Government consumption preprocessor
Series read
SeriesGovtMil%GDPSIPRI | Government, Conflict | Expenditure | SIPRI, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute | Military expenditures as percent of GDP (SIPRI) |
SeriesGovtMil%GDP | Government, Infrastructure, Conflict | Expenditure | ACDA + asst earlier volumes | Military expenditures as percent of GDP (ACDA) |
SeriesGovtHl%GDP | Government, Health, Infrastructure | Expenditure | WDI BATCH PULL | Health expenditures as percent of GDP, public |
SeriesHealthExpPriv%Tot | Population, Health | Expenditure | WHO Global Health Expenditure Database | Private expenditure on health (PvtHE) as % of Total Health Expenditure |
SeriesHealthExpTot%GDP | Population, Health | Expenditure | WHO Global Health Expenditure Database | Total health expenditure (THE) % Gross Domestic Product (GDP) |
SeriesGovtEdPub%GDP | Government | Expenditure | WDI BATCH PULL | Educational expenditures (public) as percent of GDP |
SeriesR&DGovt%GDP | Government | Research and Development | UNESCO | Gross R&D expenditure by government |
SeriesR&D%GDPWDI | Science Technology, Infrastructure, Knowledge | R&D | Constructed from multiple WDI vol;CD incl 01, 02, 04,05,06,07; 2006-2008 Update from UIS Website | R&D as % of GDP (in some earlier years was GNI) |
SeriesGovtCalcHealthCen%GDP | Economic | Finance | IMF GFS 2013 BATCH PULL | Health spending, government, Central government, as % of GDP |
SeriesGovtCalcHealthTot%GDP | Economic | Finance | IMF GFS 2013 BATCH PULL | Health spending, government, total, as % of GDP |
SeriesGovtCalcEdCen%GDP | Economic | Finance | IMF GFS 2013 BATCH PULL | Education spending, government, Central government, as % of GDP |
SeriesGovtCalcEdTot%GDP | Economic | Finance | IMF GFS 2013 BATCH PULL | Education spending, government, total, as % of GDP |
Initialize defense expenditures using SeriesGovtMil%GDPSIPRI. If null, then use SeriesGovtMil%GDP.
If null estimate using GDPPCP: TbName$ = "GDP/Capita (PPP) Versus Govt Exp Mil as % of GDP (" & CStr(BaseYear) & ") - linear"
To fill holes: "GDP/Capita (PPP) Versus Govt Exp Mil as % of GDP (" & CStr(BaseYear) & ") - linear"
This equation is using: GDP/Capita (PPP) Versus Govt Exp Mil as % of GDP (2000) - linear
Initialize public health expenditures using SeriesGovtHl%GDP.
If null estimate using GDPPCP: TbName$ = "GDP/Capita (PPP) Versus Govt Exp Hlth as % of GDP (" & CStr(BaseYear) & ") - log"
To fill holes: "GDP/Capita (PPP) Versus Govt Exp Hlth as % of GDP (" & CStr(BaseYear) & ") - log"
This equation is using: GDP/Capita (PPP) Versus Govt Exp Hlth as % of GDP (2000) - log
Initialize private health expenditures using SeriesHealthExpPriv%Tot. If no data, but there is data on total health expenditures (SeriesHealthExpTot%GDP) then set private as the difference between total and public.
If no data on total health expenditure then estimate private using:
'Estimate Private
Call AnalFunc("Private Health Expenditures % of GDP (2012)", _
Array(CGDPPCP(ICount%), CEDYRSAGE25T(ICount%)), cVal, _
Array("GDP2005PCPPP(MOSTRECENT)/ 1000 (Log)", "EdYearsAge25(MOSTRECENT) (Linear)"))
If no data on total expenditures, then it is the sum of private and public.
Initialize public spending on education using SeriesGovtEdPub%GDP. If null then use:
Call XYTABL("GDP/Capita (PPP) Versus Govt Exp Educ as % of GDP (2002) - log", _
Amin(40, CGDPPCP(ICount%)), GExpEd(ICount%))
To fill holes: "GDP/Capita (PPP) Versus Govt Exp Educ as % of GDP (2002) - log"
Bound as 1.5% as a minimum. Set Uzbekistan to 3%.
R & D
Initialize public R&D spending using SeriesR&DGovt%GDP (GExpRandD) and SeriesR&D%GDPWDI (ExpRandDTot).
If ExpRandDTot is null then estimate using: TbName$ = "GDP/Capita (PPP) Versus R&D Total as % of GNI (" & CStr(BaseYear) & ") - linear"
This equation is using: GDP/Capita (PPP) Versus R&D Total as % of GNI (2000) - linear
If GExpRandD is null then estimate using: TbName$ = "GDP/Capita (PPP) Versus Govt Exp R&D as % of GNP (" & CStr(BaseYear) & ") - linear"
This equation is using: GDP/Capita (PPP) Versus Govt Exp R&D as % of GNP (2000) - linear
Initialize central government health expenditures (GExpHlCen) using SeriesGovtCalcHealthCen%GDP
Initialize total government health expenditures (GExpHlTot) using SeriesGovtCalcHealthTot%GDP
Initialize central government education expenditures (GExpEdCen) using SeriesGovtCalcEdCen%GDP
Initialize total government education expenditures (GExpEdTot) using SeriesGovtCalcEdTot%GDP
'-- Infrastructure Expenditure : Build up from components calculated in DataInfra: for historical and regular base--
'switch to turn infrastructure finance on and off
Note: default setting of infrastructure finance is on (1) - changing this to off (0) in global parameters (IFs.mdb) means that infrastructure spending is initialized at zero. To fill holes: GExpInfraOther(ICount%) = 1.8162 + 0.061 * Log(CGDPPCP(ICount%))
Need to put in TablFunc If infrastructure finance is on (default) then sum up new construction and maintenance from all sub-types of infrastructure. Cap at 10% of GDP.
'non-core or 'other' infrastructure as a % of GDP - using function estimated by DSR
GExpInfraOther(ICount%) = 1.8162 + 0.061 * Log(CGDPPCP(ICount%))
Read everything to GovConsumptionOutput
Cap Infra spending
Private Function CalcInfraPubSpendCap
'procedure for capping infrastructure fund demand as a % of GDP;
'uses inverted V suggested by BBH