OECD Main Science & Technology Indicators

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Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD):  Main Science and Technology Indicators (MSTI)

The OECD Main Science and Technology Indicators (MSTI), published twice yearly, provides a set of indicators that reflect the level and structure of the efforts undertaken by OECD member countries and eight non-member economies (Argentina, China, Israel, Romania, Russian Federation, Singapore, Slovenia, Chinese Taipei) in the field of science and technology.  The indicators cover the resources devoted to research and development, patent families, technology balance of payments and international trade in highly R&D-intensive industries. See http://www.oecdbookshop.org/oecd/display.asp?sf1=identifiers&st1=1011792X

DataDict 720
Table Group Definition Source Last IFs Update UsedInPreprocessor Years
SeriesPatentApplications Science Technology, Infrastructure, Knowledge Annual patent applications OECD Science & Technology CD 2000
SeriesPatentApplicationsExternal Science Technology, Infrastructure, Knowledge Annual patent applications OECD Science & Technology CD 2000
SeriesR&Dapplied Science Technology, Infrastructure, Knowledge R&D, applied, PPP OECD Science & Technology CD 2000
SeriesR&Dbasic Science Technology, Infrastructure, Knowledge R&D, basic, PPP OECD Science & Technology CD 2000
SeriesR&Ddefense Science Technology, Infrastructure, Knowledge R&D, defense, PPP OECD Science & Technology CD 2000
SeriesR&Dtotal Science Technology, Infrastructure, Knowledge R&D, total, at PPP OECD Science & Technology CD 2000
SeriesR&DTotPersonnel Science Technology, Infrastructure, Knowledge Total personnel engaged in R&D OECD Science & Technology CD 2000