India's Population Series
Typically the official and up to date source for subnational population is the national census. However, India's Census is conducted every ten years and there appears to not be any annual estimates available from this source. This makes the census data quite out of data being that the last census was conducted in 2011, and we will not be able to update this until after the 2021 census. Thus an alternative source is being used that will be available to be updated more frequently than every ten years.
The population series was pulled from the DevInfo database. The data has a shorter time series, but we will be able to update it in the nearer future. Now we are using the population series from the DevInfo database. Telangana still had to be estimated in this series and there was not district level data to estimate telangana. Instead I used the population ratios of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh from my previous population series because I knew that they were accurate.