Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP)

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The Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP), established in 1992, is devoted to developing a global database for bilateral trade patterns, production, consumption, and intermediate use of commodities and services. The database is updated on a bi-annual cycle and detailed information on data, methodology of estimation, and sources of data are available at   The GTAP database has become a standard, perhaps the standard source of information on intersectoral flows and intercountry trade of a large number of research projects.

Researchers throughout the world use this database for analyzing the impact of: global trade liberalization under a future WTO round, regional trade agreements, economic consequences of attempts to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions via carbon taxes, and domestic impacts of economic shocks in other regions.

GTAP has released seven versions since 1993. The most recent GTAP database, version 7, contains input output matrices for 113 countries and regions covering 57 sectors. This version successfully added 25 new regions, new trade and protection data, and improved data on bilateral services trade energy. The Center for Global Trade Analysis and the GTAP Network,  consisting of individuals, agencies, and institutions from around the world, have developed the GTAP database.  IFs is currently using Release 7 which covers 113 countries.