Economic preprocessor
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There are 72 series marked as "economic" in the "group" field that are read into the preprocessor. Most of them come from World_Development_Indicators (WDI). There are quite a few series marked as "IMF GFS 2013 BATCH PULL". There are a lot of data on the informal economy from ILO-WIEGO. Cyber data also appears to be read into DataEcon.
Economic series used in preprocessor
This table was created by filtering DataDict (7.20) by "Used in preprocessor" and then choosing the following "Group" names: Economic; Economic, infrastructure; Economic, SocioPolitical; Economic, Trade.
Table | Group | Definition | Source | Last IFs Update | UsedInPreprocessor | Years |
SeriesGDP2000PCPPP | Economic | GDP per capita (constant 2000 PPP International $) | CIA and constructed (original mostly World Bank) | 2012/02/24 | Yes | |
SeriesLabor | Economic | Labor force size | WDI 2015 BATCH PULL | 2015/07/22 | Yes | |
SeriesLaborFemale% | Economic | Portion of labor force made up by women | WDI 2015 BATCH PULL | 2015/07/22 | Yes | |
SeriesLaborSecInd%Tot | Economic | Labor in industry as % of total | WDI 2015 BATCH PULL | 2015/07/22 | Yes | |
SeriesHouseCon%GDP | Economic | Household final consumption expenditure as percent of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/14 | Yes | |
SeriesLaborSecSer%Tot | Economic | Labor in services as % of total | WDI 2015 BATCH PULL | 2015/07/22 | Yes | |
SeriesVaddInd% | Economic | Value added in industry as percent of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesArmsImp%TotImp | Economic, Trade | Arms imports (SIPRI trend indicator values) | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/14 | Yes | |
SeriesOresMetsIm%MerchIm | Economic | Ores and Metals imports as % of merchandise imports | WDI 2015 BATCH PULL | 2015/07/22 | Yes | |
SeriesVaddMan% | Economic | Value added in manufacturing as percent of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesGDPCurDol | Economic | Gross Domestic Product in Current US$ | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/14 | Yes | |
SeriesVaddICT%GDP | Economic, Infrastructure | Total ICT market share as % of GDP | Information Society Statistics Pocketbook 2001 | Yes | ||
SeriesXDebtPNG%GDP | Economic | External debt, private non-guaranteed, as percentage of gross domestic product | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesXDebtPPG%GDP | Economic | External debt, public and publicly guaranteed, as percentage of gross domestic product | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesXFlowsIDA%GDP | Economic | Net flows from IDA as % of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesGDP2003PPP | Economic | GDP (PPP) | CIA (original partly World Bank); extended by Evan Hillebrand | 2004/07 | Yes | |
SeriesExportsMerchandise | Economic | Exports of merchandise (current currency) | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/14 | Yes | |
SeriesXWorkerRemitPaid | Economic, SocioPolitical | Worker remittances by country where paid | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesXFlowsIMFNonCon%GDP | Economic | Net nonconcessional flows from IMF as % of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesXIMFCredit%GDP | Economic | IMF credits as % of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesXIncPayments%GDP | Economic | Income payments as % of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesXPortBonds%GDP | Economic | Portfolio investment in bonds (PPG and PNG) as % of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesXPortEquity%GDP | Economic | Portfolio investment in equity as % of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesLaborInformalFemale%FormalSec | Economic | Female employment as a % of informal formal sector employment | ILO-WIEGO | 2015/03/10 | Yes | |
SeriesLaborInformalFemale%HHInformal | Economic | Female employment as a % of informal household sector employment | ILO-WIEGO | 2015/03/10 | Yes | |
SeriesLaborInformalFemale%InformalSec | Economic | Female employment as a % of informal informal sector employment | ILO-WIEGO | 2015/03/10 | Yes | |
SeriesLaborInformalFormSec%TotalInformal | Economic | Formal sector as a % of total informal employment | ILO-WIEGO | 2015/03/10 | Yes | |
SeriesLaborInformalHH%TotalInformal | Economic | Household sector as a % of total informal employment | ILO-WIEGO | 2015/03/10 | Yes | |
SeriesLaborInformalInfSec%TotalInformal | Economic | Informal sector as a % of total informal employment | ILO-WIEGO | 2015/03/10 | Yes | |
SeriesLaborInformalMale%FormalSec | Economic | Male employment as a % of informal formal sector employment | ILO-WIEGO | 2015/03/10 | Yes | |
SeriesLaborInformalMale%HHInformal | Economic | Male employment as a % of informal household sector employment | ILO-WIEGO | 2015/03/10 | Yes | |
SeriesXReserves%GDP | Economic | Gross international reserves as % of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesExportGoodSer% | Economic, Trade | Exports of goods and services as % of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/14 | Yes | |
SeriesExportServices | Economic | Exports of services (BoP, current currency) | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/14 | Yes | |
SeriesGDP2011PCPPP | Economic | GDP per capita (constant 2011 PPP International $) | WDI - calculaed from WDI and other sources; extrapolated based on previous GDP_PCPPP2005 values in IFs; extrapolated based on CIA Factbook; taken directly from CIA Factbook; taken directly from previous GDP_PCPPP2005 values in IFs | 2015/09/18 | Yes | |
SeriesAidRec%GNI | Economic | Official development assistance and official aid, net, % of GNI | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/14 | Yes | |
SeriesLaborInformal%TotalAllBlended | Economic | Labor, informal, as a share of total, all, blended from ILO-WIEGO and World Bank | Blended from ILO-WEIGO and calculated World Bank | 2014/10/21 | Yes | |
SeriesAidRecGrant%Total | Economic | Official development assistance and official aid, grants and other revenue, current LCU | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/14 | Yes | |
SeriesGovCon%GDP | Economic | Government (general) final consumption as % of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/14 | Yes | |
SeriesImportGoodSer% | Economic | Imports of goods and services as % of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/14 | Yes | |
SeriesImportServices | Economic, Trade | Imports of services (current currency) | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/14 | Yes | |
SeriesImportsMerchandise | Economic | Imports of merchandise (current currency) | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/14 | Yes | |
SeriesInvestGrCapForm%GDP | Economic | Gross capital formation (Investment), percent of GDP | WDI 2015 BATCH PULL | 2015/07/22 | Yes | |
SeriesXFDIInflows%GDP | Economic | Foreign direct investment net inflow as % of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesXFDIOutflows%GDP | Economic | Foreign direct investment net outflow as % of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesXWorkerRemitReceived | Economic, SocioPolitical | Worker remittances received by home country | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesOresMetsEx%MerchEx | Economic | Ores and Metals exports as % of merchandise exports | WDI 2015 BATCH PULL | 2015/07/22 | Yes | |
SeriesGDPInformal%Blended | Economic | Informal economy as % of GDP, blended from 2 sources (UNECE, Schneider and Elgin) | UNECE, "Non-Observed Economy in National Accounts: Survey of Country Practices";; | 2015/01/13 | Yes | |
SeriesGovtCalcEdCen%GDP | Economic | Education spending, government, Central government, as % of GDP | IMF GFS 2013 BATCH PULL | 2013/12/20 | Yes | |
SeriesGovtCalcEdTot%GDP | Economic | Education spending, government, total, as % of GDP | IMF GFS 2013 BATCH PULL | 2013/12/20 | Yes | |
SeriesGovtCalcExpendCen%GDP | Economic | Expenditure, government, Central government, as % of GDP | IMF GFS 2013 BATCH PULL | 2013/12/20 | Yes | |
SeriesGovtCalcExpendTot%GDP | Economic | Expenditure, government, total, as % of GDP | IMF GFS 2013 BATCH PULL | 2013/12/20 | Yes | |
SeriesGovtCalcHealthCen%GDP | Economic | Health spending, government, Central government, as % of GDP | IMF GFS 2013 BATCH PULL | 2013/12/20 | Yes | |
SeriesGovtCalcHealthTot%GDP | Economic | Health spending, government, total, as % of GDP | IMF GFS 2013 BATCH PULL | 2013/12/20 | Yes | |
SeriesGovtCalcRevCen%GDP | Economic | Revenue, government, Central government, as % of GDP | IMF GFS 2013 BATCH PULL | 2013/12/20 | Yes | |
SeriesGovtCalcRevTot%GDP | Economic | Revenue, government, total, as % of GDP | IMF GFS 2013 BATCH PULL | 2013/12/20 | Yes | |
SeriesGDP2005PCPPP | Economic | GDP per capita (constant 2005 PPP International $) | WDI 2013; extrapolated based on previous GDP_PCPPP2005 values in IFs; extrapolated based on CIA Factbook; taken directly from CIA Factbook; taken directly from previous GDP_PCPPP2005 values in IFs | 2013/12/23 | Yes | |
SeriesLaborAgr%TotFemale | Economic | Employees, agriculture, female as % of female employment | WDI 2015 BATCH PULL | 2015/07/22 | Yes | |
SeriesVaddAg% | Economic | Value added in agriculture as percent of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesVaddSer% | Economic | Value added in services as percent of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesXFlowsIMFCon%GDP | Economic | Net concessional flows from IMF as % of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesXIncReceipts%GDP | Economic | Income receipts as % of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesLaborAgr%TotMale | Economic | Employees, agriculture, males as % of male employment | WDI 2015 BATCH PULL | 2015/07/22 | Yes | |
SeriesLaborInformal%TotalFemaleWB | Economic | Labor, informal, as a share of total, female | World Bank Gender Statistics | 2014/04/28 | Yes | |
SeriesLaborInformal%TotalMaleWB | Economic | Labor, informal, as a share of total, male | World Bank Gender Statistics | 2014/04/28 | Yes | |
SeriesGDPInformal%Elgin | Economic | Informal economy as % of GDP, from Elgin and Oztunali (2012) | Available at: | 2014/04/04 | Yes | |
SeriesGDP2011 | Economic | Gross Domestic Product in 2011 constant dollars | WDI - Caluclated from WDI and other sources; IMF WEO 2013 Real GDP Growth Rates for 2010-2014; CIA factbook for some countries (e.g., PRK; SSD; SOM); WEO (Taiwan); ERS; Gaps filled using growth rates from ERS or previous version of IFs | 2015/09/18 | Yes | |
SeriesLaborInformalMale%InformalSec | Economic | Male employment as a % of informal informal sector employment | ILO-WIEGO | 2015/03/10 | Yes | |
SeriesXCurActBal%GDP | Economic | Current account balance (% of GDP) | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesXDebt | Economic | External long-term (more than 1 year) debt: public, publically guaranteed and priv nonguaranteed | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesXFlowsIBRD%GDP | Economic | Net flows from IBRD as % of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes | |
SeriesXWBLoans%GDP | Economic | IBRD loans and IDA credits as % of GDP | WDI BATCH PULL | 2015/07/15 | Yes |