International Diabetes Federation

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The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) is an umbrella organization of over 230 national diabetes associations in 170 countries and territories. It represents the interests of the growing number of people with diabetes and those at risk. The Federation has been leading the global diabetes community since 1950.

Instructions on pulling IDF data

The current update came from International Diabetes Federation's Diabetes Atlas;

Step 1 access

Step 2 access the various editions of the atlas and gather data from pdf files.

Prevalence of diabetes: SeriesHealthDiabetesPrev%

Prevalence of impaired glucose intolerance: SeriesHealthIGTPrev%

These were national prevalences and not age adjusted. In the data available there are age-adjusted data points which we might need as they provide an accurate assessment of cohorts.

2014, 2015 and 2040 were added for prevalence of diabetes,

2015 and 2040 were added for the prevalence of impaired glucose intolerance.

The data for 2014 came from an atlas poster for 6th edition and all other data came from a tool on the site. All this data can be located in the 5th, 6th and 7th edition of the Atlas.

National or regional prevalence is the actual percentage of the adult population (20-79 years) in a country or region that has diabetes. It is calculated by taking the estimated number of cases in adults and dividing by the total population in adults. The national prevalence should be used when reporting statistics for just one country or region, or when the statistics being reported are not for comparison.

Age-adjusted comparative prevalence, also referred to as comparative prevalence, is the prevalence calculated by adjusting to the age structure of a standard population. In the IDF Diabetes Atlas 10th Edition, the standard population is the UN population for 2021, 2030 or 2045.  Adjusting rates is a way to make fairer comparisons between groups with different distributions. Age-adjusted rates are rates that would have existed if the population under study had the same age distribution as the “standard” population.