Household Energy Database

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The Household Energy Database monitors household energy use. The database contains nationally representative data from surveys and censuses on cooking, heating and lighting fuels. A proportion of the available surveys also include questions on stove type, time spent collecting fuel, and incidence of acute lower respiratory infection. The database is used to calculate national, rural and urban estimates for use of clean fuels and technologies (as well as the population affected), which WHO reports for Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 7.1.2. The database is regularly updated with new data from national censuses and large-scale household surveys such as the World Bank’s Living Standard and Measurement Survey and UNICEF’s Multiple Cluster Indicator Survey (MICS). The database is currently being upgraded in association with international and national surveys and censuses to include more data on heating and lighting fuels and technologies and emission rates, and to disaggregate data by sex and age whenever possible.

The Data Team uses the Household Energy Database for these series:

  • SeriesEnvSolidFuels
  • SeriesEnvCookingFuelBiogas%HHTotal
  • SeriesEnvCookingFuelBiomass%HHtotal
  • SeriesEnvCookingFuelCharcoal%HHTotal
  • SeriesEnvCookingFuelClean%HHtotal
  • SeriesEnvCookingFuelCoal%HHTotal
  • SeriesEnvCookingFuelCropWaste%HHTotal
  • SeriesEnvCookingFuelDung%HHTotal
  • SeriesEnvCookingFuelElec%HHTotal
  • SeriesEnvCookingFuelKerosene%HHTotal
  • SeriesEnvCookingFuelLNG%HHTotal
  • SeriesEnvCookingFuelLPG%HHTotal
  • SeriesEnvCookingFuelSolid%HHTotal
  • SeriesEnvCookingFuelWood%HHTotal

To pull data from the Household Energy Database for uploading into IFs, please follow the instructions below.

Steps to Pull Data From the Household Energy Database