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As the custodian agency of 21 SDG indicators, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is responsible for curating and refining the methodologies of these indicators, collecting data from national sources, ensuring their quality and compatibility with applicable standards and classifications, and disseminating data at global level.

These SDG indicators provide data and insights into global efforts related to food security, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and sustainable resource management.

The data team mainly used Food insecurity as measured by the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) (2.1.2) indicator under SDG 2: Zero Hunger. This measure captures people's direct experiences of limited access to food, including their ability to obtain sufficient, nutritious, and safe food for a healthy diet. By surveying individuals about food-related hardships, such as skipping meals or running out of food due to financial constraints, the indicator provides critical data on global and regional food insecurity. It helps assess progress toward achieving SDG 2, which aims to eliminate hunger and ensure food security for all by 2030.

Series from FAOSTAT SDG

6 series in Total. 2 are used in preprocessors.

Data can be accessed from https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/SDGB.

Variable Name in Source UsedInPreprocessor UsedInPreprocessorFileName Code in Source
FoodInsecPopMod%FemaleFIES 2.1.2 Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity (female) (15 years old and over) (no breakdown by urbanisation) 1 POPULATION AG_PRD_FIESMS-F-Y_GE15-_T
FoodInsecPopMod%MaleFIES 2.1.2 Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity (male) (15 years old and over) (no breakdown by urbanisation) 1 POPULATION AG_PRD_FIESMS-M-Y_GE15-_T
FoodInsecPopMod%TotalFIES 2.1.2 Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity (both sexes or no breakdown by sex) (all age ranges or no breakdown by age) (no breakdown by urbanisation) 0 AG_PRD_FIESMS-_T-_T-_T
FoodInsecPopSev%FemaleFIES 2.1.2 Prevalence of severe food insecurity (female) (15 years old and over) (no breakdown by urbanisation) 0 AG_PRD_FIESS-F-Y_GE15-_T
FoodInsecPopSev%MaleFIES 2.1.2 Prevalence of severe food insecurity (male) (15 years old and over) (no breakdown by urbanisation) 0 AG_PRD_FIESS-M-Y_GE15-_T
FoodInsecPopSev%TotalFIES 2.1.2 Prevalence of severe food insecurity (both sexes or no breakdown by sex) (all age ranges or no breakdown by age) (no breakdown by urbanisation) 0 AG_PRD_FIESS-_T-_T-_T

Instructions on FAO SDG Bulk Downloads and Importing

Step 1. Navigate to FAOSTAT SDG site.

Fao sdg 1.png

Step 2. Select "All Data Normalized" under Bulk Downloads.

Image sdg 2.png

Step 3. Unzip the downloaded file. Open SDG_BulkDownloads_E_All_Data_(Normalized).csv

Image sdg 3.png

Step 4. Use "Item Code (SDG)" in the "Code in Source" from the DataDict or the Table in "Series from FAOSTAT SDG" section to extract each series.

Note: Any data values that include a symbol need to be changed to NULL.