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Line 4,731: Line 4,731:
{| class="wikitable"
|SK;HF:  Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Primary)and gender  (female), at five-year intervals.
|SK;HF:  Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Primary)and gender  (female), at five-year intervals.
|No  Notes
|UNESCO  Institute for Statistics
|No  Notes
|No  Notes
|Millennium  Indicators Database, UN <nowiki>http://unstats.un.org/unsd/mi/mi_goals.asp</nowiki>
|SK;HF:  Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Primary)and gender (male),  at five-year intervals
|SK;HF:  Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Primary)and gender (male),  at five-year intervals
|Millennium  Indicators Database, UN <nowiki>http://unstats.un.org/unsd/mi/mi_goals.asp</nowiki>
|SK;HF:  Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Primary), at five-year  intervals
|SK;HF:  Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Primary), at five-year  intervals
|1990  UN Statistical Division; rest from United Nations Statistics Division  available at <nowiki>http://mdgs.un.org/unsd/mdg/</nowiki>
|Years  with no data points at all omitted
|BG,  YX
|BG,  YX
|BG,  YX
|BG,  YX
|BG,  YX
|BG,  YX
|BG,  YX
|BG,  YX
|BG,  YX
|BG,  YX
|BG,  YX
|BG,  YX
|BG,  YX
|BG,  YX
|BG,  YX
|Net  rate of out of schoolers in primary, Male
|Net  rate of out of schoolers in primary, total
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|JD;  Extended Source Def truncated
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|JD;  Extended Source Def truncated
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|JD;  Extended Source Def truncated
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|JD;  Extended Source Def truncated
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|JD;  Extended Source Def truncated
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|AJM,  MM; Extended Source Def truncated
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|JD;  Extended Source Def truncated
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|JD;  Extended Source Def truncated
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|JD;  Extended Source Def truncated
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|JD;  Extended Source Def truncated
|SN,  CP
|SN,  CP
|SN,  CP
|John  Cheeseboro's Extraction
|No  Notes
|John  Cheeseboro's Extraction
|Uses  Post 1999 data; few of the countries  use one data point close to 1999
|John  Cheeseboro's Extraction
|Uses  Cohort Projection
|John  Cheeseboro's Extraction
|No  Notes
|John  Cheeseboro's Extraction
|Uses  Post 1999 data; few of the countries  use one data point close to 1999
|John  Cheeseboro's Extraction
|Uses  Cohort Projection
|John  Cheeseboro's Extraction
|No  Notes
|IFs  pre-proc estimation
|mti;  from IFs
|An  Updated Global Dataset on Education Quality (1965-2015)
|An  Updated Global Dataset on Education Quality (1965-2015)
|An  Updated Global Dataset on Education Quality (1965-2015)
|An  Updated Global Dataset on Education Quality (1965-2015)
|An  Updated Global Dataset on Education Quality (1965-2015)
|An  Updated Global Dataset on Education Quality (1965-2015)
|OECD,  Programme for International Student Assessment,  <nowiki>http://pisadata.acer.edu.au/2006</nowiki>
|DAB  (vetter); JEM
|OECD,  Programme for International Student Assessment,  <nowiki>http://pisadata.acer.edu.au/2006</nowiki>
|DAB  (vetter); JEM
|OECD,  Programme for International Student Assessment,  <nowiki>http://pisadata.acer.edu.au/2006</nowiki>
|DAB  (vetter); JEM
|World  Competitiveness Yearbook 2013, IMD (Penrose Sub)
|OECD,  Programme for International Student Assessment,  <nowiki>http://pisadata.acer.edu.au/2006</nowiki>
|DAB  (vetter); JEM
|OECD,  Programme for International Student Assessment,  <nowiki>http://pisadata.acer.edu.au/2006</nowiki>
|DAB  (vetter); JEM
|OECD,  Programme for International Student Assessment,  <nowiki>http://pisadata.acer.edu.au/2006</nowiki>
|DAB  (vetter); JEM
|OECD,  Programme for International Student Assessment,  <nowiki>http://pisadata.acer.edu.au/2006</nowiki>
|DAB  (vetter); JEM
|OECD,  Programme for International Student Assessment,  <nowiki>http://pisadata.acer.edu.au/2006</nowiki>
|DAB  (vetter); JEM
|OECD,  Programme for International Student Assessment,  <nowiki>http://pisadata.acer.edu.au/2006</nowiki>
|DAB  (vetter); JEM
|World  Competitiveness Yearbook 2013, IMD (Penrose Sub)
|World  Bank EDSTATS
|World  Bank EDSTATS
|MTI,KBN:  Updated with MIDEH conversions
|Nadir  Altinok (draft)
|World  Bank EDSTATS
|MTI,KBN:  Updated with MIDEH conversions for Honduras
|Nadir  Altinok (draft)
|World  Bank EDSTATS
|Nadir  Altinok (draft)
|World  Bank EDSTATS
|Nadir  Altinok (draft)
|WDI  CD 06
|World  Bank EDSTATS
|World  Bank EDSTATS
|MTI,KBN:  Updated with MIDEH conversions
|Nadir  Altinok (draft)
|World  Bank EDSTATS
|Nadir  Altinok (draft)
|World  Bank EDSTATS
|Nadir  Altinok (draft)
|Nadir  Altinok (draft)
|Belgium  is average of Flemish and French scores
|Belgium  is average of Flemish and French scores
|Belgium  is average of Flemish and French scores
|Belgium  is average of Flemish and French scores
|Belgium  is average of Flemish and French scores
|Belgium  is average of Flemish and French scores
|Belgium  is average of Flemish and French scores
|Belgium  is average of Flemish and French scores
|Belgium  is average of Flemish and French scores
|Belgium  is average of Flemish and French scores
|Belgium  is average of Flemish and French scores
|Belgium  is average of Flemish and French scores
|Belgium  is average of Flemish and French scores
|Belgium  is average of Flemish and French scores
|Belgium  is average of Flemish and French scores
|World  Economic Forum.  <nowiki>http://www.weforum.org/site/homepublic.nsf/Content/Global+CompetitGlobal</nowiki>  Competitiveness Report 2004-2005
|Survey  Results
|World  Economic Forum.  <nowiki>http://www.weforum.org/site/homepublic.nsf/Content/Global+CompetitGlobal</nowiki>  Competitiveness Report 2004-2005
|Survey  Results
|JW,MD;  entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in  late 2011
|JW,MD;  Calcualted from Barro-Lee using female and total-entire series updated to  reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
|JW,MD;  Secondary Completed + Tertiary total  of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|SK;HF:  Secondary Completed + Tertiary total  of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|JW,MD;  Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|SK;HF:  Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|JW,MD;  Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|SK;HF:  Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|SK;HF:  Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|SK;HF:  Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|SK;HF:  Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|JW,MD;  entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in  late 2011
|DAB;  AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made  in late 2011
|DAB;  AT;CN Calcualted from Barro-Lee using female and total-entire series updated  to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
|SK;HF:  Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|SK;HF:  Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|SK;HF:  Secondary Completed + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|DAB;  AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made  in late 2011
|UIS  2015 Pull
|No  Notes
|UIS  Website
|No  Notes
|No  Notes
|SK;HF:  Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Secondary)and gender  (female), at five-year intervals.
|SK;HF:  Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Secondary)and gender  (female), at five-year intervals.
|UIS  Statistics
|UIS  Statistics
|UIS  Website 2015
|SK;HF:  Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Secondary)and gender  (male), at five-year intervals
|SK;HF:  Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Secondary)and gender  (male), at five-year intervals
|SK;HF:  Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Secondary), at five-year  intervals
|SK;HF:  Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Secondary), at five-year  intervals
|1990  UN Statistical Division; rest United Nations Statistics Division available at  <nowiki>http://mdgs.un.org/unsd/mdg/</nowiki>
|Years  with no data at all omitted
|OECD,  Education at a Glance 2001:146
|OECD,  Education at a Glance 2001:146
|OECD,  Education at a Glance 2001:146
|Calculated  by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data
|Added  the year column 2010 to read provincial values in the sub-regionalized model  (MR)
|Calculated  by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data
|Added  the year column 2010 to read provincial values in the sub-regionalized model  (MR)
|Calculated  by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data
|Added  the year column 2010 to read provincial values in the sub-regionalized model  (MR)
|No  Notes
|UNESCO  Institute for Statistics
|Data  is calculated by subtracting EdSeclowerEnrollHeadcountFemale from (same)Total
|No  Notes
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|Calculated  by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data
|columns  for 2009 & 2010 added to allow WC data to read in the provincial model,  MTR
|UIS  Statistics
|UIS  Statistics
|UIS  Statistics
|Calculated  by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data
|columns  for 2009 & 2010 added to allow WC data to read in the provincial model,  MTR
|Calculated  by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data
|columns  for 2009 & 2010 added to allow WC data to read in the provincial model,  MTR
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|JD;  Extended Source Def truncated; definition truncated
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|UIS  <nowiki>http://data.uis.unesco.org/</nowiki>
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|The  World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats)
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|Calculated  by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data
|Calculated  by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data
|Calculated  by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data
|No  Notes
|No  Notes
|Data  is calculated by subtracting EdSecUpperEnrollHeadcountFemale from (same)Total
|No  Notes
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|Calculated  by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data
|columns  for 2009 & 2010 added to allow WC data to read in the provincial model,  MTR
|Calculated  by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data
|columns  for 2009 & 2010 added to allow WC data to read in the provincial model,  MTR
|Calculated  by IFs Team from Enrollment and Repeater Data
|columns  for 2009 & 2010 added to allow WC data to read in the provincial model,  MTR
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|UN  SDG Indicators Global Database
|AW,  GE
|AW,  GE
|AW,  GE
|John  Cheeseboro's Extraction
|No  Notes
|John  Cheeseboro's Extraction
|Uses  Post 1999 data; few of the countries  use one data point close to 1999
|John  Cheeseboro's Extraction
|Uses  Cohort Projection
|John  Cheeseboro's Extraction
|No  Notes
|John  Cheeseboro's Extraction
|Uses  Post 1999 data; few of the countries  use one data point close to 1999
|John  Cheeseboro's Extraction
|No  Notes
|JW,MD;  entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in  late 2011
|JW,MD;  Calcualted from Barro-Lee using female and total-entire series updated to  reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
|mti;  Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet  Columns
|SK;HF:  Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|mti;  Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet  Columns
|SK;HF:  Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|mti;  Tertiary Completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|SK;HF:  Tertiary Completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|SK;HF:  Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|SK;HF:  Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|SK;HF:  Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|JW,MD;  entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in  late 2011
|DAB;  AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made  in late 2011
|DAB;  AT;CN Calcualted from Barro-Lee using female and total-entire series updated  to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
|SK;HF:  Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|SK;HF:  Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|SK;HF:  Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|DAB;  AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made  in late 2011
|OECD  2001 Education at a Glance 169
|OECD  2001 Education at a Glance 155
|OECD  2001 Education at a Glance 169
|OECD  2001 Education at a Glance 155
|Converted  to millions; BB
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|Converted  to millions; BB
|Converted  to millions; BB
|Converted  to millions
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|Converted  to millions
|Converted  to millions
|Converted  to millions
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|Converted  to millions
|Converted  to millions
|Converted  to millions
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|Converted  to millions
|Converted  to millions
|Converted  to millions
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|Converted  to millions
|Converted  to millions
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|Converted  to millions
|Converted  to millions
|Converted  to millions
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|Converted  to millions
|Converted  to millions
|Converted  to millions
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|Converted  to millions
|Converted  to millions
|Converted  to millions
|SK;HF:  Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Tertiary)and gender  (female), at five-year intervals.
|SK;HF:  Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Tertiary)and gender  (female), at five-year intervals.
|Converted  to millions
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|Converted  to millions
|Converted  to millions
|SK;HF:  Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Tertiary)and gender (male),  at five-year intervals
|SK;HF:  Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Tertiary)and gender (male),  at five-year intervals
|SK;HF:  Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Tertiary), at five-year  intervals
|SK;HF:  Enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level (Tertiary), at five-year  intervals
|UNESCO  Institute for Statistics Website
|Calculated  from UIS tertiary graduates numbers and tertiary age population (divided by  5); New Zealand too high
|UNESCO  Institute for Statistics Website
|Calculated  from UIS tertiary graduates numbers and tertiary age population (divided by  5)
|UNESCO  Institute for Statistics Website
|Calculated  from UIS tertiary graduates numbers and tertiary age population (divided by  5);
|OECD  Factbook 2010
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|UIS  Web Database, <nowiki>http://www.uis.unesco.org</nowiki>
|mti;  Check unit
|No  Notes
|UNESCO  Institute for Statistics (Gradrate and Enrollment Rate)
|IFs  Calculation from tertiary gross enrollment and tertiary 1st degree completion  rates
|Calculated  from UIS (with IFs Calculation) tertiary graduation rate and tertiary  enrolment rate
|UNESCO  Institute for Statistics (Gradrate and Enrollment Rate)
|IFs  Calculation from tertiary gross enrollment and tertiary 1st degree completion  rates
|Calculated  from UIS (with IFs Calculation) tertiary graduation rate and tertiary  enrolment rate
|UNESCO  Institute for Statistics (Gradrate and Enrollment Rate)
|IFs  Calculation from tertiary gross enrollment and tertiary 1st degree completion  rates
|Calculated  from UIS (with IFs Calculation) tertiary graduation rate and tertiary  enrolment rate
|For  WB 1997 ICSED 5A and ICSED 5B added, For UNESCO + IFs population of IFs -  cohort 5 , year 2000 and UNESCO table 9 from GED 2004 used, Regression  results in file Bachelors degree pcnt by sex_male_regression_add.xls
|For  WB 1997 ICSED 5A and ICSED 5B added, For UNESCO + IFs population of IFs -  cohort 5 , year 2000 and UNESCO table 9 from GED 2004 used, Regression  results in file Bachelors degree pcnt by sex_male_regression_add.xls
|For  WB 1997 ICSED 5A and ICSED 5B added, For UNESCO + IFs population of IFs -  cohort 5 , year 2000 and UNESCO table 9 from GED 2004 used, Regression  results in file Bachelors degree pcnt by sex_male_regression_add.xls
|Computed  for Productivity Project
|KN,  CG, MN
|KN,  CG, MN
|KN,  CG, MN
|SK;HF:  Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education for age  groups 15-19 and 19-24 - SJ
|SK;HF:  Tertiary completed of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
|Cohen  & Soto Educ database at <nowiki>http://www.iae-csic.uab.es/soto/data.htm</nowiki>
|No  Notes
|SK;HF:  Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education
|SK;HF:  Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education
|SK;HF:  Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education
|Cohen  & Soto Educ database at <nowiki>http://www.iae-csic.uab.es/soto/data.htm</nowiki>
|No  Notes
|JW,MD;  Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education for age  groups 20-24 and 25-29
|JW,MD;  Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education for age  groups 20-24 and 25-29
|JW,MD;  Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education for age  groups 20-24 and 25-29
|SK;HF:  Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education
|SK;HF:  Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education
|SK;HF:  Calculated by taking pop weighted average of avg. years of education
|Cohen  & Soto Educ database at <nowiki>http://www.iae-csic.uab.es/soto/data.htm</nowiki>
|No  Notes
|WB,  World Development Report
|WB,  World Development Report
|Varieties  of Democracy
|Varieties  of Democracy
|Varieties  of Democracy
|Varieties  of Democracy
|Varieties  of Democracy
|Varieties  of Democracy
|World  Population and Human Capital in the Twenty-First Century
|World  Population and Human Capital in the Twenty-First Century
|Carbon  Dioxide Information Analysis  Center;<nowiki>http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/trends/emis/tre_coun.htm</nowiki> and  <nowiki>http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/trends/emis/tre_coun.htm</nowiki>
|Carbon  Dioxide Information Analysis Center
|R.G,HF;  Data covers 1751-2009 but there is a max of 250 to import, so only used  1800-2009.  Updated 2000 - 2010; divide  by /1000000, GE
|International  Energy Agency
|MPK  - The data was originally in millions of tons and referred to CO2, so the  formula = [value/1000 * (12/44)] was used for conversion to billion tons of  carbon.
|EDGAR  database PBL
|EDGAR  database PBL
|EDGAR  database PBL
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|WRI  Earthtrends
|WRI  Earthtrends
|Economic  Commission for Europe
|Economic  Commission for Europe
|WRI  CD 98
|WRI  CD 98
|WRI  CD 98
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|Converted  from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
|SMD;  DAB - FROM EXTENDED FILE (No 2011 data on file); converted ktoe to bboe
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897);  converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
|EarthTrends  database available at www.earthtrends.org
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897);  converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897);  converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897);  converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897);  converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897);  converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897);  converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897);  converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
|WRI  CD 98;WRI Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|BP’s  Statistical Review of World Energy
|JD;  multiply each value by *.00733 (from  www.iea.org/statistics/resources/unitconverter)
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
|WRI  CD 98
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|Converted  from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
|ME;  PM; AMB; *5.89*0.0001*0.000000001
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; ARN
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|Converted  from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
|EarthTrends  database available at www.earthtrends.org
|WRI  CD 98;WRI Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|BP’s  Statistical Review of World Energy
|JD;  values multiplied by .00733 to convert to BBOE
|BP’s  Statistical Review of World Energy
|JD;  values multiplied by .00733 to convert to BBOE
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|Converted  from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
|BP’s  Statistical Review of World Energy
|JD;  multiplied by .00733 to convert to BBOE
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|Converted  from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|Converted  from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|Converted  from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
|BP’s  Statistical Review of World Energy
|JD;  multiplied by .00733 to convert to BBOE
|WRI  CD 98;WRI Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|BP’s  Statistical Review of World Energy
|JD;  multiplied by .00733 to convert to BBOE
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|Converted  from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|Converted  from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|BP’s  Statistical Review of World Energy
|JD;  multiplied by .00733 to convert to BBOE
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|Converted  from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897);  converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897);  converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897);  converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897);  converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|Converted  from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
|EarthTrends  database available at www.earthtrends.org
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|WDI  2017 Pull
|KBN:  Original units are in Kgs of oil equivalent per capita. Multiplied by  population and then converted to BOE by multiplying by of 0.00684357. Finally  divided by billion to get BBOE
|WRI  CD 98
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|Converted  from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|Converted  from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|Converted  from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|Converted  from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|Converted  from thousand tons oil equivalent with 7.3/1000000
|BP’s  Statistical Review of World Energy
|JD;  multiplied by .00733 to convert to BBOE
|BGR;  "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy  Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in  Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy  Resources"
|BGR;  "Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy  Resources"Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in  Hannover; Annual Report. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy  Resources"
|WDI  BATCH Update
|YX,  LM, JD
|WDI  BATCH Update
|YX,  LM, JD
|WDI  BATCH Update
|YX,  LM, JD
|World  Development Indicators
|YX,  JD
|US  Energy Information Administration
|US  Energy Information Administration
|US  Energy Information Administration
|US  Energy Information Administration
|WDI  2011; IFs  calculation using two WDI  tables
|AS;  MTI; calculated using 100 *  (EnElecConsPerCap*Population)/(EnConTotalWDI*1700000) ; Energy consumption  converted from BBOE to KwHr
|US  Energy Information Administration
|Canning,  David (1998) and WDI (2006)
|US  Energy Information Administration (EIA)
|AA,  CK
|World  Bank Environmental Adaptation and Climate Change Project
|World  Development Indicators
|YX,  JD
|WRI  CD 98
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics dics; converted from TJ to ktoe (TJ*0.0238845897);  converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM,KN
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|IEA  World Energy Balances
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance dics; converted ktoe to GwHr (ktoe*-.086)
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Balance disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
|EarthTrends  On-line
|IEA  World Energy Balances
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|WRI  Earthtrends <nowiki>http://earthtrends.wri.org/</nowiki>
|IEA  World Energy Balances
|IEA  World Energy Balances
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM; JM
|IEA  World Energy Balances
|IEA  World Energy Balances
|IEA  (International Energy Agency) Batch Pull
|From  World Energy Statistics disc; converted ktoe to BBOE; AJM

Revision as of 09:07, 18 August 2022

Example Table

Series Name Source Last IFs Update Pulled By (Initials) Description
Example Series FAOSTAT 2022/07/27 TZ The Example Series is pulled from FAOSTAT and is typically used to do stuff
Example 2 Series World Bank 2022/07/27 TZ Link to external source in Master Sheet
Example Formula N/A N/A N/A This is showcasing a formula insert

Datadict Table

Series Name Source Last IFs Update Pulled By (Initials) Description
AbortJustifPercent World Value Survey 2010/08/01
AuthorbyEduc World Value Survey
AutonPercent World Value Survey 2010/08/01
DemocBest World Value Survey
DiploIGOWeightMaxStandardized Pardee Center Diplometrics 2013/04/01 JDM
GodImprtPercent World Value Survey 2010/08/01
HappybyEduc World Value Survey 2010/08/01
HappyPercent World Value Survey 2010/08/01
HomoJustifPercent World Value Survey 2010/08/01
MatPMTop World Value Survey 2010/08/01
PMMinMatPercent World Value Survey
RespectAuthPercent World Value Survey 2010/08/01
Series%boys(15-19)marriedorunion UNICEF 2022/03/03 KG
Series%girls(15-19)marriedorunion UNICEF 2022/03/03 KG
Series%men(20-24)marriedorunionbefore18 UNICEF 2022/03/03 KG
Series%women(20-24)marriedorunionbefore15 UNICEF 2022/03/03 KG
Series%women(20-24)marriedorunionbefore18 UNICEF 2022/03/03 KG
SeriesAdditivePolyarchyIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesAgBovineMeatProductionFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgCerealsEx FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgCerealsIm FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgCerealSupply FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAgCerealsYieldperHec FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgCerealWaste FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAgConMeat WRI Earthtrends 2008/05/01 Converted to million metric tons
SeriesAGCropCalPerCapPerDayFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGCropDomesticSupplyFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgCropExportQuantityFAOTrade FAOSTAT, Trade Domain 2018/02/22 HF,EB
SeriesAGCropExportsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgCropExportValueFAOTrade FAOSTAT, Trade Domain 2018/02/22 HF,EB
SeriesAGCropFatPerCapPerDayFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAGCropFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgCropImportQuantityFAOTrade FAOSTAT, Trade Domain 2018/02/22 HF,EB
SeriesAGCropImportsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgCropImportValueFAOTrade FAOSTAT, Trade Domain 2018/02/22 HF,EB
SeriesAgCropProdIndex WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/02/01 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAGCropProductionFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGCropProteinPerCapPerDayFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGCropStockVarFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAGCroptoFeedFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGCroptoFoodFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGCroptoFoodManuFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGCroptoOtherUtilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGCroptoSeedFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgCropTotEx Computed
SeriesAgCropTotIm Computed Sum
SeriesAGCroptoWasteFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFertUse WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/02/01 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAgFertUseperHectare WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/02/01 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAgFish%Protein WRI Earthtrends 2005/04/01
SeriesAgFishAquaCatchTot WRI Earthtrends 2009/07/25
SeriesAgFishAquaInland WRI Earthtrends 2010/11/23 EWF
SeriesAgFishAquaMarine WRI Earthtrends 2010/11/23 EWF
SeriesAgFishAquaOther FAOSTAT 2012/03/04 EWF;CN
SeriesAgFishAquaProdAqAnimalsFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishAquaProdAqPlantsFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/14 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishAquaProdCephalopodsFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/14 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishAquaProdCrustaceansFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishAquaProdDemersalFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishAquaProdFreshwaterFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/14 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishAquaProdMarineFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/14 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishAquaProdMolluscsFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishAquaProdOthersFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishAquaProdPelagicFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/14 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishAquaTotal WRI Earthtrends 2009/07/25 Converted to million metric tons
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayAqMammalsFAO FAOSTAT Food Balance Sheets 2015/08/19 N.S
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishCalPerCapPerDayFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCalPerCapPerDayPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishCatchProdAqAnimalsFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishCatchProdAqMammalsFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishCatchProdAqPlantsFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishCatchProdCephalopodsFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishCatchProdCrustaceansFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishCatchProdDemersalFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishCatchProdFreshwaterFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishCatchProdMarineFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishCatchProdMolluscsFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishCatchProdOthersFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Catch Production Quantity data 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishCatchProdPelagicFSJ FAO FishstatJ software, Global Catch Production Quantity Data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyAqMammalsFAO FAOSTAT Food Balance Sheets 2015/08/19 N.S
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishDomesticSupplyFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyMealFAO FAOSTAT 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishDomesticSupplyPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportQuantityFAOTrade FAO, FishstatJ 2015/07/02 SDT
SeriesAgFishExportsAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportsAqMammalsFAO FAOSTAT Food Balance Sheets 2015/08/19 N.S
SeriesAgFishExportsAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportsBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportsCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportsCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportsDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishExportsFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishExportsFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportsLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportsMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportsMealFAO FAOSTAT 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishExportsMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportsPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishExportVal FAO FishstatJ Software 2017/07/18 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishExportValueFAOTrade FAO, FishstatJ 2015/07/02 SDT
SeriesAgFishExpt WRI Earthtrends 2009/07/25
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayAqMammalsFAO FAOSTAT Food Balance Sheets 2015/08/19 N.S
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAGFishFatPerCapPerDayFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFatPerCapPerDayPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/10 KN;JM
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayAqMammalsFAO FAOSTAT Food Balance Sheets 2015/08/19 N.S
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishFreshwaterCatch WRI Earthtrends 2011/12/01 CN
SeriesAgFishImportQuantityFAOTrade FAO, FishstatJ 2015/07/02 SDT
SeriesAgFishImportsAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportsAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportsBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportsCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportsCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportsDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishImportsFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishImportsFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportsLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportsMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportsMealFAO FAOSTAT 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishImportsMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportsPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishImportVal FAO FishstatJ Software 2017/07/18 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishImportValueFAOTrade FAO, FishstatJ 2015/07/02 SDT
SeriesAgFishImpt WRI Earthtrends 2012/03/04 EWF;CN
SeriesAgFishInlandProd WRI Earthtrends 2009/07/25
SeriesAgFishMarineCatch WRI Earthtrends 2011/12/01 CN
SeriesAgFishProdAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdAqMammalsFAO FAOSTAT Food Balance Sheets 2015/08/19 N.S
SeriesAgFishProdAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdAquaInland FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishProdAquaMarine FAO FishstatJ software, Global  Aquaculture Production Quantity data 2017/07/13 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishProdBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdCatchInland FAO FishstatJ software, Global Catch Production Quantity Data 2017/07/14 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishProdCatchMarine FAO FishstatJ software, Global Catch Production Quantity Data 2017/07/14 ALN, MKH
SeriesAgFishProdCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdMealFAO FAOSTAT 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishProdMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProdPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishProductionFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayAqMammalsFAO FAOSTAT Food Balance Sheets 2015/08/19 N.S
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishProteinPerCapPerDayFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishProteinPerCapPerDayPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishStockVarAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAGFishStockVarFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarMealFAO FAOSTAT 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishStockVarMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishStockVarPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAgFishtoFeedAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFeedBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFeedCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFeedCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFeedDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishtoFeedFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishtoFeedFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFeedLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFeedMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFeedMealFAO FAOSTAT 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishtoFeedMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFeedPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodAqMammalsFAO FAOSTAT Food Balance Sheets 2015/08/19 N.S
SeriesAgFishtoFoodAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishtoFoodFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishtoFoodFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoFoodPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilAqMammalsFAO FAOSTAT Food Balance Sheets 2015/08/19 N.S
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilAqPlantsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilBodyOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishtoOtherUtilFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilLiverOilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilMealFAO FAOSTAT 2015/08/20 N.S
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoOtherUtilPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoSeedAqAnimalsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoSeedCephalopodsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoSeedCrustaceansFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoSeedDemersalFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGFishtoSeedFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAgFishtoSeedFreshwaterFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoSeedMarineFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoSeedMolluscsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFishtoSeedPelagicFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFoodEx%MerchEx WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAgFoodIm%MerchIm WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAgFoodPriceIndex WDI CD 05 2005/06/01
SeriesAgFoodProductIndex World Bank World Development Indicators 2008 2008/08/28 Food production index covers food crops that are considered edible and that contain nutrients. Coffee and tea are excluded because, although edible, they have no nutritive value
SeriesAgFruitEx FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAgFruitIm FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAgFruitSupply FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAgFruitWaste FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAgFruVegEx FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgFruVegIm FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAggBlanks JRS 2012/01/23 Created by JRS 2012/01/23
SeriesAgGrainLiv%GrainCon WRI online 2012 2011/12/01 Blended with latest data.  The country list for the online data ends with Serbia and Montenegro; CN
SeriesAgLifestockProdIndex WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/02/01 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAgMachTracper100H WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/02/01 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAGMeatCalPerCapPerDayFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGMeatDomesticSupplyFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgMeatEx FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgMeatExportQuantityFAOTrade FAOSTAT, Trade Domain 2018/02/22 HF,EB
SeriesAGMeatExportsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgMeatExportValueFAOTrade FAOSTAT, Trade Domain 2018/02/22 HF,EB
SeriesAGMeatFatPerCapPerDayFAO FAO Food Balance Sheets 2017/05/09 KN,AJM,HF, Aggregation rules on Wiki for each series
SeriesAGMeatFoodSupplyPerCapPerDayFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgMeatIm FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgMeatImportQuantityFAOTrade FAOSTAT, Trade Domain 2018/02/22 HF,EB
SeriesAGMeatImportsFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgMeatImportValueFAOTrade FAOSTAT, Trade Domain 2018/02/22 HF,EB
SeriesAgMeatOtherProductionFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGMeatProductionFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGMeatProteinPerCapPerDayFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGMeatStockVarFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2021/12/29 KS, GE
SeriesAGMeattoFeedFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGMeattoFoodFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGMeattoFoodManuFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGMeattoOtherUtilFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGMeattoSeedFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAGMeattoWasteFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgMuttonandGoatMeatProductionFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgPigMeatProductionFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgPoultryMeatProductionFAO FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgProdCereals FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdCocoaBeans FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdCoffeeGreen FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdEggs FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdFiberCrops FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdFruitsExclMelons FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdMeat FAO FAOstat; http://faostat.fao.org/site/569/default.aspx#ancor 2018/02/22 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdMilk FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdOilCrops FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdPulses FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdRootsTub FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdSugarCane FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdTreenuts FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgProdVegMel FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesAgPulsesEx FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgPulsesIm FAO  BATCH PULL 2022/01/14 KS
SeriesAgRawEx%MerchEx WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAgRawIm%MerchIm WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAgVegetableSupply FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAgVegetableWaste FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAgVegEx FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAgVegIm FAO  BATCH PULL 2017/05/28 KN,HF,LW
SeriesAid%Untied Millennium Indicators Database, UN http://unstats.un.org/unsd/mi/mi_goals.asp 2004/10/01
SeriesAidCerealDon WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2012/03/04 EWF;CN
SeriesAidCerealRec WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2012/03/04 EWF;CN
SeriesAidDACEd%GDP OECD; http://stats.oecd.org/ 2016/03/22 BV; JM; Data converted from current dollar to % of GDP; had to leave out data points due to unavailabiity of GDP data
SeriesAidDon%GNI United Nations Statistics Division available at: http://mdgs.un.org/unsd/mdg/SeriesDetail.aspx?srid=568&crid= 2017/02/17 AN;JM
SeriesAidDonEd%GDP OECD 2015/12/21 JM, BV, Percent of GDP computed in IFs Project
SeriesAidDonEdScholar UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesAidDonLDCs%GNI United Nations Statistics Division available at http://mdgs.un.org/unsd/mdg/ 2017/02/17 AN;JM
SeriesAidDonSocServ%Total Millennium Indicators Database, United Nation's Statistics Division 2005/01/01
SeriesAidEnergyInfrastructure OECD 2011/04/01 MJE JM asked for exact source
SeriesAidforTradeCommitDonor UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesAidforTradeCommitRecipient UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/08/04 CW official indicator
SeriesAidforTradeDisburseDonor UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/08/04 CW official indicator
SeriesAidforTradeDisburseRecipient UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/08/04 CW official indicator
SeriesAidHealthcareGross UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesAidHealthcareNet UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesAidICTInfrastructure OECD 2011/04/01 MJE JM asked for exact source
SeriesAidInfrastructure%TotalAid OECD 2011/04/01 MJE JM asked for exact source
SeriesAidRec WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/02/01 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAidRec%GNI WDI  BATCH PULL 2020/08/05 RG,KBN,KM
SeriesAidRec%GNIOECD OECDStat and World Bank and OECD GNI estimates (current US) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesAidRecGrant%Total WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,AZ
SeriesAidRecGrant%TotRev WDI  BATCH PULL 2020 2020/08/07 YX
SeriesAidRecGrants%GNI OECDStat and World Bank and OECD GNI estimates (current US) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesAidRecGross%GDP WDI  BATCH Update 2018 2018/05/05 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAidRecLoanGross%GNI OECDStat and World Bank and OECD GNI estimates (current US) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesAidRecLoanNet%GNI OECDStat and World Bank and OECD GNI estimates (current US) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesAidRecLoanRepay%GNI OECDStat and World Bank and OECD GNI estimates (current US) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesAidRecPerCap WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/02/01 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesAidRecRecover%GNI OECDStat and World Bank and OECD GNI estimates (current US) 2022/06/06 YX
SeriesAidRoadsInfrastructure OECD 2011/04/01 MJE JM asked for exact source
SeriesAIDSDths WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2010/11/23 EWF
SeriesAidtoDevelopingCountriesUSD UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesAidTotalInfrastructure UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesAidTotalOECD OECD 2011/04/01 MJE JM asked for exact source
SeriesAidTotFlowsAgSector UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesAidWaterSanitation UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesAidWaterSanitationInfrastructure OECD 2011/04/01 MJE JM asked for exact source
SeriesAlternativeSourcesofInformationIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesArmsExp%TotExp WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/01/18 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesArmsExports WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/01/18 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesArmsExportsMonadic%GDP WB; SIPRI directly for Palestine, Montenegro, and Taiwan; Pardee calculations 2022/06/01 CLP Unit fix
SeriesArmsImp%TotImp WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/01/18 KBN,EM
SeriesArmsImports WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/01/18 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesArmsImportsMonadic%GDP WB; SIPRI directly for Palestine, Montenegro, and Taiwan; Pardee calculations 2022/06/01 CLP Unit fix
SeriesAutomobileSales GM IEMA
SeriesAvgAgeAtFirstMarriageMen-UN UN World Marriage Data 2019 2022/04/01 AP
SeriesAvgAgeAtFirstMarriageMen-WB World Bank 2022/04/01 AP
SeriesAvgAgeAtFirstMarriageWomen-UN UN World Marriage Data 2019 2022/04/01 AP
SeriesAvgAgeAtFirstMarriageWomen-UNOECD Our World in Data 2022/04/01 AP
SeriesAvgAgeAtFirstMarriageWomen-WB World Bank 2022/04/01 AP
SeriesAvgLifeExpectancyIHMEForecasts IHME 2019/01/06 KBN
SeriesBankActAdult% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesBankATMTotl UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesBankBranchTotl UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/08/04 CW official indicator
SeriesBirthsRegisteredUnder5% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD
SeriesCalPCap FAO  BATCH PULL 2018/02/12 HF,EB
SeriesCalPCapAnimal WRI Earthtrends http://earthtrends.wri.org/ 2005/06/01
SeriesCBCapitalCont Computed for Productivity Project with Data from Conference Board 2018/10/29 KBN
SeriesCBCapitalCont10YrMovavg Computed for Productivity Project with Data from Conference Board 2018/11/25 KBN
SeriesCBGDPgr Computed for Productivity Project with Data from Conference Board 2018/11/25 KBN
SeriesCBGDPgr10Yravg Computed for Productivity Project with Data from Conference Board 2018/11/25 KBN
SeriesCBLabQualCont Computed for Productivity Project with Data from Conference Board 2018/10/29 KBN
SeriesCBLabQuantCont Computed for Productivity Project with Data from Conference Board 2018/10/29 KBN
SeriesCBLabQuantCont10YrAvg Computed for Productivity Project with Data from Conference Board 2018/11/25 KBN
SeriesCBR World Development Indicators 2022/03/21 YX, JD
SeriesCBTFPTot Computed for Productivity Project with Data from Conference Board 2018/10/29 KBN
SeriesCDR World Development Indicators 2022/03/21 YX, JD
SeriesChiefExecutiveNolongerElectedVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 CW,MM,AW
SeriesChildStuntingPercentWDI World Development Indicators 2022/03/21 YX; JS
SeriesCivilLibertiesindexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesCivilSocietyParticipationIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/08 BG
SeriesCleanElectionsIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/08 BG
SeriesCompanyValue%GDP WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/02/01 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesCompetitivenessMicroEcon World Economic Forum.
SeriesCompetitivenessRank World Economic Forum. 2005/02/01
SeriesCompetitivenessScore World Economic Forum. 2010/04/01 MJS
SeriesComplianceParisPrinc UN SDG Indicators Global Database CW Official Indicator, Number of countries with National Human Rights Institutions with (1) no status; (2) no application for accreditation; (3) not fully compliant; (4) in compliance with the Paris Principles
SeriesConflictandTerrorsimDeathRate IHME GBD 2018/03/19 KN
SeriesConflictandTerrorsimpPrevRate IHME GBD 2018/03/19 KN
SeriesConflictAreaAffectedUCDP World Bank 2019/08/16 JD
SeriesConflictDeathsUCDP World Bank 2019/08/16 JD
SeriesConflictOngoingUCDP World Bank 2019/08/16 JD
SeriesConflictPeaceYearsUCDP World Bank 2019/08/16 JD
SeriesConflictPopulationAffectedUCDP World Bank 2019/08/16 JD
SeriesConflictPopulationShareAffectedUCDP World Bank 2019/08/16 JD
SeriesConflictProbHegreSSP1 Taken from paper by Havard Hegre (2016) 2021/07/30 VY;
SeriesConflictProbHegreSSP2 Taken from paper by Havard Hegre (2016) 2021/07/30 VY;
SeriesConflictProbHegreSSP3 Taken from paper by Havard Hegre (2016) 2021/07/30 VY;
SeriesConflictProbHegreSSP4 Taken from paper by Havard Hegre (2016) 2021/07/30 VY;
SeriesConflictProbHegreSSP5 Taken from paper by Havard Hegre (2016) 2021/07/30 VY;
SeriesConflictStateDeathsUCDP World Bank 2019/08/16 JD
SeriesConsumerPriceIndex WDI  BATCH PULL 2018/12/13 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesConsumFinal%GDP WDI  BATCH PULL 2019/01/18 KBN,HF.MD
SeriesConsumGenGovt%GDP World Development Indicators 2022/04/25 GE,
SeriesConsumHHFinal%GDP World Development Indicators 2022/04/25 GE,
SeriesConsumptionperCapitaDM Pulled from IFs 2018/02/15 KN
SeriesConsumTotal%GDP World Development Indicators 2022/04/25 GE,
SeriesCoreCivilSocietyIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesCorpTax%GDPimf IMF WoRLD 2017/03/30 HF;JM Coutry concordance created for this series IMF WoRLD. Data unable to be pulled as batch.
SeriesCorruption Transparency International www.transparency.org/documents/index.html. Various years 2012/02/01 AS;CN
SeriesCorruptionCPINew Transparency International 2022/04/19 KG
SeriesCrimesAssault UNODC United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS 12) 2012/01/10 CN Until 2002 this data was a part of the Human Development Report, which obtained the information from the ICVS, defunct since 2002
SeriesCrimesBribery Human Development Report 2002 2011/08/12 AS split from SeriesCrimes
SeriesCrimesDrugper100000 UNODC United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS 12) 2012/01/10 CN
SeriesCrimesHomicper100000 UNODC United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS 12) 2012/01/10 CN
SeriesCrimesKidnapping UNODC United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS 12) 2012/01/10 AT;CN
SeriesCrimesPrisonersper100000 UNODC United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS 12) 2012/01/10 CN
SeriesCrimesProperty UNODC United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS 12) 2012/01/10 CN Until 2002 this data was a part of the Human Development Report, which obtained the information from the ICVS, defunct since 2002
SeriesCrimesRobbery UNODC United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS 12) 2012/01/10 CN Until 2002 this data was a part of the Human Development Report, which obtained the information from the ICVS, defunct since 2002
SeriesCrimesSexualAssault UNODC United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS 12) 2012/01/10 CN Until 2002 this data was a part of the Human Development Report, which obtained the information from the ICVS, defunct since 2002
SeriesCrimesTotal Human Development Report 2002 2011/08/12 AS; split from SeriesCrimes
SeriesCulAfricaDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulBuddhistDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulCathDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulConfucDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulEngSpeakDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulExComDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulHinduDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulIslamicDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulLatAmerDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulOrthDum World Value Survey
SeriesCulProtDum World Value Survey
SeriesDeathsper1000IHMEForecasts IHME 2019/01/06 KBN
SeriesDeliberativeComponentIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesDeliberativeDemocracyIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesDesalinatedWater AQU (AQUASTAT) BATCH PULL 2019/09/08 BG
SeriesDipExIn Correlates of War 2012/01/25 TL;CN
SeriesDipExOut Correlates of War 2012/01/25 TL;CN
SeriesDiploDiplomacyRelativePercent Pardee Center origional research. 2012/10/09 DKB
SeriesDiploDiplomaticConnectionIndex Pardee Center origional research. 2012/10/09 DKB
SeriesDiploDistanceToEurope 2012/11/06
SeriesDiploEmbassyIn Diplometrics 2022/04/08 CLP
SeriesDiploEmbassyMaxGlobal Diplometrics 2016/08/23 CLP
SeriesDiploEmbassyOut Diplometrics 2022/04/08 CLP
SeriesDiploEmbassyOutStd Pardee Center origional research. 2012/10/09 DKB
SeriesDiploEmbassyStandCountry 2012/10/29
SeriesDiploEmbassyStandGlobal 2012/10/29
SeriesDiploEmbassyTotal 2012/07/18
SeriesDiploIGOMembershipWeightedStd Pardee Center origional research. 2012/10/09 DKB
SeriesDiploIGOMemberTotal Diplometrics 2022/06/15 CLP, Data from Adam
SeriesDiploIGONetworkedTotal 2012/07/17
SeriesDiploIGONetworkedWeighted 2012/07/17
SeriesDiploIGOWeightedStandCountry 2012/10/29
SeriesDiploIGOWeightedTotal Diplometrics 2022/06/15 CLP, Data from Adam
SeriesDiploIGOWeightMax Diplometrics 2016/08/23 CLP
SeriesDiploINGOAdvocacy Diplometrics 2017/01/04 JEM
SeriesDiploINGOAfiodi Diplometrics 2017/01/04 JEM
SeriesDiploINGOAfiodiIn Diplometrics 2017/01/04 JEM
SeriesDIPLOINGOdsiaicount Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOdsiaicytotal Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOdsiodicount Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOdsiodicytotal Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDiploINGOFiodi Diplometrics 2017/01/04 JEM
SeriesDIPLOINGOfiodicount Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOfiodicytotal Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOinctypecy Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOinctypehi Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOinctypelm Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOinctypelo Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOinctypeum Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOingocount Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOops12count Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOops1count Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOops2count Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOops2cy Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOops3cy Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOops4cy Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDiploINGOPfiodi Diplometrics 2017/01/04 JEM
SeriesDIPLOINGOprogramcytotal Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDiploINGOProgrammatic Diplometrics 2017/01/04 JEM
SeriesDIPLOINGOregtypean Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOregtypeat Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOregtypecy Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOregtypedm Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOsource123count Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOsource12count Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOsource1count Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOsource1cytotal Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOsource2count Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOsource2cytotal Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOsource3count Diplometrics 2020/12/15 AM; YX
SeriesDIPLOINGOsource3cytotal Diplometrics 2020/07/16 AM; YX
SeriesDiploINGOSum Diplometrics 2017/01/04 JEM
SeriesDiploTreatyNetworkedSign1Rat1 2012/07/24
SeriesDiploTreatyNetworkedSign1Rat2 2012/07/24
SeriesDiploTreatyNetworkedWeightedSign1Rat1 2012/07/17
SeriesDiploTreatyNetworkedWeightedSign1Rat2 2012/07/17
SeriesDiploTreatySign1Rat2Std Pardee Center origional research. 2012/10/09 DKB
SeriesDiploTreatyTotalRat2Sign1 Diplometrics 2022/06/01 CLP import; Prepared by Adam
SeriesDiploTreatyTotalSign1Rat1 Diplometrics 2017/01/04 JEM
SeriesDiploTreatyWeightedSign1Rat1 2022/06/01 CLP import; Prepared by Adam
SeriesDiploTreatyWeightedSign1Rat2 Diplometrics 2022/06/01 CLP import; Prepared by Adam
SeriesDiploTreatyWeightedSign1Rat2Max Diplometrics 2022/06/01 CLP import; Prepared by Adam
SeriesDiploTreatyWeightedSign1Rat2StandCountry 2022/06/01 CLP import; Prepared by Adam
SeriesDiploUNStaffByCountry UN General Assembly 2013/01/21 Years from 2006-2012, staff is defined by UN as "All Staff", counting only employees grade P+ and higher; before 2005, employees are defined as "staff subject to geographical distribution" with grade P+ and higher
SeriesDirectPopularVoteIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/08 BG
SeriesDividedPartyControlIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2017/06/28
SeriesDivisionofPowerIndexVDEM Varieties of Democracy 2019/08/06 AW
SeriesDrinkWaterSuppClearProcRural UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/30 Additional Series; Coded to a binary scale of 0=NO, 1=YES, by combining two series: Countries with/without clearly defined procedures for participation in planning program in drinking-water supply (Rural); JD; AJM
SeriesDrinkWaterSuppClearProcUrban UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/08/08 Additional Series; Coded to a binary scale of 0=NO, 1=YES, by combining two series: Countries with/without clearly defined procedures for participation in planning program in drinking-water supply (Urban); JD; AJM
SeriesDrinkWaterSuppParticRural UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 Additional Series; Coded to a scale of: 1-Low Level, 2-Moderate Level, 3-High Level, by combining three series: Countries with a low/moderate/high level participating in planning programs in drinking-water supply by Rural; JD; AJM
SeriesDrinkWaterSuppParticUrban UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/08/08 Additional Series; Coded to a scale of: 1-Low Level, 2-Moderate Level, 3-High Level, by combining three series: Countries with a low/moderate/high level participating in planning programs in drinking-water supply by Urban; JD; AJM
SeriesDrOpiodPrevIHME IHME 2018/01/19 MPD
SeriesDrPrevAmphCalcIHME IHME 2018/04/25 KBN
SeriesDrPrevCokeCalcIHME IHME 2018/04/25 KBN
SeriesDrPrevOpiatesCalcIHME IHME 2018/04/25 KBN
SeriesDrPrevPresOpCalcIHME IHME 2018/04/25 KBN
SeriesDrugOffences UNDP
SeriesDrugPrevalenceAmphetaminesIHME IHME 2018/01/14 KBN
SeriesDrugPrevalenceCocaineIHME IHME 2018/01/14 KBN
SeriesDrugPrevalenceRateAmphetamines United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) 2018/10/09 KM, EM
SeriesDrugPrevalenceRateCannabis United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) 2018/10/09 KM, EM
SeriesDrugPrevalenceRateCocaine United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) 2018/10/09 KM, EM
SeriesDrugPrevalenceRateEcstacy United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) 2018/10/09 KM, EM
SeriesDrugPrevalenceRateOpiates United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) 2018/10/09 KM, EM
SeriesDrugPrevalenceRateOpioids United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) 2018/10/09 KM, EM
SeriesDrugPrevalenceRatePrescription Stimulants United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) 2018/10/09 KM, EM
SeriesDrugPrevalenceRatePrescriptionOpioids United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) 2018/10/09 KM, EM
SeriesDrugPrevalenceRateTranquilizersandSedatives United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) 2018/10/09 KM, EM
SeriesDrugPrevAmphCalc Calculated by KBN 2018/06/02 KBN
SeriesDrugPrevAmphetamineRegAvg UNODC 2018/03/28 KN
SeriesDrugPrevCocaineRegAvg UNODC 2018/03/28 KN
SeriesDrugPrevOpiateRegAvg UNODC 2018/03/28 KN
SeriesDrugPrevOpiatesCalc Calculated by KBN 2018/06/02 KBN
SeriesDrugPrevPresOpCalc Calculated by KBN 2018/06/02 KBN
SeriesDrugPrevPresOpRegAvg UNODC 2018/03/28 KN
SeriesEconomicIntegration Computed for Productivity Project 2018/12/09 KBN
SeriesEconShadow%GDP Schneider, Friedrich and Andreas Buehn. 2007-9. Shadow Economies and Corruption All Over the World: Revised Estimates for 120 Countries. Http://www.economics-ejournal.org/economics/journalarticles/2007-9 2010/04/09 PM, EWF
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesNoEd15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesNoEd20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesNoEd25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesPostSec15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesPostSec20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesPostSec25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesPri15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesPri20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesPri25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesPriIncmplt15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesPriIncmplt20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesPriIncmplt25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesSecLowr15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesSecLowr20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesSecLowr25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesSecUppr15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesSecUppr20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrBothSexesSecUppr25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemaleNoEd15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemaleNoEd20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemaleNoEd25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemalePostSec15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemalePostSec20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemalePostSec25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemalePri15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemalePri20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemalePri25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemalePriIncmplt15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemalePriIncmplt20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemalePriIncmplt25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemaleSecLowr15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemaleSecLowr20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemaleSecLowr25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemaleSecUppr15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemaleSecUppr20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrFemaleSecUppr25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMaleNoEd15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMaleNoEd20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMaleNoEd25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMalePostSec15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMalePostSec20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMalePostSec25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMalePri15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMalePri20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMalePri25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMalePriIncmplt15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMalePriIncmplt20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMalePriIncmplt25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMaleSecLowr15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMaleSecLowr20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMaleSecLowr25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMaleSecUppr15+IIASASSP2 WIC/IIASA Data Explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMaleSecUppr20to64IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdAttnShrMaleSecUppr25+IIASASSP2 WIC data explorer (http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-v2/) 2019/06/18 BRM
SeriesEdBasicEnrollGross%Female IFs Calculation 2008/02/01 Calculated from primary and lower secondary age population and the enrollment numbers at those levels
SeriesEdBasicEnrollGross%Male IFs Calculation 2008/02/01 Calculated from primary and lower secondary age population and the enrollment numbers at those levels
SeriesEdBasicEnrollGross%Total IFs Calculation 2008/02/01 Calculated from primary and lower secondary age population and the enrollment numbers at those levels
SeriesEdEnrollPrivate%Lower2ndaryGeneral UIS 2019 Batch Pull 2019/03/04 RG
SeriesEdEnrollPrivate%Lower2ndaryTotal UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Global Education Digest 2007 2008/05/01
SeriesEdEnrollPrivate%Lower2ndaryVocTech UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/11
SeriesEdEnrollPrivate%Primary UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdEnrollPrivate%Upper2ndaryGeneral UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdEnrollPrivate%Upper2ndaryVocTech UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/11
SeriesEdEnrollPrivateAll2ndaryCombined UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/11
SeriesEdEnrollPrivateUpper2ndaryGeneral UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/11
SeriesEdEnrollPrivateUpper2ndaryVocTech UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/11
SeriesEdExp%GDPPrivatePrePrim UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExp%GDPPrivatePrim UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExp%GDPPrivateSec UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExp%GDPPrivateTer UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExp%GDPPrivateTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExp%GDPPublic UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExp%GDPTotal OECD Education Database
SeriesEdExpbyLevel Computed by Functions
SeriesEdExpectedYearsofSchooling World Bank Edstats 2016/04/07 BV; mti; Also called School Life Expectancy
SeriesEdExpectedYearsofSchoolingFemale UIS 2016/04/08 BV
SeriesEdExpectedYearsofSchoolingMale UIS 2016/04/08 BV;
SeriesEdExpISCED1-4Cap% UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExpISCED1-4NonSalCur% UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExpISCED1-4Sal% UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExpISCED1-4TotalCur% UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExpPrePri%EducTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Not sure whether public expenditure only
SeriesEdExpPrePri%GDP UNESCO 2015/08/28 CLP; Alex Porter
SeriesEdExpPri%EducTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Extracted from http://stats.uis.unesco.org/TableViewer/tableView.aspx?ReportId=219
SeriesEdExpPri%GDPPC World Development Indicators 2022/03/21 CP
SeriesEdExpSec%EducTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Extracted from UIS website
SeriesEdExpSec%GDPPC World Development Indicators 2022/03/21 YX; JS
SeriesEdExpSecLowr%EducTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Not sure whether public expenditure only
SeriesEdExpSecLowr%GDPPC UIS Single Pull 2019/09/18 LW,JM,DK
SeriesEdExpSecUppr%EducTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Not sure whether public expenditure only
SeriesEdExpSecUppr%GDPPC UIS, UNESCO Institute for Statistics; http://data.uis.unesco.org/ 2019/09/18 LW,JM,DK
SeriesEdExpTer%EducTot UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15 Extracted from UIS website
SeriesEdExpTer%GDPPC World Development Indicators 2022/03/21 YX; JS
SeriesEdExpTerCap% UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExpTertNonSalCur% UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExpTertSal% UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdExpTertTotalCur% UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/15
SeriesEdGrad15to19Ter Barro and Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; CN
SeriesEdHCStock15to64FemaleBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/19 SK;HF: HC reflects educational attainment of the female population (15-64), disaggregated by  gender and age
SeriesEdHCStock15to64MaleBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/19 SK;HF: Adult population (15to64) educational attainment, male population disaggregated by gender and age
SeriesEdHCStock15to64TotalBLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/19 SK;HF: Adult population (15to64)education attainment , both sexes disaggregated by gender and age
SeriesEdlowSecGradBothSexes UIS 2019/09/30 KN, CG, MN
SeriesEdlowSecGradFemale UIS 2019/09/30 KN, CG, MN
SeriesEdLowSecGradMale UIS 2019/09/30 KN, CG, MN
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15Female% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15Male% Barro-Lee 2014/04/29 dab; AT;CN Calcualted from Barro-Lee using female and total-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15to24Female% Barro-Lee 2016/01/04 mti; No Schooling + (Primary Total - Primary Completed)  of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15to24Female%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/11 SK;HF: No Schooling + (Primary Total - Primary Completed)  of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15to24Male% Barro-Lee 2016/01/04 mti;  No Schholing + (Primary Total - Primary Completed ) of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15to24Male%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/11 SK;HF: No Schholing + (Primary Total - Primary Completed ) of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15to24Total% Barro-Lee 2016/01/04 mti; No Schooling + (Primary Total - Primary Completed) of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15to24Total%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/11 SK;HF: No Schooling + (Primary Total - Primary Completed) of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15to64Female%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: No Schooling + (Primary Total - Primary Completed)  of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15to64Male%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: No Schholing + (Primary Total - Primary Completed ) of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult15Total% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult25Female% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult25Male% Barro-Lee 2014/04/29 AT;CN Calcualted from Barro-Lee using female and total-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult25to64Female%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: No Schholing + (Primary Total - Primary Completed ) of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult25to64Male%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/13 SK;HF: No Schooling + (Primary Total - Primary Completed ) of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdult25Total% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdults15to64Total%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: No Schholing + (Primary Total - Primary Completed ) of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdNoSchoolingAdults25to64Total%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/19 SK;HF: No Schooling + (Primary Total - Primary Completed ) of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdParityGenderLiteracy UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated; name in source truncated
SeriesEdParityGenderNumeracy UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2017/07/26 AJM, MM; Extended Source Def truncated; name in source truncated
SeriesEdParitySocioeconLiteracy UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 AJM, MM; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdParitySocioeconNumeracy UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 AJM, MM; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPostSecDuration UIS 2015 Pull 2015/09/10 AER, Mohammod requested that I import this variable
SeriesEdPrePriDuration UIS 2015 Pull 2015/09/10 AER, I created this variable at Mohammod's request, he wants all the UIS duration data
SeriesEdPrePriEnrollGrossFemalePcnt UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPrePriEnrollGrossMalePcnt UIS 2019/09/12 BG
SeriesEdPrePriEnrollGrossTotalPcnt UIS 2019/09/13 BG
SeriesEdPrePriOrgLearnFemale% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/05/21 MN, AJM, MM; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPrePriOrgLearnMale% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/05/21 MN, AJM, MM; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPrePriOrgLearnTotal% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/05/21 MN, AJM, MM; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPrePriParityGenderOrgLearn UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/05/21 MN, AJM, MM; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPrePriParityGenderTeachers UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPrePriTeachTrainFemale% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPrePriTeachTrainMale% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPrePriTeachTrainTotal% UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPri2and3ParityGenderMath UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPri2and3ParityGenderRead UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPri2and3ParityRurUrbMath UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPri2and3ParityRurUrbRead UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPri2and3ParitySocioeconMath UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPri2and3ParitySocioeconRead UN SDG Indicators Global Database 2019/06/28 JD; Extended Source Def truncated
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15Female% Barro-Lee 2018/02/11 JW,MD; entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15Male% Barro-Lee 2018/02/11 JW,MD; Calcualted from Barro-Lee using female and total-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15to24Female% Barro-Lee 2018/02/12 JW,MD; Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15to24Female%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/19 SK;HF: Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15to24Male% Barro-Lee 2018/02/12 JW,MD; Primary Completed + Sec Total + Tertiary Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15to24Total% Barro-Lee 2018/02/12 JW,MD; Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15to24Total%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/11 SK;HF: Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter Total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15to64Female%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15to64Male%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15to64Total%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads15Total% Barro-Lee 2018/02/11 JW,MD; entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads25Female% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads25Male% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN Calcualted from Barro-Lee using female and total-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads25to64Female%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/12 SK;HF: Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads25to64Male%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/13 SK;HF: Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads25to64Total%BLLong Barro-Lee 2017/02/13 SK;HF: Primary Completed + Sec Total + Ter total of B-L Spreadsheet Columns
SeriesEdPriAdultGrads25Total% Barro-Lee 2014/04/21 DAB; AT;CN-entire series updated to reflect Barro-Lee revisions to 2010 data made in late 2011
SeriesEdPriAIRFemale% UIS 2019/11/08 KS;
SeriesEdPriAIRMale% UIS 2019/11/08 KS;
SeriesEdPriAIRParity UIS 2019/09/13 BG
SeriesEdPriAIRTotal% UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdPriCompletionFemale UIS 2019/11/08 KM
SeriesEdPriCompletionFemale% UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdPriCompletionMale UIS 2019/11/08 KM
SeriesEdPriCompletionMale% UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdPriCompletionParity UIS 2013 BATCH PULL 2013/07/12
SeriesEdPriCompletionTotal UIS 2019/11/08 KM
SeriesEdPriCompletionTotal% UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdPriDrpGr1BothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr1Female UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr1Male UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr2BothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr2Female UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr2Male UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr3BothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr3Female UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr3Male UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr4BothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr4Female UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr4Male UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr5BothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr5Female UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr5Male UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr6BothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr6Female UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGr6Male UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGrLastCumBothSexes UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGrLastCumFemale UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDrpGrLastCumMale UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriDuration UIS 2019/09/17 EB,HF,DK
SeriesEdPriEnrGr1BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr1FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr1MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr2BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr2FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr2MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr3BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr3FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr3MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr4BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr4FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr4MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr5BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr5FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr5MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr6BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr6FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr6MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr7BothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr7FemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGr7MaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGrUnSpBothSexesNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGrUnSpFemaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrGrUnSpMaleNo UIS 2020/11/24 YX
SeriesEdPriEnrollFemale% Millennium Indicators Database, UN http://unstats.un.org/unsd/mi/mi_goals.asp 2004/10/01