Version Notes

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Version 8.32 (September XXth, 2024)


You can download IFs Version 8.32 at IFs 8.32.

Interface Updates

  • Fix Creation of Variable List with Formulas that use different dimension 2 values, for example: ENP(Hydro+Solar+Wind+...)/ENP(Total)
  • Fix on Mortality Pyramid when Comparing Countries.
  • Fix Table units for Morbidity Pyramid.
  • Fix problemas changing groups in Education and Mortality pyramids.
  • Added version number to our Forecast Graphs, you can hide it from Display Options.
  • Start in Year multiple of 5 in Table Display was not resetting properly when going out.
  • Added Custom Intervals in Table Display.
  • Added Core Groups to Pyramids.
  • Fixed font in Cross-Sectional.
  • Fix in Merge process from Vetting Form to avoid lock table error.
  • Fix to SDG Table when using Groups.

Model Updates

  • Added Functions to Mark DataDict when variable is used as Historic Analog or in Functions (both for TablFunc.db and AnalFunc.db).
  • Taking in Potential for Solar, Wind and Geo.
  • Energy changes on geothermal, Indonesia, France, Nuclear fixed

Data Updates

  • 8 Tables inserted & updated
  • 1. 8 new tables, VRE potentials, can be searched by EnPotentialXXX
  • Change in ifs.dat for Energy project, etechadv for renewables.
  • 428 Tables inserted & updated 1. 8 new tables, VRE potentials, can be searched by EnPotentialXXX. Land potential and wind potential data have manual fixes. 2. Fixed entries of Decimal Places under the DataDict table for CorruptionCPINew, SFUCDPConsolidatedEv 3. 420 IEA tables updated, naming conventions are reverted back to the original IFs table names, e.g., EnProdCRNGFEED is changed back to EnProdOil, EnProdSolarPV is now EnProdSolarPhoto. Duplicated rows of ElecOutput tables are deleted.