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64 series are read into the energy preprocessor. Most energy data comes from: [[BGR_data|BGR]], [[BP_data|BP]], [[Energy_Information_Administration_(EIA)|EIA]], and the [[IEA_data|IEA]]. There are some old [[WRI|WRI]] series that need to be either updated or the preprocessor needs to be adjusted. There are also some old series from the [[Oil_&_Gas_Journal|Oil & Gas Journal]] that need to be revisited. [[World_Energy_Council_(WEC)|World Energy Council (WEC)]]
<p>64 series are read into the energy preprocessor.&#160;Most energy data comes from:&#160;<a href="BGR%20data">BGR</a>,&#160;<a href="BP%20data">BP</a>, <a href="Energy%20Information%20Administration%20%28EIA%29">EIA</a>, and the&#160;<a href="IEA%20data">IEA</a>. There are some old <a href="WRI">WRI</a> series that need to be either updated or the preprocessor needs to be adjusted. There are also some old series from the <a href="Oil%20%26%20Gas%20Journal">Oil&#160;&amp;&#160;Gas&#160;Journal</a> that need to be revisited.&#160;<a href="World%20Energy%20Council%20%28WEC%29">World&#160;Energy&#160;Council&#160;(WEC)</a>
= Energy series pulled into preprocessor =
<h1> Energy series pulled into preprocessor </h1>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1" width="320">
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1" width="320"
| width="64" height="20" | Table
| width="64" | Definition
| width="64" | Source
| width="64" | Notes
| width="64" | Last IFs Update
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdCoal
| Coal production
| WRI CD 98
| &nbsp;
| &nbsp;
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdGas
| Natural gas production
| WRI CD 00-01
| &nbsp;
| &nbsp;
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdOil
| Oil production
| WRI CD 98
| &nbsp;
| &nbsp;
| height="20" | SeriesEnReserHyd
| Energy reserves, hydro
| WRI Annual
| &nbsp;
| &nbsp;
| height="20" | SeriesEnReserGas
| Energy reserves, gas
| WEC; Oil and Gas Journal; 1960 estimated
| 02/25/2012
| height="20" | SeriesEnReserOil
| Energy reserve, oil, in billion barrels
| WEC; Oil and Gas Journal; 1960 estimated
| AT;CN;Brunei includes Malaysia to 1975
| 02/25/2012
| height="20" | SeriesEnConPhoto
| Energy consumption, photovoltaic solar
| WRI Earthtrends []
| Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
| 2002/11
| height="20" | SeriesEnConWind
| Energy consumption, wind
| WRI Earthtrends []
| Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
| 2002/11
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdGeoTherm
| Energy production, geothermal
| WRI Earthtrends []
| Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
| 2002/11
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdSolar
| Energy production, solar
| WRI Earthtrends []
| Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
| 2002/11
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdTideWave
| Energy production, tide, wave, and water
| WRI Earthtrends []
| Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
| 2002/11
| height="20" | SeriesEnResorGasUSGS
| Undiscovered energy resources, gas
| &nbsp;
| 2005/01
| height="20" | SeriesEnResorNGLUSGS
| Undiscovered energy resources, natural gas liquids
| &nbsp;
| 2005/01
| height="20" | SeriesEnResorOilUSGS
| Undiscovered energy resources, oil
| &nbsp;
| 2005/01
| height="20" | SeriesEnResorCoalBGRBBOE
| Coal resources
| BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2010"<br/>Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2010
| Combined hard and brown coal totals; Conversions: 1 ton hard coal=4.879boe, brown=2.053boe; MJE;CN
| 2012/03/01
| height="20" | SeriesEnReserGasBGR
| Natural gas reserves
| BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br/>Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
| 2013/04/04
| height="20" | SeriesEnReserCBMBGR
| Coalbed methane reserves
| BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"
| 2013/04/05
| height="20" | SeriesEnReserHeavyOilBGR
| Heavy Oil Reserves
| BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br/>Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
| 2013/04/05
| height="20" | SeriesEnReserOilBGR
| Crude oil reserves
| BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br/>Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
| 2013/04/05
| height="20" | SeriesEnReserOilSandsBGR
| Oil Sands Reserves
| BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br/>Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
| 2013/04/05
| height="20" | SeriesEnReserShaleGasBGR
| Shale Gas Reserves
| BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"
| 2013/04/05
| height="20" | SeriesEnReserShaleOilBGR
| Shale Oil Reserves
| BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br/>Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
| 2013/04/05
| height="20" | SeriesEnResorCBMBGR
| Coalbed methane Resources
| BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br/>Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
| 2013/04/05
| height="20" | SeriesEnResorGasBGR
| Natural gas resources
| BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br/>Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
| Total is inclusive of EnReserGasBGR; SGH
| 2013/04/05
| height="20" | SeriesEnResorHeavyOilBGR
| Heavy Oil Resources
| BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br/>Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
| 2013/04/05
| height="20" | SeriesEnResorOilBGR
| Crude oil resources
| BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br/>Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
| Total is inclusive of EnReserOilBGR; SGH
| 2013/04/05
| height="20" | SeriesEnResorOilSandsBGR
| Oil sands resources
| BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br/>Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
| 2013/04/05
| height="20" | SeriesEnResorShaleGasBGR
| Shale Gas Resources
| BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br/>Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
| 2013/04/05
| height="20" | SeriesEnResorShaleOilBGR
| Shale Oil resources
| BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br/>Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
| 2013/04/05
| height="20" | SeriesEnResorTightGasBGR
| Tight Gas Resources
| BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br/>Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
| 2013/04/05
| height="20" | SeriesEnExportsCoalIEA
| Exports of coal and coal products
| SMD; DAB - From SUMMARY FILE; MJE; SGH; Converted ktoe to BBOE
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnExportsNatGasIEA
| Exports of natural gas
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnExportsOilIEA
| Crude oil exports
| SMD; DAB - FROM EXTENDED FILE; converted ktoe to bboe
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnExportsOilProductsIEA
| Exports of Crude Natural Gas Liquids
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnExportsPeatIEA
| Peat exports
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnExportsTotalIEA
| Total energy exports
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnImportsCoalIEA
| Imports of coal and coal products
| Converted ktoe to BBOE; 7.3 * 10e-6 BBOE/ktoe; MJE; DAB
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnImportsNatGasIEA
| Imports of natural gas
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnImportsOilIEA
| Crude Oil Imports
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnImportsOilProductsIEA
| Imports of Crude Natural Gas Liquids
| Converted ktoe to BBOE; 7.3 * 10e-6 BBOE/ktoe; MJE; DAB
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnImportsPeatIEA
| Peat imports
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnImportsTotalIEA
| Total energy imports
| Converted ktoe to BBOE; 7.3 * 10e-6 BBOE/ktoe; MJE; DAB
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdBiodieselIEA
| Production of biodiesel.
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdBiogasIEA
| Production of biogas (derived from anaerobic fermentation of biomass and solid wastes and combusted to produce heat and/or power).
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdCoalIEA
| Production of coal products
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdGeothermIEA
| Energy produced from heat emitted with earth's crust, usually in the form of hot water or steam.
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdHydroIEA
| Potential and kinetic energy of water converted into electricity in hydroelectric plants.
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdNatGasIEA
| Production of Natural Gas
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdNuclearIEA
| Energy produced by nuclear fission or nuclear fusion.
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdOilIEA
| Crude oil production
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdSolarPhotoIEA
| Electricity production from photovoltaic cells.
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdSolarThermIEA
| Energy production from solar radiation used for hot water production and electricity generation (passive solar for direct heating, cooling, lighting not included).
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdTideWaveOceanIEA
| Electricity generation derived from tidal movement, wave motion, or ocean current.
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdWindIEA
| Electricity generation by wind turbines.
| 2013/08/13
| height="20" | SeriesEnConElec
| Electricity consumption total in BBOE
| ME; PM; AMB; *5.89*0.0001*0.000000001
| 2014/06/11
| height="20" | SeriesGDPCurDol
| Gross Domestic Product in Current US$
| AD
| 2015/07/14
| height="20" | SeriesEnConHydroBP
| Hydro-electricity consumption
| BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
| BV; AMB; SH; *.00733
| 2016/01/27
| height="20" | SeriesEnConNucBP
| Nuclear-electricity consumption
| BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
| BV; AMB; SH; *.00733
| 2016/01/27
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdCoalBP<br/>
| Coal production
| BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
| BV; AMB; SH; *.00733
| 2016/01/27
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdGasBP<br/>
| Gas (natural) production
| BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
| BV; AMB; SH; *.00733
| 2016/01/27
| height="20" | SeriesEnProdOilBP
| Oil production
| BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
| BV; AMB; SH; *.00733
| 2016/01/27
| height="20" | SeriesEnReserCoalBP
| Coal reserves
| BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
| BV; AMBl SH; .00733
| 2016/01/27
| height="20" | SeriesEnReserGasBP
| Gas (natural) reserves
| BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
| BV; AMB; SH; *6.6
| 2016/01/27
| height="20" | SeriesEnReserOilBP
| Oil reserves
| BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013<br/>
| 2016/01/27
= Initialization of data =
== <span style="font-size:large;">Production</span> ==
=== Oil ===
Oil production is initialized using '''SeriesEnProdOilIEA'''
*'''Source: '''IEA 2012 Batch Pull
*'''Definition:&nbsp;'''Crude Oil Production
*'''Country coverage: '''137 Countries, 1971-2011
*Source definition:&nbsp;Crude oil comprises crude oil, natural gas liquids, refinery feedstocks, and additives as well as other hydrocarbons (including emulsified oils, synthetic crude oil, mineral oils extracted from bituminous minerals such as oil shale, bituminous sand, etc., and oils from coal liquefaction). Crude oil is a mineral oil consisting of a mixture of hydrocarbons of natural origin and associated impurities, such as sulphur. It exists in the liquid phase under normal surface temperatures and pressure and its physical characteristics (density, viscosity, etc.) are highly variable. It includes field or lease condensates (separator liquids) which are recovered from associated and non-associated gas where it is commingled with the commercial crude oil stream. All IEA definitions available at: &nbsp;[];
If null use BP data: '''SeriesEnProdOilBP'''
*'''Source: '''BP's Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
*'''Definition: '''Data in Million Tonnes of Oil Equivalent
*'''Country coverage:'''&nbsp;49 Countries, 1965-2014
*Source definition: Oil production data includes crude oil, tight oil, oil sands, and NGLS&nbsp;(the liquid content of natural gas where this is removed separately). &nbsp;The data excludes liquid fuels from other sources such as biomass and derivatives of coal and natural gas. &nbsp;World oil production tables are available in both thousand barrels daily and million tonnes. &nbsp;All BP defitions available at:&nbsp;[]
If still null use WRI data: '''SeriesEnProdOil'''
*'''Source: '''WRI CD 98
*'''Definition:'''&nbsp;Oil Production
*'''Country coverage:&nbsp;'''156 Countries, 1960-1995 (last year with data)
*Source definition:
If still null then estimate as .02% of GDP:
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If IsNull(COil) Then COil = CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.1
=== Gas ===
Gas production is initialized using '''SeriesEnProdNatGasIEA'''
*'''Source:&nbsp;'''IEA 2012 Batch Pull
*'''Definition:&nbsp;'''Production of Natural Gas
*'''Country coverage:&nbsp;'''137 Countries, 1960-2011.
*Source definition:&nbsp;Natural gas comprises gases, occurring in underground deposits, whether liquefied or gaseous, consisting mainly of methane. It includes both "non-associated" gas originating from fields producing only hydrocarbons in gaseous form, and "associated" gas produced in association with crude oil as well as methane recovered from coal mines (colliery gas) or from coal seams (coal seam gas). Production represents dry marketable production within national boundaries, including offshore production and is measured after purification and extraction of NGL and sulphur. It includes gas consumed by gas processing plants and gas transported by pipeline. Quantities of gas that are re-injected, vented or flared are excluded.&nbsp;All IEA definitions available at: &nbsp;[];
If null then use '''SeriesEnProdGasBP'''
*'''Source:'''&nbsp;BP's Stastical Review of World Energy 2013
*'''Definition:'''&nbsp;Gas (Natural) Production
*'''Country coverage:'''&nbsp;49 Countries, 1970-2014
*Source definition:&nbsp;Gas production comprises marketed production and excludes gas flared or recycled gas. &nbsp;Includes natural gas produced for gas-to-liquids transformation. &nbsp;As far as possible, the data represents standard cubic meters (at 150 degrees Celsius and 1013 mbar. &nbsp;(May not necessarily equate with gas volumes expressed in national terms). &nbsp;Data given in both billion cubic meters and million tons equivalent for world natural gas production for world natural gas production tables. &nbsp;Data in excel workbook in billion cubic feet per day (bcf/d). &nbsp;All BP defitions available at:&nbsp;[]
Make sure it is not negative:
*CGas = AMAX(0.000001, CGas)
If still null then set as .02% of GDP:
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If IsNull(CGas) Then CGas = CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.1
=== Coal ===
Coal production initialized using '''SeriesEnProdCoalIEA'''
*'''Source:&nbsp;'''IEA 2012 Batch Pull
*'''Definition:&nbsp;'''Production of Coal Products
*'''Country coverage:&nbsp;'''137 Countries, 1960-2011
*Source definition:&nbsp;Coal and peat includes all coal, both primary (including hard coal and lignite) and derived fuels (including patent fuel, coke oven coke, gas coke, BKB, gas works gas, coke oven gas, blast furnace gas and oxygen steel furnace gas). Peat is also included in this category.''Note: starting with 2011 edition, gas works gas is included here with coal. In prior years, gas works gas was included with natural gas. &nbsp;''All IEA definitions available at: &nbsp;[];
If null use BP data: '''SeriesEnProdCoalBP'''
*'''Source:&nbsp;'''BP's Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
*'''Definition:'''&nbsp;Coal Production
*'''Country coverage:&nbsp;'''33 Countries, 1981-2014
*Source definition: Coal production includes data for commercial solid fuels only. &nbsp;Included in the hard coal category are bituminous and anthracite. &nbsp;Sub-bituminous coal includes lignite and brown coal. &nbsp;Other commercial solid fuels are also included. &nbsp;Data excludes coal converted to liquid or gaseous fuels but includes coal consumed in transformation processes. &nbsp;Coal production table: units in million tonnes oil equivalent (mtoe). &nbsp;Units&nbsp;in excel workbook: data million tonnes. &nbsp;All BP defitions available at:&nbsp;[]
If still null use WRI data: '''SeriesEnProdCoal'''
*'''Source:'''&nbsp;WRI CD 98
*'''Definition:'''&nbsp;Coal Production
*'''Country coverage:'''&nbsp;155 Countries, 1960-1995
*Source definition:
Make sure it is not negative:
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ENPCoal(ICount%) = AMAX(0.000001, ENPCoal(ICount%))
If still null set as .04% of GDP:
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If IsNull(ENPCoal(ICount%)) Then ENPCoal(ICount%) = CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.2
=== Electricity ===
Initialize using '''SeriesEnConElec'''
*'''Source: '''World Development Indicators (WDI) 2014 May Batch Pull
*'''Definition:'''&nbsp;Electricity Consumption Total in BBOE
*'''Country coverage:'''&nbsp;136 Countries, 1960-2011
*Source definition: Electric Power Consumption (<span style="line-height: 1.2;">kWh per capita):&nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 1.6;">Electric power consumption measures the production of power plants and combined heat and power plants less transmission, distribution, and transformation losses and own use by heat and power plants. &nbsp;WDI definition available at:&nbsp;[]</span>
If null then set as .02% of GDP:
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If IsNull(Elec) Then Elec = CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.1
'''''Note:''' I'm pretty sure this (Elec)&nbsp;is not used anywhere''
=== Hydro ===
Initialize using '''SeriesEnProdHydroIEA'''
*'''Source:'''&nbsp;IEA 2012 Batch Pull
*'''Definition:'''&nbsp;Potential and Kinetic Energy of Water Converted into Electricity in Hydroelectric Plants
*'''Country coverage:'''&nbsp;137 Countries, 1960-2011
*Source definition:&nbsp;Hydro shows the energy content of the electricity produced in hydro power plants. Hydro output excludes output from pumped storage plants. &nbsp;All IEA definitions available at: &nbsp;[];
If null use BP Data: '''SeriesEnConHydroBP'''
*'''Source:'''&nbsp;BP's Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
*'''Definition:&nbsp;'''Hydro-Electricity Consumption. &nbsp;Data in Million Tonnes of Oil Equivalent
*'''Country coverage:'''&nbsp;67 Countries, 1965-2014
*Source defintion:&nbsp;The primary energy value of hydroelectricity generation has been derived by calculating the equivalent amount of fossil fuel required to generate the same volume of electricity in a thermal power station, assuming a conversion efficiency of 38% (the average for OECD Thermal Power generation). &nbsp;Data based on gross primary hydroelectric generation and does not account for cross-border electricity supply. &nbsp;All BP defitions available at:&nbsp;[]
If null then use '''SeriesEnProdHydroIEA'''
*'''Source:&nbsp;'''IEA 2012 Batch Pull
*'''Definition:&nbsp;'''Potential and Kinetic Energy of Water Converted into Electricity in Hydroelectric Plants
*'''Country coverage:'''&nbsp;137 Countries, 1960-2011
*Source defintion:&nbsp;
*Hydro shows the energy content of the electricity produced in hydro power plants. Hydro output excludes output from pumped storage plants. &nbsp;All IEA definitions available at: &nbsp;[];
'''''Note:''' redundant''
If still null then set as .02% of GDP
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If IsNull(hyd) Then hyd = CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.01
Make sure it's not too small
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If hyd < CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.001 Then hyd = CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.001
=== Nuclear ===
Initialize using '''SeriesEnProdNuclearIEA'''
*'''Source:&nbsp;'''IEA 2012 Batch Pull
*'''Definition:&nbsp;'''Energy Produced by Nuclear Fission or Nuclear Fusion
*Coverage: 137 Countries, 1960-2011
*Source definition:&nbsp;<span style="line-height: 1.6;">Nuclear shows the primary heat equivalent of the electricity produced by a nuclear power plant with an average thermal efficiency of 33 per cent. &nbsp;</span>All IEA definitions available at: &nbsp;[];
&nbsp;&nbsp;If null use '''SeriesEnConNucBP'''
*'''Source: BP's Statistical Review of World Energy'''
*'''Definition: Nuclear-Electricity Consumption (in million tonnes of oil equivalent)'''
*Coverage: 67 Countries, 1965-2014
*Source definition: &nbsp;Data are based on gross generation, not accounting for cross-border electricity supply.&nbsp; The primary value of nuclear power generation has been derived by calculating the equivalent amount of fossil fuel required to generate the same volume of electricity in a thermal power station, assuming a conversion efficiency of 38% (the average for OECD thermal power generation).&nbsp; Data for the units are in million tones oil equivalent (mtoe) in the PDF. &nbsp;In addition, the data are available in the Excel workbook in terawatt-hours (twh). &nbsp;All BP defitions available at:&nbsp;[]
If still null then
*If IsNull(Nuc) Then Nuc = 0.00001
=== Geothermal ===
Initialize using '''SeriesEnProdGeothermIEA'''
*'''Source:&nbsp;'''IEA 2012 Batch Pull
*'''Definition:'''&nbsp;Energy Produced from Heat Emitted with Earth's Crust, Usually in the form of Hot Water or Steam
*'''Coverage:&nbsp;'''137 Countries, 1960-2011
*Source definition:&nbsp;Geothermal, solar, etc. shows production of geothermal, solar, wind and tide/wave/ocean energy and the use of these energy forms for electricity and heat generation. Unless the actual efficiency of the geothermal process is known, the quantity of geothermal energy entering electricity generation is inferred from the electricity production at geothermal plants assuming an average thermal efficiency of 10%. Other uses shown in this column relate to geothermal and solar heat. &nbsp;All IEA definitions available at: &nbsp;[];
If null then use '''SeriesEnProdGeoTherm'''
*'''Source:&nbsp;'''WRI Earthtrends [] &nbsp;
*Original Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) 2001. &nbsp;Energy Balances of OECD Countries (2001 Edition) and&nbsp;Energy Balances of non-OECD Countries (2001 Edition). []: OECD.
*'''Definition:&nbsp;'''Energy Production, Geothermal
*'''Coverage:&nbsp;'''125 Countries, 1960-1997
*Source definition:
If IsNull(Geo) Then Geo = 0.00001
=== Photovoltaic ===
Initialize using '''SeriesEnProdSolarPhotoIEA'''
*'''Source:&nbsp;'''IEA 2012 Batch Pull
*'''Definition:'''&nbsp;Electricity Production from Photovoltaic Cells
*'''Coverage:&nbsp;'''137 Countries, 1960-2011
*Source definition:&nbsp;Geothermal, solar, etc. shows production of geothermal, solar, wind and tide/wave/ocean energy and the use of these energy forms for electricity and heat generation. Unless the actual efficiency of the geothermal process is known, the quantity of geothermal energy entering electricity generation is inferred from the electricity production at geothermal plants assuming an average thermal efficiency of 10%. For solar, wind and tide/wave/ocean energy, the quantities entering electricity generation are equal to the electrical energy generated. Other uses shown in this column relate to geothermal and solar heat. &nbsp;All IEA definitions available at: &nbsp;[];
If null then use '''SeriesEnConPhoto'''
*'''Source:&nbsp;'''WRI Earthtrends [] &nbsp;&nbsp;
*Original Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) 2001. &nbsp;Energy Balances of OECD Countries (2001 Edition) and&nbsp;Energy Balances of non-OECD Countries (2001 Edition).&nbsp;[]: OECD.
*'''Definition''': Energy Consumption, Photovoltaic Cells
*'''Coverage:'''&nbsp;128 Countries, 1960-1999
*Source definition:
If IsNull(Photo) Then Photo = 0.000001
=== Wind ===
Initialize using '''SeriesEnProdWindIEA'''
*'''Source:'''&nbsp;IEA 2012 Batch Pull
*'''Definition:'''&nbsp;Electricity Generation by Wind Turbines
*'''Coverage:'''&nbsp;137 Countries, 1960-2011
*Source definition:&nbsp;Geothermal, solar, etc. shows production of geothermal, solar, wind and tide/wave/ocean energy and the use of these energy forms for electricity and heat generation. Unless the actual efficiency of the geothermal process is known, the quantity of geothermal energy entering electricity generation is inferred from the electricity production at geothermal plants assuming an average thermal efficiency of 10%. For solar, wind and tide/wave/ocean energy, the quantities entering electricity generation are equal to the electrical energy generated. Other uses shown in this column relate to geothermal and solar heat. &nbsp;All IEA definitions available at: &nbsp;[];
If null use '''SeriesEnConWind'''
*'''Source:'''&nbsp;WRI Earthtrends&nbsp;[]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
*Original Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) 2001. &nbsp;Energy Balances of OECD Countries (2001 Edition) and&nbsp;Energy Balances of non-OECD Countries (2001 Edition).&nbsp;[]: OECD.
*'''Definition:'''&nbsp;Energy Consumption, Wind
*'''Coverage:'''&nbsp;128 Countries, 1960-1999
*Source definition:
If IsNull(Wind) Then Wind = 0.000001
=== Solar ===
Initialize using '''SeriesEnProdSolarThermIEA'''
*'''Source:&nbsp;'''IEA 2012 Batch Pull
*'''Definition:&nbsp;'''Energy Production from Solar Radiation used for Hot Water Production and Electricity Generation (Passive Solar for Direct Heating, Cooling, Lighting not Included). &nbsp;All IEA definitions available at: &nbsp;[];
*'''Coverage:&nbsp;'''137 Countries, 1960-2011
*Source definition:
If null use '''SeriesEnProdSolar'''
*'''Source:&nbsp;'''WRI Earthtrends&nbsp;[]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
*Original Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) 2001. &nbsp;Energy Balances of OECD Countries (2001 Edition) and&nbsp;Energy Balances of non-OECD Countries (2001 Edition).&nbsp;[]: OECD.
*'''Definition:&nbsp;'''Energy Production, Solar
*'''Coverage:&nbsp;'''128 Countries, 1960-1999
*Source definition:
If IsNull(Solar) Then Solar = 0.000001
=== Tidal/Wave ===
Initialize using '''EnProdTideWaveOceanIEA'''
*'''Source:'''&nbsp;IEA 2012 Batch Pull
*'''Definition:&nbsp;'''Electricity Generation Derived from Tidal Movement, Wave Motion, or Ocean Current
*'''Coverage:&nbsp;'''137 Countries, 1960-2011
*Source definition: &nbsp;Geothermal, solar, etc. shows production of geothermal, solar, wind and tide/wave/ocean energy and the use of these energy forms for electricity and heat generation. Unless the actual efficiency of the geothermal process is known, the quantity of geothermal energy entering electricity generation is inferred from the electricity production at geothermal plants assuming an average thermal efficiency of 10%. For solar, wind and tide/wave/ocean energy, the quantities entering electricity generation are equal to the electrical energy generated. Other uses shown in this column relate to geothermal and solar heat. All IEA definitions available at: &nbsp;&nbsp;[];
If null use '''SeriesEnProdTideWave'''
*'''Source:&nbsp;'''WRI Earthtrends&nbsp;[]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
*Original Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) 2001. &nbsp;Energy Balances of OECD Countries (2001 Edition) and&nbsp;Energy Balances of non-OECD Countries (2001 Edition).&nbsp;[]: OECD.
*'''Definition:&nbsp;'''Energy Production, Tide, Wave, and Water
*'''Coverage:&nbsp;'''124 Countries, 1960-1997
*Source definition:
If IsNull(TideWave) Then TideWave = 0.000001
=== Biodiesel ===
Initialize using '''SeriesEnProdBiodieselIEA'''
*'''Source:'''&nbsp;IEA 2012 Batch Pull
*'''Definition:&nbsp;'''Production of Biodiesel
*'''Coverage:&nbsp;'''137 Countries, 1960-2011
*Source definition:&nbsp;Biodiesels includes biodiesel (a methyl-ester produced from vegetable or animal oil, of diesel quality), bio-dimethylether (dimethylether produced from biomass), Fischer Tropsh (Fischer Tropsh produced from biomass), cold pressed bio-oil (oil produced from oil seed through mechanical processing only) and all other liquid biofuels which are added to, blended with or used straight as transport diesel. Other liquid biofuels includes liquid biofuels not reported in either biogasoline or biodiesels.&nbsp;All IEA definitions available at: &nbsp;[];
If IsNull(BioDiesel) Then BioDiesel = 0.000001
=== Biogas ===
Initialize using '''SeriesEnProdBiogasIEA'''
*'''Source:&nbsp;'''IEA 2012 Batch Pull
*'''Definition:&nbsp;'''Production of Biogas (Derived from Anaerobic Fermentation of Biomass and Solid Wastes and Combusted to Produce Heat and/or Power).
*'''Coverage:'''&nbsp;137 Countries, 1960-2011.
*Source definition:&nbsp;Biogasoline includes bioethanol (ethanol produced from biomass and/or the biodegradable fraction of waste), biomethanol (methanol produced from biomass and/or the biodegradable fraction of waste), bioETBE (ethyl-tertio-butyl-ether produced on the basis of bioethanol; the percentage by volume of bio-ETBE that is calculated as biofuel is 47%) and bioMTBE (methyl-tertio-butyl-ether produced on the basis of biomethanol: the percentage by volume of bioMTBE that is calculated as biofuel is 36%). &nbsp;All IEA definitions available at: &nbsp;[];
If IsNull(BioGas) Then BioGas = 0.000001

<td width="64" height="20"> Table
<td width="64"> Definition
<td width="64"> Source
<td width="64"> Notes
<td width="64"> Last IFs Update
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdCoal
<td> Coal production
<td> WRI CD 98
<td> &#160;
<td> &#160;
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdGas
<td> Natural gas production
<td> WRI CD 00-01
<td> &#160;
<td> &#160;
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdOil
<td> Oil production
<td> WRI CD 98
<td> &#160;
<td> &#160;
<td height="20"> SeriesEnReserHyd
<td> Energy reserves, hydro
<td> WRI Annual
<td> &#160;
<td> &#160;
<td height="20"> SeriesEnReserGas
<td> Energy reserves, gas
<td> WEC; Oil and Gas Journal; 1960 estimated
<td> AT;CN
<td> 02/25/2012
<td height="20"> SeriesEnReserOil
<td> Energy reserve, oil, in billion barrels
<td> WEC; Oil and Gas Journal; 1960 estimated
<td> AT;CN;Brunei includes Malaysia to 1975
<td> 02/25/2012
<td height="20"> SeriesEnConPhoto
<td> Energy consumption, photovoltaic solar
<td> WRI Earthtrends <a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<td> Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
<td> 2002/11
<td height="20"> SeriesEnConWind
<td> Energy consumption, wind
<td> WRI Earthtrends <a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<td> Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
<td> 2002/11
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdGeoTherm
<td> Energy production, geothermal
<td> WRI Earthtrends <a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<td> Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
<td> 2002/11
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdSolar
<td> Energy production, solar
<td> WRI Earthtrends <a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<td> Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
<td> 2002/11
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdTideWave
<td> Energy production, tide, wave, and water
<td> WRI Earthtrends <a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<td> Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
<td> 2002/11
<td height="20"> SeriesEnResorGasUSGS
<td> Undiscovered energy resources, gas
<td> U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORLD PETROLEUM ASSESSMENT 2000&#160; available at: <a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<td> &#160;
<td> 2005/01
<td height="20"> SeriesEnResorNGLUSGS
<td> Undiscovered energy resources, natural gas liquids
<td> U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORLD PETROLEUM ASSESSMENT 2000&#160; available at: <a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<td> &#160;
<td> 2005/01
<td height="20"> SeriesEnResorOilUSGS
<td> Undiscovered energy resources, oil
<td> U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORLD PETROLEUM ASSESSMENT 2000&#160; available at: <a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<td> &#160;
<td> 2005/01
<td height="20"> SeriesEnResorCoalBGRBBOE
<td> Coal resources
<td> BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2010"<br />Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2010
<td> Combined hard and brown coal totals; Conversions: 1 ton hard coal=4.879boe, brown=2.053boe; MJE;CN
<td> 2012/03/01
<td height="20"> SeriesEnReserGasBGR
<td> Natural gas reserves
<td> BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br />Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
<td> SGH
<td> 2013/04/04
<td height="20"> SeriesEnReserCBMBGR
<td> Coalbed methane reserves
<td> BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"
<td> SGH
<td> 2013/04/05
<td height="20"> SeriesEnReserHeavyOilBGR
<td> Heavy Oil Reserves
<td> BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br />Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
<td> SGH
<td> 2013/04/05
<td height="20"> SeriesEnReserOilBGR
<td> Crude oil reserves
<td> BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br />Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
<td> SGH
<td> 2013/04/05
<td height="20"> SeriesEnReserOilSandsBGR
<td> Oil Sands Reserves
<td> BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br />Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
<td> SGH
<td> 2013/04/05
<td height="20"> SeriesEnReserShaleGasBGR
<td> Shale Gas Reserves
<td> BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"
<td> SGH
<td> 2013/04/05
<td height="20"> SeriesEnReserShaleOilBGR
<td> Shale Oil Reserves
<td> BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br />Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
<td> SGH
<td> 2013/04/05
<td height="20"> SeriesEnResorCBMBGR
<td> Coalbed methane Resources
<td> BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br />Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
<td> SGH
<td> 2013/04/05
<td height="20"> SeriesEnResorGasBGR
<td> Natural gas resources
<td> BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br />Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
<td> Total is inclusive of EnReserGasBGR; SGH
<td> 2013/04/05
<td height="20"> SeriesEnResorHeavyOilBGR
<td> Heavy Oil Resources
<td> BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br />Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
<td> SGH
<td> 2013/04/05
<td height="20"> SeriesEnResorOilBGR
<td> Crude oil resources
<td> BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br />Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
<td> Total is inclusive of EnReserOilBGR; SGH
<td> 2013/04/05
<td height="20"> SeriesEnResorOilSandsBGR
<td> Oil sands resources
<td> BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br />Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
<td> SGH
<td> 2013/04/05
<td height="20"> SeriesEnResorShaleGasBGR
<td> Shale Gas Resources
<td> BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br />Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
<td> SGH
<td> 2013/04/05
<td height="20"> SeriesEnResorShaleOilBGR
<td> Shale Oil resources
<td> BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br />Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
<td> SGH
<td> 2013/04/05
<td height="20"> SeriesEnResorTightGasBGR
<td> Tight Gas Resources
<td> BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"<br />Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
<td> SGH
<td> 2013/04/05
<td height="20"> SeriesEnExportsCoalIEA
<td> Exports of coal and coal products
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> SMD; DAB - From SUMMARY FILE; MJE; SGH; Converted ktoe to BBOE
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnExportsNatGasIEA
<td> Exports of natural gas
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnExportsOilIEA
<td> Crude oil exports
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> SMD; DAB - FROM EXTENDED FILE; converted ktoe to bboe
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnExportsOilProductsIEA
<td> Exports of Crude Natural Gas Liquids
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnExportsPeatIEA
<td> Peat exports
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnExportsTotalIEA
<td> Total energy exports
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnImportsCoalIEA
<td> Imports of coal and coal products
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> Converted ktoe to BBOE; 7.3 * 10e-6 BBOE/ktoe; MJE; DAB
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnImportsNatGasIEA
<td> Imports of natural gas
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnImportsOilIEA
<td> Crude Oil Imports
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnImportsOilProductsIEA
<td> Imports of Crude Natural Gas Liquids
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> Converted ktoe to BBOE; 7.3 * 10e-6 BBOE/ktoe; MJE; DAB
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnImportsPeatIEA
<td> Peat imports
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnImportsTotalIEA
<td> Total energy imports
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> Converted ktoe to BBOE; 7.3 * 10e-6 BBOE/ktoe; MJE; DAB
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdBiodieselIEA
<td> Production of biodiesel.
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdBiogasIEA
<td> Production of biogas (derived from anaerobic fermentation of biomass and solid wastes and combusted to produce heat and/or power).
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdCoalIEA
<td> Production of coal products
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdGeothermIEA
<td> Energy produced from heat emitted with earth's crust, usually in the form of hot water or steam.
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdHydroIEA
<td> Potential and kinetic energy of water converted into electricity in hydroelectric plants.
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdNatGasIEA
<td> Production of Natural Gas
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdNuclearIEA
<td> Energy produced by nuclear fission or nuclear fusion.
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdOilIEA
<td> Crude oil production
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdSolarPhotoIEA
<td> Electricity production from photovoltaic cells.
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdSolarThermIEA
<td> Energy production from solar radiation used for hot water production and electricity generation (passive solar for direct heating, cooling, lighting not included).
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdTideWaveOceanIEA
<td> Electricity generation derived from tidal movement, wave motion, or ocean current.
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdWindIEA
<td> Electricity generation by wind turbines.
<td> IEA 2012 BATCH PULL
<td> 2013/08/13
<td height="20"> SeriesEnConElec
<td> Electricity consumption total in BBOE
<td> WDI 2014 May BATCH PULL
<td> ME; PM; AMB; *5.89*0.0001*0.000000001
<td> 2014/06/11
<td height="20"> SeriesGDPCurDol
<td> Gross Domestic Product in Current US$
<td> WDI&#160; BATCH PULL
<td> AD
<td> 2015/07/14
<td height="20"> SeriesEnConHydroBP
<td> Hydro-electricity consumption
<td> BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
<td> BV; AMB; SH; *.00733
<td> 2016/01/27
<td height="20"> SeriesEnConNucBP
<td> Nuclear-electricity consumption
<td> BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
<td> BV; AMB; SH; *.00733
<td> 2016/01/27
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdCoalBP<br />
<td> Coal production
<td> BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
<td> BV; AMB; SH; *.00733
<td> 2016/01/27
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdGasBP<br />
<td> Gas (natural) production
<td> BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
<td> BV; AMB; SH; *.00733
<td> 2016/01/27
<td height="20"> SeriesEnProdOilBP
<td> Oil production
<td> BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
<td> BV; AMB; SH; *.00733
<td> 2016/01/27
<td height="20"> SeriesEnReserCoalBP
<td> Coal reserves
<td> BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
<td> BV; AMBl SH; .00733
<td> 2016/01/27
<td height="20"> SeriesEnReserGasBP
<td> Gas (natural) reserves
<td> BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
<td> BV; AMB; SH; *6.6
<td> 2016/01/27
<td height="20"> SeriesEnReserOilBP
<td> Oil reserves
<td> BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013<br />
<td> BV; AMB; SH
<td> 2016/01/27
<h1> Initialization of data </h1>
<h2> <span style="font-size:large;">Production</span> </h2>
<h3> Oil </h3>
<p>Oil production is initialized using <b>SeriesEnProdOilIEA</b>
<li><b>Source: </b>IEA 2012 Batch Pull
<li><b>Definition:&#160;</b>Crude Oil Production
<li><b>Country coverage: </b>137 Countries, 1971-2011
<li>Source definition:&#160;Crude oil comprises crude oil, natural gas liquids, refinery feedstocks, and additives as well as other hydrocarbons (including emulsified oils, synthetic crude oil, mineral oils extracted from bituminous minerals such as oil shale, bituminous sand, etc., and oils from coal liquefaction). Crude oil is a mineral oil consisting of a mixture of hydrocarbons of natural origin and associated impurities, such as sulphur. It exists in the liquid phase under normal surface temperatures and pressure and its physical characteristics (density, viscosity, etc.) are highly variable. It includes field or lease condensates (separator liquids) which are recovered from associated and non-associated gas where it is commingled with the commercial crude oil stream. All IEA definitions available at: &#160;<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>;
<p>If null use BP data: <b>SeriesEnProdOilBP</b>
<li><b>Source: </b>BP's Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
<li><b>Definition: </b>Data in Million Tonnes of Oil Equivalent
<li><b>Country coverage:</b>&#160;49 Countries, 1965-2014
<li>Source definition: Oil production data includes crude oil, tight oil, oil sands, and NGLS&#160;(the liquid content of natural gas where this is removed separately). &#160;The data excludes liquid fuels from other sources such as biomass and derivatives of coal and natural gas. &#160;World oil production tables are available in both thousand barrels daily and million tonnes. &#160;All BP defitions available at:&#160;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<p>If still null use WRI data: <b>SeriesEnProdOil</b>
<li><b>Source: </b>WRI CD 98
<li><b>Definition:</b>&#160;Oil Production
<li><b>Country coverage:&#160;</b>156 Countries, 1960-1995 (last year with data)
<li>Source definition:
<p>If still null then estimate as .02% of GDP:
</p><p>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; If IsNull(COil) Then COil = CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.1
<h3> Gas </h3>
<p>Gas production is initialized using <b>SeriesEnProdNatGasIEA</b>
<li><b>Source:&#160;</b>IEA 2012 Batch Pull
<li><b>Definition:&#160;</b>Production of Natural Gas
<li><b>Country coverage:&#160;</b>137 Countries, 1960-2011.
<li>Source definition:&#160;Natural gas comprises gases, occurring in underground deposits, whether liquefied or gaseous, consisting mainly of methane. It includes both "non-associated" gas originating from fields producing only hydrocarbons in gaseous form, and "associated" gas produced in association with crude oil as well as methane recovered from coal mines (colliery gas) or from coal seams (coal seam gas). Production represents dry marketable production within national boundaries, including offshore production and is measured after purification and extraction of NGL and sulphur. It includes gas consumed by gas processing plants and gas transported by pipeline. Quantities of gas that are re-injected, vented or flared are excluded.&#160;All IEA definitions available at: &#160;<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>;
<p>If null then use <b>SeriesEnProdGasBP</b>
<li><b>Source:</b>&#160;BP's Stastical Review of World Energy 2013
<li><b>Definition:</b>&#160;Gas (Natural) Production
<li><b>Country coverage:</b>&#160;49 Countries, 1970-2014
<li>Source definition:&#160;Gas production comprises marketed production and excludes gas flared or recycled gas. &#160;Includes natural gas produced for gas-to-liquids transformation. &#160;As far as possible, the data represents standard cubic meters (at 150 degrees Celsius and 1013 mbar. &#160;(May not necessarily equate with gas volumes expressed in national terms). &#160;Data given in both billion cubic meters and million tons equivalent for world natural gas production for world natural gas production tables. &#160;Data in excel workbook in billion cubic feet per day (bcf/d). &#160;All BP defitions available at:&#160;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<p>Make sure it is not negative:
<li>CGas = AMAX(0.000001, CGas)
<p>If still null then set as .02% of GDP:
</p><p>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; If IsNull(CGas) Then CGas = CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.1
<h3> Coal </h3>
<p>Coal production initialized using <b>SeriesEnProdCoalIEA</b>
<li><b>Source:&#160;</b>IEA 2012 Batch Pull
<li><b>Definition:&#160;</b>Production of Coal Products
<li><b>Country coverage:&#160;</b>137 Countries, 1960-2011
<li>Source definition:&#160;Coal and peat includes all coal, both primary (including hard coal and lignite) and derived fuels (including patent fuel, coke oven coke, gas coke, BKB, gas works gas, coke oven gas, blast furnace gas and oxygen steel furnace gas). Peat is also included in this category.<i>Note: starting with 2011 edition, gas works gas is included here with coal. In prior years, gas works gas was included with natural gas. &#160;</i>All IEA definitions available at: &#160;<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>;
<p>If null use BP data: <b>SeriesEnProdCoalBP</b>
<li><b>Source:&#160;</b>BP's Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
<li><b>Definition:</b>&#160;Coal Production
<li><b>Country coverage:&#160;</b>33 Countries, 1981-2014
<li>Source definition: Coal production includes data for commercial solid fuels only. &#160;Included in the hard coal category are bituminous and anthracite. &#160;Sub-bituminous coal includes lignite and brown coal. &#160;Other commercial solid fuels are also included. &#160;Data excludes coal converted to liquid or gaseous fuels but includes coal consumed in transformation processes. &#160;Coal production table: units in million tonnes oil equivalent (mtoe). &#160;Units&#160;in excel workbook: data million tonnes. &#160;All BP defitions available at:&#160;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<p>If still null use WRI data: <b>SeriesEnProdCoal</b>
<li><b>Source:</b>&#160;WRI CD 98
<li><b>Definition:</b>&#160;Coal Production
<li><b>Country coverage:</b>&#160;155 Countries, 1960-1995
<li>Source definition:
<p>Make sure it is not negative:
</p><p>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; ENPCoal(ICount%) = AMAX(0.000001, ENPCoal(ICount%))
</p><p>If still null set as .04% of GDP:
</p><p>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; If IsNull(ENPCoal(ICount%)) Then ENPCoal(ICount%) = CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.2
<h3> Electricity </h3>
<p>Initialize using <b>SeriesEnConElec</b>
<li><b>Source: </b>World Development Indicators (WDI) 2014 May Batch Pull
<li><b>Definition:</b>&#160;Electricity Consumption Total in BBOE
<li><b>Country coverage:</b>&#160;136 Countries, 1960-2011
<li>Source definition: Electric Power Consumption (<span style="line-height: 1.2;">kWh per capita):&#160;</span><span style="line-height: 1.6;">Electric power consumption measures the production of power plants and combined heat and power plants less transmission, distribution, and transformation losses and own use by heat and power plants. &#160;WDI definition available at:&#160;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a></span>
<p>If null then set as .02% of GDP:
</p><p>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; If IsNull(Elec) Then Elec = CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.1
</p><p><i><b>Note:</b> I'm pretty sure this (Elec)&#160;is not used anywhere</i>
<h3> Hydro </h3>
<p>Initialize using <b>SeriesEnProdHydroIEA</b>
<li><b>Source:</b>&#160;IEA 2012 Batch Pull
<li><b>Definition:</b>&#160;Potential and Kinetic Energy of Water Converted into Electricity in Hydroelectric Plants
<li><b>Country coverage:</b>&#160;137 Countries, 1960-2011
<li>Source definition:&#160;Hydro shows the energy content of the electricity produced in hydro power plants. Hydro output excludes output from pumped storage plants. &#160;All IEA definitions available at: &#160;<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>;
<p>If null use BP Data: <b>SeriesEnConHydroBP</b>
<li><b>Source:</b>&#160;BP's Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
<li><b>Definition:&#160;</b>Hydro-Electricity Consumption. &#160;Data in Million Tonnes of Oil Equivalent
<li><b>Country coverage:</b>&#160;67 Countries, 1965-2014
<li>Source defintion:&#160;The primary energy value of hydroelectricity generation has been derived by calculating the equivalent amount of fossil fuel required to generate the same volume of electricity in a thermal power station, assuming a conversion efficiency of 38% (the average for OECD Thermal Power generation). &#160;Data based on gross primary hydroelectric generation and does not account for cross-border electricity supply. &#160;All BP defitions available at:&#160;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<p>If null then use <b>SeriesEnProdHydroIEA</b>
<li><b>Source:&#160;</b>IEA 2012 Batch Pull
<li><b>Definition:&#160;</b>Potential and Kinetic Energy of Water Converted into Electricity in Hydroelectric Plants
<li><b>Country coverage:</b>&#160;137 Countries, 1960-2011
<li>Source defintion:&#160;
<li>Hydro shows the energy content of the electricity produced in hydro power plants. Hydro output excludes output from pumped storage plants. &#160;All IEA definitions available at: &#160;<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>;
<p><i><b>Note:</b> redundant</i>
</p><p>If still null then set as .02% of GDP
</p><p>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; If IsNull(hyd) Then hyd = CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.01
</p><p>Make sure it's not too small
</p><p>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; If hyd &lt; CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.001 Then hyd = CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.001
<h3> Nuclear </h3>
<p>Initialize using <b>SeriesEnProdNuclearIEA</b>
<li><b>Source:&#160;</b>IEA 2012 Batch Pull
<li><b>Definition:&#160;</b>Energy Produced by Nuclear Fission or Nuclear Fusion
<li>Coverage: 137 Countries, 1960-2011
<li>Source definition:&#160;<span style="line-height: 1.6;">Nuclear shows the primary heat equivalent of the electricity produced by a nuclear power plant with an average thermal efficiency of 33 per cent. &#160;</span>All IEA definitions available at: &#160;<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>;
<p>&#160;&#160;If null use <b>SeriesEnConNucBP</b>
<li><b>Source: BP's Statistical Review of World Energy</b>
<li><b>Definition: Nuclear-Electricity Consumption (in million tonnes of oil equivalent)</b>
<li>Coverage: 67 Countries, 1965-2014
<li>Source definition: &#160;Data are based on gross generation, not accounting for cross-border electricity supply.&#160; The primary value of nuclear power generation has been derived by calculating the equivalent amount of fossil fuel required to generate the same volume of electricity in a thermal power station, assuming a conversion efficiency of 38% (the average for OECD thermal power generation).&#160; Data for the units are in million tones oil equivalent (mtoe) in the PDF. &#160;In addition, the data are available in the Excel workbook in terawatt-hours (twh). &#160;All BP defitions available at:&#160;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<p>If still null then
<li>If IsNull(Nuc) Then Nuc = 0.00001
<h3> Geothermal </h3>
<p>Initialize using <b>SeriesEnProdGeothermIEA</b>
<li><b>Source:&#160;</b>IEA 2012 Batch Pull
<li><b>Definition:</b>&#160;Energy Produced from Heat Emitted with Earth's Crust, Usually in the form of Hot Water or Steam
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>137 Countries, 1960-2011
<li>Source definition:&#160;Geothermal, solar, etc. shows production of geothermal, solar, wind and tide/wave/ocean energy and the use of these energy forms for electricity and heat generation. Unless the actual efficiency of the geothermal process is known, the quantity of geothermal energy entering electricity generation is inferred from the electricity production at geothermal plants assuming an average thermal efficiency of 10%. Other uses shown in this column relate to geothermal and solar heat. &#160;All IEA definitions available at: &#160;<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>;
<p>If null then use <b>SeriesEnProdGeoTherm</b>
<li><b>Source:&#160;</b>WRI Earthtrends <a href="" alt="" title=""></a> &#160;
<li>Original Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) 2001. &#160;Energy Balances of OECD Countries (2001 Edition) and&#160;Energy Balances of non-OECD Countries (2001 Edition). <a href="" alt="" title=""></a>: OECD.
<li><b>Definition:&#160;</b>Energy Production, Geothermal
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>125 Countries, 1960-1997
<li>Source definition:
<p>If IsNull(Geo) Then Geo = 0.00001
<h3> Photovoltaic </h3>
<p>Initialize using <b>SeriesEnProdSolarPhotoIEA</b>
<li><b>Source:&#160;</b>IEA 2012 Batch Pull
<li><b>Definition:</b>&#160;Electricity Production from Photovoltaic Cells
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>137 Countries, 1960-2011
<li>Source definition:&#160;Geothermal, solar, etc. shows production of geothermal, solar, wind and tide/wave/ocean energy and the use of these energy forms for electricity and heat generation. Unless the actual efficiency of the geothermal process is known, the quantity of geothermal energy entering electricity generation is inferred from the electricity production at geothermal plants assuming an average thermal efficiency of 10%. For solar, wind and tide/wave/ocean energy, the quantities entering electricity generation are equal to the electrical energy generated. Other uses shown in this column relate to geothermal and solar heat. &#160;All IEA definitions available at: &#160;<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>;
<p>If null then use <b>SeriesEnConPhoto</b>
<li><b>Source:&#160;</b>WRI Earthtrends <a href="" alt="" title=""></a> &#160;&#160;
<li>Original Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) 2001. &#160;Energy Balances of OECD Countries (2001 Edition) and&#160;Energy Balances of non-OECD Countries (2001 Edition).&#160;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>: OECD.
<li><b>Definition</b>: Energy Consumption, Photovoltaic Cells
<li><b>Coverage:</b>&#160;128 Countries, 1960-1999
<li>Source definition:
<p>If IsNull(Photo) Then Photo = 0.000001
<h3> Wind </h3>
<p>Initialize using <b>SeriesEnProdWindIEA</b>
<li><b>Source:</b>&#160;IEA 2012 Batch Pull
<li><b>Definition:</b>&#160;Electricity Generation by Wind Turbines
<li><b>Coverage:</b>&#160;137 Countries, 1960-2011
<li>Source definition:&#160;Geothermal, solar, etc. shows production of geothermal, solar, wind and tide/wave/ocean energy and the use of these energy forms for electricity and heat generation. Unless the actual efficiency of the geothermal process is known, the quantity of geothermal energy entering electricity generation is inferred from the electricity production at geothermal plants assuming an average thermal efficiency of 10%. For solar, wind and tide/wave/ocean energy, the quantities entering electricity generation are equal to the electrical energy generated. Other uses shown in this column relate to geothermal and solar heat. &#160;All IEA definitions available at: &#160;<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>;
<p>If null use <b>SeriesEnConWind</b>
<li><b>Source:</b>&#160;WRI Earthtrends&#160;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>&#160;&#160;&#160;
<li>Original Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) 2001. &#160;Energy Balances of OECD Countries (2001 Edition) and&#160;Energy Balances of non-OECD Countries (2001 Edition).&#160;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>: OECD.
<li><b>Definition:</b>&#160;Energy Consumption, Wind
<li><b>Coverage:</b>&#160;128 Countries, 1960-1999
<li>Source definition:
<p>If IsNull(Wind) Then Wind = 0.000001
<h3> Solar </h3>
<p>Initialize using <b>SeriesEnProdSolarThermIEA</b>
<li><b>Source:&#160;</b>IEA 2012 Batch Pull
<li><b>Definition:&#160;</b>Energy Production from Solar Radiation used for Hot Water Production and Electricity Generation (Passive Solar for Direct Heating, Cooling, Lighting not Included). &#160;All IEA definitions available at: &#160;<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>;
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>137 Countries, 1960-2011
<li>Source definition:
<p>If null use <b>SeriesEnProdSolar</b>
<li><b>Source:&#160;</b>WRI Earthtrends&#160;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>&#160;&#160;&#160;
<li>Original Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) 2001. &#160;Energy Balances of OECD Countries (2001 Edition) and&#160;Energy Balances of non-OECD Countries (2001 Edition).&#160;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>: OECD.
<li><b>Definition:&#160;</b>Energy Production, Solar
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>128 Countries, 1960-1999
<li>Source definition:
<p>If IsNull(Solar) Then Solar = 0.000001
<h3> Tidal/Wave </h3>
<p>Initialize using <b>EnProdTideWaveOceanIEA</b>
<li><b>Source:</b>&#160;IEA 2012 Batch Pull
<li><b>Definition:&#160;</b>Electricity Generation Derived from Tidal Movement, Wave Motion, or Ocean Current
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>137 Countries, 1960-2011
<li>Source definition: &#160;Geothermal, solar, etc. shows production of geothermal, solar, wind and tide/wave/ocean energy and the use of these energy forms for electricity and heat generation. Unless the actual efficiency of the geothermal process is known, the quantity of geothermal energy entering electricity generation is inferred from the electricity production at geothermal plants assuming an average thermal efficiency of 10%. For solar, wind and tide/wave/ocean energy, the quantities entering electricity generation are equal to the electrical energy generated. Other uses shown in this column relate to geothermal and solar heat. All IEA definitions available at: &#160;&#160;<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>;
<p>If null use <b>SeriesEnProdTideWave</b>
<li><b>Source:&#160;</b>WRI Earthtrends&#160;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>&#160;&#160;&#160;
<li>Original Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) 2001. &#160;Energy Balances of OECD Countries (2001 Edition) and&#160;Energy Balances of non-OECD Countries (2001 Edition).&#160;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>: OECD.
<li><b>Definition:&#160;</b>Energy Production, Tide, Wave, and Water
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>124 Countries, 1960-1997
<li>Source definition:
<p>If IsNull(TideWave) Then TideWave = 0.000001
<h3> Biodiesel </h3>
<p>Initialize using <b>SeriesEnProdBiodieselIEA</b>
<li><b>Source:</b>&#160;IEA 2012 Batch Pull
<li><b>Definition:&#160;</b>Production of Biodiesel
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>137 Countries, 1960-2011
<li>Source definition:&#160;Biodiesels includes biodiesel (a methyl-ester produced from vegetable or animal oil, of diesel quality), bio-dimethylether (dimethylether produced from biomass), Fischer Tropsh (Fischer Tropsh produced from biomass), cold pressed bio-oil (oil produced from oil seed through mechanical processing only) and all other liquid biofuels which are added to, blended with or used straight as transport diesel. Other liquid biofuels includes liquid biofuels not reported in either biogasoline or biodiesels.&#160;All IEA definitions available at: &#160;<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>;
<p>If IsNull(BioDiesel) Then BioDiesel = 0.000001
<h3> Biogas </h3>
<p>Initialize using <b>SeriesEnProdBiogasIEA</b>
<li><b>Source:&#160;</b>IEA 2012 Batch Pull
<li><b>Definition:&#160;</b>Production of Biogas (Derived from Anaerobic Fermentation of Biomass and Solid Wastes and Combusted to Produce Heat and/or Power).
<li><b>Coverage:</b>&#160;137 Countries, 1960-2011.
<li>Source definition:&#160;Biogasoline includes bioethanol (ethanol produced from biomass and/or the biodegradable fraction of waste), biomethanol (methanol produced from biomass and/or the biodegradable fraction of waste), bioETBE (ethyl-tertio-butyl-ether produced on the basis of bioethanol; the percentage by volume of bio-ETBE that is calculated as biofuel is 47%) and bioMTBE (methyl-tertio-butyl-ether produced on the basis of biomethanol: the percentage by volume of bioMTBE that is calculated as biofuel is 36%). &#160;All IEA definitions available at: &#160;<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>;
<p>If IsNull(BioGas) Then BioGas = 0.000001
<h2> Trade </h2>
<h2> Trade </h2>
<p>Initialize total energy exports with <b>SeriesEnExportsTotalIEA</b>
<p>Initialize total energy exports with <b>SeriesEnExportsTotalIEA</b>
Line 678: Line 1,115:
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>137 Countries, 1960-2011
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>137 Countries, 1960-2011
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Electricity amounts are considered as imported or exported when they have crossed the national territorial boundaries of the country. If electricity is "wheeled" or transited through a country, the amount is shown as both an import and an export. &#160;All IEA definitions available at: &#160;<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>;
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Electricity amounts are considered as imported or exported when they have crossed the national territorial boundaries of the country. If electricity is "wheeled" or transited through a country, the amount is shown as both an import and an export. &#160;All IEA definitions available at: &#160;&lt;a href="<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>" alt="<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>" title="<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>"&gt;<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>&lt;/a&gt;;
Line 690: Line 1,127:
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>137 Countries, 1960-2011
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>137 Countries, 1960-2011
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Coal<b>&#160;i</b>mports and exports comprise the amount of fuels obtained from or supplied to other countries, whether or not there is an economic or customs union between the relevant countries. Coal in transit should not be included. &#160;All IEA definitions available at: &#160;<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>;
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Coal<b>&#160;i</b>mports and exports comprise the amount of fuels obtained from or supplied to other countries, whether or not there is an economic or customs union between the relevant countries. Coal in transit should not be included. &#160;All IEA definitions available at: &#160;&lt;a href="<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>" alt="<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>" title="<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>"&gt;<a href=";nbsp" alt=";nbsp" title=";nbsp">;nbsp</a>&lt;/a&gt;;
Line 705: Line 1,142:
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>33 Countries, 2007-2014
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>33 Countries, 2007-2014
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Total proved reserves of coal are generally taken to be those quantities that geological and engineering information indicates with reasonable certainty can be recovered in the future from known deposits under existing economic and operating conditions. &#160;Total proved&#160;coal reserves are shown for anthracite and bituminous (including brown coal) and sub-bituminous and lignite.&#160; Coal reserve data is in million tonnes. &#160;Reserves-to-production (R/P) ratios represent the length of time that those remaining reserves would last if production were to continue at the previous year's rate. &#160;They are calculated by dividing remaining reserves at the end of the year by the production in that year. &#160;The R/P ratios are calculated excluding other solid fuels in reserves and production.&#160; R/P ratios are available by country and feature in the table of coal reserves. &#160;All BP defitions available at:&#160;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Total proved reserves of coal are generally taken to be those quantities that geological and engineering information indicates with reasonable certainty can be recovered in the future from known deposits under existing economic and operating conditions. &#160;Total proved&#160;coal reserves are shown for anthracite and bituminous (including brown coal) and sub-bituminous and lignite.&#160; Coal reserve data is in million tonnes. &#160;Reserves-to-production (R/P) ratios represent the length of time that those remaining reserves would last if production were to continue at the previous year's rate. &#160;They are calculated by dividing remaining reserves at the end of the year by the production in that year. &#160;The R/P ratios are calculated excluding other solid fuels in reserves and production.&#160; R/P ratios are available by country and feature in the table of coal reserves. &#160;All BP defitions available at:&#160;&lt;a href="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" alt="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" title="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>"&gt;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;
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<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>21 Countries, 2011-2013
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>21 Countries, 2011-2013
<li>Source defintion:Source defintion:Reserves:&#160; Proven volumes of energy resources economically exploitable at today’s prices and using today’s technology.&#160; <i>Original reserves:&#160; cumulative production plus remaining reserves. &#160;</i>Coal-bed methane (CBM): gas contained in coal, including methane. &#160;<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a></i>
<li>Source defintion:Source defintion:Reserves:&#160; Proven volumes of energy resources economically exploitable at today’s prices and using today’s technology.&#160; <i>Original reserves:&#160; cumulative production plus remaining reserves. &#160;</i>Coal-bed methane (CBM): gas contained in coal, including methane. &#160;<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;&lt;a href="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" alt="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" title="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>"&gt;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>&lt;/a&gt;</i>
Line 729: Line 1,166:
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>51 Countries, 1980-2014
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>51 Countries, 1980-2014
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Total proved reserves of natural gas are generally taken to be those quantities that geological and engineering information indicates with reasonable certainty can be recovered in the future from known reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions.&#160; Rather the data series has been compiled using a combination of primary official sources and third-party data. &#160;There is a time series of natural gas reserves. &#160;Data are measured in billion cubic metres.Although every effort is made to come up with a consistent series for reserves based on a common definition, in reality different countries use different methodologies and the data have varying levels of reliability.R/P ratios represent the length of time that those remaining reserves would last if production were to continue at the previous year's rate. &#160;They are calculated by dividing remaining reserves at the end of the year by the production in that year.&#160; Reserves-to-production (R/P) ratios are available by country and feature in the table of gas reserves. All BP defitions available at:&#160;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Total proved reserves of natural gas are generally taken to be those quantities that geological and engineering information indicates with reasonable certainty can be recovered in the future from known reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions.&#160; Rather the data series has been compiled using a combination of primary official sources and third-party data. &#160;There is a time series of natural gas reserves. &#160;Data are measured in billion cubic metres.Although every effort is made to come up with a consistent series for reserves based on a common definition, in reality different countries use different methodologies and the data have varying levels of reliability.R/P ratios represent the length of time that those remaining reserves would last if production were to continue at the previous year's rate. &#160;They are calculated by dividing remaining reserves at the end of the year by the production in that year.&#160; Reserves-to-production (R/P) ratios are available by country and feature in the table of gas reserves. All BP defitions available at:&#160;&lt;a href="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" alt="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" title="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>"&gt;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;
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<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>141 Countries, 2011-2013
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>141 Countries, 2011-2013
<li>Source defintion:Source defintion:Reserves:&#160; Proven volumes of energy resources economically exploitable at today’s prices and using today’s technology.&#160; <i>Original reserves:&#160; cumulative production plus remaining reserves. &#160;</i>&#160;&#160;Natural Gas: Gas occurring naturally underground or flowing out at the surface.&#160; Combustible gases with variable chemical compositions. &#160;<i>Wet natural gas</i> contains methane as well as longer chain hydrocarbon constituents. &#160;<i>Dry natural gas</i> only contains gaseous components and mainly consists of methane. &#160;<i>Sour natural gas</i>: free natural gas or crude oil gas in structural or stratigraphic traps. &#160;<i>Natural gas from non-conventional deposits (in short: non-conventional natural gas):</i> Due to the nature and properties of the reservoir, the gas does not usually flow in adequate quantities into the production well without undertaking additional technical measures, either because it is not present in the rock in a free gas phase, or because the reservoir is not sufficiently permeable.&#160; These non-conventional deposits of natural gas include shale gas, tight gas, coal bed methane (CBM), aquifer gas and gas from gas hydrates.<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a></i>
<li>Source defintion:Source defintion:Reserves:&#160; Proven volumes of energy resources economically exploitable at today’s prices and using today’s technology.&#160; <i>Original reserves:&#160; cumulative production plus remaining reserves. &#160;</i>&#160;&#160;Natural Gas: Gas occurring naturally underground or flowing out at the surface.&#160; Combustible gases with variable chemical compositions. &#160;<i>Wet natural gas</i> contains methane as well as longer chain hydrocarbon constituents. &#160;<i>Dry natural gas</i> only contains gaseous components and mainly consists of methane. &#160;<i>Sour natural gas</i>: free natural gas or crude oil gas in structural or stratigraphic traps. &#160;<i>Natural gas from non-conventional deposits (in short: non-conventional natural gas):</i> Due to the nature and properties of the reservoir, the gas does not usually flow in adequate quantities into the production well without undertaking additional technical measures, either because it is not present in the rock in a free gas phase, or because the reservoir is not sufficiently permeable.&#160; These non-conventional deposits of natural gas include shale gas, tight gas, coal bed methane (CBM), aquifer gas and gas from gas hydrates.<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;&lt;a href="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" alt="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" title="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>"&gt;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>&lt;/a&gt;</i>
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<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>20 Countries, 2011-2013
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>20 Countries, 2011-2013
<li>Source defintion:Source defintion:Reserves:&#160; Proven volumes of energy resources economically exploitable at today’s prices and using today’s technology.&#160; <i>Original reserves:&#160; cumulative production plus remaining reserves. &#160;</i>Shale gas: Natural gas from fine-grained rocks (shales).&#160;&#160;<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a></i>
<li>Source defintion:Source defintion:Reserves:&#160; Proven volumes of energy resources economically exploitable at today’s prices and using today’s technology.&#160; <i>Original reserves:&#160; cumulative production plus remaining reserves. &#160;</i>Shale gas: Natural gas from fine-grained rocks (shales).&#160;&#160;<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;&lt;a href="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" alt="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" title="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>"&gt;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>&lt;/a&gt;</i>
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<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>49 Countries (1980-2014)
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>49 Countries (1980-2014)
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Total proved reserves of oil are those quantities that geological and engineering information indicates with reasonable certainty can be recovered in the future from known reservoirs under existing economic and geological conditions.&#160; The data series has been compiled using a combination of primary official sources and third-party data. &#160;Oil reserves include field condensate and natural gas liquids as well as crude oil.&#160; Liquid hydrocarbon fuels from non-hydrocarbon sources, such as ethanol from corn or sugar or synthetic oil derived from natural gas (so-called GTL or gas-to-liquids), are not included in either the reserves or production series. &#160;Data are measured in thousand million barrels. &#160;R/P ratios represent the length of time that those remaining reserves would last if production were to continue at the previous year's rate. &#160;They are calculated by dividing remaining reserves at the end of the year by the production in that year.&#160; Reserves-to-production (R/P) ratios are available by country and feature in the table of oil reserves. All BP defitions available at:&#160;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Total proved reserves of oil are those quantities that geological and engineering information indicates with reasonable certainty can be recovered in the future from known reservoirs under existing economic and geological conditions.&#160; The data series has been compiled using a combination of primary official sources and third-party data. &#160;Oil reserves include field condensate and natural gas liquids as well as crude oil.&#160; Liquid hydrocarbon fuels from non-hydrocarbon sources, such as ethanol from corn or sugar or synthetic oil derived from natural gas (so-called GTL or gas-to-liquids), are not included in either the reserves or production series. &#160;Data are measured in thousand million barrels. &#160;R/P ratios represent the length of time that those remaining reserves would last if production were to continue at the previous year's rate. &#160;They are calculated by dividing remaining reserves at the end of the year by the production in that year.&#160; Reserves-to-production (R/P) ratios are available by country and feature in the table of oil reserves. All BP defitions available at:&#160;&lt;a href="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" alt="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" title="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>"&gt;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;
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<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>18 Countries, 2011-2013
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>18 Countries, 2011-2013
<li>Source defintion:Reserves:&#160; Proven volumes of energy resources economically exploitable at today’s prices and using today’s technology.&#160; <i>Conventional Crude Oil</i>: Generally used to describe oil that can be produced by relatively simple methods and inexpensively thanks to its low viscosity and a density of less than 1 gm per cubic centimeter (<b>heavy oil</b>, light oil, condensate).&#160;&#160;<i>Original reserves:&#160; cumulative production plus remaining reserves. &#160;All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a></i>
<li>Source defintion:Reserves:&#160; Proven volumes of energy resources economically exploitable at today’s prices and using today’s technology.&#160; <i>Conventional Crude Oil</i>: Generally used to describe oil that can be produced by relatively simple methods and inexpensively thanks to its low viscosity and a density of less than 1 gm per cubic centimeter (<b>heavy oil</b>, light oil, condensate).&#160;&#160;<i>Original reserves:&#160; cumulative production plus remaining reserves. &#160;All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;&lt;a href="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" alt="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" title="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>"&gt;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>&lt;/a&gt;</i>
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<p><i>Crude Oil</i>: Natural occurring mixture of liquid hydrocarbons.&#160; The liquid hydrocarbons such as natural gas liquids (NGL) and condensates co-produced from a natural gas well are also categorized as oil production.
<p><i>Crude Oil</i>: Natural occurring mixture of liquid hydrocarbons.&#160; The liquid hydrocarbons such as natural gas liquids (NGL) and condensates co-produced from a natural gas well are also categorized as oil production.
</p><p><i>Conventional Crude Oil</i>: Generally used to describe oil that can be produced by relatively simple methods and inexpensively thanks to its low viscosity and a density of less than 1 gm per cubic centimeter (heavy oil, light oil, condensate).
</p><p><i>Conventional Crude Oil</i>: Generally used to describe oil that can be produced by relatively simple methods and inexpensively thanks to its low viscosity and a density of less than 1 gm per cubic centimeter (heavy oil, light oil, condensate).
</p><p><i>Non-Conventional Crude Oil</i>:&#160; Hydrocarbons that cannot be produced used “classic” methods, but which require more complicated technology to produce them from the ground.&#160; In the reservoir itself, this oil is either incapable of flowing or can only flow marginally because of its high viscosity and/or density (extra heavy oil, bitumen), or because of the very low permeability of the reservoir rock (crude oil in tight rocks, tight oil, shale oil).&#160; In the case of oil shale, the oil is still in the form of kerogen in an early maturation stage. <i>Original reserves:&#160; cumulative production plus remaining reserves. &#160;All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a></i>
</p><p><i>Non-Conventional Crude Oil</i>:&#160; Hydrocarbons that cannot be produced used “classic” methods, but which require more complicated technology to produce them from the ground.&#160; In the reservoir itself, this oil is either incapable of flowing or can only flow marginally because of its high viscosity and/or density (extra heavy oil, bitumen), or because of the very low permeability of the reservoir rock (crude oil in tight rocks, tight oil, shale oil).&#160; In the case of oil shale, the oil is still in the form of kerogen in an early maturation stage. <i>Original reserves:&#160; cumulative production plus remaining reserves. &#160;All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;&lt;a href="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" alt="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" title="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>"&gt;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>&lt;/a&gt;</i>
</p><p>Initialize Oil Sands Reserves using <b>SeriesEnReserOilSandsBGR</b>
</p><p>Initialize Oil Sands Reserves using <b>SeriesEnReserOilSandsBGR</b>
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<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>21 Countries, 2011-2013
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>21 Countries, 2011-2013
<li>Source defintion:Reserves:&#160; Proven volumes of energy resources economically exploitable at today’s prices and using today’s technology.&#160; <i>Oil sands</i> are classified as unconventional deposits.&#160;&#160;<i>Original reserves:&#160; cumulative production plus remaining reserves. &#160;All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a></i>
<li>Source defintion:Reserves:&#160; Proven volumes of energy resources economically exploitable at today’s prices and using today’s technology.&#160; <i>Oil sands</i> are classified as unconventional deposits.&#160;&#160;<i>Original reserves:&#160; cumulative production plus remaining reserves. &#160;All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;&lt;a href="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" alt="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" title="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>"&gt;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>&lt;/a&gt;</i>
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<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>21 Countries, 2011-2013
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>21 Countries, 2011-2013
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Reserves:&#160; Proven volumes of energy resources economically exploitable at today’s prices and using today’s technology.&#160; <i>Non-Conventional Crude Oil</i>:&#160; Hydrocarbons that cannot be produced used “classic” methods, but which require more complicated technology to produce them from the ground.&#160; In the reservoir itself, this oil is either incapable of flowing or can only flow marginally because of its high viscosity and/or density (extra heavy oil, bitumen), or because of the very low permeability of the reservoir rock (crude oil in tight rocks, tight oil, <b>shale oil</b>).&#160; In the case of oil shale, the oil is still in the form of kerogen in an early maturation stage.<i>Original reserves:&#160; cumulative production plus remaining reserves. &#160;All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a></i>
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Reserves:&#160; Proven volumes of energy resources economically exploitable at today’s prices and using today’s technology.&#160; <i>Non-Conventional Crude Oil</i>:&#160; Hydrocarbons that cannot be produced used “classic” methods, but which require more complicated technology to produce them from the ground.&#160; In the reservoir itself, this oil is either incapable of flowing or can only flow marginally because of its high viscosity and/or density (extra heavy oil, bitumen), or because of the very low permeability of the reservoir rock (crude oil in tight rocks, tight oil, <b>shale oil</b>).&#160; In the case of oil shale, the oil is still in the form of kerogen in an early maturation stage.<i>Original reserves:&#160; cumulative production plus remaining reserves. &#160;All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;&lt;a href="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" alt="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" title="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>"&gt;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>&lt;/a&gt;</i>
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<li><b>Source:&#160;</b>U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORLD PETROLEUM ASSESSMENT 2000&#160; available at:<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<li><b>Source:&#160;</b>U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORLD PETROLEUM ASSESSMENT 2000&#160; available at:&lt;a href="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" alt="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" title="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>"&gt;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;
<li><b>Definition:</b>&#160;Undiscovered Energy Resources, Gas
<li><b>Definition:</b>&#160;Undiscovered Energy Resources, Gas
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<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>91 Countries, 2000
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>91 Countries, 2000
<li>Source defintion: &#160;Undiscovered resources are those resources postulated from geologic knowledge and theory to exist outside of known fields.&#160; Undiscovered conventional resources can be allocated by volume percent among various land entities within the assessment unit.&#160; Undiscovered conventional resources are partitioned among various land entities within the assessment unit, and also their offshore areas, using allocation percentages estimated by the assessment geologist.&#160; Geology and exploration/discovery history were characterized in terms of an assessment unit (AU), which was the basic entity for organizing data for the volumetric assessments of undiscovered oil and gas resources.&#160; Estimates of the number and sizes of undiscovered oil and gas fields greater than or equal to a minimum size and their coproduct ratios were recorded on assessment forms.&#160; Reserve growth of fields was considered in evaluating existing and undiscovered field sizes.&#160; The grown field sizes were plotted to provide a discovery-history field profile from which undiscovered field sizes were estimated.&#160; Definitions and discussions of the US Geological Survey methodology are available at: <a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<li>Source defintion: &#160;Undiscovered resources are those resources postulated from geologic knowledge and theory to exist outside of known fields.&#160; Undiscovered conventional resources can be allocated by volume percent among various land entities within the assessment unit.&#160; Undiscovered conventional resources are partitioned among various land entities within the assessment unit, and also their offshore areas, using allocation percentages estimated by the assessment geologist.&#160; Geology and exploration/discovery history were characterized in terms of an assessment unit (AU), which was the basic entity for organizing data for the volumetric assessments of undiscovered oil and gas resources.&#160; Estimates of the number and sizes of undiscovered oil and gas fields greater than or equal to a minimum size and their coproduct ratios were recorded on assessment forms.&#160; Reserve growth of fields was considered in evaluating existing and undiscovered field sizes.&#160; The grown field sizes were plotted to provide a discovery-history field profile from which undiscovered field sizes were estimated.&#160; Definitions and discussions of the US Geological Survey methodology are available at: &lt;a href="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" alt="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" title="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>"&gt;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;
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<li><b>Source:&#160;</b>U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORLD PETROLEUM ASSESSMENT 2000&#160; available at:<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<li><b>Source:&#160;</b>U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORLD PETROLEUM ASSESSMENT 2000&#160; available at:&lt;a href="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" alt="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" title="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>"&gt;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;
<li><b>Definition:</b>&#160;Undiscovered Energy Resources, Natural Gas Liquids (data in million barrels)
<li><b>Definition:</b>&#160;Undiscovered Energy Resources, Natural Gas Liquids (data in million barrels)
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<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>91 Countries, 2000
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>91 Countries, 2000
<li>Source defintion:&#160;U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORLD PETROLEUM ASSESSMENT 2000&#160; available at:<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>. &#160;Undiscovered resources are those resources postulated from geologic knowledge and theory to exist outside of known fields.&#160; Undiscovered conventional resources can be allocated by volume percent among various land entities within the assessment unit.&#160; Undiscovered conventional resources are partitioned among various land entities within the assessment unit, and also their offshore areas, using allocation percentages estimated by the assessment geologist.&#160; Geology and exploration/discovery history were characterized in terms of an assessment unit (AU), which was the basic entity for organizing data for the volumetric assessments of undiscovered oil and gas resources.&#160; Estimates of the number and sizes of undiscovered oil and gas fields greater than or equal to a minimum size and their coproduct ratios were recorded on assessment forms.&#160; Reserve growth of fields was considered in evaluating existing and undiscovered field sizes.&#160; The grown field sizes were plotted to provide a discovery-history field profile from which undiscovered field sizes were estimated.&#160; Definitions and discussions of the US Geological Survey methodology are available at: <a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<li>Source defintion:&#160;U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORLD PETROLEUM ASSESSMENT 2000&#160; available at:&lt;a href="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" alt="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" title="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>"&gt;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;. &#160;Undiscovered resources are those resources postulated from geologic knowledge and theory to exist outside of known fields.&#160; Undiscovered conventional resources can be allocated by volume percent among various land entities within the assessment unit.&#160; Undiscovered conventional resources are partitioned among various land entities within the assessment unit, and also their offshore areas, using allocation percentages estimated by the assessment geologist.&#160; Geology and exploration/discovery history were characterized in terms of an assessment unit (AU), which was the basic entity for organizing data for the volumetric assessments of undiscovered oil and gas resources.&#160; Estimates of the number and sizes of undiscovered oil and gas fields greater than or equal to a minimum size and their coproduct ratios were recorded on assessment forms.&#160; Reserve growth of fields was considered in evaluating existing and undiscovered field sizes.&#160; The grown field sizes were plotted to provide a discovery-history field profile from which undiscovered field sizes were estimated.&#160; Definitions and discussions of the US Geological Survey methodology are available at: &lt;a href="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" alt="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" title="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>"&gt;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;
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<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>141 Countries, 2011-2013
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>141 Countries, 2011-2013
<li>Source defintion:Resources: Proven amounts of energy resources which cannot currently be exploited for technical and/or economic reasons, as well as unproven but geologically possible energy resources which may be exploitable in the future.<i>&#160;</i>Natural Gas: Gas occurring naturally underground or flowing out at the surface.&#160; Combustible gases with variable chemical compositions. &#160;<i>Wet natural gas</i> contains methane as well as longer chain hydrocarbon constituents. &#160;<i>Dry natural gas</i> only contains gaseous components and mainly consists of methane. &#160;<i>Sour natural gas</i>: free natural gas or crude oil gas in structural or stratigraphic traps​. &#160;<i>Natural gas from non-conventional deposits (in short: non-conventional natural gas):</i> Due to the nature and properties of the reservoir, the gas does not usually flow in adequate quantities into the production well without undertaking additional technical measures, either because it is not present in the rock in a free gas phase, or because the reservoir is not sufficiently permeable.&#160; These non-conventional deposits of natural gas include shale gas, tight gas, coal bed methane (CBM), aquifer gas and gas from gas hydrates.<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a></i>
<li>Source defintion:Resources: Proven amounts of energy resources which cannot currently be exploited for technical and/or economic reasons, as well as unproven but geologically possible energy resources which may be exploitable in the future.<i>&#160;</i>Natural Gas: Gas occurring naturally underground or flowing out at the surface.&#160; Combustible gases with variable chemical compositions. &#160;<i>Wet natural gas</i> contains methane as well as longer chain hydrocarbon constituents. &#160;<i>Dry natural gas</i> only contains gaseous components and mainly consists of methane. &#160;<i>Sour natural gas</i>: free natural gas or crude oil gas in structural or stratigraphic traps​. &#160;<i>Natural gas from non-conventional deposits (in short: non-conventional natural gas):</i> Due to the nature and properties of the reservoir, the gas does not usually flow in adequate quantities into the production well without undertaking additional technical measures, either because it is not present in the rock in a free gas phase, or because the reservoir is not sufficiently permeable.&#160; These non-conventional deposits of natural gas include shale gas, tight gas, coal bed methane (CBM), aquifer gas and gas from gas hydrates.<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;&lt;a href="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" alt="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" title="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>"&gt;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>&lt;/a&gt;</i>
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<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>23 Countries, 2011-2013
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>23 Countries, 2011-2013
<li>Source defintion: Resources: Proven amounts of energy resources which cannot currently be exploited for technical and/or economic reasons, as well as unproven but geologically possible energy resources which may be exploitable in the future.<i>&#160;</i>Coal-bed methane (CBM): gas contained in coal, including methane.&#160;&#160;<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a></i>
<li>Source defintion: Resources: Proven amounts of energy resources which cannot currently be exploited for technical and/or economic reasons, as well as unproven but geologically possible energy resources which may be exploitable in the future.<i>&#160;</i>Coal-bed methane (CBM): gas contained in coal, including methane.&#160;&#160;<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;&lt;a href="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" alt="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" title="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>"&gt;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>&lt;/a&gt;</i>
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<li>Coverage: 23 Countries, 2011-2013&#160;
<li>Coverage: 23 Countries, 2011-2013&#160;
<li>Source defintion:Resources: Proven amounts of energy resources which cannot currently be exploited for technical and/or economic reasons, as well as unproven but geologically possible energy resources which may be exploitable in the future.<i>&#160;</i>Shale gas: Natural gas from fine-grained rocks (shales).&#160;&#160;<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a></i>
<li>Source defintion:Resources: Proven amounts of energy resources which cannot currently be exploited for technical and/or economic reasons, as well as unproven but geologically possible energy resources which may be exploitable in the future.<i>&#160;</i>Shale gas: Natural gas from fine-grained rocks (shales).&#160;&#160;<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;&lt;a href="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" alt="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" title="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>"&gt;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>&lt;/a&gt;</i>
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<li><b>Coverage: </b>23 Countries, 2011-2013
<li><b>Coverage: </b>23 Countries, 2011-2013
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Resources: Proven amounts of energy resources which cannot currently be exploited for technical and/or economic reasons, as well as unproven but geologically possible energy resources which may be exploitable in the future.<i>&#160;'Tight Gas</i>: Natural gas from tight sandstones and limestones<b>. &#160;<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a></i></b>
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Resources: Proven amounts of energy resources which cannot currently be exploited for technical and/or economic reasons, as well as unproven but geologically possible energy resources which may be exploitable in the future.<i>&#160;'Tight Gas</i>: Natural gas from tight sandstones and limestones<b>. &#160;<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;&lt;a href="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" alt="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" title="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>"&gt;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>&lt;/a&gt;</i></b>
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<li><b>Source:&#160;</b>U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORLD PETROLEUM ASSESSMENT 2000&#160; available&#160;at:<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<li><b>Source:&#160;</b>U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORLD PETROLEUM ASSESSMENT 2000&#160; available&#160;at:&lt;a href="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" alt="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" title="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>"&gt;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;
<li><b>Definition:</b>&#160;Undiscovered Energy Resources, Oil
<li><b>Definition:</b>&#160;Undiscovered Energy Resources, Oil
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<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>91 Countries, 2000
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>91 Countries, 2000
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Undiscovered resources are those resources postulated from geologic knowledge and theory to exist outside of known fields.&#160; Undiscovered conventional resources can be allocated by volume percent among various land entities within the assessment unit.&#160; Undiscovered conventional resources are partitioned among various land entities within the assessment unit, and also their offshore areas, using allocation percentages estimated by the assessment geologist.&#160; Geology and exploration/discovery history were characterized in terms of an assessment unit (AU), which was the basic entity for organizing data for the volumetric assessments of undiscovered oil and gas resources.&#160; Estimates of the number and sizes of undiscovered oil and gas fields greater than or equal to a minimum size and their coproduct ratios were recorded on assessment forms.&#160; Reserve growth of fields was considered in evaluating existing and undiscovered field sizes.&#160; The grown field sizes were plotted to provide a discovery-history field profile from which undiscovered field sizes were estimated.&#160; Definitions and discussions of the US Geological Survey methodology are available at: <a href="" alt="" title=""></a>
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Undiscovered resources are those resources postulated from geologic knowledge and theory to exist outside of known fields.&#160; Undiscovered conventional resources can be allocated by volume percent among various land entities within the assessment unit.&#160; Undiscovered conventional resources are partitioned among various land entities within the assessment unit, and also their offshore areas, using allocation percentages estimated by the assessment geologist.&#160; Geology and exploration/discovery history were characterized in terms of an assessment unit (AU), which was the basic entity for organizing data for the volumetric assessments of undiscovered oil and gas resources.&#160; Estimates of the number and sizes of undiscovered oil and gas fields greater than or equal to a minimum size and their coproduct ratios were recorded on assessment forms.&#160; Reserve growth of fields was considered in evaluating existing and undiscovered field sizes.&#160; The grown field sizes were plotted to provide a discovery-history field profile from which undiscovered field sizes were estimated.&#160; Definitions and discussions of the US Geological Survey methodology are available at: &lt;a href="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" alt="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>" title="<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>"&gt;<a href="" alt="" title=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;
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<p><i>Crude Oil</i>: Natural occurring mixture of liquid hydrocarbons.&#160; The liquid hydrocarbons such as natural gas liquids (NGL) and condensates co-produced from a natural gas well are also categorized as oil production.
<p><i>Crude Oil</i>: Natural occurring mixture of liquid hydrocarbons.&#160; The liquid hydrocarbons such as natural gas liquids (NGL) and condensates co-produced from a natural gas well are also categorized as oil production.
</p><p><i>Conventional Crude Oil</i>: Generally used to describe oil that can be produced by relatively simple methods and inexpensively thanks to its low viscosity and a density of less than 1 gm per cubic centimeter (heavy oil, light oil, condensate).
</p><p><i>Conventional Crude Oil</i>: Generally used to describe oil that can be produced by relatively simple methods and inexpensively thanks to its low viscosity and a density of less than 1 gm per cubic centimeter (heavy oil, light oil, condensate).
</p><p><i>Non-Conventional Crude Oil</i>:&#160; Hydrocarbons that cannot be produced used “classic” methods, but which require more complicated technology to produce them from the ground.&#160; In the reservoir itself, this oil is either incapable of flowing or can only flow marginally because of its high viscosity and/or density (extra heavy oil, bitumen), or because of the very low permeability of the reservoir rock (crude oil in tight rocks, tight oil, shale oil).&#160; In the case of oil shale, the oil is still in the form of kerogen in an early maturation stage. <i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a></i>
</p><p><i>Non-Conventional Crude Oil</i>:&#160; Hydrocarbons that cannot be produced used “classic” methods, but which require more complicated technology to produce them from the ground.&#160; In the reservoir itself, this oil is either incapable of flowing or can only flow marginally because of its high viscosity and/or density (extra heavy oil, bitumen), or because of the very low permeability of the reservoir rock (crude oil in tight rocks, tight oil, shale oil).&#160; In the case of oil shale, the oil is still in the form of kerogen in an early maturation stage. <i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;&lt;a href="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" alt="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" title="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>"&gt;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>&lt;/a&gt;</i>
</p><p>Initialize Heavy Oil Resources using <b>SeriesEnResorHeavyOilBGR</b>
</p><p>Initialize Heavy Oil Resources using <b>SeriesEnResorHeavyOilBGR</b>
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<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>23 Countries, 2011-2013
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>23 Countries, 2011-2013
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Resources: Proven amounts of energy resources which cannot currently be exploited for technical and/or economic reasons, as well as unproven but geologically possible energy resources which may be exploitable in the future. &#160;<i>Conventional Crude Oil</i>: Generally used to describe oil that can be produced by relatively simple methods and inexpensively thanks to its low viscosity and a density of less than 1 gm per cubic centimeter (<b>heavy oil</b>, light oil, condensate).<i>&#160;All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a></i>
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Resources: Proven amounts of energy resources which cannot currently be exploited for technical and/or economic reasons, as well as unproven but geologically possible energy resources which may be exploitable in the future. &#160;<i>Conventional Crude Oil</i>: Generally used to describe oil that can be produced by relatively simple methods and inexpensively thanks to its low viscosity and a density of less than 1 gm per cubic centimeter (<b>heavy oil</b>, light oil, condensate).<i>&#160;All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;&lt;a href="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" alt="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" title="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>"&gt;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>&lt;/a&gt;</i>
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<li><b>Coverage: </b>23<b>&#160;</b>Countries, 2011-2013
<li><b>Coverage: </b>23<b>&#160;</b>Countries, 2011-2013
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Resources: Proven amounts of energy resources which cannot currently be exploited for technical and/or economic reasons, as well as unproven but geologically possible energy resources which may be exploitable in the future.<i>&#160;'<b>Non-Conventional Crude Oil</b></i><b>:&#160; Hydrocarbons that cannot be produced used “classic” methods, but which require more complicated technology to produce them from the ground.&#160; In the reservoir itself, this oil is either incapable of flowing or can only flow marginally because of its high viscosity and/or density (extra heavy oil, bitumen), or because of the very low permeability of the reservoir rock (crude oil in tight rocks, tight oil, </b>shale oil<b>).&#160; In the case of oil shale, the oil is still in the form of kerogen in an early maturation stage.<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a></i></b>
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Resources: Proven amounts of energy resources which cannot currently be exploited for technical and/or economic reasons, as well as unproven but geologically possible energy resources which may be exploitable in the future.<i>&#160;'<b>Non-Conventional Crude Oil</b></i><b>:&#160; Hydrocarbons that cannot be produced used “classic” methods, but which require more complicated technology to produce them from the ground.&#160; In the reservoir itself, this oil is either incapable of flowing or can only flow marginally because of its high viscosity and/or density (extra heavy oil, bitumen), or because of the very low permeability of the reservoir rock (crude oil in tight rocks, tight oil, </b>shale oil<b>).&#160; In the case of oil shale, the oil is still in the form of kerogen in an early maturation stage.<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;&lt;a href="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" alt="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" title="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>"&gt;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>&lt;/a&gt;</i></b>
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<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>23 Countries, 2011-2013
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>23 Countries, 2011-2013
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Resources: Proven amounts of energy resources which cannot currently be exploited for technical and/or economic reasons, as well as unproven but geologically possible energy resources which may be exploitable in the future.<i>&#160;'<b>Oil sands</b></i><b>are classified as unconventional deposits.&#160;&#160;<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a></i></b>
<li>Source defintion:&#160;Resources: Proven amounts of energy resources which cannot currently be exploited for technical and/or economic reasons, as well as unproven but geologically possible energy resources which may be exploitable in the future.<i>&#160;'<b>Oil sands</b></i><b>are classified as unconventional deposits.&#160;&#160;<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;&lt;a href="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" alt="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" title="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>"&gt;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>&lt;/a&gt;</i></b>
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<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>87 Countries, 2009
<li><b>Coverage:&#160;</b>87 Countries, 2009
<li>Source defintion: Resources: Proven amounts of energy resources which cannot currently be exploited for technical and/or economic reasons, as well as unproven but geologically possible energy resources which may be exploitable in the future.<i>&#160;'<b>Coal Equivalent</b></i><b>: Corresponds to the amount of energy released when burning 1 kg hard coal; cf: Conversion factors.&#160; <i>Hard coal</i>:&#160; Anthracite, bituminous coal, hard lignite with an energy content &gt; 16,500 kJ/kg (ash-free).&#160;&#160;<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a></i></b>
<li>Source defintion: Resources: Proven amounts of energy resources which cannot currently be exploited for technical and/or economic reasons, as well as unproven but geologically possible energy resources which may be exploitable in the future.<i>&#160;'<b>Coal Equivalent</b></i><b>: Corresponds to the amount of energy released when burning 1 kg hard coal; cf: Conversion factors.&#160; <i>Hard coal</i>:&#160; Anthracite, bituminous coal, hard lignite with an energy content &gt; 16,500 kJ/kg (ash-free).&#160;&#160;<i>All current definitions of BGR available at: &#160;&lt;a href="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" alt="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>" title="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>"&gt;<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&amp;v=2</a>&lt;/a&gt;</i></b>

Revision as of 22:17, 20 June 2016

64 series are read into the energy preprocessor. Most energy data comes from: <a href="BGR%20data">BGR</a>, <a href="BP%20data">BP</a>, <a href="Energy%20Information%20Administration%20%28EIA%29">EIA</a>, and the <a href="IEA%20data">IEA</a>. There are some old <a href="WRI">WRI</a> series that need to be either updated or the preprocessor needs to be adjusted. There are also some old series from the <a href="Oil%20%26%20Gas%20Journal">Oil & Gas Journal</a> that need to be revisited. <a href="World%20Energy%20Council%20%28WEC%29">World Energy Council (WEC)</a>

Energy series pulled into preprocessor

Table Definition Source Notes Last IFs Update
SeriesEnProdCoal Coal production WRI CD 98    
SeriesEnProdGas Natural gas production WRI CD 00-01    
SeriesEnProdOil Oil production WRI CD 98    
SeriesEnReserHyd Energy reserves, hydro WRI Annual    
SeriesEnReserGas Energy reserves, gas WEC; Oil and Gas Journal; 1960 estimated AT;CN 02/25/2012
SeriesEnReserOil Energy reserve, oil, in billion barrels WEC; Oil and Gas Journal; 1960 estimated AT;CN;Brunei includes Malaysia to 1975 02/25/2012
SeriesEnConPhoto Energy consumption, photovoltaic solar WRI Earthtrends <a href="" alt="" title=""></a> Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000 2002/11
SeriesEnConWind Energy consumption, wind WRI Earthtrends <a href="" alt="" title=""></a> Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000 2002/11
SeriesEnProdGeoTherm Energy production, geothermal WRI Earthtrends <a href="" alt="" title=""></a> Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000 2002/11
SeriesEnProdSolar Energy production, solar WRI Earthtrends <a href="" alt="" title=""></a> Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000 2002/11
SeriesEnProdTideWave Energy production, tide, wave, and water WRI Earthtrends <a href="" alt="" title=""></a> Converted from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000 2002/11
SeriesEnResorGasUSGS Undiscovered energy resources, gas U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORLD PETROLEUM ASSESSMENT 2000  available at: <a href="" alt="" title=""></a>   2005/01
SeriesEnResorNGLUSGS Undiscovered energy resources, natural gas liquids U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORLD PETROLEUM ASSESSMENT 2000  available at: <a href="" alt="" title=""></a>   2005/01
SeriesEnResorOilUSGS Undiscovered energy resources, oil U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORLD PETROLEUM ASSESSMENT 2000  available at: <a href="" alt="" title=""></a>   2005/01
SeriesEnResorCoalBGRBBOE Coal resources BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2010"
Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2010
Combined hard and brown coal totals; Conversions: 1 ton hard coal=4.879boe, brown=2.053boe; MJE;CN 2012/03/01
SeriesEnReserGasBGR Natural gas reserves BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"
Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
SGH 2013/04/04
SeriesEnReserCBMBGR Coalbed methane reserves BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012" SGH 2013/04/05
SeriesEnReserHeavyOilBGR Heavy Oil Reserves BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"
Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
SGH 2013/04/05
SeriesEnReserOilBGR Crude oil reserves BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"
Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
SGH 2013/04/05
SeriesEnReserOilSandsBGR Oil Sands Reserves BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"
Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
SGH 2013/04/05
SeriesEnReserShaleGasBGR Shale Gas Reserves BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012" SGH 2013/04/05
SeriesEnReserShaleOilBGR Shale Oil Reserves BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"
Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
SGH 2013/04/05
SeriesEnResorCBMBGR Coalbed methane Resources BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"
Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
SGH 2013/04/05
SeriesEnResorGasBGR Natural gas resources BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"
Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
Total is inclusive of EnReserGasBGR; SGH 2013/04/05
SeriesEnResorHeavyOilBGR Heavy Oil Resources BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"
Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
SGH 2013/04/05
SeriesEnResorOilBGR Crude oil resources BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"
Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
Total is inclusive of EnReserOilBGR; SGH 2013/04/05
SeriesEnResorOilSandsBGR Oil sands resources BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"
Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
SGH 2013/04/05
SeriesEnResorShaleGasBGR Shale Gas Resources BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"
Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
SGH 2013/04/05
SeriesEnResorShaleOilBGR Shale Oil resources BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"
Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
SGH 2013/04/05
SeriesEnResorTightGasBGR Tight Gas Resources BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012"
Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
SGH 2013/04/05
SeriesEnExportsCoalIEA Exports of coal and coal products IEA 2012 BATCH PULL SMD; DAB - From SUMMARY FILE; MJE; SGH; Converted ktoe to BBOE 2013/08/13
SeriesEnExportsNatGasIEA Exports of natural gas IEA 2012 BATCH PULL SMD; DAB - From SUMMARY FILE; MJE;SGH 2013/08/13
SeriesEnExportsOilIEA Crude oil exports IEA 2012 BATCH PULL SMD; DAB - FROM EXTENDED FILE; converted ktoe to bboe 2013/08/13
SeriesEnExportsOilProductsIEA Exports of Crude Natural Gas Liquids IEA 2012 BATCH PULL SMD; DAB - From SUMMARY FILE; MJE;SGH 2013/08/13
SeriesEnExportsPeatIEA Peat exports IEA 2012 BATCH PULL SMD; DAB - From SUMMARY FILE; MJE;SGH 2013/08/13
SeriesEnExportsTotalIEA Total energy exports IEA 2012 BATCH PULL SMD; DAB - From SUMMARY FILE; MJE;SGH 2013/08/13
SeriesEnImportsCoalIEA Imports of coal and coal products IEA 2012 BATCH PULL Converted ktoe to BBOE; 7.3 * 10e-6 BBOE/ktoe; MJE; DAB 2013/08/13
SeriesEnImportsNatGasIEA Imports of natural gas IEA 2012 BATCH PULL DAB - FROM EXTENDED FILE; MJE;SGH 2013/08/13
SeriesEnImportsOilIEA Crude Oil Imports IEA 2012 BATCH PULL DAB - FROM EXTENDED FILE; MJE;SGH 2013/08/13
SeriesEnImportsOilProductsIEA Imports of Crude Natural Gas Liquids IEA 2012 BATCH PULL Converted ktoe to BBOE; 7.3 * 10e-6 BBOE/ktoe; MJE; DAB 2013/08/13
SeriesEnImportsPeatIEA Peat imports IEA 2012 BATCH PULL DAB - FROM EXTENDED FILE; MJE;SGH 2013/08/13
SeriesEnImportsTotalIEA Total energy imports IEA 2012 BATCH PULL Converted ktoe to BBOE; 7.3 * 10e-6 BBOE/ktoe; MJE; DAB 2013/08/13
SeriesEnProdBiodieselIEA Production of biodiesel. IEA 2012 BATCH PULL SMD; DAB - FROM EXTENDED FILE; SGH 2013/08/13
SeriesEnProdBiogasIEA Production of biogas (derived from anaerobic fermentation of biomass and solid wastes and combusted to produce heat and/or power). IEA 2012 BATCH PULL SMD; DAB - FROM EXTENDED FILE; SGH 2013/08/13
SeriesEnProdCoalIEA Production of coal products IEA 2012 BATCH PULL SMD; DAB - FROM SUMMARY FILE; MJE; SGH 2013/08/13
SeriesEnProdGeothermIEA Energy produced from heat emitted with earth's crust, usually in the form of hot water or steam. IEA 2012 BATCH PULL SMD; DAB - FROM EXTENDED FILE; SGH 2013/08/13
SeriesEnProdHydroIEA Potential and kinetic energy of water converted into electricity in hydroelectric plants. IEA 2012 BATCH PULL SMD; DAB - FROM EXTENDED FILE; SGH 2013/08/13
SeriesEnProdNatGasIEA Production of Natural Gas IEA 2012 BATCH PULL SMD; DAB - FROM EXTENDED FILE; SGH 2013/08/13
SeriesEnProdNuclearIEA Energy produced by nuclear fission or nuclear fusion. IEA 2012 BATCH PULL SMD; DAB - FROM EXTENDED FILE; SGH 2013/08/13
SeriesEnProdOilIEA Crude oil production IEA 2012 BATCH PULL SMD; DAB - FROM EXTENDED FILE; SGH 2013/08/13
SeriesEnProdSolarPhotoIEA Electricity production from photovoltaic cells. IEA 2012 BATCH PULL SMD; DAB - FROM EXTENDED FILE; SGH 2013/08/13
SeriesEnProdSolarThermIEA Energy production from solar radiation used for hot water production and electricity generation (passive solar for direct heating, cooling, lighting not included). IEA 2012 BATCH PULL SMD; DAB - FROM EXTENDED FILE; SGH 2013/08/13
SeriesEnProdTideWaveOceanIEA Electricity generation derived from tidal movement, wave motion, or ocean current. IEA 2012 BATCH PULL SMD; DAB - FROM EXTENDED FILE; SGH 2013/08/13
SeriesEnProdWindIEA Electricity generation by wind turbines. IEA 2012 BATCH PULL SMD; DAB - FROM EXTENDED FILE; SGH 2013/08/13
SeriesEnConElec Electricity consumption total in BBOE WDI 2014 May BATCH PULL ME; PM; AMB; *5.89*0.0001*0.000000001 2014/06/11
SeriesGDPCurDol Gross Domestic Product in Current US$ WDI  BATCH PULL AD 2015/07/14
SeriesEnConHydroBP Hydro-electricity consumption BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 BV; AMB; SH; *.00733 2016/01/27
SeriesEnConNucBP Nuclear-electricity consumption BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 BV; AMB; SH; *.00733 2016/01/27
Coal production BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 BV; AMB; SH; *.00733 2016/01/27
Gas (natural) production BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 BV; AMB; SH; *.00733 2016/01/27
SeriesEnProdOilBP Oil production BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 BV; AMB; SH; *.00733 2016/01/27
SeriesEnReserCoalBP Coal reserves BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 BV; AMBl SH; .00733 2016/01/27
SeriesEnReserGasBP Gas (natural) reserves BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 BV; AMB; SH; *6.6 2016/01/27
SeriesEnReserOilBP Oil reserves BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
BV; AMB; SH 2016/01/27

Initialization of data



Oil production is initialized using SeriesEnProdOilIEA

If null use BP data: SeriesEnProdOilBP

If still null use WRI data: SeriesEnProdOil

  • Source: WRI CD 98
  • Definition: Oil Production
  • Country coverage: 156 Countries, 1960-1995 (last year with data)
  • Source definition:

If still null then estimate as .02% of GDP:

            If IsNull(COil) Then COil = CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.1


Gas production is initialized using SeriesEnProdNatGasIEA

If null then use SeriesEnProdGasBP

Make sure it is not negative:

  • CGas = AMAX(0.000001, CGas)

If still null then set as .02% of GDP:

            If IsNull(CGas) Then CGas = CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.1


Coal production initialized using SeriesEnProdCoalIEA

If null use BP data: SeriesEnProdCoalBP

If still null use WRI data: SeriesEnProdCoal

  • Source: WRI CD 98
  • Definition: Coal Production
  • Country coverage: 155 Countries, 1960-1995
  • Source definition:

Make sure it is not negative:

                    ENPCoal(ICount%) = AMAX(0.000001, ENPCoal(ICount%))

If still null set as .04% of GDP:

            If IsNull(ENPCoal(ICount%)) Then ENPCoal(ICount%) = CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.2


Initialize using SeriesEnConElec

If null then set as .02% of GDP:

            If IsNull(Elec) Then Elec = CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.1

Note: I'm pretty sure this (Elec) is not used anywhere


Initialize using SeriesEnProdHydroIEA

If null use BP Data: SeriesEnConHydroBP

If null then use SeriesEnProdHydroIEA

Note: redundant

If still null then set as .02% of GDP

            If IsNull(hyd) Then hyd = CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.01

Make sure it's not too small

            If hyd < CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.001 Then hyd = CGDP(ICount%) * 0.002 * 0.001


Initialize using SeriesEnProdNuclearIEA

  If null use SeriesEnConNucBP

If still null then

  • If IsNull(Nuc) Then Nuc = 0.00001


Initialize using SeriesEnProdGeothermIEA

If null then use SeriesEnProdGeoTherm

If IsNull(Geo) Then Geo = 0.00001


Initialize using SeriesEnProdSolarPhotoIEA

If null then use SeriesEnConPhoto

If IsNull(Photo) Then Photo = 0.000001


Initialize using SeriesEnProdWindIEA

If null use SeriesEnConWind

If IsNull(Wind) Then Wind = 0.000001


Initialize using SeriesEnProdSolarThermIEA

If null use SeriesEnProdSolar

If IsNull(Solar) Then Solar = 0.000001


Initialize using EnProdTideWaveOceanIEA

If null use SeriesEnProdTideWave

If IsNull(TideWave) Then TideWave = 0.000001


Initialize using SeriesEnProdBiodieselIEA

If IsNull(BioDiesel) Then BioDiesel = 0.000001


Initialize using SeriesEnProdBiogasIEA

If IsNull(BioGas) Then BioGas = 0.000001


Initialize total energy exports with SeriesEnExportsTotalIEA

Initialize coal exports using SeriesEnExportsCoalIEA


Initialize Coal Reserves using SeriesEnReserCoalBP

Initialize Coalbed Methane Reserves SeriesEnReserCBMBGR

Initialize Natural Gas Reserves using SeriesEnReserGasBP

Initialize Natural Gas Reserves using SeriesEnReserGasBGR​

Initialize Shale Gas Reserves using SeriesEnReserShaleGasBGR​

Initialize Oil Reserves using SeriesEnReserOilBP

Initialize Heavy Oil Reserves using SeriesEnReserHeavyOilBGR

Initialize Crude Oil Reserves using SeriesEnReserOilBGR

  • Source: BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012" Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
  • Definition: Crude Oil Reserves
  • Coverage: 137 Countries, 2011-2013
  • Source defintion:Reserves:  Proven volumes of energy resources economically exploitable at today’s prices and using today’s technology. 

Crude Oil: Natural occurring mixture of liquid hydrocarbons.  The liquid hydrocarbons such as natural gas liquids (NGL) and condensates co-produced from a natural gas well are also categorized as oil production.

Conventional Crude Oil: Generally used to describe oil that can be produced by relatively simple methods and inexpensively thanks to its low viscosity and a density of less than 1 gm per cubic centimeter (heavy oil, light oil, condensate).

Non-Conventional Crude Oil:  Hydrocarbons that cannot be produced used “classic” methods, but which require more complicated technology to produce them from the ground.  In the reservoir itself, this oil is either incapable of flowing or can only flow marginally because of its high viscosity and/or density (extra heavy oil, bitumen), or because of the very low permeability of the reservoir rock (crude oil in tight rocks, tight oil, shale oil).  In the case of oil shale, the oil is still in the form of kerogen in an early maturation stage. Original reserves:  cumulative production plus remaining reserves.  All current definitions of BGR available at:  <a href="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2</a>" alt="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2</a>" title="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2</a>"><a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2</a></a>

Initialize Oil Sands Reserves using SeriesEnReserOilSandsBGR

Initialize Shale Oil Reserves using SeriesEnReserShaleOilBGR


Initialize Undiscovered Energy Resources, Gas using SeriesEnResorGasUSGS

Initialize Undiscovered Energy Resources, Natural Gas Liquids using SeriesEnResorNGLUSGS

Initialize Natural Gas Resources using SeriesEnResorGasBGR

Initialize Coalbed Methane Resources using SeriesEnResorCBMBGR

Initialize Shale Gas Resources using SeriesEnResorShaleGasBGR

Initialize Tight Gas Resources using SeriesEnResorTightGasBGR

Initialize Undiscovered Energy Resources, Oil using SeriesEnResorOilUSGS

Initialize Crude Oil Resources using SeriesEnResorOilBGR

  • Source: BGR; "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012" Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2012
  • Definition: Crude Oil Resources
  • Coverage: 137 Countries, 2011-2013
  • Source defintion: Resources: Proven amounts of energy resources which cannot currently be exploited for technical and/or economic reasons, as well as unproven but geologically possible energy resources which may be exploitable in the future. 

Crude Oil: Natural occurring mixture of liquid hydrocarbons.  The liquid hydrocarbons such as natural gas liquids (NGL) and condensates co-produced from a natural gas well are also categorized as oil production.

Conventional Crude Oil: Generally used to describe oil that can be produced by relatively simple methods and inexpensively thanks to its low viscosity and a density of less than 1 gm per cubic centimeter (heavy oil, light oil, condensate).

Non-Conventional Crude Oil:  Hydrocarbons that cannot be produced used “classic” methods, but which require more complicated technology to produce them from the ground.  In the reservoir itself, this oil is either incapable of flowing or can only flow marginally because of its high viscosity and/or density (extra heavy oil, bitumen), or because of the very low permeability of the reservoir rock (crude oil in tight rocks, tight oil, shale oil).  In the case of oil shale, the oil is still in the form of kerogen in an early maturation stage. All current definitions of BGR available at:  <a href="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2</a>" alt="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2</a>" title="<a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2</a>"><a href=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2" alt=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2" title=";jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2">;jsessionid=674E3D3801CF68D1747AF72C614A72CB.1_cid284?__blob=publicationFile&v=2</a></a>

Initialize Heavy Oil Resources using SeriesEnResorHeavyOilBGR

Initialize Shale Oil Resources using SeriesEnResorShaleOilBGR

Initialize Oil Sands Resources using SeriesEnResorOilSandsBGR

Initialize Coal Resources using SeriesEnResorCoalBGRBBOE