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AQUASTAT is the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) global information system on water resources and agricultural water management. It collects, analyzes, and provides free access to over 180 variables and indicators by country and year from 1960. AQUASTAT plays an important role in monitoring of the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 6 that sets out to "ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all". Additionally, AQUASTAT's new dissemination system allows users to download up to 100,000 data points and the data is made available yearly.

The data team uses AQUASTAT for a number of series including SeriesDesalinatedWater, SeriesLandCultivatedArea, and SeriesLandIrWaterLogged to name a few. To pull data, please follow the instructions below.


Step 1.) Navigate to the home page of AQUASTAT FAO's Global Information System on Water and Agriculture,

Step 2.) Near the top of the page, click on the tab labeled "Database"

AQUASTAT's Homepage

Step 3.) On the left hand side of the page, click on the tab labeled "Country Statistics"

AQUASTAT's Database Homepage

Step 4.) On the left hand side of the page, click on the tab labeled "Database", under "Country Statistics"


AQUASTAT's Country Statistics Page

Step 5.) Under the "Areas" section on the left side, select (World) to select all countries. You can also select different regions.

Select (World)

Step 6.) Under the "Year" section on the left, select each year to see it represented in the data.

Select Years

Step 7.) To find your specific variable, click which "Variable Group" it is in, then the "Variable Subgroup", and finally your "Variable". You can also start typing your variable name in the "Select Variables" space and it will display that variable and similar ones.

The Variable Group of your Series

Step 8.) Download the data by clicking "Share/Download". You will then be given download options. Click "Excel". An Excel file will download. Now you can format the data to upload it into IFs. To import data into IFs, please follow the instructions found in the Importing Data (general instructions) page.

Select "Download"

SPECIFIC VARIABLE EXAMPLE: SeriesIrrigatedCropIntensity

Step 9.) On the left hand side, under "Year", select desired years of data. This example will use years 2000-2020. "Irrigation and drainage development"

Select Years

Step 10.) Start typing "Irrigated cropping intensity" into the "Select Variable" box. "Irrigated cropping intensity" will be under variable group "Irrigation and drainage development" and variable subgroup "Irrigated crop area and cropping intensity". Select the variable and a blue check mark will appear.

Select the Variable

Step 11.) To select all countries, make sure "World" is selected under "Area".

Select "World"

Step 11.) Data will now populate the page on the right side.

Data populates page

Step 12.) Select "Share/Download" and then select "Excel".

Click "Download"

Step 13.) An Excel sheet will download. Now you can format the data to upload it into IFs. To import data into IFs, please follow the instructions found in the Importing Data (general instructions) page

AQUASTAT Excel page.png

Series pulled from the AQUASTAT

The latest data has been pulled from the report updated on April, 2024 which covers 184 economies. There are 60 series in total, 18 of them used in preprocessors and 42 of them are not in preprocessors.

The "Name in Source" is the "Variable" column in downloaded data.


Variable Definition Units Years Name in Source UsedInPreprocessor UsedInPreprocessorFileName
WasterwaterTreated Wastewater: treated volume (10^9 m3/yr) 10^9 m3/year 1964-2020 Treated municipal wastewater 1 WATER
WastewaterProduced Wastewater: produced volume (10^9 m3/yr) 10^9 m3/year 1964-2020 Produced municipal wastewater 1 WATER
WastewaterTreatedReused Treated wastewater reused (10^9 m3/yr) 10^9 m3/year 1964-2020 Treated municipal wastewater discharged (secondary water) 1 WATER
WaterDesalinated Desalinated Water Produced 10^9 m3/year 1980-2020 Desalinated water produced 1 WATER
WaterGroundWithD Ground Water Withdrawal 10^9 m3/year 1970-2020 Fresh groundwater withdrawal 1 WATER
WaterResExploitGround Exploitable: regular renewable groundwater (10^9 m3/yr) 10^9 m3/year 1964-2020 Exploitable: regular renewable groundwater 1 WATER
WaterResExploitSurface Exploitable: total renewable surface water (10^9 m3/yr) 10^9 m3/year 1964-2020 Exploitable: total renewable surface water 1 WATER
WaterResOverlap Overlap between surface and groundwater 10^9 m3/year 1964-2020 Overlap between surface water and groundwater 1 WATER
WaterResTotalExploit Water resources: total exploitable 10^9 m3/year 1964-2020 Total exploitable water resources 1 WATER
WaterResTotalRenew Water resources: total renewable (actual) 10^9 m3/year 1964-2020 Total renewable water resources 1 WATER
WaterResTotalRenewGround Total renewable groundwater (actual) (10^9 m3/yr) 10^9 m3/year 1964-2020 Total renewable groundwater 1 WATER
WaterResTotalRenewSurface Total renewable suface water (actual) 10^9 m3/year 1964-2020 Total renewable surface water 1 WATER
WaterSurfaceWithD Surface Water Withdrawal 10^9 m3/year 1970-2020 Fresh surface water withdrawal 1 WATER
WaterTotalWithdSector Total water withdrawal (summed by sector) 10^9 m3/year 1964-2020 Total water withdrawal 1 WATER
WaterTotalWithdSources Total water withdrawal (summed by sources) 10^9 m3/year 1964-2020 Total freshwater withdrawal 1 WATER
WaterWithdAgriculture Agricultural water withdrawal 10^9 m3/year 1965-2020 Agricultural water withdrawal 1 WATER
WaterWithdIndustrial Industrial water withdrawal 10^9 m3/year 1965-2020 Industrial water withdrawal 1 WATER
WaterWithdMunicipal Municipal water withdrawal 10^9 m3/year 1965-2020 Municipal water withdrawal 1 WATER


Variable Definition Units Years Name in Source
DesalinatedWater Desalinated Water Produced 10^9 m3/year 1980-2020 Desalinated water produced
IrWaterReq Irrigation water requirement 10^9 m3/year 1987-2020 Irrigation water requirement
IrWaterWith Irrigation water withdrawal 10^9 m3/year 1970-2020 Irrigation water withdrawal
WasteWaterDirectNotTreated Direct use of not treated municipal wastewater for irrigation purposes 10^9 m3/year 1985-2020 Direct use of not treated municipal wastewater for irrigation purposes
WastewaterIrDirectTreated Direct use of treated municipal wastewater for irrigation purposes 10^9 m3/year 1994-2020 Direct use of treated municipal wastewater for irrigation purposes
WaterGroundEntering Groundwater entering the country (natural) 10^9 m3/year 1964-2020 Groundwater: entering the country (total)
WaterGroundLeaving Groundwater leaving the country (naturally) 10^9 m3/year 1964-2020 Groundwater: leaving the country to other countries (total)
WaterGroundProdInternal Groundwater produced internally (natural) 10^9 m3/year 1964-2020 Groundwater produced internally
WaterGroundTotal Groundwater total renewable 10^9 m3/year 1964-2020 Total renewable groundwater
WaterTotalWithd Total water withdrawal (summed by sector) 10^9 m3/year 1964-2020 Total water withdrawal
LandCultivatedArea Cultivated area (1000 ha) 1000 ha 1964-2020 Cultivated area (arable land + permanent crops)
LandEquipIrActual Area equipped for irrigation: actually irrigated 1000 ha 1964-2020 Area equipped for irrigation: actually irrigated
LandEquipIrFullControl Area equipped for full control irrigation: total 1000 ha 1964-2020 Area equipped for full control irrigation: total
LandEquipIrFullControlActual Area equipped for full control irrigation: actually irrigated 1000 ha 1964-2020 Area equipped for full control irrigation: actually irrigated
LandIrAreaEquip Area equipped for irrigation: total (1000 ha) 1000 ha 1964-2020 Area equipped for irrigation: total
LandIrAreaSalinized Area salinized by irrigation (1000 ha) 1000 ha 1972-2020 Area salinized by irrigation
LandIrEquipActual Area equipped for irrigation: actually irrigated (1000 ha) 1000 ha 1964-2020 Area equipped for irrigation: actually irrigated
LandIrEquipDrained Area equipped for irrigation drained (1000 ha) 1000 ha 1985-2020 Area equipped for irrigation drained
LandIrEquipGround Area equipped for irrigation by groundwater 1000 ha 1964-2020 Area equipped for irrigation by groundwater
LandIrEquipMixed Area equipped for irrigation by mixed surface water and groundwater 1000 ha 1989-2020 Area equipped for irrigation by mixed surface water and groundwater
LandIrEquipSurface Area equipped for irrigation by surface water 1000 ha 1964-2020 Area equipped for irrigation by surface water
LandIrHarvestedCropArea Total harvested irrigated crop area (1000 ha) 1000 ha 1964-2020 Total harvested irrigated crop area (full control irrigation)
LandIrPotential Irrigation potential (1000 ha) 1000 ha 1964-2020 Irrigation potential
LandIrWaterLogged Area waterlogged by irrigation (1000 ha) 1000 ha 1980-2020 Area waterlogged by irrigation
WasteWaterLandEquipDirectNotTreated Direct use of not treated municipal wastewater for irrigation purposes 1000 ha 1972-2020 Area equipped for irrigation by direct use of not treated municipal wastewater
WasteWaterLandEquipDirectTreated Area equipped for irrigation by direct use of treated municipal wastewater 1000 ha 1971-2020 Area equipped for irrigation by direct use of treated municipal wastewater
WaterTotalAgManagedArea Total agricultural water managed area 1000 ha 1964-2020 Total agricultural water managed area
WaterTotalRenewPC Water resources: total renewable per capita (actual) Cubic Meter 1964-2020 Total renewable water resources per capita
WaterTotalWithdPC Total water withdrawal per capita Cubic Meter 1964-2020 Total water withdrawal per capita
TotalDamCapacity Total dam capacity (km3) km3 1964-2020 Total dam capacity
IrrigatedCropIntensity Irrigated Crop Intensity Percent 1964-2020 Irrigated cropping intensity
LandIr%Grain % of total grain production irrigated (%) Percent 1984-2020 % of total grain production irrigated
LandIrActual%Equip Area equipped for irrigation: actually irrigated, % Percent 1964-2020 % of the area equipped for irrigation actually irrigated
LandIrEquip%Cultivated % of cultivated area equipped for irrigation (%) Percent 1964-2020 % of the cultivated area equipped for irrigation
LandIrEquip%Potential % of irrigation potential equipped for irrigation (%) Percent 1964-2020 % of irrigation potential equipped for irrigation
LandIrEquip%WaterManaged % of agricultural water managed area equipped for irrigation (%) Percent 1964-2020 % of agricultural water managed area equipped for irrigation
WaterDependencyRatio Dependency ratio, percentage of total renewable water resources originating outside of the country Percent 1964-2020 Dependency ratio
WaterWith%Agric Water withdrawals, percent used in agriculture (1990=70-99;2000=update, mostly 2000) Percent 1965-2020 Agricultural water withdrawal as % of total water withdrawal
WaterWith%Fresh % of total actual renewable freshwater resources withdrawn (%) Percent 1964-2020 MDG 7.5. Freshwater withdrawal as % of total renewable water resources
WaterWith%Household Water withdrawals, percent used by households (1990=70-99;2000=update, mostly 2000) Percent 1965-2020 Municipal water withdrawal as % of total withdrawal
WaterWith%Ind Water withdrawals, percent used in industry (1990=70-99;2000=update, mostly 2000) Percent 1965-2020 Industrial water withdrawal as % of total water withdrawal
WaterWithAgr%FreshAquastat % of total actual renewable water resources withdrawn by agriculture (%) Percent 1965-2020 Agricultural water withdrawal as % of total renewable water resources