Agriculture Data
Cereals production in China's subnational model is made up of data from two sources that have been blended together. The data from 1949-2003 came from the China Data Center database table 804 and the data from 2004-2015 came from the China Statistical Yearbooks 2005-2016 in Chapter 12 Agriculture table 10 Output of Major Farm Products. These two sources blend together to generate a continuous series with data from 1949-2015, one of the longest time series in the China subnational model. This data was converted into million metric tons from ten thousand metric tons.
Fruit production in China's subnational model came from the China Data Center database table 804. This series runs from 1949-2003. The data was converted from ten thousand metric tons to million metric tons before importing into IFs.
This series is outdated and could be updated with data that is available through the China Statistical Yearbooks in Chapter 12 Agriculture table 10 Output of Major Farm Products. This series is available from 2004-2015 and would give the model more recent data for initialization and improved model performance.
Meat production in China's provinces was found in the China Data Center database in table 804 and this data was blended with data that was found in previous iterations of this model from the China Statistical Yearbooks 2006. The data was converted from ten thousand metric tons to million metric tons. The two series gives a final data series of 1949-2003, and 2005.
This series is outdated and could be updated with data that is available through the China Statistical Yearbooks in Chapter 12 Agriculture table 14 Output of Livestock Products. Through the China Statistical Yearbooks 2005-2016 there is sufficient coverage to have a time series from 1949-2015. The DataPlanet database in table 271 also has data available for meat production from 1949-2013.