United Nations Population Division (UNPD)
What is the UNPD? What kind of data do they release? How often are the data updated? When are the data released?
Series pulled from UNPD
Table | Source | Last IFs Update | UsedInPreprocessorFileName |
SeriesInfMortMedUNPD | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2014/1/23 | POP |
SeriesLifExpectFemale | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/mortality.htm | 2015/02/21 | POP |
SeriesLifExpectMale | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/mortality.htm | 2015/02/21 | POP |
SeriesTFRMedUNPD | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/fertility.htm | 2016/02/23 | POP |
SeriesPopulation | UNPD 2015 (DSR added Taiwan from WEO) | 2015/09/18 | INFRA |
SeriesForecastandHistInfMortMedUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2014/1/23 | |
SeriesForecastandHistPopulationBothSexesConstUNPD2010Rev | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/6/1 | |
SeriesForecastandHistPopulationBothSexesHighUNPD2010Rev | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/6/1 | |
SeriesForecastandHistPopulationBothSexesLowUNPD2010Rev | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/6/1 | |
SeriesForecastandHistPopulationBothSexesMedUNPD2010Rev | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/6/1 | |
SeriesForecastCDR0MigrationUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/28 | |
SeriesForecastCDRConstFertUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/28 | |
SeriesForecastCDRConstMortalityUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/28 | |
SeriesForecastCDRHighUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/28 | |
SeriesForecastCDRlowUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/28 | |
SeriesForecastCDRMedUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/28 | |
SeriesForecastCDRNoChangeUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/28 | |
SeriesForecastCDRreplacementUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/28 | |
SeriesForecastDependencyRatio0MigrationUNPD2015Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/10/08 | |
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioConstMortUNPD2015Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/10/08 | |
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioNoChangeUNPD2015Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/10/08 | |
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOld0MigrationUNPD2015Rev | UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/26 | |
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldConstFertUNPD2015Rev | UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/26 | |
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldConstMortalityUNPD2015Rev | UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/26 | |
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldHighUNPD2015Rev | UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/26 | |
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldLowUNPD2015Rev | UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/26 | |
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldMedUNPD2015Rev | UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/26 | |
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldNoChangeUNPD2015Rev | UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/26 | |
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioOldReplacementUNPD2015Rev | UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/26 | |
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioYoungConstFertUNPD2015Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/10/08 | |
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioYoungHighUNPD2015Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/10/08 | |
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioYoungLowUNPD2015Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/10/08 | |
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioYoungMedUNPD2015Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/10/08 | |
SeriesForecastDependencyRatioYoungReplacementUNPD2015Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/10/08 | |
SeriesForecastFertility0MigrationUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastFertility0MigrationUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/22 | |
SeriesForecastFertilityConstMortalityUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastFertilityConstMortalityUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/22 | |
SeriesForecastfertilityConstUNPD | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/fertility.htm | 2013/05 | |
SeriesForecastFertilityConstUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastFertilityConstUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/22 | |
SeriesForecastfertilityHighUNPD | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/fertility.htm | 2013/05 | |
SeriesForecastFertilityHighUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastFertilityHighUNPD2015ANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/22 | |
SeriesForecastfertilityLowUNPD | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/fertility.htm | 2013/05 | |
SeriesForecastFertilityLowUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastFertilityLowUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/22 | |
SeriesForecastfertilityMedUNPD | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/fertility.htm | 2013/05 | |
SeriesForecastFertilityMedUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastFertilityMedUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/22 | |
SeriesForecastFertilityNoChangeUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastFertilityNoChangeUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/22 | |
SeriesForecastFertilityReplacementUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastFertilityReplacementUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/22 | |
SeriesForecastInfantMortalityMedUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/28 | |
SeriesForecastLifeExpMedBothSexesUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastLifeExpMedBothSexesUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/24 | |
SeriesForecastLifeExpMedFemaleUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastLifeExpMedFemaleUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/24 | |
SeriesForecastLifeExpMedMaleUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastLifeExpMedMaleUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/09/24 | |
SeriesForecastLifExpectFemaleMedUNPD | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/mortality.htm | 2013/05 | |
SeriesForecastLifExpectFemaleUNPD2010Rev | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/mortality.htm | 2013/01 | |
SeriesForecastLifExpectMaleMedUNPD | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/mortality.htm | 2013/05 | |
SeriesForecastLifExpectMaleUNPD2010Rev | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/mortality.htm | 2013/01 | |
SeriesForecastLifExpectMedUNPD | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/mortality.htm | 2013/05 | |
SeriesForecastLifExpectUNPD2010Rev | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/mortality.htm | 2013/01 | |
SeriesForecastNetMigrantsUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 9/28/2015 2:58:39 PM | |
SeriesForecastNetMigrationMedUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/10/14 | |
SeriesForecastNetMigrationRateMedUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/10/14 | |
SeriesForecastNetMigrationRateUNPD2015RevANN | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 11/5/2015 6:53:45 PM | |
SeriesForecastPopBothSexes0MigrationUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopBothSexes0MigrationUNPD2015Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/13 | |
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesConstMortalityUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesConstMortalityUNPD2015Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/13 | |
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesConstUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesConstUNPD2015Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/13 | |
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesHighUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesHighUNPD2015Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/13 | |
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesLowUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesLowUNPD2015Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/13 | |
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesMedUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesMedUNPD2015Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/13 | |
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesNoChangeUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesNoChangeUNPD2015Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/13 | |
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesReplacementUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopBothSexesReplacementUNPD2015Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/13 | |
SeriesForecastPopFemale0MigrationUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopFemaleConstMortalityUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopFemaleConstUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopFemaleHighUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopFemaleLowUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopFemaleMedUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopFemaleNoChangeUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopFemaleReplacementUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopMale0MigrationUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopMaleConstMortalityUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopMaleConstUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopMaleHighUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopMaleLowUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopMaleMedUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopMaleNoChangeUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopMaleReplacementUNPD2012Rev | http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/7/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopulationBothSexesConstUNPD2010Rev | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/6/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopulationBothSexesHighUNPD2010Rev | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/6/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopulationBothSexesLowUNPD2010Rev | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/6/1 | |
SeriesForecastPopulationBothSexesMedUNPD2010Rev | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm | 2013/6/1 | |
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatio0MigrationUNPD2015Rev | UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/28 | |
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioConstFertUNPD2015Rev | UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/28 | |
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioConstMortalityUNPD2015Rev | UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/28 | |
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioHighUNPD2015Rev | UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/28 | |
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioLowUNPD2015Rev | UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/28 | |
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioMedUNPD2015Rev | UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/28 | |
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioNoChangeUNPD2015Rev | UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/28 | |
SeriesForecastYouthDependencyRatioReplacementUNPD2015Rev | UNPD WPP 2015 http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DVD/ | 2015/08/28 | |
SeriesLifExpect | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/mortality.htm | 2015/02/21 | |
SeriesLifExpectFemaleMedUNPD | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/mortality.htm | 2013/05 | |
SeriesLifExpectMaleMedUNPD | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/mortality.htm | 2013/05 | |
SeriesLifExpectMedUNPD | http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/mortality.htm | 2013/05 | |
SeriesPopulation15PlusMill | UNPD | 2016/01/07 | |
SeriesPopulation15to29Mill | UNPD | 2016/01/05 | |
SeriesPopulation15to64% | UNPD | 2016/01/07 | |
SeriesPopulation15to64Mill | UNPD | 2016/01/05 | |
SeriesPopulation65Plus | UNPD | 2016/01/07 | |
SeriesPopulation65Plus% | UNPD | 2016/01/07 | |
SeriesPopulation65PlusMill | UNPD | 2016/01/07 | |
SeriesPopulationElderlyDependence% | UNPD | 2016/01/07 | |
SeriesPopulationUnder15Mill | UNPD | 2016/01/05 | |
SeriesPopulationUnder5Mill | UNPD | 2016/01/11 | |
SeriesPopulationUNFilled | UNPD 2010 Rev Filled with WDI and Ifs | 2011/11/11 | |
SeriesPopYouthBulgeBy15 | UNPD | 2016/01/07 | |
SeriesPopYouthBulgeBy30 | UNPD | 2016/01/07 | |
SeriesPopYouthBulgeByTotal | UNPD | 2016/01/07 | |
SeriesPopYouthDependency% | UNPD | 2016/01/07 |
Instructions on pulling UNPD data
Life expectancy data
Description of Data
Life expectancy and fertility rate data are available for 5 year intervals (e.g. 1955-1960, 1960-1965) up to latest year[what is "latest year"? - what if the current year is not a multiple of 5?]. Forecasts of data are available for future years [all forecasts are of future years. To what year do these forecasts go?] For the purpose of Ifs[always capitalize IFs - this is the name of the place we work] a simple average needs to be computed in order to arrive at a value for every 5 year interval (e.g. Average for 1955-60 value and 1960-65 value will be recorded under the year 1960 forIfs.) The life expectancy data is computed by UNPD on the basis of the estimated levels of infant and child mortality and after taking into consideration special circumstances in respective nations[does this mean death rates by type for each age-cohort? How exactly is life expectancy calculated? This is a forecast and so we must make sure it matches with our methodology of forecasting life expectancy]. For example, the demographic impact of AIDS has been factored in when computing the life expectancy of Rwanda. Life expectancy is driven by income levels (GDP per capita at PPP) , Government spending on health and education (GDS), Civilian damage from wars, population and mortality[where? in their model? in our model? in real life? and why are "government", and "civilian" capitalized?].
Data for the latest year
Since the data inIfs is calculated on the basis of assigned averages between two time periods, it must be noted that data won’t be available for the period succeeding the latest year (e.g. for the 2015 update, latest data is available for the 2010-2015 period, but no data is available for 2015-2020 period, thus the average value cannot be calculated.) For the latest period, when computing the average value, the forecasted value for the future period needs to be used. (E.g. [don't capitalize "e.g." and it is not a new sentence.] for 2015, compute the average using 2010-2015 value and the 2015-2020 forecasted value.) While using forecasts, please note that three varieties of forecasted values are available, one with a low variant, one with a medium variant and one with a high variant. The medium variant needs to be used when computing the average, as this is likely to be the closest to the actual value.
Data Source
Series to be updated in IFs
- Series LifExpect
- Series LifExpectFemale
- Series LifExpectMale
Total Fertility Rate (TFR) data
Description of Data
Life Expectancy and Fertility rate data are available for every 5 years (E.g. 1955-1960, 1960-1965) upto latest year. Forecasts of data are available for future years. For the purpose of Ifs a simple average needs to be computed in order to arrive at a value for every 5 year interval. (E.g. Average for 1955-60 value and 1960-65 value will be recorded under the year 1960 for Ifs.) Ifs uses an interpolated value for every year in between the intervals. This data is compiled from fertility surveys conducted across nations. Total fertility rate is driven by average education years and the income levels (GDP per capita at PPP). The fertility rate in turn affects the total births and the crude birth rate in a region.
Data for the latest year
Since the data in Ifs is calculated on the basis of assigned averages between two time periods, it must be noted that data won’t be available for the period succeeding the latest year. (E.g. for the 2015 update, latest data is available for the 2010-2015 period, but no data is available for 2015-2020 period, thus the average value cannot be calculated.) For the latest period, when computing the average value, the forecasted value for the future period needs to be used. (E.g. for 2015, compute the average using 2010-2015 value and the 2015-2020 forecasted value.) While using forecasts, please note that three varieties of forecasted values are available, one with a low variant, one with a medium variant and one with a high variant. The medium variant needs to be used when computing the average, as this is likely to be the closest to the actual value.
Data Source
Series to be updated in IFs
Country list
IFs country list
Last updated by Kanishka Narayan on [please include date]