BP data

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Series pulled from BP

Copy Of DataDict
Table Group Definition Years Source Last IFs Update UsedInPreprocessor
SeriesEnConCoalBP Energy, Infrastructure Coal consumption 1965-2014 BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 2016/01/27 No
SeriesEnConGeothBioBP Energy, Infrastructure Geothermal, biomass and other renewable energy consumption 1965-2014 BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 2016/01/27 No
SeriesEnConSolarBP Energy, Infrastructure Solar energy consumption 1965-2014 BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 2016/01/27 No
SeriesEnInstGeothermalBP Energy, Infrastructure Cumulative installed geothermal power capacity 1975,1980,1985,1990,1995,2000-2014 BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 2016/01/27 No
SeriesEnInstSolarBP Energy, Infrastructure Cumulative installed photovoltaic (PV) power 1996-2014 BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 2016/01/27 No
SeriesEnInstWindBP Energy, Infrastructure Cumulative installed wind turbine capacity 1995-2014 BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 2016/01/27 No
SeriesEnProdBioBP Energy, Infrastructure Biofuels production 1990-2014 BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 2016/01/27 No
SeriesEnConWindBP Energy, Infrastructure Wind energy consumption 1965-2014 BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 2016/01/27 No
SeriesEnReserCoalBP Energy, Infrastructure Coal reserves 2007-2014 BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 2016/01/27 Yes
SeriesEnConGasBP Energy, Infrastructure Natural gas consumption 1965-2014 BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 2016/01/27 No
SeriesEnConHydroBP Energy, Infrastructure Hydro-electricity consumption 1965-2014 BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 2016/01/27 Yes
SeriesEnConOilBP Energy, Infrastructure Oil consumption 1965-2014 BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 2016/01/27 No
SeriesEnProdCoalBP Energy, Infrastructure Coal production 1981-2014 BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 2016/01/27 Yes
SeriesEnProdGasBP Energy, Infrastructure Gas (natural) production 1970-2014 BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 2016/01/27 Yes
SeriesEnProdOilBP Energy, Infrastructure Oil production 1965-2014 BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 2016/01/27 Yes
SeriesEnReserGasBP Energy, Infrastructure Gas (natural) reserves 1980-2014 BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 2016/01/27 Yes
SeriesEnReserOilBP Energy, Infrastructure Oil reserves 1980-2014 BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 2016/01/27 Yes
SeriesEnConNucBP Energy, Infrastructure Nuclear-electricity consumption 1965-2014 BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 2016/01/27 Yes

Instructions on importing data

The units from BP are in MTOE (Million tonnes of oil equivalent). We need to convert that to BBOE (Billion Barrels of Oil Equivalent). Which is why we multiply by those numbers. The conversion factors can be found here, 


  • The only tricky part is for some reason some of the historic coal data from the downloaded information does not come with the download. I pulled the historic data from the DataDict and filled in the historic data into the excel document that was then imported into IFs.