01/18 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesArmsImportsMonadic%GDP WB; SIPRI directly for Palestine, Montenegro, and Taiwan; Pardee calculations 2022/06/01 CLP Unit fix
SeriesAutomobileSales GM IEMA
SeriesAvgAgeAtFirstMarriageMen-UN UN World Marriage Data 2019 2022/04/01 AP
SeriesAvgAgeAtFirstMarriageMen-WB World Bank 2022/04/01 AP
SeriesAvgAgeAtFirstMarriageWomen-UN UN World Marriage Data 2019 2022/04/01 AP
SeriesAvgAgeAtFirstMarriageWomen-UNOECD Our World in Data 2022/04/01 AP
SeriesAvgAgeAtFirstMarriageWomen-WB World Bank 2022/04/01 AP
SeriesAvgLifeExpectancyIHMEForecasts IHME 2019/01/06 KBN
SeriesBankActAdult% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesBankATMTotl UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesBankBranchTotl UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/08/04 CW official indicator
SeriesBirthsRegisteredUnder5% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesCalPCap FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesCalPCapAnimal WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2005/06/01
SeriesCBCapitalCont Computed for Productivity Project with Data from Conference Board 2018/10/29 KBN
SeriesCBCapitalCont10YrMovavg Computed for Productivity Project with Data from Conference Board 2018/11/25 KBN
SeriesCBGDPgr Computed for Productivity Project with Data from Conference Board 2018/11/25 KBN
SeriesCBGDPgr10Yravg Computed for Productivity Project with Data from Conference Board 2018/11/25 KBN
SeriesCBLabQualCont Computed for Productivity Project with Data from Conference Board 2018/10/29 KBN
SeriesCBLabQuantCont Computed for Productivity Project with Data from Conference Board 2018/10/29 KBN
SeriesCBLabQuantCont10YrAvg Computed for Productivity Project with Data from Conference Board 2018/11/25 KBN
SeriesCBR World Development Indicators 2022/03/21 YX, JD
SeriesCBTFPTot Computed for Productivity Project with Data from Conference Board 2018/10/29 KBN
SeriesCDR World Development Indicators 2022/03/21 YX, JD
SeriesChiefExecutiveNolongerElectedVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 CW,MM,AW
SeriesChildStuntingPercentWDI World Development Indicators 2022/03/21 YX; JS
SeriesCivilLibertiesindexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesCivilSocietyParticipationIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/08 BG
SeriesCleanElectionsIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/08 BG
SeriesCompanyValue%GDP WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/02/01 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesCompetitivenessMicroEcon World Economic Forum.
SeriesCompetitivenessRank World Economic Forum. 2005/02/01
SeriesCompetitivenessScore World Economic Forum. 2010/04/01 MJS
SeriesComplianceParisPrinc UN SDG Indicators Global Database CW Official Indicator, Number of countries with National Human Rights Institutions with (1) no status; (2) no application for accreditation; (3) not fully compliant; (4) in compliance with the Paris Principles
SeriesConflictandTerrorsimDeathRate IHME GBD 2018/03/19 KN
SeriesConflictandTerrorsimpPrevRate IHME GBD 2018/03/19 KN
SeriesConflictAreaAffectedUCDP World Bank 2019/08/16 JD
SeriesConflictDeathsUCDP World Bank 2019/08/16 JD
SeriesConflictOngoingUCDP World Bank 2019/08/16 JD
SeriesConflictPeaceYearsUCDP World Bank 2019/08/16 JD
SeriesConflictPopulationAffectedUCDP World Bank 2019/08/16 JD
SeriesConflictPopulationShareAffectedUCDP World Bank 2019/08/16 JD
SeriesConflictProbHegreSSP1 Taken from paper by Havard Hegre (2016) 2021/07/30 VY;
SeriesConflictProbHegreSSP2 Taken from paper by Havard Hegre (2016) 2021/07/30 VY;
SeriesConflictProbHegreSSP3 Taken from paper by Havard Hegre (2016) 2021/07/30 VY;
SeriesConflictProbHegreSSP4 Taken from paper by Havard Hegre (2016) 2021/07/30 VY;
SeriesConflictProbHegreSSP5 Taken from paper by Havard Hegre (2016) 2021/07/30 VY;
SeriesConflictStateDeathsUCDP World Bank 2019/08/16 JD
SeriesConsumerPriceIndex WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesConsumFinal%GDP WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/01/18 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesConsumGenGovt%GDP World Development Indicators 2022/04/25 GE,
SeriesConsumHHFinal%GDP World Development Indicators 2022/04/25 GE,
SeriesConsumptionperCapitaDM Pulled from IFs 2018/02/15 KN
SeriesConsumTotal%GDP World Development Indicators 2022/04/25 GE,
SeriesCoreCivilSocietyIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesCorpTax%GDPimf IMF WoRLD 2017/03/30 HF;JM Coutry concordance created for this series IMF WoRLD. Data unable to be pulled as batch.
SeriesCorruption Transparency International www.transparency.org/documents/index.html. Various years 2012/02/01 AS;CN
SeriesCorruptionCPINew Transparency International 2022/04/19 KG
SeriesCrimesAssault UNODC United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS 12) 2012/01/10 CN Until 2002 this data was a part of the Human Development Report, which obtained the information from the ICVS, defunct since 2002
SeriesCrimesBribery Human Development Report 2002 2011/08/12 AS split from SeriesCrimes
SeriesCrimesDrugper100000 UNODC United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS 12) 2012/01/10 CN
SeriesCrimesHomicper100000 UNODC United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS 12) 2012/01/10 CN
SeriesCrimesKidnapping UNODC United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS 12) 2012/01/10 AT;CN
SeriesCrimesPrisonersper100000 UNODC United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS 12) 2012/01/10 CN
SeriesCrimesProperty UNODC United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS 12) 2012/01/10 CN Until 2002 this data was a part of the Human Development Report, which obtained the information from the ICVS, defunct since 2002
SeriesCrimesRobbery UNODC United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS 12) 2012/01/10 CN Until 2002 this data was a part of the Human Development Report, which obtained the information from the ICVS, defunct since 2002
SeriesCrimesSexualAssault UNODC United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS 12) 2012/01/10 CN Until 2002 this data was a part of the Human Development Report, which obtained the information from the ICVS, defunct since 2002
SeriesCrimesTotal Human Development Report 2002 2011/08/12 AS; split from SeriesCrimes
SeriesCulAfricaDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulBuddhistDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulCathDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulConfucDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulEngSpeakDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulExComDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulHinduDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulIslamicDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulLatAmerDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulOrthDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulProtDum World Value Survey
SeriesDeathsper1000IHMEForecasts IHME 2019/01/06 KBN
SeriesDeliberativeComponentIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesDeliberativeDemocracyIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesDesalinatedWater AQU (AQUASTAT) BATCH PULL 2019/09/08 BG
SeriesDipExIn Correlates of War 2012/01/25 TL;CN
SeriesDipExOut Correlates of War 2012/01/25 TL;CN
SeriesDiploDiplomacyRelativePercent Pardee Center origional research. 2012/10/09 DKB
SeriesDiploDiplomaticConnectionIndex Pardee Center origional research. 2012/10/09 DKB
SeriesDiploDistanceToEurope 2012/11/06
SeriesDiploEmbassyIn Diplometrics 2022/04/08 CLP
SeriesDiploEmbassyMaxGlobal Diplometrics 2016/08/23 CLP
SeriesDiploEmbassyOut Diplometrics 2022/04/08 CLP
SeriesDiploEmbassyOutStd Pardee Center origional research. 2012/10/09 DKB
SeriesDiploEmbassyStandCountry 2012/10/29
SeriesDiploEmbassyStandGlobal 2012/10/29
SeriesDiploEmbassyTotal 2012/07/18
SeriesDiploIGOMembershipWeightedStd Pardee Center origional research. 2012/10/09 DKB
SeriesDiploIGOMemberTotal Diplometrics 2022/06/15 CLP, Data from Adam
SeriesDiploIGONetworkedTotal 2012/07/17
SeriesDiploIGONetworkedWeighted 2012/07/17
SeriesDiploIGOWeightedStandCountry 2012/10/29
SeriesDiploIGOWeightedTotal Diplometrics 2022/06/15 CLP, Data from Adam
SeriesDiploIGOWeightMax Diplometrics 2016/08/23 CLP
SeriesDiploINGOAdvocacy Diplometrics 2017/01/04 JEM
SeriesDiploINGOAfiodi Diplometrics 2017/01/04 JEM
SeriesDiploINGOAfiodiIn Diplometrics 2017/01/04 JEM
SeriesDIPLOINGOdsiaicount Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOdsiaicytotal Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOdsiodicount Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOdsiodicytotal Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDiploINGOFiodi Diplometrics 2017/01/04 JEM
SeriesDIPLOINGOfiodicount Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOfiodicytotal Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOinctypecy Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOinctypehi Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOinctypelm Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOinctypelo Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOinctypeum Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOingocount Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOops12count Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOops1count Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOops2count Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOops2cy Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOops3cy Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOops4cy Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDiploINGOPfiodi Diplometrics 2017/01/04 JEM
SeriesDIPLOINGOprogramcytotal Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDiploINGOProgrammatic Diplometrics 2017/01/04 JEM
SeriesDIPLOINGOregtypean Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOregtypeat Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOregtypecy Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOregtypedm Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOsource123count Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOsource12count Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOsource1count Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOsource1cytotal Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOsource2count Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOsource2cytotal Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOsource3count Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOsource3cytotal Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDiploINGOSum Diplometrics 2017/01/04 JEM
SeriesDiploTreatyNetworkedSign1Rat1 2012/07/24
SeriesDiploTreatyNetworkedSign1Rat2 2012/07/24
SeriesDiploTreatyNetworkedWeightedSign1Rat1 2012/07/17
SeriesDiploTreatyNetworkedWeightedSign1Rat2 2012/07/17
SeriesDiploTreatySign1Rat2Std Pardee Center origional research. 2012/10/09 DKB
SeriesDiploTreatyTotalRat2Sign1 Diplometrics 2022/06/01 CLP import; Prepared by Adam
SeriesDiploTreatyTotalSign1Rat1 Diplometrics 2017/01/04 JEM
SeriesDiploTreatyWeightedSign1Rat1 2022/06/01 CLP import; Prepared by Adam
SeriesDiploTreatyWeightedSign1Rat2 Diplometrics 2022/06/01 CLP import; Prepared by Adam
SeriesDiploTreatyWeightedSign1Rat2Max Diplometrics 2022/06/01 CLP import; Prepared by Adam
SeriesDiploTreatyWeightedSign1Rat2StandCountry 2022/06/01 CLP import; Prepared by Adam
SeriesDiploUNStaffByCountry UN General Assembly 2013/01/21 Years from 2006-2012, staff is defined by UN as "All Staff", counting only employees grade P+ and higher; before 2005, employees are defined as "staff subject to geographical distribution" with grade P+ and higher
SeriesDirectPopularVoteIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/08 BG
SeriesDividedPartyControlIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2017/06/28
SeriesDivisionofPowerIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesDrinkWaterSuppClearProcRural UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/30 Additional Series; Coded to a binary scale of 0=NO, 1=YES, by combining two series: Countries with/without clearly defined procedures for participation in planning program in drinking-water supply (Rural); JD; AJM
SeriesDrinkWaterSuppClearProcUrban UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/08/08 Additional Series; Coded to a binary scale of 0=NO, 1=YES, by combining two series: Countries with/without clearly defined procedures for participation in planning program in drinking-water supply (Urban); JD; AJM
SeriesDrinkWaterSuppParticRural UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 Additional Series; Coded to a scale of: 1-Low Level, 2-Moderate Level, 3-High Level, by combining three series: Countries with a low/moderate/high level participating in planning programs in drinking-water supply by Rural; JD; AJM
SeriesDrinkWaterSuppParticUrban UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/08/08 Additional Series; Coded to a scale of: 1-Low Level, 2-Moderate Level, 3-High Level, by combining three series: Countries with a low/moderate/high level participating in planning programs in drinking-water supply by Urban; JD; AJM
SeriesDrOpiodPrevIHME IHME 2018/01/19 MPD
SeriesDrPrevAmphCalcIHME IHME 2018/04/25 KBN
SeriesDrPrevCokeCalcIHME IHME 2018/04/25 KBN
SeriesDrPrevOpiatesCalcIHME IHME 2018/04/25 KBN
SeriesDrPrevPresOpCalcIHME IHME 2018/04/25 KBN
SeriesDrugOffences UNDP
SeriesDrugPrevalenceAmphetaminesIHME IHME 2018/01/14 KBN
SeriesDrugPrevalenceCocaineIHME IHME 2018/01/14 KBN
SeriesDrugPrevalenceRateAmphetamines United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) 2018/10/09 KM, EM
SeriesDrugPrevalenceRateCannabis United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) 2018/10/09 KM, EM
SeriesDrugPrevalenceRateCocaine United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) 2018/10/09 KM, EM
SeriesDrugPrevalenceRateEcstacy United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) 2018/10/09 KM, EM
SeriesDrugPrevalenceRateOpiates United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) 2018/10/09 KM, EM
SeriesDrugPrevalenceRateOpioids United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) 2018/10/09 KM, EM
SeriesDrugPrevalenceRatePrescription Stimulants United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) 2018/10/09 KM, EM
SeriesDrugPrevalenceRatePrescriptionOpioids United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) 2018/10/09 KM, EM
SeriesDrugPrevalenceRateTranquilizersandSedatives United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) 2018/10/09 KM, EM
SeriesDrugPrevAmphCalc Calculated by KBN 2018/06/02 KBN
SeriesDrugPrevAmphetamineRegAvg UNODC 2018/03/28 KN
SeriesDrugPrevCocaineRegAvg UNODC 2018/03/28 KN
SeriesDrugPrevOpiateRegAvg UNODC 2018/03/28 KN
SeriesDrugPrevOpiatesCalc Calculated by KBN 2018/06/02 KBN
SeriesDrugPrevPresOpCalc Calculated by KBN 2018/06/02 KBN
SeriesDrugPrevPresOpRegAvg UNODC 2018/03/28 KN
SeriesEconomicIntegration Computed for Productivity Project 2018/12/09 KBN
SeriesEconShadow%GDP Schneider, Friedrich and Andreas Buehn. 2007-9. Shadow Economies and Corruption All Over the World: Revised Estimates for 120 Countries. Http://www.economics-ejournal.org/economics/journalarticles/2007-9 2010/04/09 PM, EWF
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesNoEd15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesNoEd20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesNoEd25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesPostSec15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesPostSec20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesPostSec25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesPri15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesPri20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesPri25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesPriIncmplt15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesPriIncmplt20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesPriIncmplt25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesSecLowr15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesSecLowr20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesSecLowr25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesSecUppr15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesSecUppr20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesSecUppr25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemaleNoEd15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemaleNoEd20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemaleNoEd25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemalePostSec15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemalePostSec20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemalePostSec25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemalePri15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemalePri20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemalePri25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemalePriIncmplt15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemalePriIncmplt20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemalePriIncmplt25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemaleSecLowr15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemaleSecLowr20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemaleSecLowr25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemaleSecUppr15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemaleSecUppr20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemaleSecUppr25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMaleNoEd15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMaleNoEd20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMaleNoEd25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMalePostSec15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMalePostSec20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMalePostSec25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMalePri15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMalePri20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMalePri25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMalePriIncmplt15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMalePriIncmplt20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMalePriIncmplt25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMaleSecLowr15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMaleSecLowr20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMaleSecLowr25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMaleSecUppr15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMaleSecUppr20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMaleSecUppr25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdBasicEnrollGross%Female IFs Calculation 2008/02/01 Calculated from primary and lower secondary age population and the enrollment numbers at those levels
SeriesEdBasicEnrollGross%Male IFs Calculation 2008/02/01 Calculated from primary and lower secondary age population and the enrollment numbers at those levels
SeriesEdBasicEnrollGross%Total IFs Calculation 2008/02/01 Calculated from primary and lower secondary age population and the enrollment numbers at those levels
SeriesEdEnrollPrivate%Lower2ndaryGeneral UIS 2019 Batch Pull 2019/03/04 RG
SeriesEdEnrollPrivate%Lower2ndaryTotal UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Global Education Digest 2007 2008/05/01
SeriesEdEnrollPrivate%Lower2ndaryVocTech UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/11
SeriesEdEnrollPrivate%Primary UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdEnrollPrivate%Upper2ndaryGeneral UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdEnrollPrivate%Upper2ndaryVocTech UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/11
SeriesEdEnrollPrivateAll2ndaryCombined UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/11
SeriesEdEnrollPrivateUpper2ndaryGeneral UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/11
SeriesEdEnrollPrivateUpper2ndaryVocTech UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/11
SeriesEdExp%GDPPrivatePrePrim UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExp%GDPPrivatePrim UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExp%GDPPrivateSec UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExp%GDPPrivateTer UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExp%GDPPrivateTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExp%GDPPublic UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExp%GDPTotal OECD Education Database
SeriesEdExpbyLevel Computed by Functions
SeriesEdExpectedYearsofSchooling World Bank Edstats 2016/04/07 BV; mti; Also called School Life Expectancy
SeriesEdExpectedYearsofSchoolingFemale UIS 2016/04/08 BV
SeriesEdExpectedYearsofSchoolingMale UIS 2016/04/08 BV;
SeriesEdExpISCED1-4Cap% UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExpISCED1-4NonSalCur% UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExpISCED1-4Sal% UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExpISCED1-4TotalCur% UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExpPrePri%EducTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Not sure whether public expenditure only
SeriesEdExpPrePri%GDP UNESCO 2015/08/28 CLP; Alex Porter
SeriesEdExpPri%EducTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Extracted from http://stats.uis.unesco.org/TableViewer/tableView.aspx?ReportId=219
SeriesEdExpPri%GDPPC World Development Indicators 2022/03/21 CP
SeriesEdExpSec%EducTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Extracted from UIS website
SeriesEdExpSec%GDPPC World Development Indicators 2022/03/21 YX; JS
SeriesEdExpSecLowr%EducTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Not sure whether public expenditure only
SeriesEdExpSecLowr%GDPPC UIS Single Pull 2019/09/18 LW,JM,DK
SeriesEdExpSecUppr%EducTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Not sure whether public expenditure only
SeriesEdExpSecUppr%GDPPC UIS, UNESCO Institute for Statistics; http://data.uis.unesco.org/ 2019/09/18 LW,JM,DK
SeriesEdExpTer%EducTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Extracted from UIS website
SeriesEdExpTer%GDPPC World Development Indicators 2022/03/21 YX; JS
SeriesEdExpTerCap% UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExpTertNonSalCur% UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExpTertSal% UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExpTertTotalCur% UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdGrad15to19Ter Barro and Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; CN
SeriesEdHCStock15to64FemaleBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/19 SK;HF: HC reflects educational attainment of the female population (15-64), disaggregated by  gender and age
SeriesEdHCStock15to64MaleBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/19 SK;HF: Adult population (15to64) educational attainment, male population disaggregated by gender and age
SeriesEdHCStock15to64TotalBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/19 SK;HF: Adult population (15to64)education attainment , both sexes disaggregated by gender and age
SeriesEdlowSecGradBothSexes UIS 2019/09/30 KN, CG, MN
SeriesEdlowSecGradFemale UIS 2019/09/30 KN, CG, MN
SeriesEdLowSecGradMale UIS 2019/09/30 KN, CG, MN
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15Female% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15Male% Barro-Lee 2014/04/29 dab; AT;CN Calcualted from Barro-Lee using female and total-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15to24Female% Barro-Lee 2016/01/04 mti; No Schooling + (Primary Total - Primary Completed)  of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15to24Female%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/11 SK;HF: No Schooling + (Primary Total - Primary Completed)  of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15to24Male% Barro-Lee 2016/01/04 mti;  No Schholing + (Primary Total - Primary Completed ) of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15to24Male%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/11 SK;HF: No Schholing + (Primary Total - Primary Completed ) of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15to24Total% Barro-Lee 2016/01/04 mti; No Schooling + (Primary Total - Primary Completed) of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15to24Total%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/11 SK;HF: No Schooling + (Primary Total - Primary Completed) of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15to64Female%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: No Schooling + (Primary Total - Primary Completed)  of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15to64Male%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: No Schholing + (Primary Total - Primary Completed ) of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15Total% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult25Female% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult25Male% Barro-Lee 2014/04/29 AT;CN Calcualted from Barro-Lee using female and total-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult25to64Female%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: No Schholing + (Primary Total - Primary Completed ) of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult25to64Male%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/13 SK;HF: No Schooling + (Primary Total - Primary Completed ) of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult25Total% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdults15to64Total%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: No Schholing + (Primary Total - Primary Completed ) of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdults25to64Total%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/19 SK;HF: No Schooling + (Primary Total - Primary Completed ) of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdParityGenderLiteracy UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated; name in source truncated
SeriesEdParityGenderNumeracy UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/07/26 AJM, MM; Extended Source Def truncated; name in source truncated
SeriesEdParitySocioeconLiteracy UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 AJM, MM; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdParitySocioeconNumeracy UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 AJM, MM; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPostSecDuration UIS 2015 Pull 2015/09/10 AER, Mohammod requested that I import this variable
SeriesEdPrePriDuration UIS 2015 Pull 2015/09/10 AER, I created this variable at Mohammod's request, he wants all the UIS duration data
SeriesEdPrePriEnrollGrossFemalePcnt UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPrePriEnrollGrossMalePcnt UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPrePriEnrollGrossTotalPcnt UIS 2019/09/13 BG
SeriesEdPrePriOrgLearnFemale% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/05/21 MN, AJM, MM; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPrePriOrgLearnMale% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/05/21 MN, AJM, MM; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPrePriOrgLearnTotal% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/05/21 MN, AJM, MM; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPrePriParityGenderOrgLearn UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/05/21 MN, AJM, MM; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPrePriParityGenderTeachers UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPrePriTeachTrainFemale% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPrePriTeachTrainMale% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPrePriTeachTrainTotal% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPri2and3ParityGenderMath UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPri2and3ParityGenderRead UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPri2and3ParityRurUrbMath UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPri2and3ParityRurUrbRead UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPri2and3ParitySocioeconMath UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPri2and3ParitySocioeconRead UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15Female% Barro-Lee 2018/02/11 JW,MD; entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15Male% Barro-Lee 2018/02/11 JW,MD; Calcualted from Barro-Lee using female and total-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15to24Female% Barro-Lee 2018/02/12 JW,MD; Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15to24Female%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/19 SK;HF: Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15to24Male% Barro-Lee 2018/02/12 JW,MD; Primary Completed + Sec Total + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15to24Total% Barro-Lee 2018/02/12 JW,MD; Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15to24Total%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/11 SK;HF: Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15to64Female%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15to64Male%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15to64Total%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15Total% Barro-Lee 2018/02/11 JW,MD; entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads25Female% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads25Male% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN Calcualted from Barro-Lee using female and total-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads25to64Female%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads25to64Male%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/13 SK;HF: Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads25to64Total%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/13 SK;HF: Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads25Total% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdPriAIRFemale% UIS 2019/11/08 KS;
SeriesEdPriAIRMale% UIS 2019/11/08 KS;
SeriesEdPriAIRParity UIS 2019/09/13 BG
SeriesEdPriAIRTotal% UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdPriCompletionFemale UIS 2019/11/08 KM
SeriesEdPriCompletionFemale% UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdPriCompletionMale UIS 2019/11/08 KM
SeriesEdPriCompletionMale% UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdPriCompletionParity UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/12
SeriesEdPriCompletionTotal UIS 2019/11/08 KM
SeriesEdPriCompletionTotal% UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdPriDrpGr1BothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr1Female UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr1Male UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr2BothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr2Female UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr2Male UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr3BothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr3Female UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr3Male UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr4BothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr4Female UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr4Male UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr5BothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr5Female UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr5Male UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr6BothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr6Female UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr6Male UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGrLastCumBothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGrLastCumFemale UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGrLastCumMale UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDuration UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdPriEnrGr1BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr1FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr1MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr2BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr2FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr2MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr3BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr3FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr3MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr4BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr4FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr4MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr5BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr5FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr5MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr6BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr6FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr6MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr7BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr7FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr7MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGrUnSpBothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGrUnSpFemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGrUnSpMaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrollFemale% Millennium Indicators Database, UN http://unstats.un.org/unsd/mi/mi_goals.asp 2004/10/01
SeriesEdPriEnrollFemaleRateBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/15 SK;HF: Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Primary)and gender (female), at five-year intervals.
SeriesEdPriEnrollFemaleRatioBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/15 SK;HF: Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Primary)and gender (female), at five-year intervals.
SeriesEdPriEnrollGrossFemalePcnt UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdPriEnrollGrossMalePcnt UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdPriEnrollGrossTotalPcnt UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdPriEnrollHeadcountFem UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/17 No Notes
SeriesEdPriEnrollHeadcountMal UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2008/11/16 No Notes
SeriesEdPriEnrollHeadCountTtl UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/17 No Notes
SeriesEdPriEnrollMale% Millennium Indicators Database, UN http://unstats.un.org/unsd/mi/mi_goals.asp 2004/10/01
SeriesEdPriEnrollMaleRateBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/15 SK;HF: Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Primary)and gender (male), at five-year intervals
SeriesEdPriEnrollMaleRatioBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/15 SK;HF: Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Primary)and gender (male), at five-year intervals
SeriesEdPriEnrollNetFemalePcnt UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdPriEnrollNetMalePcnt UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdPriEnrollNetParity UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPriEnrollNetTotalPcnt UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdPriEnrollTotal% Millennium Indicators Database, UN http://unstats.un.org/unsd/mi/mi_goals.asp 2004/10/01
SeriesEdPriEnrollTotalRateBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/15 SK;HF: Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Primary), at five-year intervals
SeriesEdPriEnrollTotalRatioBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/15 SK;HF: Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Primary), at five-year intervals
SeriesEdPriEntranceAge UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdPriGirlBoyRatio 1990 UN Statistical Division; rest from United Nations Statistics Division available at http://mdgs.un.org/unsd/mdg/ 2006/12/01 Years with no data points at all omitted
SeriesEDPRINIRADJFemale UIS 2020/03/10 BG, YX
SeriesEDPRINIRADJMale UIS 2020/03/10 BG, YX
SeriesEDPRINIRADJTotal UIS 2020/03/10 BG, YX
SeriesEDPRINIRENTRNFemale UIS 2020/03/10 BG, YX
SeriesEDPRINIRENTRNM1Female UIS 2020/03/10 BG, YX
SeriesEDPRINIRENTRNM1Male UIS 2020/03/10 BG, YX
SeriesEDPRINIRENTRNM1P1Female UIS 2020/03/10 BG, YX
SeriesEDPRINIRENTRNM1P1Male UIS 2020/03/10 BG, YX
SeriesEDPRINIRENTRNM1P1Total UIS 2020/03/10 BG, YX
SeriesEDPRINIRENTRNM1Total UIS 2020/03/10 BG, YX
SeriesEDPRINIRENTRNMale UIS 2020/03/10 BG, YX
SeriesEDPRINIRENTRNP1Female UIS 2020/03/10 BG, YX
SeriesEDPRINIRENTRNP1Male UIS 2020/03/10 BG, YX
SeriesEDPRINIRENTRNP1Total UIS 2020/03/10 BG, YX
SeriesEDPRINIRENTRNTotal UIS 2020/03/10 BG, YX
SeriesEdPriNIRFemale% UIS 2019/12/17 YX
SeriesEdPriNIRMale% UIS 2019/12/17 YX
SeriesEdPriNIROfAgeFemale UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPriNIROfAgeMale UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPriNIROfAgeTotal UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPriNIROverAgeFemale UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPriNIROverAgeMale UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPriNIROverAgeTotal UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPriNIRTotal% UIS 2019/12/17 YX
SeriesEdPriNIRUnderAgeFemale UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPriNIRUnderAgeMale UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPriNIRUnderAgeTotal UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPriOutofSchoolFemale% UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPriOutofSchoolMale% UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/12 Net rate of out of schoolers in primary, Male
SeriesEdPriOutofSchoolTotal% UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/12 Net rate of out of schoolers in primary, total
SeriesEdPriParityGenderMath UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPriParityGenderRead UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPriParityGenderTeachers UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPriParityRurUrbMath UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPriParityRurUrbRead UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPriParitySocioeconMath UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/07/26 AJM, MM; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPriParitySocioeconRead UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEDPriPTR UIS 2019/09/07 EB,HF,DK,AA
SeriesEdPriRepeater1stYearFemale% UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPriRepeater1stYearMale% UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPriRepeater1stYearTotal% UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPriRepeaterFemale% UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPriRepeaterMale% UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPriRepeaterTotal% UIS 2019/09/13 BG
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr1BothSexes The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr1Female The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr1Male The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr2BothSexes The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr2Female The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr2Male The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr3BothSexes The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr3Female The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr3Male The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr4BothSexes The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr4Female The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr4Male The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr5BothSexes The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr5Female The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr5Male The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr6BothSexes The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr6Female The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr6Male The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr7BothSexes The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr7Female The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%Gr7Male The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%GrAllBothSexes The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%GrAllFemale The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriRpt%GrAllMale The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdPriSurvivalFemale% UIS 2019/11/08 KS;
SeriesEdPriSurvivalMale% UIS 2019/11/08 KS;
SeriesEdPriSurvivalParity UIS 2019/11/08 KS;
SeriesEdPriSurvivalTotal% UIS 2019/11/08 KS;
SeriesEdPriTeachTrainFemale% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPriTeachTrainMale% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPriTeachTrainTotal% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPriTransition2Sec%Female UIS 2021/11/01 SN, CP
SeriesEdPriTransition2Sec%Male UIS 2021/11/01 SN, CP
SeriesEdPriTransition2Sec%Parity UIS 2019/09/15 AW
SeriesEdPriTransition2Sec%Total UIS 2021/11/01 SN, CP
SeriesEdPriWilsGPI1991 John Cheeseboro's Extraction 2008/05/27 No Notes
SeriesEdPriWilsGPI1999 John Cheeseboro's Extraction 2008/05/27 Uses Post 1999 data; few of the countries use one data point close to 1999
SeriesEdPriWilsGPICohort John Cheeseboro's Extraction 2008/05/27 Uses Cohort Projection
SeriesEdPriWilsNER1991Total% John Cheeseboro's Extraction 2008/05/27 No Notes
SeriesEdPriWilsNER1999Total% John Cheeseboro's Extraction 2008/05/27 Uses Post 1999 data; few of the countries use one data point close to 1999
SeriesEdPriWilsNERCohortTotal% John Cheeseboro's Extraction 2008/05/27 Uses Cohort Projection
SeriesEdPriWilsStudentsTotal John Cheeseboro's Extraction 2008/05/27 No Notes
SeriesEdQualADJ0F1 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ0F2 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ0G1 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ0G2 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ0M1 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ0M2 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ0R1 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ0R2 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ0U1 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ0U2 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ1F1 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ1F2 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ1G1 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ1G2 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ1M1 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ1M2 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ1R1 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ1R2 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ1U1 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ1U2 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ2F1 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ2F2 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ2G1 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ2G2 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ2M1 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ2M2 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ2R1 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ2R2 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ2U1 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualADJ2U2 http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/Datasets 2015/01/29 JEM
SeriesEdQualAdultsAg15Total IFs pre-proc estimation 2018/06/03 mti; from IFs
SeriesEDQualMeanScorePrimaryFemale An Updated Global Dataset on Education Quality (1965-2015) 2017/11/27 JD,EB
SeriesEDQualMeanScorePrimaryMale An Updated Global Dataset on Education Quality (1965-2015) 2017/11/27 JD,EB
SeriesEDQualMeanScorePrimaryTotal An Updated Global Dataset on Education Quality (1965-2015) 2017/11/27 JD,EB
SeriesEDQualMeanScoreSecondaryFemale An Updated Global Dataset on Education Quality (1965-2015) 2017/11/27 JD,EB
SeriesEDQualMeanScoreSecondaryMale An Updated Global Dataset on Education Quality (1965-2015) 2017/11/27 JD,EB
SeriesEDQualMeanScoreSecondaryTotal An Updated Global Dataset on Education Quality (1965-2015) 2017/11/27 JD,EB
SeriesEdQualPIRLSReadingBot25% http://isc.bc.edu/PDF/P06_IR_Ch2.pdf 2008/02/01
SeriesEdQualPIRLSReadingFemales http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/pirls2011/international-results-pirls.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualPIRLSReadingMales http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/pirls2011/international-results-pirls.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualPIRLSReadingMark400% http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/pirls2011/international-results-pirls.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualPIRLSReadingMark475% http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/pirls2011/international-results-pirls.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualPIRLSReadingMark550% http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/pirls2011/international-results-pirls.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualPIRLSReadingMark625% http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/pirls2011/international-results-pirls.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualPIRLSReadingTop10% http://isc.bc.edu/PDF/P06_IR_Ch2.pdf 2008/02/01
SeriesEdQualPIRLSReadingTop25% http://isc.bc.edu/PDF/P06_IR_Ch2.pdf 2008/02/01
SeriesEdQualPIRLSReadingTop50% http://isc.bc.edu/PDF/P06_IR_Ch2.pdf 2008/02/01
SeriesEdQualPIRLSReadingTotal http://isc.bc.edu/PDF/P06_IR_Ch2.pdf 2008/02/01
SeriesEdQualPISAMathFemales OECD, Programme for International Student Assessment, http://pisadata.acer.edu.au/2006 2013/12/13 DAB (vetter); JEM
SeriesEdQualPISAMathMales OECD, Programme for International Student Assessment, http://pisadata.acer.edu.au/2006 2013/12/13 DAB (vetter); JEM
SeriesEdQualPISAMathTotal OECD, Programme for International Student Assessment, http://pisadata.acer.edu.au/2006 2013/12/13 DAB (vetter); JEM
SeriesEdQualPISAMathTotalWCI World Competitiveness Yearbook 2013, IMD (Penrose Sub) 2013/05/21 GE;CN
SeriesEdQualPISAReadingFemales OECD, Programme for International Student Assessment, http://pisadata.acer.edu.au/2006 2013/12/13 DAB (vetter); JEM
SeriesEdQualPISAReadingMales OECD, Programme for International Student Assessment, http://pisadata.acer.edu.au/2006 2013/12/13 DAB (vetter); JEM
SeriesEdQualPISAReadingTotal OECD, Programme for International Student Assessment, http://pisadata.acer.edu.au/2006 2013/12/13 DAB (vetter); JEM
SeriesEdQualPISAScienceFemales OECD, Programme for International Student Assessment, http://pisadata.acer.edu.au/2006 2013/12/13 DAB (vetter); JEM
SeriesEdQualPISAScienceMales OECD, Programme for International Student Assessment, http://pisadata.acer.edu.au/2006 2013/12/13 DAB (vetter); JEM
SeriesEdQualPISAScienceTotal OECD, Programme for International Student Assessment, http://pisadata.acer.edu.au/2006 2013/12/13 DAB (vetter); JEM
SeriesEdQualPISAScienceTotalWCI World Competitiveness Yearbook 2013, IMD (Penrose Sub) 2013/05/21 GE;CN
SeriesEdQualPriAllAvgScrWBGA World Bank EDSTATS 2018/01/07 mti;
SeriesEdQualPriMathAvgScrWBGA World Bank EDSTATS 2018/05/24 MTI,KBN: Updated with MIDEH conversions
SeriesEdQualPriMathRatioNAEK Nadir Altinok (draft) 2018/01/23 KN
SeriesEdQualPriReadAvgScrWBGA World Bank EDSTATS 2018/05/24 MTI,KBN: Updated with MIDEH conversions for Honduras
SeriesEdQualPriReadRatioNAEK Nadir Altinok (draft) 2018/01/23 KN
SeriesEdQualPriSciAvgScrWBGA World Bank EDSTATS 2018/01/07 mti;
SeriesEdQualPriSciRatioNAEK Nadir Altinok (draft) 2018/01/23 KN
SeriesEdQualPriSecAllAvgScrWBGA World Bank EDSTATS 2018/01/07 mti;
SeriesEdQualPriTotalRatioNAEK Nadir Altinok (draft) 2018/01/23 KN
SeriesEdQualSchlsConInternet% WDI CD 06 2006/08/01
SeriesEdQualSecAllAvgScrWBGA World Bank EDSTATS 2018/01/07 mti;
SeriesEdQualSecMathAvgScrWBGA World Bank EDSTATS 2018/05/24 MTI,KBN: Updated with MIDEH conversions
SeriesEdQualSecMathRatioNAEK Nadir Altinok (draft) 2018/01/23 KN
SeriesEdQualSecReadAvgScrWBGA World Bank EDSTATS 2018/05/24 mti,kbn
SeriesEdQualSecReadRatioNAEK Nadir Altinok (draft) 2018/01/23 KN
SeriesEdQualSecSciAvgScrWBGA World Bank EDSTATS 2018/01/07 mti;
SeriesEdQualSecSciRatioNAEK Nadir Altinok (draft) 2018/01/23 KN
SeriesEdQualSecTotalRatioNAEK Nadir Altinok (draft) 2018/01/23 KN
SeriesEdQualTIMSSMath4thFemales http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-mathematics.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualTIMSSMath4thMales http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-mathematics.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualTIMSSMath4thMark400% http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-mathematics.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualTIMSSMath4thMark475% http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-mathematics.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualTIMSSMath4thMark550% http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-mathematics.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualTIMSSMath4thMark625% http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-mathematics.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualTIMSSMath4thTop10% http://isc.bc.edu/timss1995i 2008/02/01 Belgium is average of Flemish and French scores
SeriesEdQualTIMSSMath4thTop25% http://isc.bc.edu/timss1995i 2008/02/01 Belgium is average of Flemish and French scores
SeriesEdQualTIMSSMath4thTop50% http://isc.bc.edu/timss1995i 2008/02/01 Belgium is average of Flemish and French scores
SeriesEdQualTIMSSMath4thTotal http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-mathematics.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualTIMSSMath8thFemales http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-mathematics.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualTIMSSMath8thMales http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-mathematics.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualTIMSSMath8thTop10% http://isc.bc.edu/timss1995i 2008/02/01 Belgium is average of Flemish and French scores
SeriesEdQualTIMSSMath8thTop25% http://isc.bc.edu/timss1995i 2008/02/01 Belgium is average of Flemish and French scores
SeriesEdQualTIMSSMath8thTop50% http://isc.bc.edu/timss1995i 2008/02/01 Belgium is average of Flemish and French scores
SeriesEdQualTIMSSMath8thTotal http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-mathematics.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualTIMSSScience4thFemales http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-science.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualTIMSSScience4thMales http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-science.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualTIMSSScience4thMark400% http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-science.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualTIMSSScience4thMark475% http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-science.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualTIMSSScience4thMark550% http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-science.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualTIMSSScience4thMark625% http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-science.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualTIMSSScience4thTop10% http://isc.bc.edu/timss1995i 2008/02/01 Belgium is average of Flemish and French scores
SeriesEdQualTIMSSScience4thTop25% http://isc.bc.edu/timss1995i 2008/02/01 Belgium is average of Flemish and French scores
SeriesEdQualTIMSSScience4thTop50% http://isc.bc.edu/timss1995i 2008/02/01 Belgium is average of Flemish and French scores
SeriesEdQualTIMSSScience4thTotal http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-science.html 2013/02/23
SeriesEdQualTIMSSScience8thFemales http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-science.html 2013/02/23 Belgium is average of Flemish and French scores
SeriesEdQualTIMSSScience8thMales http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-science.html 2013/02/23 Belgium is average of Flemish and French scores
SeriesEdQualTIMSSScience8thTop10% http://isc.bc.edu/timss1995i 2008/02/01 Belgium is average of Flemish and French scores
SeriesEdQualTIMSSScience8thTop25% http://isc.bc.edu/timss1995i 2008/02/01 Belgium is average of Flemish and French scores
SeriesEdQualTIMSSScience8thTop50% http://isc.bc.edu/timss1995i 2008/02/01 Belgium is average of Flemish and French scores
SeriesEdQualTIMSSScience8thTotal http://timssandpirls.bc.edu/timss2011/international-results-science.html 2013/02/23 Belgium is average of Flemish and French scores
SeriesEdQualWEFRank World Economic Forum. http://www.weforum.org/site/homepublic.nsf/Content/Global+CompetitGlobal Competitiveness Report 2004-2005 2005/02/01 Survey Results
SeriesEdQualWEFScore World Economic Forum. http://www.weforum.org/site/homepublic.nsf/Content/Global+CompetitGlobal Competitiveness Report 2004-2005 2005/02/01 Survey Results
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads15Female% Barro-Lee 2018/02/11 JW,MD; entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads15Male% Barro-Lee 2018/02/11 JW,MD; Calcualted from Barro-Lee using female and total-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads15to24Female% Barro-Lee 2018/02/12 JW,MD; Secondary Completed + Tertiary total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads15to24Female%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/11 SK;HF: Secondary Completed + Tertiary total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads15to24Male% Barro-Lee 2018/02/12 JW,MD; Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads15to24Male%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/11 SK;HF: Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads15to24Total% Barro-Lee 2018/02/12 JW,MD; Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads15to24Total%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/11 SK;HF: Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads15to64Female%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads15to64Male%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads15to64Total%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads15Total% Barro-Lee 2018/02/11 JW,MD; entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads20to24Female% Barro-Lee 2018/02/12 JW,MD
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads20to24Male% Barro-Lee 2018/02/12 JW,MD
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads20to24Total% Barro-Lee 2018/02/12 JW,MD
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads25Female% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads25Male% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN Calcualted from Barro-Lee using female and total-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads25to64Female%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads25to64Male%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/13 SK;HF: Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads25to64Total%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/13 SK;HF: Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdSecAdultGrads25Total% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdSecDuration UIS 2015 Pull 2019/09/01 AW
SeriesEdSecEnrNoFem UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/17 No Notes
SeriesEdSecEnrNoMal UIS Website 2008/11/16 No Notes
SeriesEdSecEnrNoTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/17 No Notes
SeriesEdSecEnrollFemaleRateBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/15 SK;HF: Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Secondary)and gender (female), at five-year intervals.
SeriesEdSecEnrollFemaleRatioBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/15 SK;HF: Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Secondary)and gender (female), at five-year intervals.
SeriesEdSecEnrollGross%Female UIS Statistics 2018/12/07 LW,JM, MMN
SeriesEdSecEnrollGross%Male UIS Statistics 2018/12/07 LW,JM, MMN
SeriesEdSecEnrollGross%Parity UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2019/09/01 AW
SeriesEdSecEnrollGross%Total UIS Website 2015 2019/11/08 KS;
SeriesEdSecEnrollMaleRateBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/15 SK;HF: Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Secondary)and gender (male), at five-year intervals
SeriesEdSecEnrollMaleRatioBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/15 SK;HF: Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Secondary)and gender (male), at five-year intervals
SeriesEdSecEnrollNet UIS 2019/09/08 EB,HF, DK,AA
SeriesEdSecEnrollNetFemale UIS 2019/09/08 EB,HF,DK,AA
SeriesEdSecEnrollNetFemaleOlder WDI 2012 BATCH PULL 2013/04/23 AT; AMB
SeriesEdSecEnrollNetMale UIS 2019/09/08 EB,HF, DK,AA
SeriesEdSecEnrollNetMaleOlder WDI 2012 BATCH PULL 2013/04/23 AT; AMB
SeriesEdSecEnrollNetOlder WDI 2012 BATCH PULL 2013/04/23 AT; AMB
SeriesEdSecEnrollNetParity UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2018/12/07 MMN
SeriesEdSecEnrollTotalRateBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/15 SK;HF: Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Secondary), at five-year intervals
SeriesEdSecEnrollTotalRatioBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/15 SK;HF: Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Secondary), at five-year intervals
SeriesEdSecGirlBoyRatio 1990 UN Statistical Division; rest United Nations Statistics Division available at http://mdgs.un.org/unsd/mdg/ 2006/12/01 Years with no data at all omitted
SeriesEdSecGradRate OECD, Education at a Glance 2001:146
SeriesEdSecGradRateFem OECD, Education at a Glance 2001:146
SeriesEdSecGradRateMale OECD, Education at a Glance 2001:146
SeriesEdSecLower2UpperFemale% Calculated by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data 2016/12/22 Added the year column 2010 to read provincial values in the sub-regionalized model (MR)
SeriesEdSecLower2UpperMale% Calculated by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data 2016/12/22 Added the year column 2010 to read provincial values in the sub-regionalized model (MR)
SeriesEdSecLower2UpperTotal% Calculated by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data 2016/12/22 Added the year column 2010 to read provincial values in the sub-regionalized model (MR)
SeriesEdSecLowerAdultGrads25Female% UIS 2014/05/09 KH
SeriesEdSecLowerAdultGrads25Male% UIS 2014/05/09 KH
SeriesEdSecLowerAdultGrads25Total% UIS 2014/05/09 KH
SeriesEdSecLowerDuration UIS 2019/09/07 EB,HF, DK,AA
SeriesEdSecLowerEnrollGross%Female UIS 2019/11/08 YX
SeriesEdSecLowerEnrollGross%Male UIS 2019/11/08 YX
SeriesEdSecLowerEnrollGross%Total UIS 2019/11/08 YX
SeriesEdSecLowerEnrollGrossParity UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2018/12/07 MMN
SeriesEdSecLowerEnrollHeadcountFemale UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/17 No Notes
SeriesEdSecLowerEnrollHeadcountMale UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2008/08/26 Data is calculated by subtracting EdSeclowerEnrollHeadcountFemale from (same)Total
SeriesEdSecLowerEnrollHeadcountTotal UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/17 No Notes
SeriesEdSecLowerGradRateAllFem UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2018/12/07 BJH, MMN
SeriesEdSecLowerGradRateAllMal UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2019/11/08 KS;
SeriesEdSecLowerGradRateAllTot UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2018/12/07 BJH,MMN
SeriesEdSecLowerGradRateGenFem UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2013/07/18 BJH
SeriesEdSecLowerGradRateGenMal UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2013/07/18 BJH
SeriesEdSecLowerGradRateGenTot UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2013/07/18 BJH
SeriesEdSecLowerNetEnrollFemale% UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2018/12/07 JEM,MMN
SeriesEdSecLowerNetEnrollMale% UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2019/09/01 AW
SeriesEdSecLowerNetEnrollTot% UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2018/12/07 JEM,MMN
SeriesEdSecLowerSurvivalFemale% Calculated by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data 2015/09/21 columns for 2009 & 2010 added to allow WC data to read in the provincial model, MTR
SeriesEdSecLowerSurvivalGenFemale% UIS Statistics 2015/09/05 N.S
SeriesEdSecLowerSurvivalGenMale% UIS Statistics 2015/09/05 N.S
SeriesEdSecLowerSurvivalGenTotal% UIS Statistics 2015/09/05 N.S
SeriesEdSecLowerSurvivalMale% Calculated by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data 2015/09/21 columns for 2009 & 2010 added to allow WC data to read in the provincial model, MTR
SeriesEdSecLowerSurvivalTotal% Calculated by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data 2015/09/21 columns for 2009 & 2010 added to allow WC data to read in the provincial model, MTR
SeriesEdSecLowerTeachTrainFemale% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated; definition truncated
SeriesEdSecLowerTeachTrainMale% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesEdSecLowerTeachTrainTotal% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesEdSecLowerVoc%AllFemale WDI 2018/01/27 EB,HF, GE
SeriesEdSecLowerVoc%AllMale WDI 2018/01/27 EB,HF, GE
SeriesEdSecLowerVoc%AllTotal WDI 2018/01/27 EB,HF, GE
SeriesEdSecLowrCompletionFemale UIS 2019/11/08 KM
SeriesEdSecLowrCompletionMale UIS 2019/11/08 KM
SeriesEdSecLowrCompletionTotal UIS 2019/11/08 KM
SeriesEdSecLowrDrpGr1BothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrDrpGr1Female UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrDrpGr1Male UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrDrpGr2BothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrDrpGr2Female UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrDrpGr2Male UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrDrpGr3BothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrDrpGr3Female UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrDrpGr3Male UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrDrpGr4BothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrDrpGr4Female UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrDrpGr4Male UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrDrpGr5BothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrDrpGr5Female UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrDrpGr5Male UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrDrpGrLastCumBothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrDrpGrLastCumFemale UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrDrpGrLastCumMale UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGr1BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGr1FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGr1MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGr2BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGr2FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGr2MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGr3BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGr3FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGr3MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGr4BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGr4FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGr4MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGr5BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGr5FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGr5MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGr6BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGr6FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGr6MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGrUnSpBothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGrUnSpFemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrEnrGrUnSpMaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdSecLowrPTR UIS http://data.uis.unesco.org/ 2019/09/01 AW
SeriesEdSecLowrRpt%Gr1BothSexes The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdSecLowrRpt%Gr1Female The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdSecLowrRpt%Gr1Male The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdSecLowrRpt%Gr2BothSexes The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdSecLowrRpt%Gr2Female The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdSecLowrRpt%Gr2Male The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdSecLowrRpt%Gr3BothSexes The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdSecLowrRpt%Gr3Female The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdSecLowrRpt%Gr3Male The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdSecLowrRpt%Gr4BothSexes The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdSecLowrRpt%Gr4Female The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdSecLowrRpt%Gr4Male The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdSecLowrRpt%Gr5BothSexes The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdSecLowrRpt%Gr5Female The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdSecLowrRpt%Gr5Male The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdSecLowrRpt%GrAllBothSexes The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdSecLowrRpt%GrAllFemale The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdSecLowrRpt%GrAllMale The World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2021/05/07
SeriesEdSecLwrParityGenderMath UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesEdSecLwrParityGenderRead UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesEdSecLwrParityGenderTeachers UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesEdSecLwrParityRurUrbMath UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesEdSecLwrParityRurUrbRead UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesEdSecLwrParitySocioeconMath UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesEdSecLwrParitySocioeconRead UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesEdSecSurvivalFemale% Calculated by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data 2006/06/01
SeriesEdSecSurvivalMale% Calculated by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data 2006/06/01
SeriesEdSecSurvivalTotal% Calculated by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data 2006/06/01
SeriesEdSecUpperDuration UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF, DK
SeriesEdSecUpperEnrollGross%Female UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdSecUpperEnrollGross%Male UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdSecUpperEnrollGross%Total UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdSecUpperEnrollGrossParity UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/11 No Notes
SeriesEdSecUpperEnrollGrossParityNew UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2018/12/07 mti,MMN
SeriesEdSecUpperEnrollHeadcountFemale UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/17 No Notes
SeriesEdSecUpperEnrollHeadCountMale UIS 2008/08/26 Data is calculated by subtracting EdSecUpperEnrollHeadcountFemale from (same)Total
SeriesEdSecUpperEnrollHeadcountTotal UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/17 No Notes
SeriesEdSecUpperGradRateAllFem UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdSecUpperGradRateAllMal UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdSecUpperGradRateAllTot UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdSecUpperNetEnrollFemale% UIS 2019/09/01 AW
SeriesEdSecUpperNetEnrollMale% UIS 2019/01/08 KN,EB,BB
SeriesEdSecUpperNetEnrollTot% UIS 2019/01/08 KN,EB, BB
SeriesEdSecUpperParityGenderTeachers UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesEdSecUpperSurvivalFemale% Calculated by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data 2015/09/21 columns for 2009 & 2010 added to allow WC data to read in the provincial model, MTR
SeriesEdSecUpperSurvivalMale% Calculated by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data 2015/09/21 columns for 2009 & 2010 added to allow WC data to read in the provincial model, MTR
SeriesEdSecUpperSurvivalTotal% Calculated by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data 2015/09/21 columns for 2009 & 2010 added to allow WC data to read in the provincial model, MTR
SeriesEdSecUpperTeachTrainFemale% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesEdSecUpperTeachTrainMale% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesEdSecUpperTeachTrainTotal% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesEdSecUpperVoc%AllFemale WDI 2018/01/27 EB,HF, GE
SeriesEdSecUpperVoc%AllMale WDI 2018/01/27 EB,HF, GE
SeriesEdSecUpperVoc%AllTotal WDI 2018/01/27 EB,HF, GE
SeriesEdSecUpprCompletionFemale UIS 2019/11/08 KM
SeriesEdSecUpprCompletionMale UIS 2019/11/08 KM
SeriesEdSecUpprCompletionTotal UIS 2019/11/08 KM
SeriesEdSecVoc%Female WDI 2019/09/01 AW, GE
SeriesEdSecVoc%Male WDI 2019/09/01 AW, GE
SeriesEdSecVoc%Tot UIS 2019/09/01 AW, GE
SeriesEdSecWilsGPI1991 John Cheeseboro's Extraction 2008/05/27 No Notes
SeriesEdSecWilsGPI1999 John Cheeseboro's Extraction 2008/05/27 Uses Post 1999 data; few of the countries use one data point close to 1999
SeriesEdSecWilsGPICohort John Cheeseboro's Extraction 2008/05/27 Uses Cohort Projection
SeriesEdSecWilsNER1991Total% John Cheeseboro's Extraction 2008/05/27 No Notes
SeriesEdSecWilsNER1999Total% John Cheeseboro's Extraction 2008/05/27 Uses Post 1999 data; few of the countries use one data point close to 1999
SeriesEdSecWilsStudentsTotal John Cheeseboro's Extraction 2008/05/27 No Notes
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads15Female% Barro-Lee 2018/02/11 JW,MD; entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads15Male% Barro-Lee 2018/02/11 JW,MD; Calcualted from Barro-Lee using female and total-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads15to24Female% Barro-Lee 2016/01/04 mti;  Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads15to24Female%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/11 SK;HF: Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads15to24Male% Barro-Lee 2016/01/04 mti;  Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads15to24Male%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/11 SK;HF: Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads15to24Total% Barro-Lee 2016/01/04 mti; Tertiary Completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads15to24Total%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/11 SK;HF: Tertiary Completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads15to64Female%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads15to64Male%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads15to64Total%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads15Total% Barro-Lee 2018/02/11 JW,MD; entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads25-34Female% Barro-Lee 2016/01/14 BV
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads25-34Male% Barro-Lee 2016/01/14 BV
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads25-34Total% Barro-Lee 2016/01/14 BV
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads25Female% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads25Male% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN Calcualted from Barro-Lee using female and total-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads25to64Female%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads25to64Male%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/13 SK;HF: Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads25to64Total%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/13 SK;HF: Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdTerAdultGrads25Total% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdTerAGrad% OECD 2001 Education at a Glance 169
SeriesEdTerAIntake% OECD 2001 Education at a Glance 155
SeriesEdTerBGrad% OECD 2001 Education at a Glance 169
SeriesEdTerBIntake% OECD 2001 Education at a Glance 155
SeriesEdTerEnrHdctAgFem UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2019/01/08 Converted to millions; BB
SeriesEdTerEnrHdctAgMale UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2019/01/08 Converted to millions; BB
SeriesEdTerEnrHdctAgTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2019/01/08 Converted to millions; BB
SeriesEdTerEnrHdctEdFem UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrHdctEdMale UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2009/04/24 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrHdctEdTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrHdctEMCFem UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrHdctEMCMale UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2009/04/24 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrHdctEMCTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrHdctSciFem UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrHdctSciMale UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2009/04/24 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrHdctSciTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrHdctSSBLFem UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrHdctSSBLMale UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2009/04/24 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrHdctSSBLTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrISCED5AHdctMale UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2009/04/24 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrISCED5AHdctTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/17 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrISCED5BHdctFem UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/17 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrISCED5BHdctMale UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2009/04/24 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrISCED5BHdctTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/17 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrISCED6HdctFem UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/17 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrISCED6HdctMale UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2009/04/24 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrISCED6HdctTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/17 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrlSCED5AHdctFem UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/17 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrollFemaleRateBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/15 SK;HF: Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Tertiary)and gender (female), at five-year intervals.
SeriesEdTerEnrollFemaleRatioBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/15 SK;HF: Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Tertiary)and gender (female), at five-year intervals.
SeriesEdTerEnrollGross%Female UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdTerEnrollGross%Male UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdTerEnrollGross%Total UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF
SeriesEdTerEnrollHeadcountFem UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/17 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrollHeadcountMale UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2009/04/26 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrollHeadcountTotal UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/17 Converted to millions
SeriesEdTerEnrollMaleRateBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/15 SK;HF: Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Tertiary)and gender (male), at five-year intervals
SeriesEdTerEnrollMaleRatioBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/15 SK;HF: Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Tertiary)and gender (male), at five-year intervals
SeriesEdTerEnrollTotalRateBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/15 SK;HF: Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Tertiary), at five-year intervals
SeriesEdTerEnrollTotalRatioBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/15 SK;HF: Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Tertiary), at five-year intervals
SeriesEdTerFemaleMaleRatio UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdTerGradRate1stDegreeFemale% UIS 2019/11/08 KS;
SeriesEdTerGradRate1stDegreeMale% UIS 2019/11/08 KS;
SeriesEdTerGradRate1stDegreeTotal% UIS 2019/11/08 KS;
SeriesEdTerGradRateFemale% UNESCO Institute for Statistics Website 2006/07/02 Calculated from UIS tertiary graduates numbers and tertiary age population (divided by 5); New Zealand too high
SeriesEdTerGradRatemale% UNESCO Institute for Statistics Website 2006/07/02 Calculated from UIS tertiary graduates numbers and tertiary age population (divided by 5)
SeriesEdTerGradRateTotal% UNESCO Institute for Statistics Website 2006/07/02 Calculated from UIS tertiary graduates numbers and tertiary age population (divided by 5);
SeriesEdTerGradRateTotal%OECD OECD Factbook 2010 2012/02/01 AT
SeriesEdTerGrads%Ag UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2019/09/30 BV; BJH, MN
SeriesEdTerGrads%Engg UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2019/09/30 BV; BJH, MN
SeriesEdTerGrads%Health UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2019/09/30 BV; BJH, MN
SeriesEdTerGrads%Sci UIS Web Database, http://www.uis.unesco.org 2016/01/31 BV; BJH
SeriesEdTerGrads%SciEngg UIS 2019/09/07 EB,HF,DK,AA
SeriesEdterGraduatesTotal UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 mti; Check unit
SeriesEdTerGrossOutBoundEnrollRatio UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/16 No Notes
SeriesEdTerIntakeGrossFemale% UNESCO Institute for Statistics (Gradrate and Enrollment Rate) 2019/09/18 MTI,KN,DK
SeriesEdTerIntakeGrossFemale%Old IFs Calculation from tertiary gross enrollment and tertiary 1st degree completion rates 2015/09/21 Calculated from UIS (with IFs Calculation) tertiary graduation rate and tertiary enrolment rate
SeriesEdTerIntakeGrossMale% UNESCO Institute for Statistics (Gradrate and Enrollment Rate) 2019/09/18 MTI,KN,DK
SeriesEdTerIntakeGrossMale%Old IFs Calculation from tertiary gross enrollment and tertiary 1st degree completion rates 2015/09/21 Calculated from UIS (with IFs Calculation) tertiary graduation rate and tertiary enrolment rate
SeriesEdTerIntakeGrossTotal% UNESCO Institute for Statistics (Gradrate and Enrollment Rate) 2019/09/18 MTI,KN,DK
SeriesEdTerIntakeGrossTotal%Old IFs Calculation from tertiary gross enrollment and tertiary 1st degree completion rates 2015/09/21 Calculated from UIS (with IFs Calculation) tertiary graduation rate and tertiary enrolment rate
SeriesEdTerNCESGrads NCES, WB(OECD), UNESCO 2005/01/01 For WB 1997 ICSED 5A and ICSED 5B added, For UNESCO + IFs population of IFs - cohort 5 , year 2000 and UNESCO table 9 from GED 2004 used, Regression results in file Bachelors degree pcnt by sex_male_regression_add.xls
SeriesEdTerNCESGradsFem NCES, WB(OECD), UNESCO 2005/01/01 For WB 1997 ICSED 5A and ICSED 5B added, For UNESCO + IFs population of IFs - cohort 5 , year 2000 and UNESCO table 9 from GED 2004 used, Regression results in file Bachelors degree pcnt by sex_male_regression_add.xls
SeriesEdTerNCESGradsMal NCES, WB(OECD), UNESCO 2005/01/01 For WB 1997 ICSED 5A and ICSED 5B added, For UNESCO + IFs population of IFs - cohort 5 , year 2000 and UNESCO table 9 from GED 2004 used, Regression results in file Bachelors degree pcnt by sex_male_regression_add.xls
SeriesEducationQualityAG Computed for Productivity Project 2018/12/09 KBN
SeriesEdUppSecGradBothSexes UIS 2019/09/30 KN, CG, MN
SeriesEdUppSecGradFemale UIS 2019/09/30 KN, CG, MN
SeriesEdUppSecGradMale UIS 2019/09/30 KN, CG, MN
SeriesEdYearsAge15-24Female Barro-Lee 2017/10/06 SK,KN
SeriesEdYearsAge15-24FemaleBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/11 SK;HF: Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education for age groups 15-19 and 19-24 - SJ
SeriesEdYearsAge15-24Male Barro-Lee 2017/10/06 SK,KN
SeriesEdYearsAge15-24MaleBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/11 SK;HF: Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdYearsAge15-24Total Barro-Lee 2017/10/06 SK,KN
SeriesEdYearsAge15-24TotalBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF
SeriesEdYearsAge1564CohenSoto Cohen & Soto Educ database at http://www.iae-csic.uab.es/soto/data.htm 2008/01/01 No Notes
SeriesEdYearsAge15-64FemaleBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education
SeriesEdYearsAge15-64MaleBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education
SeriesEdYearsAge15-64TotalBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education
SeriesEdYearsAge15CohenSoto Cohen & Soto Educ database at http://www.iae-csic.uab.es/soto/data.htm 2008/01/01 No Notes
SeriesEdYearsAge15Female Barro-Lee 2017/12/01 SK,KN
SeriesEdYearsAge15Male Barro-Lee 2017/12/01 SK,KN
SeriesEdYearsAge15Total Barro-Lee 2017/11/20 SK,KN
SeriesEdYearsAge20-29Female Barro-Lee 2018/02/12 JW,MD; Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education for age groups 20-24 and 25-29
SeriesEdYearsAge20-29Male Barro-Lee 2018/02/12 JW,MD; Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education for age groups 20-24 and 25-29
SeriesEdYearsAge20-29Total Barro-Lee 2018/02/12 JW,MD; Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education for age groups 20-24 and 25-29
SeriesEdYearsAge25 Barro-Lee 2017/12/01 SK,KN
SeriesEdYearsAge25-64FemaleBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education
SeriesEdYearsAge25-64MaleBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/13 SK;HF: Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education
SeriesEdYearsAge25-64TotalBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/13 SK;HF: Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education
SeriesEdYearsAge25CohenSoto Cohen & Soto Educ database at http://www.iae-csic.uab.es/soto/data.htm 2007/10/01 No Notes
SeriesEdYearsAge25Female Barro-Lee 2017/12/01 SK,KN
SeriesEdYearsAge25Male Barro-Lee 2018/01/19 SK,KN
SeriesEdYearsAge25UNHDRO UNDP HDR 2019/08/12 DK
SeriesEDYearsFemaleAge25UNHDRO UNDP HDR 2019/08/12 DK
SeriesEdYearsFemales WB, World Development Report
SeriesEDYearsMaleAge25UNHDRO UNDP HDR 2019/08/12 DK
SeriesEdYearsMales WB, World Development Report
SeriesEgalitarianComponentIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesEgalitarianDemocracyIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesElectedOfficialsIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/08 BG
SeriesElectoralComponentIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesElectoralDemocracyIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesElectoralRegimeIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesEmigrationFemaleTotal World Population and Human Capital in the Twenty-First Century 2017/12/11 JD,KN
SeriesEmigrationMaleTotal World Population and Human Capital in the Twenty-First Century 2017/12/11 JD,KN
SeriesEmissionsC02fromLUCFWRICAIT http://cait2.wri.org/ 2014/06/03 PJO
SeriesEmissionsCarbon Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center;http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/trends/emis/tre_coun.htm and http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/trends/emis/tre_coun.htm 2005/04/01
SeriesEmissionsCarbonCDIAC Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center 2022/04/14 R.G,HF; Data covers 1751-2009 but there is a max of 250 to import, so only used 1800-2009.  Updated 2000 - 2010; divide by /1000000, GE
SeriesEmissionsCarbonGCP UNFCCC and CDIAC 2020/03/27 AP;VY
SeriesEmissionsCarbonIEA International Energy Agency 2012/10/31 MPK - The data was originally in millions of tons and referred to CO2, so the formula = [value/1000 * (12/44)] was used for conversion to billion tons of carbon.
SeriesEmissionsCH4EntericFermentation EDGAR 2019/07/29 KBN
SeriesEmissionsCH4Oil&Gas EDGAR 2019/07/29 KBN
SeriesEmissionsCH4Other EDGAR database PBL 2019/07/29 KBN
SeriesEmissionsCH4RiceCultivation EDGAR database PBL 2019/07/29 KBN
SeriesEmissionsCH4SolidFuels EDGAR 2019/07/29 KBN
SeriesEmissionsCH4WasteWater EDGAR database PBL 2019/07/29 KBN
SeriesEmissionsCO WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01
SeriesEmissionsCO21900to1999Cum WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01
SeriesEmissionsCO2fromAgric WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01
SeriesEmissionsCO2fromCoal WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01
SeriesEmissionsCO2fromElec WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01
SeriesEmissionsCO2fromGas WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01
SeriesEmissionsCO2fromIndCons WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01
SeriesEmissionsCO2fromOil WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01
SeriesEmissionsCO2fromRes WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01
SeriesEmissionsCO2fromRoadTrans WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01
SeriesEmissionsCO2fromTrans WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01
SeriesEmissionsCO2per2000$PPP WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesEmissionsCO2per2000$PPPWRI WRI Earthtrends 2006/08/01
SeriesEmissionsCO2per2005$PPP WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesEmissionsCO2perCap WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesEmissionsCO2perPPP WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesEmissionsCO2WDI WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesEmissionsCO2WRI WRI Earthtrends 2006/08/01
SeriesEmissionsCO2WRICAIT http://cait2.wri.org/ 2014/06/03 PJO
SeriesEmissionsNOX Economic Commission for Europe
SeriesEmissionsOrgWatperWorkerDay WDI 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/09 AMB
SeriesEmissionsSOX Economic Commission for Europe
SeriesEmpPov%1D90CFemale15+ ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%1D90CFemale15-24 ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%1D90CFemale25+ ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%1D90CMale15+ ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%1D90CMale15-24 ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%1D90CMale25+ ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%1D90CTot15+ ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%1D90CTot15-24 ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%1D90CTot25+ ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%3D20CFemale15+ ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%3D20CFemale15-24 ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%3D20CFemale25+ ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%3D20CMale15+ ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%3D20CMale15-24 ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%3D20CMale25+ ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%3D20CTot15+ ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%3D20CTot15-24 ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%3D20CTot25+ ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%5D50CFemale15+ ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%5D50CFemale15-24 ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%5D50CFemale25+ ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%5D50CMale15+ ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%5D50CMale15-24 ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%5D50CMale25+ ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%5D50CTot15+ ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%5D50CTot15-24 ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEmpPov%5D50CTot25+ ILOSTAT 2021/07/16 GE;
SeriesEnBalInd WRI CD 98
SeriesEnBalRes WRI CD 98
SeriesEnBalTrans WRI CD 98
SeriesEnConAgric WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01 Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
SeriesEnConBiodieselTotIEA IEA 2012 BATCH PULL 2013/08/12 SMD; DAB - FROM EXTENDED FILE (No 2011 data on file); converted ktoe to bboe
SeriesEnConBiodieselTransportIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/16 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnConBiogasIndustrialIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/18 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnConBiogasLiqBiomass EarthTrends database available at www.earthtrends.org 2006/04/01
SeriesEnConBiogasolineTotIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/16 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnConBiogasolineTransportIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/16 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnConBiogasOtherIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/18 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnConBiogasTotIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/18 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnConBiomassIndustrialIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/18 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnConBiomassOtherIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/18 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnConBiomassResidentialIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/18 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnConBiomassTotIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/18 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnConBiomassTransportIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/18 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnConCoal WRI CD 98;WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2005/04/01
SeriesEnConCoalBP BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2018/11/07 JD; multiply each value by *.00733 (from www.iea.org/statistics/resources/unitconverter)
SeriesEnConCoalIndustrialIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
SeriesEnConCoalOtherIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
SeriesEnConCoalResidentialIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
SeriesEnConCoalTotIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
SeriesEnConCoalTransportIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
SeriesEnConCombustRenewWasteIndustrialIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
SeriesEnConCombustRenewWasteOtherIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
SeriesEnConCombustRenewWasteResidentialIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
SeriesEnConCombustRenewWasteTotIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
SeriesEnConCombustRenewWasteTransportIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
SeriesEnConCommerc WRI CD 98
SeriesEnConComPubSer WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01 Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
SeriesEnConComRenewWaste WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesEnConElec WDI 2014 May BATCH PULL 2014/06/11 ME; PM; AMB; *5.89*0.0001*0.000000001
SeriesEnConElecIndustrialIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
SeriesEnConElecOtherIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
SeriesEnConElecPerCap WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesEnConElecResidentIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
SeriesEnConElecTotIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
SeriesEnConElecTransportIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
SeriesEnConElecWDIKwh WDI 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/09 ME; PM; AMB
SeriesEnConElecWRI WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01 Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
SeriesEnConFossilFuels EarthTrends database available at www.earthtrends.org 2006/04/01
SeriesEnConGas WRI CD 98;WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2005/04/01
SeriesEnConGasBP BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2018/11/07 JD; values multiplied by .00733 to convert to BBOE
SeriesEnConGeothBioBP BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2018/11/07 JD; values multiplied by .00733 to convert to BBOE
SeriesEnConGeothermIndustrialIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnConGeothermOtherIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnConGeothermResidentialIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnConGeothermTotIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnConHydro WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2005/04/01 Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
SeriesEnConHydroBP BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2018/11/07 JD; multiplied by .00733 to convert to BBOE
SeriesEnConIndIronSteel WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01 Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
SeriesEnConIndMining WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01 Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
SeriesEnConIndTot WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01 Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
SeriesEnConNatGasIndustrialIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnConNatGasOtherIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnConNatGasResidentialIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnConNatGasTotIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnConNatGasTransportIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnConNucBP BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2018/11/09 JD; multiplied by .00733 to convert to BBOE
SeriesEnConOil WRI CD 98;WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2005/04/01
SeriesEnConOilBP BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2018/11/07 JD; multiplied by .00733 to convert to BBOE
SeriesEnConOtherBiofuelsIndustrialIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnConOtherBiofuelsTotIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnConOtherBiofuelsTransportIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnConPhoto WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01 Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
SeriesEnConRes WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01 Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
SeriesEnConResperCap WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2006/04/01
SeriesEnConResperCapKg WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2006/02/01
SeriesEnConSolarBP BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2018/11/07 JD; multiplied by .00733 to convert to BBOE
SeriesEnConSolarTherm WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01 Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
SeriesEnConSolarThermalTotIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/18 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnConSolarThermIndustrialIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/18 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnConSolarThermOtherIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/18 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnConSolarThermResidentialIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/18 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnConSolarWindWaveGeo WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2005/04/01 Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
SeriesEnConSolidBiomass EarthTrends database available at www.earthtrends.org 2006/03/01
SeriesEnConTotal WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2005/04/01
SeriesEnConTotalWDI WDI 2017 Pull 2018/04/19 KBN: Original units are in Kgs of oil equivalent per capita. Multiplied by population and then converted to BOE by multiplying by of 0.00684357. Finally divided by billion to get BBOE
SeriesEnConTrad WRI CD 98
SeriesEnConTransDomAir WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01 Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
SeriesEnConTransIntlAir WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01 Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
SeriesEnConTransRoad WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2006/03/01 Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
SeriesEnConTransTot WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01 Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
SeriesEnConWind WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01 Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
SeriesEnConWindBP BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2018/11/07 JD; multiplied by .00733 to convert to BBOE
SeriesEnCumProdGasBGR BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2017/03/24 ARN
SeriesEnCumProdOilBGR BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2017/03/29 ARN
SeriesEnElecAccess%Households ITU 2014 BATCH PULL 2015/01/28 EWF, AT
SeriesEnElecAccess%National WDI BATCH Update 2022/03/01 YX, LM, JD
SeriesEnElecAccess%Rural WDI BATCH Update 2022/03/01 YX, LM, JD
SeriesEnElecAccess%Urban WDI BATCH Update 2022/03/01 YX, LM, JD
SeriesEnElecConsPerCap World Development Indicators 2022/03/21 YX, JD
SeriesEnElecHydroCapacityEIA US Energy Information Administration 2012/03/15 AS;CN
SeriesEnElecHydroPumpedCapacityEIA US Energy Information Administration 2012/03/15 AS;CN
SeriesEnElecNonHydroRenCapacityEIA US Energy Information Administration 2012/03/15 AS;CN
SeriesEnElecNuclearCapacityEIA US Energy Information Administration 2012/03/15 AS;CN
SeriesEnElecShrEnDem WDI 2014 May BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 MD,JW
SeriesEnElecShrEnDemOld WDI 2011; IFs  calculation using two WDI tables 2011/08/08 AS; MTI; calculated using 100 * (EnElecConsPerCap*Population)/(EnConTotalWDI*1700000) ; Energy consumption converted from BBOE to KwHr
SeriesEnElecThermalCapacityEIA US Energy Information Administration 2012/03/15 AS;CN
SeriesEnElecTotalCapacityCanning Canning, David (1998) and WDI (2006) 2010/08/25 CT
SeriesEnElecTotalCapacityEIA US Energy Information Administration (EIA) 2018/11/13 AA, CK
SeriesEnElecTotalCapacityForecastEACC World Bank Environmental Adaptation and Climate Change Project 2011/02/17
SeriesEnElecTransLoss% World Development Indicators 2022/03/21 YX, JD
SeriesEnElecTransLoss%Old WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesEnExports WRI CD 98
SeriesEnExportsBiodieselIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/10 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnExportsBiogasolineIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/10 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnExportsBiomassIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/18 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnExportsCoal WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2006/09/01
SeriesEnExportsCoalIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnExportsCombustRenewWasteIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnExportsElecGwHrIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/24 From World Energy Balance dics; converted ktoe to GwHr (ktoe*-.086)
SeriesEnExportsElecIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnExportsFossilFuels EarthTrends On-line 2008/06/28
SeriesEnExportsNatGasIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnExportsNGas WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2006/06/01
SeriesEnExportsOil WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2005/04/01
SeriesEnExportsOilIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnExportsOilProductsIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnExportsOtherBiofuelsIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/10 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnExportsPeatIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnExportsTotalIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnExpProdBioDieselsCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/16 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnExpProdBiogasCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/24 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnExpProdBiogasolineCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnExpProdCharcoalCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnExpProdIndustrialWasteCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/24 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnExpProdMunicipalWasteNonRenewableCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/24 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnExpProdMunicipalWasteRenewableCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/24 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnExpProdnonspecPrimaryBiomassWasteCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/24 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnExpProdOtherLiquidbiofuelsCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnExpProdOtherSourcesCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnExpProdPrimarySolidGasCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/18 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnExpProdSolarThermalCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/24 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnExpProdSPVCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/27 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; HF
SeriesEnExpProdTideWaveOCeanCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnExpProdWindCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/27 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; HF
SeriesEnFuelEx%MerchEx WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesEnFuelIm%MerchIm WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesEnImportCombustRenewWasteIEA IEA Energy Balances of OECD and non-OECD Countries 2008 2009/04/24 converted ktoe to bboe
SeriesEnImports WRI CD 98
SeriesEnImportsBiodieselIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/23 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnImportsBiogasolineIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/23 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnImportsBiomassIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/18 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnImportsCoal WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2006/11/01
SeriesEnImportsCoalIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnImportsElecGwHrIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/24 From World Energy Balance dics; converted ktoe to GwHr (ktoe*.086)
SeriesEnImportsElecIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/01 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
SeriesEnImportsFossilFuels EarthTrends On-line 2008/06/28
SeriesEnImportsNatGasIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnImportsNet WDI CD 07 2008/06/28
SeriesEnImportsNet%EnUse WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesEnImportsNGas WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2006/06/01
SeriesEnImportsOil WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2005/04/01
SeriesEnImportsOilIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnImportsOilProductsIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnImportsOtherBiofuelsIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/10 From World Energy Balance disc; AJM; JM
SeriesEnImportsPeatIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnImportsTotalIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnInstGeothermalBP BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2018/11/07 JD
SeriesEnInstSolarBP BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2018/11/07 JD
SeriesEnInstWindBP BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2018/11/07 JD
SeriesEnOutputElecCoalCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/10 From World Energy Balance disc; AJM; JM
SeriesEnOutputElecCombustibleRenewableWasteCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/10 From World Energy Balance disc; AJM; JM
SeriesEnOutputElecCrudeNGLFeedstocksCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/10 From World Energy Balance disc; AJM; JM
SeriesEnOutputElecElectricityCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/10 From World Energy Balance disc; AJM; JM
SeriesEnOutputElecGasCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/10 From World Energy Balance disc; AJM; JM
SeriesEnOutputElecGeothermalCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/10 From World Energy Balance disc; AJM; JM
SeriesEnOutputElecHeatCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/10 From World Energy Balance disc; AJM; JM
SeriesEnOutputElecHydroCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/10 From World Energy Balance disc; AJM; JM
SeriesEnOutputElecNuclearCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/10 From World Energy Balance disc; AJM; JM
SeriesEnOutputElecOilProductsCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/10 From World Energy Balance disc; AJM; JM
SeriesEnOutputElecPeatCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/10 From World Energy Balance disc; AJM; JM
SeriesEnOutputElecSolarWindOtherCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/10 From World Energy Balance disc; AJM; JM
SeriesEnOutputElecTotalCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/10 From World Energy Balance disc; AJM; JM
SeriesEnPricePumpDiesel WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesEnPricePumpSuper WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesEnProdBioBP BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2018/11/07 JD; multiplied by .00000733 to convert to BBOE
SeriesEnProdBiodieselIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnProdBiogasIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnProdBiogasolineIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnProdBiomassIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/24 From World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897); converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
SeriesEnProdCoal WRI CD 98
SeriesEnProdCoalBP BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2018/11/07 JD; multiplied by .00733 to convert to BBOE
SeriesEnProdCoalCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Balance dics; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnProdCoalIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnProdCombustibleRenewableWasteCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Balance dics; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnProdCombustRenewWasteIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnProdCrudeNGLFeedstocksCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Balance dics; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnProdElec WDI 2014 May BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 MD,JW
SeriesEnProdElec%Coal WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesEnProdElec%Gas WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesEnProdElec%Hydro WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesEnProdElec%Nuc WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesEnProdElec%Oil WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesEnProdElec%TransLoss WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesEnProdElecBioEMBER EMBER 2021/07/31 GE
SeriesEnProdElecCoalEMBER EMBER 2021/08/01 GE
SeriesEnProdElecDemandEMBER EMBER 2021/08/01 GE
SeriesEnProdElecGasEMBER EMBER 2021/08/01 GE
SeriesEnProdElecHydroEMBER EMBER 2021/08/01 GE
SeriesEnProdElecNetImportEMBER EMBER 2021/08/01 GE
SeriesEnProdElecNuclearEMBER EMBER 2021/08/01 GE
SeriesEnProdElecOtherFossilEMBER EMBER 2021/08/01 GE
SeriesEnProdElecOtherRenewEMBER EMBER 2021/08/01 GE
SeriesEnProdElecSolarEMBER EMBER 2021/08/01 GE
SeriesEnProdElecTotalEMBER EMBER 2021/08/01 GE
SeriesEnProdElectricityCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Balance dics; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnProdElecWindEMBER EMBER 2021/08/01 GE
SeriesEnProdGas WRI CD 00-01
SeriesEnProdGasBP BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2018/11/07 JD; multiplied by .00733 to convert to BBOE
SeriesEnProdGasCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Balance dics; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnProdGeoTherm WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01 Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
SeriesEnProdGeothermalCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Balance dics; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnProdGeothermIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnProdHeatCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Balance dics; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnProdHydroCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Balance dics; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnProdHydroIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnProdNatGasIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnProdNuclear WRI CD 98; 1960 guestimated
SeriesEnProdNuclearCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Balance dics; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnProdNuclearIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnProdOil WRI CD 98
SeriesEnProdOilBP BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2018/11/07 JD; multiplied by .00733 to convert to BBOE
SeriesEnProdOilIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnProdOilProductsCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Balance dics; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnProdOtherBiofuelsIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnProdPeatCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Balance dics; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnProdSolar WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01 Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
SeriesEnProdSolarPhotoIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnProdSolarThermIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnProdSolarWindOtherCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Balance dics; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnProdTideWave WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01 Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
SeriesEnProdTideWaveOceanIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnProdTotalCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/11 From World Energy Balance dics; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
SeriesEnProdWindIEA IEA World Energy Balances 2022/06/16 YX;
SeriesEnReserCBMBGR BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2019/02/28 AA
SeriesEnReserCoal WEC
SeriesEnReserCoalBGRBBOE BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2017/04/05 ARN; Combined hard and brown coal totals; Conversions: 1 ton hard coal=4.879boe, brown=2.053boe
SeriesEnReserCoalBP BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 2016/01/27 BV; AMBl SH; .00733
SeriesEnReserGas WEC; Oil and Gas Journal; 1960 estimated 2012/02/25 AT;CN
SeriesEnReserGasBGR BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2019/02/28 AA
SeriesEnReserGasBGRBBOE BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2017/04/20 ARN
SeriesEnReserGasBP BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2018/11/09 JD; multiplied by 6.6
SeriesEnReserHeavyOilBGR BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2019/02/28 AA
SeriesEnReserHyd WRI Annual
SeriesEnReserOil WEC; Oil and Gas Journal; 1960 estimated 2012/02/25 AT;CN;Brunei includes Malaysia to 1975
SeriesEnReserOilBGR BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2019/02/28 AA
SeriesEnReserOilBGRBBOE BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2017/04/12 ARN
SeriesEnReserOilBP BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2018/11/07 JD
SeriesEnReserOilSandsBGR BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2019/02/28 AA
SeriesEnReserShaleGasBGR BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2019/02/28 AA
SeriesEnReserShaleOilBGR BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2019/02/28 AA; In 2014, term changed from Shale Oil to Tight Oil
SeriesEnResorCBMBGR BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2019/02/28 AA
SeriesEnResorCoal WEC
SeriesEnResorCoalBGRBBOE BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2017/05/03 ARN; Combined hard and brown coal totals; Conversions: 1 ton hard coal=4.879boe, brown=2.053boe
SeriesEnResorGas WEC
SeriesEnResorGasBGR BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2019/02/28 AA; Total is inclusive of EnReserGasBGR
SeriesEnResorGasBGRBBOE BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2017/04/21 ARN; Total is inclusive of EnReserGasBGR
SeriesEnResorGasUSGS U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORLD PETROLEUM ASSESSMENT 2000  available at: http://pubs.usgs.gov/dds/dds-060/index.html#TOP 2005/01/01
SeriesEnResorHeavyOilBGR BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2019/02/28 AA
SeriesEnResorHydEcon World Energy Resources Survey 2013 (http://www.worldenergy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Complete_WER_2013_Survey.pdf) 2014/01/07 DAB (vetter); PJO: used conversion factors to change GWh to MTOE to BBOE. GWh*(8.59845E-5 MTOE*.00733 BBOE)
SeriesEnResorHydTech World Energy Resources Survey 2013 (http://www.worldenergy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Complete_WER_2013_Survey.pdf) 2014/01/07 DAB (vetter); PJO: used conversion factors to change GWh to MTOE to BBOE. GWh*(8.59845E-5 MTOE*.00733 BBOE)
SeriesEnResorHydTheo World Energy Resources Survey 2013 (http://www.worldenergy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Complete_WER_2013_Survey.pdf) 2014/01/07 DAB (vetter); PJO: used conversion factors to change GWh to MTOE to BBOE. GWh*(8.59845E-5 MTOE*.00733 BBOE)
SeriesEnResorNGLUSGS U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORLD PETROLEUM ASSESSMENT 2000  available at: http://pubs.usgs.gov/dds/dds-060/index.html#TOP 2005/01/01
SeriesEnResorOil WEC
SeriesEnResorOilBGR BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2019/02/28 AA; Total is inclusive of EnReserOilBGR
SeriesEnResorOilBGRBBOE BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2017/04/21 ARN; Total is inclusive of EnReserOilBGR
SeriesEnResorOilSandsBGR BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2019/02/28 AA
SeriesEnResorOilUSGS U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORLD PETROLEUM ASSESSMENT 2000  available at: http://pubs.usgs.gov/dds/dds-060/index.html#TOP 2005/01/01
SeriesEnResorShaleGasBGR BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2019/02/28 AA
SeriesEnResorShaleOilBGR BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2019/02/28 AA; In 2014, term changed from Shale Oil to Tight Oil; Reserves and Resources not added
SeriesEnResorSynthetic WEC
SeriesEnResorTightGasBGR BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources" 2019/02/28 AA
SeriesEnTPESCoalCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/27 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; HF
SeriesEnTPESCombustibleRenewableWasteCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/27 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; HF
SeriesEnTPESCrudeNGLFeedstocksCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/27 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; HF
SeriesEnTPESElectricityCDIEA IEA (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull 2017/05/27 From World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; HF
SeriesEnTPESGasCDIEA IEA 2012 BATCH PULL 2013/08/12 DAB - FROM SUMMARY FILE; AS from DSR; Converted from 'ktoe' to billion barrels of oil equivalent, conversion factor is 7.33 toe/boe
SeriesEnTPESGeothermalCDIEA IEA 2012 BATCH PULL 2013/08/12 DAB - FROM SUMMARY FILE; AS from DSR; Converted from 'ktoe' to billion barrels of oil equivalent, conversion factor is 7.33 toe/boe
SeriesEnTPESHeatCDIEA IEA 2012 BATCH PULL 2013/08/12 DAB - FROM SUMMARY FILE; AS from DSR; Converted from 'ktoe' to billion barrels of oil equivalent, conversion factor is 7.33 toe/boe
SeriesEnTPESHydroCDIEA IEA 2012 BATCH PULL 2013/08/12 DAB - FROM SUMMARY FILE; AS from DSR; Converted from 'ktoe' to billion barrels of oil equivalent, conversion factor is 7.33 toe/boe
SeriesEnTPESNuclearCDIEA IEA 2012 BATCH PULL 2013/08/12 DAB - FROM SUMMARY FILE; AS from DSR; Converted from 'ktoe' to billion barrels of oil equivalent, conversion factor is 7.33 toe/boe
SeriesEnTPESOilProductsCDIEA IEA 2012 BATCH PULL 2013/08/12 DAB - FROM SUMMARY FILE; AS from DSR; Converted from 'ktoe' to billion barrels of oil equivalent, conversion factor is 7.33 toe/boe
SeriesEnTPESPeatCDIEA IEA 2012 BATCH PULL 2013/08/12 DAB - FROM SUMMARY FILE; AS from DSR; Converted from 'ktoe' to billion barrels of oil equivalent, conversion factor is 7.33 toe/boe
SeriesEnTPESSolarWindOtherCDIEA IEA 2012 BATCH PULL 2013/08/12 DAB - FROM SUMMARY FILE; AS from DSR; Converted from 'ktoe' to billion barrels of oil equivalent, conversion factor is 7.33 toe/boe
SeriesEnTPESTotalCDIEA IEA 2012 BATCH PULL 2013/08/12 DAB - FROM SUMMARY FILE; AS from DSR; Converted from 'ktoe' to billion barrels of oil equivalent, conversion factor is 7.33 toe/boe
SeriesEnvAnnual%Deforest UNDP CD 1999
SeriesEnvAvgAnnTemp http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cas/wigley/magicc/ and http://na.unep.net/globalpop/1-degree/description.php 2009/07/27 Data was developed by combining: 1) grid level data on historic data and normalized changes in temp. as provided in MAGICC/SCENGEN5.3v2 and 2) data matching 1x1 degree grid cells to countries from the Global Population Distribution Database 1990
SeriesEnvAvgAnnTempChg http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cas/wigley/magicc/ and http://na.unep.net/globalpop/1-degree/description.php 2009/07/27 Data was developed by combining: 1) grid level data on historic data and normalized changes in temp. as provided in MAGICC/SCENGEN5.3v2 and 2) data matching 1x1 degree grid cells to countries from the Global Population Distribution Database 1990
SeriesEnvAvgAnnTempChgNEWLong World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal 2017/11/02 JD,RG
SeriesEnvAvgAnnTempNEWLong World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal 2017/10/25 JD,RG
SeriesEnvBiodiversityAssistanceDonor UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD Official Indicator
SeriesEnvBiodiversityAssistanceRecipient UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesEnvCookingFuelBiogas%HHTotal WHO Household Energy Database 2013/11/17 sdt,smd; Taken from national survey data, DHS,WHS
SeriesEnvCookingFuelBiomass%HHtotal WHO Household Energy Database 2013/11/17 sdt,smd; Taken from national survey data, DHS,WHS
SeriesEnvCookingFuelCharcoal%HHTotal WHO Household Energy Database 2013/11/17 sdt,smd; Taken from national survey data, DHS,WHS
SeriesEnvCookingFuelClean%HHtotal WHO Household Energy Database 2013/11/17 sdt,smd; Taken from national survey data, DHS,WHS
SeriesEnvCookingFuelCoal%HHTotal WHO Household Energy Database 2013/11/17 sdt,smd; Taken from national survey data, DHS,WHS
SeriesEnvCookingFuelCropWaste%HHTotal WHO Household Energy Database 2013/11/17 sdt,smd; Taken from national survey data, DHS,WHS
SeriesEnvCookingFuelDung%HHTotal WHO Household Energy Database 2013/11/17 sdt,smd; Taken from national survey data, DHS,WHS
SeriesEnvCookingFuelElec%HHTotal WHO Household Energy Database 2013/11/17 sdt,smd; Taken from national survey data, DHS,WHS
SeriesEnvCookingFuelKerosene%HHTotal WHO Household Energy Database 2013/11/17 sdt,smd; Taken from national survey data, DHS,WHS
SeriesEnvCookingFuelLNG%HHTotal WHO Household Energy Database 2013/11/17 sdt,smd; Taken from national survey data, DHS,WHS
SeriesEnvCookingFuelLPG%HHTotal WHO Household Energy Database 2013/11/17 sdt,smd; Taken from national survey data, DHS,WHS
SeriesEnvCookingFuelSolid%HHTotal WHO Household Energy Database 2013/11/17 sdt,smd; Taken from national survey data, DHS,WHS
SeriesEnvCookingFuelWood%HHTotal WHO Household Energy Database 2013/11/17 sdt,smd; Taken from national survey data, DHS,WHS
SeriesEnvEcolFootprintBuiltLd Global Footprint Network http://www.footprintnetwork.org/gfn_sub.php?content=download 2005/03/01
SeriesEnvEcolFootprintEnergy Global Footprint Network http://www.footprintnetwork.org/gfn_sub.php?content=download 2005/03/01
SeriesEnvEcolFootprintFood Global Footprint Network http://www.footprintnetwork.org/gfn_sub.php?content=download 2005/03/01
SeriesEnvEcolFootprintTotal Global Footprint Network http://www.footprintnetwork.org/gfn_sub.php?content=download 2005/03/01
SeriesEnvFuelClean% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 Official indicator; Coded all >95 values as 97 and all <5 values as 5; JD; AJM
SeriesEnvGlassRec% UNDP CD 1999
SeriesEnvHazWasteProd UNDP CD 1999
SeriesEnvKyotoStatus WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01 Converted categories to codes
SeriesEnvOrgCountryParticBasel% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/08/02 CW Additional series
SeriesEnvOrgCountryParticMontreal% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/08/02 CW Additional series
SeriesEnvOrgCountryParticRotterdam% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/08/02 CW Additional series
SeriesEnvOrgCountryParticStockholm% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/08/02 CW Additional series
SeriesEnvPaperRec% UNDP CD 1999
SeriesEnvPerformInd Yale and CIESIN; http://www.yale.edu/epi/ 2006/02/01 Pilot Series were done in 2001 and 2002; see Env Sustainabiltiy Index; see Env Sustainabiltiy Index
SeriesEnvPM10 WDI 2014 May BATCH PULL 2014/06/11 DKB: Peru values chained with CEPLAN data. MR;CN; AMB
SeriesEnvPMWDI World Development Indicators 2022/03/21 YX; JS
SeriesEnvPrecipitation http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cas/wigley/magicc/ and http://na.unep.net/globalpop/1-degree/description.php 2009/07/27 Data was developed by combining: 1) grid level data on historic data and normalized changes in temp. as provided in MAGICC/SCENGEN5.3v2 and 2) data matching 1x1 degree grid cells to countries from the Global Population Distribution Database 1990
SeriesEnvPrecipitationChg http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cas/wigley/magicc/ and http://na.unep.net/globalpop/1-degree/description.php 2009/07/27 Data was developed by combining: 1) grid level data on historic data and normalized changes in temp. as provided in MAGICC/SCENGEN5.3v2 and 2) data matching 1x1 degree grid cells to countries from the Global Population Distribution Database 1990
SeriesEnvPrecipitationChgNEWLong World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal 2017/11/02 JD,RG
SeriesEnvPrecipitationNEWLong World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal 2017/10/25 JD,RG
SeriesEnvProtectedEcosystemFreshwater% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesEnvProtectedEcosystemTerrestrial% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesEnvProtectedMarineArea% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesEnvProtectedMarineAreas UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/08/04 CW, Official Indicator
SeriesEnvSolidFuels UNSTATS and WHO survey data and missing point estimation by DPHE, WHO and UC Berkley researchers 2013/07/03 BH; PO; DSR wanted to put hard data and missing point estimations (done by WHO & Berkley) in the same table
SeriesEnvSolidFuelsImproved Randall Kuhn prepared it from GACC tables and remove the ones that were implausible and for tiny countries. Then added regional figures based on the old WHO data, basically taking the lower of the rural and urban figures. 2013/12/19
SeriesEnvSustainability http://www.ciesin.columbia.edu/indicators/esi/index.html 2006/02/01 Pilot Series were done in 2001 and 2002
SeriesEnvTotalMarineArea UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/08/04 CW, Official Indicator
SeriesEnvTradStove%HHRural Rehfuess, Hutton and Tediosi et al. 2007 (WHO) 2013/11/17 sdt,smd
SeriesEnvTradStove%HHUrban Rehfuess, Hutton and Tediosi et al. 2007 (WHO) 2013/11/17 sdt,smd
SeriesEqualAccessIndicatorsIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2017/06/30 CW,MM
SeriesEqualDistributionofResourcesIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/08 BG
SeriesEqualityBeforetheLawandIndividualLibertyIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/08 BG
SeriesEqualProtectionIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/08 BG
SeriesEthnic1 CIA World Factbook; holes filled (for 2007 column) by Jonathan Moyer various sources 2013/12/17 JEM
SeriesEthnic2 CIA World Factbook; holes filled by Jonathan Moyer various sources 2013/12/17 JEM
SeriesEthnicFracEthinicity Alberto Alesina, et al. 2002 "Fractionalization" 2010/09/08 ME
SeriesEthnicFracLanguage Alberto Alesina, et al. 2002 "Fractionalization" 2010/09/08 ME
SeriesEthnicFracReligion Alberto Alesina, et al. 2002 "Fractionalization" 2010/09/08 ME
SeriesEthnoLinguisticFract Philip G. Roeder.  2001.   "Ethnolinguistic Fractionalization (ELF) Indices, Philip G. Roeder. 2001.   http://weber.ucsd.edu/~proeder/elf.htm (10/16/02)
SeriesEUMembership Constructed from assorted
SeriesExciseTax%GDPimf IMF WoRLD 2017/03/30 HF;JM Country concordance created for this series IMF WoRLD. Unable to pull series as a batch.
SeriesExecutiveCorruptionIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/08 BG
SeriesExecutiveElectoralRegimeIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesExMaintRepair%Ser IMF Balance of Payments 2022/02/26 JD, CP
SeriesExManuSer%Ser IMF Balance of Payments 2022/02/26 JD, CP
SeriesExOtherBusiness%Ser IMF Balance of Payments 2022/02/26 JD, CP
SeriesExOtherConstruction%Ser IMF Balance of Payments 2022/02/26 JD, CP
SeriesExOtherCulRecreation%Ser IMF Balance of Payments 2022/02/26 JD, CP
SeriesExOtherFinancial%Ser IMF Balance of Payments 2022/02/26 JD, CP
SeriesExOtherGovGoodSer%Ser IMF Balance of Payments 2022/02/26 JD, CP
SeriesExOtherInsurPen%Ser IMF Balance of Payments 2022/02/26 JD, CP
SeriesExOtherIntellectual%Ser IMF Balance of Payments 2022/02/26 JD, CP
SeriesExOtherTelCom%Ser IMF Balance of Payments 2022/03/28 JD, CP
SeriesExpandedFreedomofExpressionIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2017/06/30 CW,MM
SeriesExportGoods WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/02/01 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesExportGoodSer% World Development Indicators 2022/03/21 YX, JD
SeriesExportHighTech%Man WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesExportImport%GDP WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/01/18 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesExportQuantityIndex WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesExportServices WDI BATCH Update 2020 2020/06/09 YX
SeriesExportServices%GDP World Development Indicators 2022/03/21 YX; JS
SeriesExportsGoodsServices WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/01/18 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesExportsGoodsServicesIncome WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/02/01 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesExportsMerchandise WDI BATCH Update 2020 2020/06/09 YX
SeriesExportsMerchandise%GDP World Development Indicators 2022/03/21 YX; JS
SeriesExportValueIndex WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesExTransportFreight%Ser IMF Balance of Payments 2022/02/26 JD, CP
SeriesExTransportOther%Ser IMF Balance of Payments 2022/02/26 JD, CP
SeriesExTransportPass%Ser IMF Balance of Payments 2022/02/26 JD, CP
SeriesExTravelBusiness%Ser IMF Balance of Payments 2022/02/26 JD, CP
SeriesExTravelPersonal%Ser IMF Balance of Payments 2022/02/26 JD, CP
SeriesFoodInsec% WDI 2021/08/31 AP
SeriesForecastandHistInfMortMedUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2014/01/23 2010 assigned average of 2005-2010 and 2010-2015, and so on
SeriesForecastandHistPopulationBothSexesConstUNPD2010Rev http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/06/01 AS
SeriesForecastandHistPopulationBothSexesHighUNPD2010Rev http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/06/01 AS
SeriesForecastandHistPopulationBothSexesLowUNPD2010Rev http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/06/01 AS
SeriesForecastandHistPopulationBothSexesMedUNPD2010Rev http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/06/01 AS
SeriesForecastBirthsIIASASSP1 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally for 5 year periods. Transformed by spreading.
SeriesForecastBirthsIIASASSP2 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally for 5 year periods. Transformed by spreading.
SeriesForecastBirthsIIASASSP3 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally for 5 year periods. Transformed by spreading.
SeriesForecastBirthsIIASASSP4 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally for 5 year periods. Transformed by spreading.
SeriesForecastBirthsIIASASSP5 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally for 5 year periods. Transformed by spreading.
SeriesForecastBirthsUNPDMed UNPD WPP 2019, WDI 2021/01/05 YX;
SeriesForecastCapitalStocksCEPII CEPII 2013/03/18 BH;SGH
SeriesForecastCBRUNPDMed UNPD WPP 2019, WDI 2021/01/05 YX;
SeriesForecastCDR0MigrationUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/28 Shelby; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs - SJ
SeriesForecastCDRConstFertilityUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/16 KN, RG No data for Kosovo
SeriesForecastCDRConstFertilityUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/05/07 AW. Annualized with interpolate function in IFs.
SeriesForecastCDRConstFertUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/28 Shelby; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs - SJ
SeriesForecastCDRConstMortalityUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/28 Shelby; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs - SJ
SeriesForecastCDRConstMortUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/16 KN, RG No data for Kosovo
SeriesForecastCDRConstMortUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/05/07 AW. Annualized with interpolate function in IFs.
SeriesForecastCDRHighUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/28 Shelby; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs - SJ
SeriesForecastCDRHighVariantUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/16 KN, RG No data for Kosovo
SeriesForecastCDRHighVariantUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/05/07 AW. Annualized with interpolate function in IFs.
SeriesForecastCDRlowUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/28 Shelby; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs - SJ
SeriesForecastCDRLowVariantUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/16 KN, RG No data for Kosovo
SeriesForecastCDRLowVariantUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/05/07 AW. Annualized with interpolate function in IFs.
SeriesForecastCDRMediumVariantUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/16 KN, RG No data for Kosovo
SeriesForecastCDRMediumVariantUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/05/07 AW. Annualized with interpolate function in IFs.
SeriesForecastCDRMedUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/28 Shelby; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs - SJ
SeriesForecastCDRMomentumUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/16 KN, RG No data for Kosovo
SeriesForecastCDRMomentumUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/05/07 AW. Annualized with interpolate function in IFs.
SeriesForecastCDRNoChangeUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/28 Shelby; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs - SJ
SeriesForecastCDRNochangeUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/16 KN, RG No data for Kosovo
SeriesForecastCDRNochangeUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/05/07 AW. Annualized with interpolate function in IFs.
SeriesForecastCDRreplacementUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/28 Shelby; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs - SJ
SeriesForecastCDRUNPDMed UNPD WPP 2019, WDI 2021/01/05 YX;
SeriesForecastCO2IIASARCP26 IIASA RCP Database 2022/03/15 YX
SeriesForecastCO2IIASARCP45 IIASA RCP Database 2022/03/15 YX
SeriesForecastCO2IIASARCP60 IIASA RCP Database 2022/03/15 YX
SeriesForecastCO2IIASARCP85 IIASA RCP Database 2022/03/15 YX
SeriesForecastConstFertilityUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/02 JD,KN
SeriesForecastConstFertilityUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2019/10/16 AA
SeriesForecastConstFertilityUNPD2019RevAnn See ForecastConstFertilityUNPD2019RevAW 2020/05/13 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastConstFertilityUNPD2019RevAW provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastDeathsIIASASSP1 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally for 5 year periods. Transformed by spreading.
SeriesForecastDeathsIIASASSP2 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally for 5 year periods. Transformed by spreading.
SeriesForecastDeathsIIASASSP3 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally for 5 year periods. Transformed by spreading.
SeriesForecastDeathsIIASASSP4 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally for 5 year periods. Transformed by spreading.
SeriesForecastDeathsIIASASSP5 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally for 5 year periods. Transformed by spreading.
SeriesForecastDependencyRatio0MigrationUNPD2015Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/10/08 every 5 years - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioConstantFertilityUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/26 EB,KN
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioConstantFertilityUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2019/10/16 AA
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioConstantMortalityUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/26 EB,KN
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioConstMortUNPD2015Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/10/08 every 5 years - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioHighUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/26 EB,KN
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioHighUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2019/10/16 AA
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioInstantReplacementUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/26 EB,KN
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioInstantReplacementUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2019/10/16 AA
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioLowUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/26 EB,KN
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioLowUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2019/10/16 AA
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioMediumUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/26 EB,KN
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioMediumUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2019/10/16 AA
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioMomentumUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2019/10/16 AA
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioNoChangeUNPD2015Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/10/08 every 5 years - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioNoChangeUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/26 EB,KN
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioNoChangeUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2019/10/16 AA
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOld0MigrationUNPD2015Rev UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/26 5 year periods - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOld0MigrationUNPD2019Rev UNPD WPP 2019 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2019/10/16 AA
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldConstFertUNPD2015Rev UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/26 5 year periods - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldConstFertUNPD2019Rev UNPD WPP 2019 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2019/10/16 AA
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldConstMortalityUNPD2015Rev UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/26 5 year periods - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldConstMortalityUNPD2019Rev UNPD WPP 2019 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2019/10/16 AA
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldHighUNPD2015Rev UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/26 5 year periods - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldHighUNPD2019Rev UNPD WPP 2019 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2019/10/16 AA
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldLowUNPD2015Rev UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/26 5 year periods - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldLowUNPD2019Rev UNPD WPP 2019 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2019/10/16 AA
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldMedUNPD2015Rev UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/26 5 year periods - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldNoChangeUNPD2015Rev UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/26 5 year periods - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldNoChangeUNPD2019Rev UNPD WPP 2019 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2019/10/17 AA
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldReplacementUNPD2015Rev UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/26 5 year periods - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldReplacementUNPD2019Rev UNPD WPP 2019 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2019/10/17 AA
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioYoungConstFertUNPD2015Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/10/08 every 5 years - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioYoungHighUNPD2015Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/10/08 every 5 years - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioYoungIIASASSP1 Wittgenstein Centre Data Explorer - http://www.oeaw.ac.at/vid/dataexplorer/ 2015/10/08 every 5 years - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioYoungIIASASSP2 Wittgenstein Centre Data Explorer - http://www.oeaw.ac.at/vid/dataexplorer/ 2015/10/08 every 5 years - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioYoungIIASASSP2CER Wittgenstein Centre Data Explorer - http://www.oeaw.ac.at/vid/dataexplorer/ 2015/10/08 every 5 years - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioYoungIIASASSP2FT Wittgenstein Centre Data Explorer - http://www.oeaw.ac.at/vid/dataexplorer/ 2015/10/08 every 5 years - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioYoungIIASASSP3 Wittgenstein Centre Data Explorer - http://www.oeaw.ac.at/vid/dataexplorer/ 2015/10/08 every 5 years - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioYoungIIASASSP4 Wittgenstein Centre Data Explorer - http://www.oeaw.ac.at/vid/dataexplorer/ 2015/10/08 every 5 years - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioYoungIIASASSP5 Wittgenstein Centre Data Explorer - http://www.oeaw.ac.at/vid/dataexplorer/ 2015/10/08 every 5 years - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioYoungLowUNPD2015Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/10/08 every 5 years - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioYoungMedUNPD2015Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/10/08 every 5 years - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioYoungReplacementUNPD2015Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/10/08 every 5 years - SJ
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioZeroMigrationUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/26 EB,KN
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioZeroMigrationUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2019/10/17 AA
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentFemalePrimaryschooling15-24(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/11 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentFemalePrimaryschooling15-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/07 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentFemalePrimaryschooling25-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/07 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentFemaleSecondaryschooling15-24(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentFemaleSecondaryschooling15-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentFemaleSecondaryschooling25-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/07 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentFemaleTertiaryschooling15-24(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentFemaleTertiaryschooling15-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/07 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentFemaleTertiaryschooling25-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentFemaleTotalschooling15-24(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/07 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentFemaleTotalschooling15-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/07 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentFemaleTotalschooling25-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/07 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentMalePrimaryschooling15-24(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentMalePrimaryschooling15-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentMalePrimaryschooling25-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentMaleSecondaryschooling15-24(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentMaleSecondaryschooling15-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentMaleSecondaryschooling25-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentMaleTertiaryschooling15-24(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentMaleTertiaryschooling15-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentMaleTertiaryschooling25-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentMaleTotalschooling15-24(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/07 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentMaleTotalschooling15-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/07 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentMaleTotalschooling25-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/07 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentTotalPrimaryschooling15-24(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentTotalPrimaryschooling15-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentTotalPrimaryschooling25-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentTotalSecondaryschooling15-24(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentTotalSecondaryschooling15-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentTotalSecondaryschooling25-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentTotalTertiaryschooling15-24(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentTotalTertiaryschooling15-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentTotalTertiaryschooling25-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentTotalTotalschooling15-24(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/08 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentTotalTotalschooling15-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/07 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEdAttainmentTotalTotalschooling25-64(B-L) Barro-Lee 2017/09/07 MM; JW
SeriesForecastEmissionsCO2fromCoal IEA World Energy Outlook 2014 2015/10/08 Shelby; converted million tons of CO2 to million tons of carbon - SJ
SeriesForecastEmissionsCO2fromGas IEA World Energy Outlook 2014 2015/10/08 Shelby; converted million tons of CO2 to million tons of carbon - SJ
SeriesForecastEmissionsCO2fromOil IEA World Energy Outlook 2014 2015/10/08 Shelby; converted million tons of CO2 to million tons of carbon - SJ
SeriesForecastEnConCoalEIA2011 http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/#release=IEO2011&subject=7-IEO2011&table=7-IEO2011&region=0-0&cases=Reference-0504a_1630 2013/08/07 SMD, DAB; Converted to BBOE from quadrillion btu (*0.18); Australia includes New Zealand; Mexico includes Chile
SeriesForecastEnConCoalEIA2013 http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/#release=IEO2013&subject=7-IEO2013&table=7-IEO2013&region=0-0&cases=Reference-d041117 2013/08/07 SMD, DAB; Converted to BBOE from quadrillion btu (*0.18); Australia includes New Zealand; Mexico includes Chile; SMD, DAB
SeriesForecastEnConLiquidEIA2011 http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/#release=IEO2011&subject=1-IEO2011&table=5-IEO2011&region=0-0&cases=Reference-0504a_1630 2013/06/25 SGH; converted to BBOE from million barrels per day (Mb/d); Australia includes New Zealand; Mexico includes Chile
SeriesForecastEnConLiquidEIA2013 http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/#release=IEO2013&subject=5-IEO2013&table=5-IEO2013&region=0-0&cases=Reference-d041117 2013/08/07 SMD, DAB;Converted to BBOE from million barrels per day (Mb/d)(*0.365); Australia includes New Zealand; Mexico includes Chile; SMD, DAB
SeriesForecastEnConNatGasEIA2011 http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/#release=IEO2011&subject=1-IEO2011&table=6-IEO2011&region=0-0&cases=Reference-0504a_1630 2013/06/25 SGH; converted to BBOE from trillion cubic feet (tcf); Australia includes New Zealand; Mexico includes Chile
SeriesForecastEnConNatGasEIA2013 http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/#release=IEO2011&subject=1-IEO2011&table=6-IEO2011&region=0-0&cases=Reference-0504a_1630 2013/08/14 SMD, DAB; Converted to BBOE from trillion cubic feet (divided by 5.35); Australia includes New Zealand; Mexico includes Chile; DAB, SMD
SeriesForecastEnConNatGasIEA2012 http://www.iea.org/W/bookshop/add.aspx?id=433%20 (available through University library for free) 2013/06/25 SGH; converted to BBOE from million tons oil equivalent (Mtoe)
SeriesForecastEnConOilIEA2012 http://www.iea.org/W/bookshop/add.aspx?id=433%20 (available through University library for free) 2013/06/25 SGH; converted to BBOE from Million tons oil equivalent (Mtoe)
SeriesForecastEnProdCoalIEA2014 IEA WEO 2014 2015/09/30 SJ; Converted from mtce to bboe
SeriesForecastEnProdGasIEA2014 IEA WEO 2014 2015/09/30 SJ; Converted from bcm to bboe
SeriesForecastEnProdLiquidEIA2013 http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/#release=IEO2013&subject=5-IEO2013&table=38-IEO2013&region=0-0&cases=Reference-d041117 2013/08/07 SMD, DAB; Converted to BBOE from million barrels per day (Mb/d)(*0.365); Australia includes New Zealand; Mexico includes Chile; SMD, DAB
SeriesForecastEnProdNatGasEIA2011 http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/ 2013/06/20 SGH; converted from trillion cubic feet (tcf)
SeriesForecastEnProdNatGasEIA2013 http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/#release=IEO2013&subject=6-IEO2013&table=45-IEO2013&region=0-0&cases=Reference-d041117 2013/08/14 SMD, DAB; Converted from trillion cubic feet (divided by 5.35); Australia includes New Zealand; Turkey includes Israel; DAB, SMD
SeriesForecastEnProdNatGasIEA2012 http://www.iea.org/W/bookshop/add.aspx?id=433%20 (available through University library for free) 2013/06/20 SGH; converted from billion cubic meters (bcm)
SeriesForecastEnProdOilEIA2011 http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/ 2013/06/20 SGH; converted from million barrels per day (mb/d)
SeriesForecastEnProdOilIEA2012 http://www.iea.org/W/bookshop/add.aspx?id=433%20 (available through University library for free) 2013/06/20 SGH; converted from million barrels per day (mb/d)
SeriesForecastEnProdOilIEA2014 IEA WEO 2014 2015/09/30 SJ; Converted from mb/d to bboe
SeriesForecastEnvTempChgMedianRCP26 World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal 2022/03/11 YT;GE
SeriesForecastEnvTempChgMedianRCP45 World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal 2022/03/11 YT;GE;
SeriesForecastEnvTempChgMedianRCP60 World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal 2022/03/13 YT; GE
SeriesForecastEnvTempChgMedianRCP85 World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal 2022/03/13 YT; GE
SeriesForecastEnvTempChgP10RCP26 World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal 2022/03/13 YT; GE
SeriesForecastEnvTempChgP10RCP45 World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal 2022/03/13 YT;GE
SeriesForecastEnvTempChgP10RCP60 World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal 2022/03/13 YT;GE
SeriesForecastEnvTempChgP10RCP85 World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal 2022/03/13 YT;GE
SeriesForecastEnvTempChgP90RCP26 World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal 2022/03/13 YT;GE
SeriesForecastEnvTempChgP90RCP45 World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal 2022/03/13 YT;GE
SeriesForecastEnvTempChgP90RCP60 World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal 2022/03/13 YT;GE
SeriesForecastEnvTempChgP90RCP85 World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal 2022/03/13 YT;GE
SeriesForecastEnvWTempLandMeanRCP26 World Meteorological Organization Climate Explorer (WMO KNMI) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesForecastEnvWTempLandMeanRCP45 World Meteorological Organization Climate Explorer (WMO KNMI) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesForecastEnvWTempLandMeanRCP60 World Meteorological Organization Climate Explorer (WMO KNMI) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesForecastEnvWTempLandMeanRCP85 World Meteorological Organization Climate Explorer (WMO KNMI) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesForecastEnvWTempLandMedianRCP26 World Meteorological Organization Climate Explorer (WMO KNMI) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesForecastEnvWTempLandMedianRCP45 World Meteorological Organization Climate Explorer (WMO KNMI) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesForecastEnvWTempLandMedianRCP60 World Meteorological Organization Climate Explorer (WMO KNMI) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesForecastEnvWTempLandMedianRCP85 World Meteorological Organization Climate Explorer (WMO KNMI) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesForecastEnvWTempLandP10RCP26 World Meteorological Organization Climate Explorer (WMO KNMI) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesForecastEnvWTempLandP10RCP45 World Meteorological Organization Climate Explorer (WMO KNMI) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesForecastEnvWTempLandP10RCP60 World Meteorological Organization Climate Explorer (WMO KNMI) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesForecastEnvWTempLandP10RCP85 World Meteorological Organization Climate Explorer (WMO KNMI) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesForecastEnvWTempLandP90RCP26 World Meteorological Organization Climate Explorer (WMO KNMI) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesForecastEnvWTempLandP90RCP45 World Meteorological Organization Climate Explorer (WMO KNMI) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesForecastEnvWTempLandP90RCP60 World Meteorological Organization Climate Explorer (WMO KNMI) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesForecastEnvWTempLandP90RCP85 World Meteorological Organization Climate Explorer (WMO KNMI) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesForecastFertility0MigrationUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 Every 5 years
SeriesForecastFertility0MigrationUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/22 SJ; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs
SeriesForecastFertilityConstMortalityUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 Every 5 years
SeriesForecastFertilityConstMortalityUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/22 SJ; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs
SeriesForecastFertilityConstMortalityUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/02 JD,KNAnnualized value is computed using spread function in IFs;JD
SeriesForecastFertilityConstMortalityUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2019/10/17 AA
SeriesForecastFertilityConstMortalityUNPD2019RevAnn See ForecastFertilityConstMortalityUNPD2019RevAW 2020/05/13 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastFertilityConstMortalityUNPD2019RevAW provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastfertilityConstUNPD http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/fertility.htm 2013/05/01 2010 assigned average of 2005-2010 and 2010-2015, and so on
SeriesForecastFertilityConstUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 Every 5 years
SeriesForecastFertilityConstUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/22 SJ; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs
SeriesForecastfertilityHighUNPD http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/fertility.htm 2013/05/01 2010 assigned average of 2005-2010 and 2010-2015, and so on
SeriesForecastFertilityHighUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 Every 5 years
SeriesForecastFertilityHighUNPD2015ANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/22 SJ; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs
SeriesForecastFertilityHighUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/02 JD,KNAnnualized value is computed using spread function in IFs;JD
SeriesForecastFertilityHighUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2019/10/17 AA
SeriesForecastFertilityHighUNPD2019RevAnn See ForecastFertilityHighUNPD2019RevAW 2020/05/13 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastFertilityHighUNPD2019RevAW provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastfertilityLowUNPD http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/fertility.htm 2013/05/01 2010 assigned average of 2005-2010 and 2010-2015, and so on
SeriesForecastFertilityLowUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 Every 5 years
SeriesForecastFertilityLowUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/22 SJ; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs
SeriesForecastFertilityLowUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/02 JD,KNAnnualized value is computed using spread function in IFs;JD
SeriesForecastFertilityLowUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2019/10/17 AA
SeriesForecastFertilityLowUNPD2019RevAnn See ForecastFertilityLowUNPD2019RevAW 2020/05/13 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastFertilityLowUNPD2019RevAW provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastfertilityMedUNPD http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/fertility.htm 2013/05/01 2010 assigned average of 2005-2010 and 2010-2015, and so on
SeriesForecastFertilityMedUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 Every 5 years
SeriesForecastFertilityMedUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/22 SJ; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs
SeriesForecastFertilityMedUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/02 JD,KNAnnualized value is computed using spread function in IFs;JD
SeriesForecastFertilityMedUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2019/10/17 AA
SeriesForecastFertilityMedUNPD2019RevAnn See ForecastFertilityMedUNPD2019RevAW 2020/05/13 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastFertilityMedUNPD2019RevAW provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastFertilityNoChangeUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 Every 5 years
SeriesForecastFertilityNoChangeUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/22 SJ; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs
SeriesForecastFertilityNoChangeUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/02 JD,KNAnnualized value is computed using spread function in IFs;JD
SeriesForecastFertilityNoChangeUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2019/10/17 AA
SeriesForecastFertilityNoChangeUNPD2019RevAnn See ForecastFertilityNoChangeUNPD2019RevAW 2020/05/13 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastFertilityNoChangeUNPD2019RevAW provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastFertilityReplacementUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 Every 5 years
SeriesForecastFertilityReplacementUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/22 SJ; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs
SeriesForecastFertilityReplacementUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/02 JD,KNAnnualized value is computed using spread function in IFs;JD
SeriesForecastFertilityReplacementUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2019/10/17 AA
SeriesForecastFertilityReplacementUNPD2019RevAnn See ForecastFertilityReplacementUNPD2019RevAW 2020/05/13 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastFertilityReplacementUNPD2019RevAW provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastFertilityZeroMigrationUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/02 JD,KNAnnualized value is computed using spread function in IFs;JD
SeriesForecastFertilityZeroMigrationUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2019/10/17 AA
SeriesForecastFertilityZeroMigrationUNPD2019RevAnn See ForecastFertilityZeroMigrationUNPD2019RevAW 2020/05/13 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastFertilityZeroMigrationUNPD2019RevAW provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastGDP2011PCPPPIIASASSP1 See ForecastGDPPIIASASSP1 and ForecastPopIIASASSP1 2014/10/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP5 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDP2011PCPPPIIASASSP2 See ForecastGDPPIIASASSP2 and ForecastPopIIASASSP2 2014/10/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP5 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDP2011PCPPPIIASASSP3 See ForecastGDPPIIASASSP3 and ForecastPopIIASASSP3 2014/10/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP5 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDP2011PCPPPIIASASSP4 See ForecastGDPPIIASASSP4 and ForecastPopIIASASSP4 2014/10/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP5 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDP2011PCPPPIIASASSP5 See ForecastGDPPIIASASSP5 and ForecastPopIIASASSP5 2014/10/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP5 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDP2011PCPPPOECDSSP1 See ForecastGDPPOECDSSP1 and ForecastPopIIASASSP1 2014/10/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP5 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDP2011PCPPPOECDSSP2 See ForecastGDPPOECDSSP2 and ForecastPopIIASASSP2 2014/10/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP5 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDP2011PCPPPOECDSSP3 See ForecastGDPPOECDSSP3 and ForecastPopIIASASSP3 2014/10/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP5 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDP2011PCPPPOECDSSP4 See ForecastGDPPOECDSSP4 and ForecastPopIIASASSP4 2014/10/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP5 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDP2011PCPPPOECDSSP5 See ForecastGDPPOECDSSP5 and ForecastPopIIASASSP5 2014/10/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP5 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDPConstantCEPII CEPII BH;SGH
SeriesForecastGDPCurrentCEPII CEPII 2013/03/18 BH;SGH
SeriesForecastGDPP2011IIASASSP1 See ForecastGDPPIIASASSP1 2014/10/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPIIASASSP1 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDPP2011IIASASSP2 See ForecastGDPPIIASASSP2 2014/10/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPIIASASSP2 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDPP2011IIASASSP3 See ForecastGDPPIIASASSP3 2014/10/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPIIASASSP3 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDPP2011IIASASSP4 See ForecastGDPPIIASASSP4 2014/10/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPIIASASSP4 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDPP2011IIASASSP5 See ForecastGDPPIIASASSP5 2014/10/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPIIASASSP5 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDPP2011OECDSSP1 See ForecastGDPPOECDSSP1 2014/10/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP1 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDPP2011OECDSSP2 See ForecastGDPPOECDSSP2 2019/07/30 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP2 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDPP2011OECDSSP3 See ForecastGDPPOECDSSP3 2014/10/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP3 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDPP2011OECDSSP4 See ForecastGDPPOECDSSP4 2014/10/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP4 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDPP2011OECDSSP5 See ForecastGDPPOECDSSP5 2014/10/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP5 provided every 5 years; Converted from 2005 to 2011 Dollars
SeriesForecastGDPPCGrLagendorfBurgess R. Langendorf & M. Burgess 2021/10/20 SN
SeriesForecastGDPPCLagendorfBurgess R. Langendorf & M. Burgess 2021/10/20 SN
SeriesForecastGDPpercapitaCEPII CEPII 2013/03/18 BH;SGH
SeriesForecastGDPPIIASASSP1 See ForecastGDPPIIASASSP1 2014/09/09 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPIIASASSP1 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastGDPPIIASASSP2 See ForecastGDPPIIASASSP2 2014/09/09 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPIIASASSP2 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastGDPPIIASASSP3 See ForecastGDPPIIASASSP3 2014/09/09 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPIIASASSP3 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastGDPPIIASASSP4 See ForecastGDPPIIASASSP4 2014/09/09 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPIIASASSP4 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastGDPPIIASASSP5 See ForecastGDPPIIASASSP5 2014/09/09 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPIIASASSP5 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastGDPPOECDSSP1 See ForecastGDPPOECDSSP1 2014/09/09 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP1 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastGDPPOECDSSP2 See ForecastGDPPOECDSSP2 2014/09/09 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP2 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastGDPPOECDSSP3 See ForecastGDPPOECDSSP3 2014/09/09 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP3 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastGDPPOECDSSP4 See ForecastGDPPOECDSSP4 2014/09/09 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP4 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastGDPPOECDSSP5 See ForecastGDPPOECDSSP5 2014/09/09 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastGDPPOECDSSP5 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastGiniRaoSSP1 Rao, ND, M. Gidden, P. Sauer, K. Riahi, 'Income inequality projections for the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways' 2019/10/10 JD; YX
SeriesForecastGiniRaoSSP2 Rao, ND, M. Gidden, P. Sauer, K. Riahi, 'Income inequality projections for the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways' 2019/10/10 JD; YX
SeriesForecastGiniRaoSSP3 Rao, ND, M. Gidden, P. Sauer, K. Riahi, 'Income inequality projections for the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways' 2019/10/10 JD; YX
SeriesForecastGiniRaoSSP4 Rao, ND, M. Gidden, P. Sauer, K. Riahi, 'Income inequality projections for the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways' 2019/10/10 JD; YX
SeriesForecastGiniRaoSSP5 Rao, ND, M. Gidden, P. Sauer, K. Riahi, 'Income inequality projections for the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways' 2019/10/10 JD; YX
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsCardiacBoth IHME 2019/04/08 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsCardiacFemale IHME 2019/04/08 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsCardiacMale IHME 2019/04/08 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsDiabetesBoth IHME 2019/04/08 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsDiabetesFemale IHME 2019/04/08 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsDiabetesMales IHME 2019/04/08 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsDiarrheaBoth IHME 2019/04/08 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsDiarrheaFemale IHME 2019/04/08 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsDiarrheaMale IHME 2019/04/08 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsDigestiveBoth IHME 2019/04/08 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsDigestiveFemales IHME 2019/04/08 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsDigestiveMales IHME 2019/04/08 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsHIVBoths IHME 2019/04/03 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsHIVFemales IHME 2019/04/03 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsHIVMales IHME 2019/04/03 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsIntIjBoth IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsIntIjFemales IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsIntIjMale IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsMalariaBoth IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsMalariaFemale IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsMalariaMale IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsMaligntNeoplBoth IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsMaligntNeoplFemale IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsMaligntNeoplMale IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsMntlHlthsBoth IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsMntlHlthsFemale IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsMntlHlthsMale IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsOthCDBoth IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsOthCDFemale IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsOthCDMale IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsOthIntIjBoth IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsOthIntIjFemale IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsOthIntIjMale IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsOthNCDBoth IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsOthNCDFemale IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsOthNCDMale IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsRespInfecBoth IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsRespInfecFemale IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsRespInfecMale IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsRespiratoryBoth IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsRespiratoryFemales IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsRespiratoryMale IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsRoadInjBoth IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsRoadInjFemales IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIHMEDthsRoadInjMales IHME 2019/03/18 KBN
SeriesForecastIncBelow1D90c%PovLowerIHME IHME 2020/11/11
SeriesForecastIncBelow1D90c%PovMeanIHME IHME 2020/11/11
SeriesForecastIncBelow1D90c%PovUpperIHME IHME 2020/11/11
SeriesForecastIncBelow3D20c%PovLowerIHME IHME 2020/11/11
SeriesForecastIncBelow3D20c%PovMeanIHME IHME 2020/11/11
SeriesForecastIncBelow3D20c%PovUpperIHME IHME 2020/11/11
SeriesForecastInfantMortalityMediumUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/06 MO,SK
SeriesForecastInfantMortalityMediumUNPD2019RevAnn See ForecastInfantMortalityMediumUNPD2019RevAW 2020/05/13 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastInfantMortalityMediumUNPD2019RevAW provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastInfantMortalityMedUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/28 SJ; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs - SJ
SeriesForecastInfraElecAccNationalGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/19 DSR;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecAccRuralGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/19 DSR;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecAccUrbanGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/19 DSR;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecGenerationAvgAnnNewGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecGenerationAvgAnnReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecGenerationGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/02 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecGenerationNewInv%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/01 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecGenerationO&M%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecGenerationO&MGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecGenerationReplace%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecGenerationReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecRuralAvgAnnNewGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecRuralAvgAnnReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecRuralGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/02 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecRuralNewInv%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/01 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecRuralO&M%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecRuralO&MGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecRuralReplace%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecRuralReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecUrbanAvgAnnNewGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecUrbanAvgAnnReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecUrbanGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/02 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecUrbanNewInv%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/01 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecUrbanO&M%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecUrbanO&MGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecUrbanReplace%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraElecUrbanReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraGDP5YrAvgGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/02 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraGDP5yravgHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/02 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraGDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/02 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraGDPPCGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/02 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraPopulationGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/02 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraPopulationRuralGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/19 DSR;CN
SeriesForecastInfraPopulationUrbanGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/19 DSR;CN
SeriesForecastInfraRoadsPavedAvgAnnNewGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraRoadsPavedAvgAnnReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraRoadsPavedGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/02 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraRoadsPavedNewInv%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/01 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraRoadsPavedO&M%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraRoadsPavedO&MGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraRoadsPavedReplace%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraRoadsPavedReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraRoadsTotalGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/02 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraRoadsUnpavedAvgAnnNewGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraRoadsUnpavedAvgAnnReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraRoadsUnpavedGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/02 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraRoadsUnpavedNewInv%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/01 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraRoadsUnpavedO&M%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraRoadsUnpavedO&MGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraRoadsUnpavedReplace%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraRoadsUnpavedReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraSewerAccNationalGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/19 DSR;CN
SeriesForecastInfraSewerAccRuralGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/19 DSR;CN
SeriesForecastInfraSewerAccUrbanGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/19 DSR;CN
SeriesForecastInfraSewerConnectRuralGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/02/29 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraSewerConnectUrbanGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/02/29 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraSewersRuralAvgAnnNewGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraSewersRuralAvgAnnReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraSewersRuralNewInv%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/01 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraSewersRuralO&M%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraSewersRuralO&MGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraSewersRuralReplace%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraSewersRuralReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraSewersUrbanAvgAnnNewGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraSewersUrbanAvgAnnReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraSewersUrbanNewInv%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/01 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraSewersUrbanO&M%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraSewersUrbanO&MGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraSewersUrbanReplace%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraSewersUrbanReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraTelephoneLinesGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/02/29 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraTelephonesAvgAnnNewGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraTelephonesAvgAnnReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraTelephonesNewInv%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/01 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraTelephonesO&M%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraTelephonesO&MGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraTelephonesReplace%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraTelephonesReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraUrban%Ghughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/02 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraWaterAccNationalGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2010/03/19 DSR;CN
SeriesForecastInfraWaterAccRuralGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2010/03/19 DSR;CN
SeriesForecastInfraWaterAccUrbanGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2010/03/19 DSR;CN
SeriesForecastInfraWaterConnectRuralGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/02/29 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraWaterConnectUrbanGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/02/29 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraWaterRuralAvgAnnNewGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraWaterRuralAvgAnnReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraWaterRuralNewInv%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/01 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraWaterRuralO&M%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraWaterRuralO&MGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraWaterRuralReplace%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraWaterRuralReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraWaterUrbanAvgAnnNewGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraWaterUrbanAvgAnnReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraWaterUrbanNewInv%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/01 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraWaterUrbanO&M%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraWaterUrbanO&MGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraWaterUrbanReplace%GDPGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/10 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastInfraWaterUrbanReplaceGHughes From Gordon Hughes based on work for Hughes, Gordon, Paul Chinowsky, and Ken Strzepek. 2009. “The Costs of Adapting to Climate Change for Infrastructure”. Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Discussion Paper no. 2. World Bank 2012/03/17 MJE;CN
SeriesForecastLifeExpectancyBothSexesIIASASSP1 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/25 Originally at 5 year intervals. Transformed by interpolating.
SeriesForecastLifeExpectancyBothSexesIIASASSP2 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally at 5 year intervals. Transformed by interpolating.
SeriesForecastLifeExpectancyBothSexesIIASASSP3 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally at 5 year intervals. Transformed by interpolating.
SeriesForecastLifeExpectancyBothSexesIIASASSP4 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally at 5 year intervals. Transformed by interpolating.
SeriesForecastLifeExpectancyBothSexesIIASASSP5 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally at 5 year intervals. Transformed by interpolating.
SeriesForecastLifeExpectancyFemalesIIASASSP1 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally at 5 year intervals. Transformed by interpolating.
SeriesForecastLifeExpectancyFemalesIIASASSP2 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally at 5 year intervals. Transformed by interpolating.
SeriesForecastLifeExpectancyFemalesIIASASSP3 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally at 5 year intervals. Transformed by interpolating.
SeriesForecastLifeExpectancyFemalesIIASASSP4 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally at 5 year intervals. Transformed by interpolating.
SeriesForecastLifeExpectancyFemalesIIASASSP5 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally at 5 year intervals. Transformed by interpolating.
SeriesForecastLifeExpectancyMalesIIASASSP1 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally at 5 year intervals. Transformed by interpolating.
SeriesForecastLifeExpectancyMalesIIASASSP2 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally at 5 year intervals. Transformed by interpolating.
SeriesForecastLifeExpectancyMalesIIASASSP3 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally at 5 year intervals. Transformed by interpolating.
SeriesForecastLifeExpectancyMalesIIASASSP4 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally at 5 year intervals. Transformed by interpolating.
SeriesForecastLifeExpectancyMalesIIASASSP5 Data provided by Samir KC of IIASA 2016/03/24 Originally at 5 year intervals. Transformed by interpolating.
SeriesForecastLifeExpMedBothSexesUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 Every 5 years
SeriesForecastLifeExpMedBothSexesUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/24 SJ; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs
SeriesForecastLifeExpMedBothSexesUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/02 JD,KN
SeriesForecastLifeExpMedBothSexesUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/05/07 AW. Annualized with interpolate function in IFs.
SeriesForecastLifeExpMedFemaleUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 Every 5 years
SeriesForecastLifeExpMedFemaleUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/24 SJ; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs
SeriesForecastLifeExpMedFemaleUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/02 JD,KN
SeriesForecastLifeExpMedFemaleUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/05/07 AW. Annualized with interpolate function in IFs.
SeriesForecastLifeExpMedMaleUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 Every 5 years
SeriesForecastLifeExpMedMaleUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/24 SJ; Multiplied original data by 5 then used Annualize/Spread function in IFs
SeriesForecastLifeExpMedMaleUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/02 JD,KN
SeriesForecastLifeExpMedMaleUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/05/07 AW. Annualized with interpolate function in IFs.
SeriesForecastLifExpectFemaleMedUNPD http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/mortality.htm 2013/05/01 2010 assigned average of 2005-2010 and 2010-2015, and so on
SeriesForecastLifExpectFemaleUNPD2010Rev http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/mortality.htm 2013/01/01 1955 assigned average of 1950-1955 and 1955-1960, and so on
SeriesForecastLifExpectMaleMedUNPD http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/mortality.htm 2013/05/01 2010 assigned average of 2005-2010 and 2010-2015, and so on
SeriesForecastLifExpectMaleUNPD2010Rev http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/mortality.htm 2013/01/01 1955 assigned average of 1950-1955 and 1955-1960, and so on
SeriesForecastLifExpectMedUNPD http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/mortality.htm 2013/05/01 2010 assigned average of 2005-2010 and 2010-2015, and so on
SeriesForecastLifExpectUNPD2010Rev http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/mortality.htm 2018/03/26 KN:1955 assigned average of 1950-1955 and 1955-1960, and so on
SeriesForecastMigrantFlowIn UNPD, UNHCR, Guy Abel, and Pardee estimates 2022/02/22 CLP
SeriesForecastMigrantFlowOut UNPD, UNHCR, Guy Abel, and Pardee estimates 2022/02/22 CLP
SeriesForecastMigrantRateIn UNPD, UNHCR, Guy Abel, and Pardee estimates 2022/02/22 CLP
SeriesForecastMigrantRateOut UNPD, UNHCR, Guy Abel, and Pardee estimates 2022/02/22 CLP
SeriesForecastMigrantsINIIASASSP1 Built from MIGRANTSIN Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrantsINIIASASSP2 Built from MIGRANTSIN Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrantsINIIASASSP3 Built from MIGRANTSIN Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrantsINIIASASSP4 Built from MIGRANTSIN Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrantsINIIASASSP5 Built from MIGRANTSIN Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrantsOUTIIASASSP1 Built from MIGRANTSOUT Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrantsOUTIIASASSP2 Built from MIGRANTSOUT Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrantsOUTIIASASSP3 Built from MIGRANTSOUT Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrantsOUTIIASASSP4 Built from MIGRANTSOUT Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrantsOUTIIASASSP5 Built from MIGRANTSOUT Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrantStockIn UNPD, UNHCR, Guy Abel, and Pardee estimates 2022/02/22 CLP
SeriesForecastMigrantStockOut UNPD, UNHCR, Guy Abel, and Pardee estimates 2022/02/22 CLP
SeriesForecastMigrationRateINIIASASSP1 Built from MIGRATEIN Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrationRateINIIASASSP2 Built from MIGRATEIN Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrationRateINIIASASSP3 Built from MIGRATEIN Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrationRateINIIASASSP4 Built from MIGRATEIN Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrationRateINIIASASSP5 Built from MIGRATEIN Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrationRateOUTIIASASSP1 Built from MIGRATEOUT Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrationRateOUTIIASASSP2 Built from MIGRATEOUT Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrationRateOUTIIASASSP3 Built from MIGRATEOUT Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrationRateOUTIIASASSP4 Built from MIGRATEOUT Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrationRateOUTIIASASSP5 Built from MIGRATEOUT Dyadic using NET data tables 2020/05/11 JRS Normalizing to old NET migration
SeriesForecastMigrationUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/05 KN
SeriesForecastMigrationUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/05/07 AW. Annualized with spread function in IFs
SeriesForecastMYSBothSexesAbove15YRsIIASASSP1 See ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove15YRsIIASASSP1 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove15YRsIIASASSP1 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSBothSexesAbove15YRsIIASASSP2 See ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove15YRsIIASASSP2 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove15YRsIIASASSP2 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSBothSexesAbove15YRsIIASASSP3 See ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove15YRsIIASASSP3 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove15YRsIIASASSP3 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSBothSexesAbove15YRsIIASASSP4 See ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove15YRsIIASASSP4 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove15YRsIIASASSP4 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSBothSexesAbove15YRsIIASASSP5 See ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove15YRsIIASASSP5 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove15YRsIIASASSP5 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSBothSexesAbove25YRsIIASASSP1 See ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove25YRsIIASASSP1 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove25YRsIIASASSP1 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSBothSexesAbove25YRsIIASASSP12018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/15 brm
SeriesForecastMYSBothSexesAbove25YRsIIASASSP2 See ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove25YRsIIASASSP2 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove25YRsIIASASSP2 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSBothSexesAbove25YRsIIASASSP22018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/15 brm
SeriesForecastMYSBothSexesAbove25YRsIIASASSP3 See ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove25YRsIIASASSP3 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove25YRsIIASASSP3 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSBothSexesAbove25YRsIIASASSP32018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/15 brm
SeriesForecastMYSBothSexesAbove25YRsIIASASSP4 See ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove25YRsIIASASSP4 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove25YRsIIASASSP4 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSBothSexesAbove25YRsIIASASSP5 See ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove25YRsIIASASSP5 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSBothSexesAbove25YRsIIASASSP5 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSFemaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP1 See ForecastMYSFemaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP1 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSFemaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP1 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSFemaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP2 See ForecastMYSFemaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP2 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSFemaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP2 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSFemaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP3 See ForecastMYSFemaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP3 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSFemaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP3 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSFemaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP4 See ForecastMYSFemaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP4 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSFemaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP4 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSFemaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP5 See ForecastMYSFemaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP5 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSFemaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP5 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSFemaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP1 See ForecastMYSFemaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP1 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSFemaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP1 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSFemaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP12018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/15 brm
SeriesForecastMYSFemaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP2 See ForecastMYSFemaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP2 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSFemaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP2 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSFemaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP22018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/15 brm
SeriesForecastMYSFemaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP3 See ForecastMYSFemaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP3 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSFemaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP3 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSFemaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP32018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/15 brm
SeriesForecastMYSFemaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP4 See ForecastMYSFemaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP4 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSFemaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP4 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSFemaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP5 See ForecastMYSFemaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP5 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSFemaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP5 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSMaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP1 See ForecastMYSMaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP1 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSMaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP1 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSMaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP2 See ForecastMYSMaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP2 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSMaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP2 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSMaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP3 See ForecastMYSMaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP3 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSMaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP3 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSMaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP4 See ForecastMYSMaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP4 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSMaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP4 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSMaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP5 See ForecastMYSMaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP5 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSMaleAbove15YRsIIASASSP5 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSMaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP1 See ForecastMYSMaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP1 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSMaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP1 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSMaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP12018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/15 brm
SeriesForecastMYSMaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP2 See ForecastMYSMaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP2 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSMaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP2 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSMaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP22018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/15 brm
SeriesForecastMYSMaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP3 See ForecastMYSMaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP3 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSMaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP3 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSMaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP32018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/15 brm
SeriesForecastMYSMaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP4 See ForecastMYSMaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP4 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSMaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP4 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastMYSMaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP5 See ForecastMYSMaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP5 2014/09/08 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastMYSMaleAbove25YRsIIASASSP5 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastNetMigrantsUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/09/28 Annualized using Annualize/Spread function in IFs - SJ
SeriesForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP1 See ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP1Orig 2013/11/08 Transformed data table by spreading out data in ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP1Orig provided every 5 years and appending historic data from ForecastNetMigrationUNPD
SeriesForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP2 See ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP2Orig 2013/11/08 Transformed data table by spreading out data in ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP2Orig provided every 5 years and appending historic data from ForecastNetMigrationUNPD
SeriesForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP3 See ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP3Orig 2013/11/08 Transformed data table by spreading out data in ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP3Orig provided every 5 years and appending historic data from ForecastNetMigrationUNPD
SeriesForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP4 See ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP4Orig 2013/11/08 Transformed data table by spreading out data in ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP4Orig provided every 5 years and appending historic data from ForecastNetMigrationUNPD
SeriesForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP5 See ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP5Orig 2013/11/08 Transformed data table by spreading out data in ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP5Orig provided every 5 years and appending historic data from ForecastNetMigrationUNPD
SeriesForecastNetMigrationMedUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/10/14 5 year sums, 1950-54, . . . 2095-2099
SeriesForecastNetMigrationMedUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2021/07/27 YX;
SeriesForecastNetMigrationMedUNPD2019RevAnn UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2021/07/27 YX;
SeriesForecastNetMigrationMergedUNPDAbel Abel,UNPD 2018/03/01 JRS
SeriesForecastNetMigrationRateIIASASSP1 See ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP1Orig and ForecastPopIIASASSP1Orig 2013/11/08 Transformed data table by dividing ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP1Orig by ForecastPopIIASASSP1Orig and multiplying by 100 and appending historic data from ForecastNetMigrationRateUNPD
SeriesForecastNetMigrationRateIIASASSP2 See ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP2Orig and ForecastPopIIASASSP2Orig 2013/11/08 Transformed data table by dividing ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP2Orig by ForecastPopIIASASSP2Orig and multiplying by 100 and appending historic data from ForecastNetMigrationRateUNPD
SeriesForecastNetMigrationRateIIASASSP3 See ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP3Orig and ForecastPopIIASASSP3Orig 2013/11/08 Transformed data table by dividing ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP3Orig by ForecastPopIIASASSP3Orig and multiplying by 100 and appending historic data from ForecastNetMigrationRateUNPD
SeriesForecastNetMigrationRateIIASASSP4 See ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP4Orig and ForecastPopIIASASSP4Orig 2013/11/08 Transformed data table by dividing ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP4Orig by ForecastPopIIASASSP4Orig and multiplying by 100 and appending historic data from ForecastNetMigrationRateUNPD
SeriesForecastNetMigrationRateIIASASSP5 See ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP5Orig and ForecastPopIIASASSP5Orig 2013/11/08 Transformed data table by dividing ForecastNetMigrationIIASASSP5Orig by ForecastPopIIASASSP5Orig and multiplying by 100 and appending historic data from ForecastNetMigrationRateUNPD
SeriesForecastNetMigrationRateMedUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/10/14 5 year averages, 1950-54, . . . , 2095-2099
SeriesForecastNetMigrationRateMedUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2021/07/27 YX;
SeriesForecastNetMigrationRateMedUNPD2019RevAnn UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2021/07/27 YX;
SeriesForecastNetMigrationRateMergedUNPDAbel Abel,UNPD 2018/03/01 JRS
SeriesForecastNetMigrationRateUNPD UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/05/07 YX;
SeriesForecastNetMigrationRateUNPD2015RevANN http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/11/05 Annualized using Annualize/Spread function in IFs - SJ
SeriesForecastNetMigrationRateUNPDPreRev2012 See ForecastNetMigrationUNPDPreRev2012 and ForecastPopBothSexesMedUNPD2012Rev 2013/11/08 Transformed data table by dividing ForecastNetMigrationUNPDPreRev2012 by ForecastPopBothSexesMedUNPD2012Rev and multiplying by 100
SeriesForecastNetMigrationUNPD UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/05/07 YX;
SeriesForecastNetMigrationUNPDPreRev2012 See PopMigrants 2013/11/08 Transformed data table by spreading out data in PopMigrants provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastOldageDependencyRatioConstFertUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/06 MO,SK
SeriesForecastOldageDependencyRatioConstFertUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 MO,SK,AW
SeriesForecastOldageDependencyRatioConstMortUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/06 MO,SK
SeriesForecastOldageDependencyRatioConstMortUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 MO,SK,AW
SeriesForecastOldageDependencyRatioHighUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/06 MO,SK
SeriesForecastOldageDependencyRatioHighUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 MO,SK,AW
SeriesForecastOldageDependencyRatioInstRepUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/06 MO,SK
SeriesForecastOldageDependencyRatioInstRepUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 MO,SK,AW
SeriesForecastOldageDependencyRatioLowUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/06 MO,SK
SeriesForecastOldageDependencyRatioLowUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 MO,SK,AW
SeriesForecastOldageDependencyRatioMediumUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/06 MO,SK
SeriesForecastOldageDependencyRatioMediumUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 MO,SK,AW
SeriesForecastOldageDependencyRatioNoChangeUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/06 MO,SK
SeriesForecastOldageDependencyRatioNoChangeUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 MO,SK,AW
SeriesForecastOldageDependencyRatioZeroMigrationUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/10/06 MO,SK
SeriesForecastOldageDependencyRatioZeroMigrationUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 MO,SK,AW
SeriesForecastPopBothSexes0MigrationUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopBothSexes0MigrationUNPD2015Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/13 SJ
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesConstFertilityUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/12/27 JW,RG
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesConstFertilityUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 JW,RG, AW
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesConstMortalityUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesConstMortalityUNPD2015Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/13 SJ
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesConstMortalityUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/12/27 JW,RG
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesConstMortalityUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 JW,RG, AW
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesConstUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesConstUNPD2015Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/13 SJ
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesHighUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesHighUNPD2015Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/13 SJ
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesIIASASSP12018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/22 YX
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesIIASASSP22018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/22 YX
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesIIASASSP32018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/22 YX
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesInstantRepUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/12/27 JW,RG
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesInstantRepUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 JW,RG, AW
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesLowUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesLowUNPD2015Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/13 SJ
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesMedUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesMedUNPD2015Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/13 SJ
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesNoChangeUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesNoChangeUNPD2015Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/13 SJ
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesReplacementUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesReplacementUNPD2015Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/13 SJ
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesZeroMigrationUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/12/27 JW,RG
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesZeroMigrationUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 JW,RG, AW
SeriesForecastPopConstantFemaleUNPD United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2011). World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, CD-ROM Edition. 2012/10/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopConstantMaleUNPD United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2011). World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, CD-ROM Edition. 2012/10/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopConstantTotalUNPD United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2011). World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, CD-ROM Edition. 2012/10/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopFemale0MigrationUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopFemaleConstMortalityUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopFemaleConstUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopFemaleHighUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopFemaleIIASASSP12018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/22 YX
SeriesForecastPopFemaleIIASASSP22018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/22 YX
SeriesForecastPopFemaleIIASASSP32018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/22 YX
SeriesForecastPopFemaleLowUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopFemaleMedUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopFemaleNoChangeUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopFemaleReplacementUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopHighFemaleUNPD United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2011). World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, CD-ROM Edition. 2012/10/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopHighMaleUNPD United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2011). World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, CD-ROM Edition. 2012/10/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopHighTotalUNPD United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2011). World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, CD-ROM Edition. 2012/10/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopIIASASSP1 See ForecastPopIIASASSP1Orig 2013/11/13 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastPopIIASASSP1Orig provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastPopIIASASSP2 See ForecastPopIIASASSP2Orig 2013/11/13 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastPopIIASASSP2Orig provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastPopIIASASSP3 See ForecastPopIIASASSP3Orig 2013/11/13 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastPopIIASASSP3Orig provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastPopIIASASSP4 See ForecastPopIIASASSP4Orig 2013/11/13 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastPopIIASASSP4Orig provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastPopIIASASSP5 See ForecastPopIIASASSP5Orig 2013/11/13 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastPopIIASASSP5Orig provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastPopLowFemaleUNPD United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2011). World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, CD-ROM Edition. 2012/10/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopLowMaleUNPD United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2011). World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, CD-ROM Edition. 2012/10/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopLowTotalUNPD United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2011). World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, CD-ROM Edition. 2012/10/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopMale0MigrationUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopMaleConstMortalityUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopMaleConstUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopMaleHighUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopMaleIIASASSP12018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/22 YX
SeriesForecastPopMaleIIASASSP22018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/22 YX
SeriesForecastPopMaleIIASASSP32018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/22 YX
SeriesForecastPopMaleLowUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopMaleMedUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopMaleNoChangeUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopMaleReplacementUNPD2012Rev http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/07/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopMediumFemaleUNPDe United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2011). World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, CD-ROM Edition. 2012/10/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopMediumMaleUNPD United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2011). World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, CD-ROM Edition. 2012/10/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopMediumTotalUNPD United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2011). World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, CD-ROM Edition. 2012/10/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopulationBothSexesConstUNPD2010Rev http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/06/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopulationBothSexesHighUNPD2010Rev http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/06/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopulationBothSexesHighUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/12/27 JW,RG
SeriesForecastPopulationBothSexesHighUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 JW,RG, AW
SeriesForecastPopulationBothSexesLowUNPD2010Rev http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/06/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopulationBothSexesLowUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/12/27 JW,RG
SeriesForecastPopulationBothSexesLowUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 JW,RG, AW
SeriesForecastPopulationBothSexesMediumUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/12/27 JW,RG
SeriesForecastPopulationBothSexesMediumUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 JW,RG, AW
SeriesForecastPopulationBothSexesMedUNPD2010Rev http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm 2013/06/01 AS
SeriesForecastPopulationBothSexesNoChangeUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/12/27 JW,RG
SeriesForecastPopulationBothSexesNoChangeUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 JW,RG, AW
SeriesForecastPopulationUNPDMed UNPD WPP 2019, WDI 2021/01/05 YX;
SeriesForecastPopUrban%UNPD World Urbanization Prospects: The 2014 Revision 2015/09/25 SJ
SeriesForecastPopUrbanShrNCARSSP1 See ForecastPopUrbanShrNCARSSP1 2014/09/16 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastPopUrbanShrNCARSSP1 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastPopUrbanShrNCARSSP2 See ForecastPopUrbanShrNCARSSP2 2014/09/16 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastPopUrbanShrNCARSSP2 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastPopUrbanShrNCARSSP3 See ForecastPopUrbanShrNCARSSP3 2014/09/16 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastPopUrbanShrNCARSSP3 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastPopUrbanShrNCARSSP4 See ForecastPopUrbanShrNCARSSP4 2014/09/16 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastPopUrbanShrNCARSSP4 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastPopUrbanShrNCARSSP5 See ForecastPopUrbanShrNCARSSP5 2014/09/16 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastPopUrbanShrNCARSSP5 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastPopUrbanUNPD United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2012). World Urbanization Prospects: The 2011 Revision, CD-ROM Edition. 2012/10/01 AS
SeriesForecastPovRate1D90WPCSSP1 Crespo-Cuaresma et al. (2018) 2021/10/14 CP
SeriesForecastPovRate1D90WPCSSP2 Crespo-Cuaresma et al. (2018) 2021/10/15 CP
SeriesForecastPovRate1D90WPCSSP3 Crespo-Cuaresma et al. (2018) 2021/10/15 CP
SeriesForecastPovRate1D90WPCSSP4 Crespo-Cuaresma et al. (2018) 2021/10/15 CP
SeriesForecastPovRate1D90WPCSSP5 Crespo-Cuaresma et al. (2018) 2021/10/15 CP
SeriesForecastTFPDellinkSSP1 Dellink et al. 2017 2019/06/26 BRM
SeriesForecastTFPDellinkSSP12015 Dellink et al. 2017 2019/06/26 BRM
SeriesForecastTFPDellinkSSP1PcntChng Dellink et al. 2017 (computed % change) 2019/06/26 BRM
SeriesForecastTFPDellinkSSP2 Dellink et al. 2017 2019/06/26 BRM
SeriesForecastTFPDellinkSSP22015 Dellink et al. 2017 2019/06/26 BRM
SeriesForecastTFPDellinkSSP2PcntChng Dellink et al. 2017 (computed % change) 2019/06/26 BRM
SeriesForecastTFPDellinkSSP3 Dellink et al. 2017 2019/06/26 BRM
SeriesForecastTFPDellinkSSP32015 Dellink et al. 2017 2019/06/26 BRM
SeriesForecastTFPDellinkSSP3PcntChng Dellink et al. 2017 (computed % change) 2019/06/26 BRM
SeriesForecastTFPDellinkSSP4 Dellink et al. 2017 2019/06/26 BRM
SeriesForecastTFPDellinkSSP42015 Dellink et al. 2017 2019/06/26 BRM
SeriesForecastTFPDellinkSSP4PcntChng Dellink et al. 2017 (computed % change) 2019/06/26 BRM
SeriesForecastTFPDellinkSSP5 Dellink et al. 2017 2019/06/26 BRM
SeriesForecastTFPDellinkSSP52015 Dellink et al. 2017 2019/06/26 BRM
SeriesForecastTFPDellinkSSP5PcntChng Dellink et al. 2017 (computed % change) 2019/06/26 BRM
SeriesForecastTFRUNPDMed UNPD WPP 2019, WDI 2021/01/05 YX;
SeriesForecastTotalFactorProductivityCEPII CEPII 2013/03/18 BH;SGH
SeriesForecastTotFertilityIIASASSP1 See ForecastTotFertilityIIASASSP1 2014/09/09 Transformed data table by spreading out data in ForecastTotFertilityIIASASSP1 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastTotFertilityIIASASSP12018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/22 YX
SeriesForecastTotFertilityIIASASSP2 See ForecastTotFertilityIIASASSP2 2014/09/09 Transformed data table by spreading out data in ForecastTotFertilityIIASASSP2 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastTotFertilityIIASASSP22018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/22 YX
SeriesForecastTotFertilityIIASASSP3 See ForecastTotFertilityIIASASSP3 2014/09/09 Transformed data table by spreading out data in ForecastTotFertilityIIASASSP3 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastTotFertilityIIASASSP32018REV http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/ 2019/11/22 YX
SeriesForecastTotFertilityIIASASSP4 See ForecastTotFertilityIIASASSP4 2014/09/09 Transformed data table by spreading out data in ForecastTotFertilityIIASASSP4 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastTotFertilityIIASASSP5 See ForecastTotFertilityIIASASSP5 2014/09/09 Transformed data table by spreading out data in ForecastTotFertilityIIASASSP5 provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastUnder5MortUNPD2019RevAnn See ForecastUnder5MortUNPD2019RevAW 2020/05/13 Transformed data table by interpolating data in ForecastUnder5MortUNPD2019RevAW provided every 5 years
SeriesForecastUnder5MortUNPDWPP UNPD World Population Forecasts 2019 Revision 2019/10/17 AA
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyConstantFertilityUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/18 KN, MH No data for Kosovo
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyConstantFertilityUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 KN, MH No data for Kosovo, AW
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyConstantMortalityUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/18 KN, MH No data for Kosovo
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyConstantMortalityUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 KN, MH No data for Kosovo, AW
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyHighUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/18 KN, MH No data for Kosovo
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyHighUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 KN, MH No data for Kosovo, AW
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyInstantReplacementUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/18 KN, MH No data for Kosovo
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyInstantReplacementUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 KN, MH No data for Kosovo, AW
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyLowUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/18 KN, MH No data for Kosovo
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyLowUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 KN, MH No data for Kosovo, AW
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyMediumUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/18 KN, MH No data for Kosovo
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyMediumUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 KN, MH No data for Kosovo, AW
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyNoChangeUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/18 KN, MH No data for Kosovo
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyNoChangeUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 KN, MH No data for Kosovo, AW
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatio0MigrationUNPD2015Rev UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/28 5 year periods - SJ
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatio0MigrationUNPD2019Rev UNPD WPP 2019 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2019/10/17 AA
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioConstFertUNPD2015Rev UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/28 5 year periods - SJ
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioConstFertUNPD2019Rev UNPD WPP 2019 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2019/10/17 AA
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioConstMortalityUNPD2015Rev UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/28 5 year periods - SJ
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioConstMortalityUNPD2019Rev UNPD WPP 2019 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2019/10/17 AA
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioHighUNPD2015Rev UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/28 5 year periods - SJ
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioHighUNPD2019Rev UNPD WPP 2019 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2019/10/17 AA
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioLowUNPD2015Rev UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/28 5 year periods - SJ
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioLowUNPD2019Rev UNPD WPP 2019 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2019/10/17 AA
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioMedUNPD2015Rev UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/28 5 year periods - SJ
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioMedUNPD2019Rev UNPD WPP 2019 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2019/10/17 AA
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioNoChangeUNPD2015Rev UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/28 5 year periods - SJ
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioNoChangeUNPD2019Rev UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2019/10/17 AA
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioReplacementUNPD2015Rev UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2015/08/28 5 year periods - SJ
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioReplacementUNPD2019Rev UNPD WPP 2019 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ 2019/10/17 AA
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyZeroMigrationUNPD2017Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2017 Revision 2017/09/18 KN, MH No data for Kosovo
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyZeroMigrationUNPD2019Rev UNPD World Population Prospects 2019 Revision 2020/04/20 KN, MH No data for Kosovo, AW
SeriesFreeCiv World Bank's GovData360 2022/04/19 KG
SeriesFreedom Freedom House (Annual freedom in the world country scores 1972-2014); web updates 2022/04/19 KG
SeriesFreedomEcon Taken from country assesment tables provided by Fraser international. Economic Freedom of the World:2017 Annual Report, Gwartney, Lawson, Hall, Murphy,Fike,GrantMcmahon,SoysaVadlamannati 2021/12/06 TZ
SeriesFreedomEconChainLinked Fraser International (http://www.freetheworld.com); replaces Gwartney, Lawson, Samida: 2000 2016/02/16 KN
SeriesFreedomEconFreedomtoTradeInternationally Taken from country assesment tables provided by Fraser international. Economic Freedom of the World:2017 Annual Report, Gwartney, Lawson, Hall, Murphy,Fike,GrantMcmahon,SoysaVadlamannati 2021/12/06 TZ
SeriesFreedomEconLegalSystemandPropertyRights Taken from country assesment tables provided by Fraser international. Economic Freedom of the World:2017 Annual Report, Gwartney, Lawson, Hall, Murphy,Fike,GrantMcmahon,SoysaVadlamannati 2021/12/06 TZ
SeriesFreedomEconRegulation Taken from country assesment tables provided by Fraser international. Economic Freedom of the World:2017 Annual Report, Gwartney, Lawson, Hall, Murphy,Fike,GrantMcmahon,SoysaVadlamannati 2021/12/06 TZ
SeriesFreedomEconSizeofGovernment Taken from country assesment tables provided by Fraser international. Economic Freedom of the World:2017 Annual Report, Gwartney, Lawson, Hall, Murphy,Fike,GrantMcmahon,SoysaVadlamannati 2021/12/06 TZ
SeriesFreedomEconSoundMoney Taken from country assesment tables provided by Fraser international. Economic Freedom of the World:2017 Annual Report, Gwartney, Lawson, Hall, Murphy,Fike,GrantMcmahon,SoysaVadlamannati 2021/12/06 TZ
SeriesFreedomofAssociationIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/08 BG
SeriesFreedomofExpressionIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesFreedomofInformation WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2002/11/01 Converted categories to codes
SeriesFreedomOld Freedom House (Annual freedom in the world country scores 1972-73 to 2000-2001); web updates 2007/11/01
SeriesFreePol World Bank's GovData360 2022/04/19 KG
SeriesGasPrices 2008/09/18
SeriesGasPricesDiesel WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesGasPricesLeaded IEA
SeriesGasPricesSuper WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesGasPricesUnleaded IEA
SeriesGasPricesWDI WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesGDI UNDP HDR 2019/08/12 DK
SeriesGDIValue UNDP Website 2017/08/21 JD,EB
SeriesGDP WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/20 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesGDP1995PPPWDIFilled Collected WDI and Others AMB
SeriesGDP2000 WDI  BATCH PULL 2017/06/12 HF
SeriesGDP2000Old Constructed, multiple sources including WDI 2007/09/01
SeriesGDP2000PCPPP CIA and constructed (original mostly World Bank) 2012/02/24 AS;CN;MJE
SeriesGDP2000PPP CIA (original mostly World Bank) 2003/07/01
SeriesGDP2000WDI2006 WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesGDP2000WDI2009 WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesGDP2000WDI2013 WDI 2012 BATCH PULL 2013/05/06 AS; MJE;CN; AMB
SeriesGDP2002PPP CIA (original mostly World Bank); courtesy of Evan Hillebrand 2004/01/01
SeriesGDP2003PCPPPWDI WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesGDP2003PPP CIA (original partly World Bank); extended by Evan Hillebrand 2004/07/01
SeriesGDP2005 WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesGDP2005Org WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesGDP2005PCPPP WDI  BATCH PULL 2017/12/17 KN
SeriesGDP2005PCPPPICP ICP, WB http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/DATASTATISTICS/ICPEXT/0,,menuPK:1973757~pagePK:62002243~piPK:62002387~theSitePK:270065,00.html 2008/01/01
SeriesGDP2005PCPPPOld WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesGDP2005PCPPPOrg WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesGDP2005PCPPPWDI2009 WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/20 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesGDP2005WDI2013 WDI 2012 BATCH PULL 2013/05/06 AS; DSR; AMB
SeriesGDP2008PCPPPWDI WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesGDP2011 WDI, IMF 2022/04/26 YX
SeriesGDP2011IMFApr2021 WDI, IMF 2020/10/22 YX;
SeriesGDP2011IMFApr2026 WDI, IMF 2021/04/08 YX;
SeriesGDP2011IMFJan2022 WDI, IMF 2021/02/05 AP; YX;
SeriesGDP2011IMFJun2021 WDI, IMF 2020/10/22 YX;
SeriesGDP2011IMFOct2025 WDI, IMF 2020/10/22 YX;
SeriesGDP2011NoCovid2021 WDI, IMF 2020/10/22 YX;
SeriesGDP2011NoCovid2024 WDI, IMF 2020/10/22 YX;
SeriesGDP2011PCPPP WDI 2022/04/26 YX
SeriesGDP2017 WDI, IMF 2022/04/26 YX
SeriesGDP2017PCPPP WDI 2022/04/26 YX
SeriesGDP95 Constructed, multiple sources including WDI 2005/01/01
SeriesGDPAltCovFactDEC WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/20 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesGDPAngusMadison Angus Madison; http://www.ggdc.net/MADDISON/oriindex.htm 2011/04/16 Converted to millions;Ethiopia/Eritrea, Serbia/Montenegro created by taking current proportions of GDP; MJE
SeriesGDPCurDol World Development Indicators 2022/03/21 CP
SeriesGDPDeflator WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/20 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesGDPEmpPersGrowthRate% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesGDPGrowthRate IMF World Economic Outlook 2016 2016/11/11 KN,AD
SeriesGDPGrowthRateIMFWEO2011 IMF World Economic Outlook 2017 2018/04/05 KN: Growth rate for Guyana adjusted in 2019 by 1 decimal point
SeriesGDPIFsForecast IFs Forecast for 2010 to 2050; IFs data for 2005 2012/03/05 Taken to be able to aggregate Gordon Hughes Infrastructure Forecast
SeriesGDPInformal%Adjustment UNECE, "Non-Observed Economy in National Accounts: Survey of Country Practices" 2014/12/11 DKB
SeriesGDPInformal%Blended UNECE, "Non-Observed Economy in National Accounts: Survey of Country Practices"; http://rru.worldbank.org/Documents/PapersLinks/informal_economy.pdf; http://www.econ.boun.edu.tr/public_html/RePEc/pdf/201205.pdf 2015/01/13 DKB
SeriesGDPInformal%Elgin Available at: http://www.econ.boun.edu.tr/public_html/RePEc/pdf/201205.pdf 2014/04/04 PJO
SeriesGDPInformal%Schneider Available at http://rru.worldbank.org/Documents/PapersLinks/informal_economy.pdf 2014/03/31 PJO
SeriesGDPInformal%WBDGE Informal Economy Database, the World Bank’s Prospects Group 2021/12/22 CP; JD
SeriesGDPInformal%WBMIMIC Informal Economy Database, the World Bank’s Prospects Group 2021/12/22 CP; JD
SeriesGDPPCCurDol WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/20 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesGDPPCPPPCUR2005ICP WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesGDPPCPPPCUR2011ICP WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesGDPPPPGrowthRate Constructed from GDPPPP