China's Provincial Households

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China's provincial household data came from the China Statistical Yearbooks 2012-2015, which produced a series that runs from 2011-2014. There is household data published in the 2016 yearbook, but this data was not included because it is significantly different from the preceding years by twice the households in some provinces. There was not a reason for this inconsistency that was found in the China Statistical Yearbooks' metadata. 

Householdsize v728.jpg

There is also data available that was created by the Chinese census that was received as a part of the China Data Center database. This data was chosen to not be included in the model because the most recent data was in 2010, which is more dated than the China Statistical Yearbooks' data. This data could not be blended with the China Statistical Yearbook data because there is a siginificant (approximately 3 million households) jump between 2010 (the end of the census data) and 2011 (the beginning of the China Statistical Yearbook data).