Version Notes

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Version 8.32 (September XXth, 2024)


You can download IFs Version 8.32 at IFs 8.32.

Interface Updates

  • Fix Creation of Variable List with Formulas that use different dimension 2 values, for example: ENP(Hydro+Solar+Wind+...)/ENP(Total)
  • Fix on Mortality Pyramid when Comparing Countries.
  • Fix Table units for Morbidity Pyramid.
  • Fix problemas changing groups in Education and Mortality pyramids.
  • Added version number to our Forecast Graphs, you can hide it from Display Options.
  • Start in Year multiple of 5 in Table Display was not resetting properly when going out.
  • Added Custom Intervals in Table Display.
  • Added Core Groups to Pyramids.
  • Fixed font in Cross-Sectional.

Model Updates

  • Added Functions to Mark DataDict when variable is used as Historic Analog or in Functions (both for TablFunc.db and AnalFunc.db).
  • Taking in Potential for Solar, Wind and Geo.
  • Energy changes on geothermal, Indonesia, France, Nuclear fixed

Data Updates

  • 8 Tables inserted & updated
  • 1. 8 new tables, VRE potentials, can be searched by EnPotentialXXX