FishstatJ, FAO

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FAO Fishtatj is software used by the Food and Agriculture Organization to handle their fisheries and aquaculture data. Data from Fishtatj is separated into four different workspaces, which must each be downloaded separately: Global Production, Global Commodities, Regional, and Food Balance. The Global Production and Global Commodities workspaces are used for the data discussed in this article. Once downloaded, the data in each of these workspaces may be manipulated and converted to an excel file using the Fishtatj software. FAO Fishtatj and workspaces can be downloaded here and additional help can be found using the Fishtatj manual or FAO help videos. The following series are IFs data collected using Fishstatj:

Variable Definition Workspace UsedInPreprocessor UsedInPreprocessorFileName
AgFishAquaProdAqAnimalsFSJ Total Aquatic Animals Aquaculture Production (tonnes) from FishstatJ Global Production 1 AGRI
AgFishAquaProdAqPlantsFSJ Total Aquatic Plants Aquaculture Production (tonnes) from FishstatJ Global Production 1 AGRI
AgFishAquaProdCephalopodsFSJ Total Cephalopods Aquaculture Production (tonnes) from FishstatJ Global Production 1 AGRI
AgFishAquaProdCrustaceansFSJ Total Crustaceans Aquaculture Production (tonnes) from FishstatJ Global Production 1 AGRI
AgFishAquaProdDemersalFSJ Total  Demersal Aquaculture Production (tonnes) from FishstatJ Global Production 1 AGRI
AgFishAquaProdFreshwaterFSJ Total Freshwater Aquaculture Production (tonnes) from FishstatJ Global Production 1 AGRI
AgFishAquaProdMarineFSJ Total Marine Aquaculture Production (tonnes) from FishstatJ Global Production 1 AGRI
AgFishAquaProdMolluscsFSJ Total Molluscs Aquaculture Production (tonnes) from FishstatJ Global Production 1 AGRI
AgFishAquaProdOthersFSJ Total Others Aquaculture Production (tonnes) from FishstatJ Global Production 0
AgFishAquaProdPelagicFSJ Total Pelagic Aquaculture Production (tonnes) from FishstatJ Global Production 1 AGRI
AgFishCatchProdAqAnimalsFSJ Total Aquatic Animals Catch Production (tonnes) from FishstatJ Global Production 1 AGRI
AgFishCatchProdAqMammalsFSJ Total Aquatic Mammals Catch Production (tonnes) from FishstatJ Global Production 0
AgFishCatchProdAqPlantsFSJ Total Aquatic Plants Catch Production (tonnes) from FishstatJ Global Production 1 AGRI
AgFishCatchProdCephalopodsFSJ Total Cephalopods Capture Production from FishstatJ Global Production 1 AGRI
AgFishCatchProdCrustaceansFSJ Total Crustaceans Capture Production from FishstatJ Global Production 1 AGRI
AgFishCatchProdDemersalFSJ Total Demersal Capture Production from FishstatJ Global Production 1 AGRI
AgFishCatchProdFreshwaterFSJ Total Freshwater Capture Production from FishstatJ Global Production 1 AGRI
AgFishCatchProdMarineFSJ Total Marine Capture Production from FishstatJ Global Production 1 AGRI
AgFishCatchProdMolluscsFSJ Total Molluscs Capture Production from FishstatJ Global Production 1 AGRI
AgFishCatchProdOthersFSJ Total Others Capture Production from FishstatJ Global Production 0
AgFishCatchProdPelagicFSJ Total Pelagic Capture Production (tonnes) from Fishstatj Global Production 1 AGRI
AgFishExportVal Global Commodities Production and Trade Value of Fish Exports (USD) Global Commodities 0
AgFishImportVal Global Commodities Production and Trade Value of Fish Imports (USD) Global Commodities 0
AgFishProdAquaInland Fish,Production, Inland Aquaculture Global Production 0
AgFishProdAquaMarine Fish, production, Marine Aquaculture Global Production 0
AgFishProdCatchInland Fish, Production, Inland Catch Global Production 0
AgFishProdCatchMarine Fish, Production, Marine Catch Global Production 0

Data Collection

After downloading Fishtatj and the Global Commodity and Global Production workspaces, open the program and load the Global Production dataset. Within this workspace, there are three tabs: Global Capture Production (Quantity), Global Aquaculture Production (Value), and Global Aquaculture Production (Quantity). Data can be further manipulated using the level of aggregation tool (blue arrow) and the filter tool - the first option under the data tab (green arrow).

FAO Fishtatj Help Image.png

Global Capture Production (Quantity) tab of the Global Production dataset

AgFishCatchProdAqAnimalsFSJ through AgFishCatchProdPelagicFSJ (see list in Introduction):

Using the aggregation tool, set the country dimension to detailed, the species to grouped, and the fishing area to aggregated. For the species division, choose "FAOSTAT group of commodities." Using the filter tool under the data tab, make sure that ALL species, countries and fishing areas have been included. All rows must be selected (ctrl/cmd + a). Data can then be saved as a .csv file by using the second option under the edit tab. This file can then be saved as a more updated excel file (.xls or .xlsx) once it is opened. The species correspond to the different data series as follows:

AgFishCatchProdAqAnimalsFSJ Aquatic Animals NEI
AgFishCatchProdAqMammalsFSJ Aquatic Mammals
AgFishCatchProdAqPlantsFSJ Aquatic Plants
AgFishCatchProdCephalopodsFSJ Cephalopods
AgFishCatchProdCrustaceansFSJ Crustaceans
AgFishCatchProdDemersalFSJ Demersal Marine Fish
AgFishCatchProdFreshwaterFSJ Freshwater and Diadromous Fish
AgFishCatchProdMarineFSJ Marine Fish NEI
AgFishCatchProdMolluscsFSJ Molluscs excl. Cephalopods
AgFishCatchProdPelagicFSJ Pelagic Marine Fish

AgFishProdCatchInland and AgFishProdCatchMarine:

Using the aggregation tool, set the country dimension to detailed, the species to aggregated, and the fishing area to grouped. For the fishing area division, choose "Inland/Marine areas". Using the filter tool under the data tab, make sure that ALL species, countries and fishing areas have been included. All rows must be selected (ctrl/cmd + a). Data can then be saved as a .csv file by using the second option under the edit tab. This file can then be saved as a more updated excel file (.xls or .xlsx) once it is opened. The marine areas data correspond to AgFishProdCatchMarine and the inland waters data correspond to AgFishProdCatchInland.

Global Aquaculture Production (Quantity) tab of the Global Production dataset

AgFishAquaProdAqAnimalsFSJ through AgFishAquaProdPelagicFSJ (see list in Introduction):

Using the aggregation tool, set the country dimension to detailed, the species to grouped, and the aquaculture area and environment both to aggregated. For the species division, choose "FAOSTAT group of commodities". Using the filter tool under the data tab, make sure that ALL species, countries, aquaculture areas, and environments have been included. All rows must be selected (ctrl/cmd + a). Data can then be saved as a .csv file by using the second option under the edit tab. This file can then be saved as a more updated excel file (.xls or .xlsx) once it is opened. The species correspond to the different data series as follows:

AgFishAquaProdAqAnimalsFSJ Aquatic Animals NEI
AgFishAquaProdAqPlantsFSJ Aquatic Plants
AgFishAquaProdCephalopodsFSJ Cephalopods
AgFishAquaProdCrustaceansFSJ Crustaceans
AgFishAquaProdDemersalFSJ Demersal Marine Fish
AgFishAquaProdFreshwaterFSJ Freshwater and Diadromous Fish
AgFishAquaProdMarineFSJ Marine Fish NEI
AgFishAquaProdMolluscsFSJ Molluscs excl. Cephalopods
AgFishAquaProdPelagicFSJ Pelagic Marine Fish

AgFishProdAquaInland and AgFishProdAquaMarine:

Under the aggregation tool, set the country dimension to detailed, the species and enviroment both to aggregated, and the aquaculture area to grouped. For the aquaculture division, choose "Inland/Marine areas". Using the filter tool under the data tab, make sure that ALL species, countries, aquaculture areas, and evironments have been included. All rows must be selected (ctrl/cmd + a). Data can then be saved as a .csv file by using the second option under the edit tab. This file can then be saved as a more updated excel file (.xls or .xlsx) once it is opened. The marine areas data correspond to AgFishProdAquaMarine and the inland waters data correspond to AgFishProdAquaInland.

Global Aquatic Trade Workspace

Close the workspace. Then open the Global Aquatic Trade Workspace. The two series found in this workspace are AgFishExportVal and AgFishImportVal. Using the aggregation tool, set the country dimension to detailed, the commodity to aggregated, and the trade flow to Detailed. All rows must be selected (ctrl/cmd + a). Data can then be saved as a .csv file by using the second option under the edit tab. This file can then be saved as a more updated excel file (.xls or .xlsx) once it is opened.