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Below is a list of the most recent deletions.
- 20:43, 16 January 2025 Ryan.power talk contribs deleted page Aboutsite (Broken redirect: content was: "-", and the only contributor was "Ryan.power" (talk))
- 19:14, 23 April 2024 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page Test2 (content was: "= Version 8.20 (April 9th, 2024) = PREVIOUS VERSION | INDEX PAGE You can download IFs Version 8.20 at IFs 8.20. == Interface Updates == * Fix for Downloading graphs from Flex Displays. *Fix for showing scenarios in Menu for Population and Education Pyramids. *Changes to avoid extra decimals when running Most Recent or Earliest. *Fix to problems in Drivers Diagram, for example HDI, and all varia...")
- 19:14, 23 April 2024 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page Test (content was: "This page is created by Yutang for testing purposes : ) Hello - AP")
- 19:10, 23 April 2024 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page Current Version Note (content before blanking was: "#REDIRECT Version Notes")
- 17:11, 18 April 2024 Jose.Solorzano talk contribs deleted page Version Notes (Deleted to make way for move from "Current Version Note")
- 21:24, 2 April 2024 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page Version notes (content was: "Version notes 7.36 (September 2018) Version notes 7.37 (October 2018) Version notes 7.41 (June_2019) Version notes 7.42 (August 2019)")
- 04:36, 10 October 2023 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page IHME Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (A duplicated page)
- 17:55, 1 August 2023 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page ED-Section(Extra Material from 2015 Version of Documentation) (content was: "== Extra Material from 2015 Version of Documentation == === Dominant Relations === In any long-term economic model the supply side has particular importance. In IFs, gross domestic product (GDP) is a function of multifactor productivity (MFP), capital stocks (KS), and labor inputs (LABS), all specified for each of six sectors. This approach is sometimes called a S...", and the only contributor was "Julia.Detar" (talk))
- 17:55, 1 August 2023 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page ED-Section(Appendix B: Block Diagrams) (content was: "== Appendix B: Block Diagrams == This section presents several block diagrams that are central to the two major components of the economics model, the goods and services market—with special emphasis on the production function— and the broader SAM. Across almost all the development of the IFs economic model and other models in the system, Barry Hughes (and some...", and the only contributor was "Julia.Detar" (talk))
- 17:54, 1 August 2023 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page ED-Section(Appendix A: Data and Initial Conditions) (content was: "== Appendix A: Data and Initial Conditions == === Initializing the Country and Global SAMs: The Preprocessor === Preparing an initial data load for a model sometimes requires almost as much work as does creating and maintaining the dynamics of the model. Data inconsistency and data holes require attention; in a model like IFs with physical representations of parti...", and the only contributor was "Julia.Detar" (talk))
- 17:54, 1 August 2023 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page ED-Section(9 Poverty) (content was: "== Poverty<ref>Mohammod Irfan has taken the lead role in the IFs system’s modeling and forecasting of poverty.</ref> == Closely related to its forecasting of economic development, income, and its distribution, the IFs project has long given attention to the forecasting of poverty and its reduction. It did so initially in the first volume of the project's Patterns...", and the only contributor was "Julia.Detar" (talk))
- 17:54, 1 August 2023 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page ED-Section(8 Equality and Inequality: Distribution of Household Income) (content was: "== Equality and Inequality: Distribution of Household Income == There are many ways to represent and forecast inequality. Almost all involve an aggregate index of income or consumption inequality, of which the Gini coefficient is the most common. In general terms, the representation of change in Gini across time and sociopolitical units involves either a statistic...", and the only contributor was "Julia.Detar" (talk))
- 17:54, 1 August 2023 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page ED-Section(7 The Informal Economy) (content was: "== The Informal Economy<ref>David K. Bohl took a lead role in much of the Pardee Center work on representation of the informal economy. Mohammod T. Irfan, Eli Margolese-Malin, José R. Solórzano, and Barry B. Hughes were also actively involved.</ref> == According to data from projects of the International Labor Organization and the World Bank, in emerging market...", and the only contributor was "Julia.Detar" (talk))
- 17:54, 1 August 2023 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page ED-Section(6 Labor) (content was: "== Labor<ref>Mohammod Irfan did initial development work on the labor model in IFs; Barry Hughes built heavily on that work.</ref> == Long-term, multi-sector economic forecasting benefits greatly from long-term forecasting of the quantity and skills of workers in the labor force and the demand for them (Fields 2005 and Basu et al. 2016). Production functions like...", and the only contributor was "Julia.Detar" (talk))
- 17:54, 1 August 2023 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page ED-Section(5 Bilateral Elaboration of Trade and Other Interstate Flows) (content was: "== Bilateral Elaboration of Trade and Other Interstate Flows<ref>David Bohl led the construction of the bilateral representation of trade and other interstate flows within IFs, in interaction with José Solórzano. Bohl also initiated and co-authored the documentation provided here.</ref> == === Introduction === ==== Background and motivation ==== Many users of t...", and the only contributor was "Julia.Detar" (talk))
- 17:54, 1 August 2023 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page ED-Section(4 Intertemporal Dynamics and Equilibration) Part 2 (content was: "== Intertemporal Dynamics and Equilibrium == ===== Interest rates and consumption ===== Although the division of household disposable income into consumption and savings shares is driven heavily by income levels and demographics, interest rates also affect it. The impact of interest rates on the consumption level and share (leaving savings to be the residu...", and the only contributor was "Julia.Detar" (talk))
- 17:54, 1 August 2023 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page ED-Section(4 Intertemporal Dynamics and Equilibration) (content was: "== Intertemporal Dynamics and Equilibrium == The production function is in many respects the economic model’s foundation in IFs, shaping projections of both the potential for meeting human demands and the pressures the efforts to do so place upon biophysical systems, as well as representing many of the feedbacks from those broader elements of IFs to economics. ...", and the only contributor was "Julia.Detar" (talk))
- 17:54, 1 August 2023 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page ED-Section(3 SAM part 2) (content was: "==Social Accounting Matrix(SAM)== === Government === Understanding government finance requires attention to revenues and expenditures, the topics of the first two following sub-sections. It also requires attention to the annual imbalance of those in nearly all countries, the resulting debt or asset stock changes over time, and the feedbacks from those stocks to changes in revenue and expenditure streams. Those equilibrating feedbacks within government finance are treated in t...")
- 17:53, 1 August 2023 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page ED-Section(3 SAM) (content was: "== Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) == A social accounting matrix (SAM) integrates a multi-sector input-output representation of intersectoral flows within an economy into the broader system of national accounts (SNA), thereby broadly representing flows of funds among societal agents/institutions and, via the balance of payments, also with the outside world. Richard Stone is the acknowledged father of social accounting matrices, which emerged from his participation in setting up...")
- 17:53, 1 August 2023 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page ED-Section(2 Goods and Services Market) Part 2 (content was: "=== 2.5 Correction Factors in Computation of Productivity Growth Rate === As elaborated earlier (Section 2.2) and shown again in the equation below, in computing the sector-specific stock of multifactor or total factor productivity (TEFF), the endogenous growth of that every year (MFPGROWTH) is the sum of four contributions. The first two of those discussed to this...", and the only contributor was "Julia.Detar" (talk))
- 17:53, 1 August 2023 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page ED-Section(2 Goods and Services Market) (content was: "== Goods and Services Market Supply Side and Economic Growth == Before turning to economic demand and financial flows within the social accounting matrix (SAM) and then moving to explanation of intertemporal dynamics, this section treats the supply side of the economic model. === 2.1 Introduction === The goods and services market sits within the larger social accounting matrix that tracks financial flows among households, firms, and the government and that shapes the demand si...")
- 17:53, 1 August 2023 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page ED-Section(1 Intro) (content was: "== Introduction: Foundations == This section provides a brief introduction to the full IFs forecasting system before turning to an identification of three major and in combination unique features of IFs economic model: its production function, social accounting matrix, and equilibration dynamics. Subsequent sections will elaborate those elements of the economic model before documenting some additional aspects of that model, including its bilateral elaboration of trade and other...")
- 17:53, 1 August 2023 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page ED-Section(10 & 11 Acknowledgments and References) (content was: "== Acknowledgments == Thousands of IFs users over several decades have provided feedback for the improvement of the IFs system, one of the advantages of its having always been open source. To all of them, our thanks. Among those are individuals who have used IFs in research, policy analysis, training of professional users, and teaching (as well as students and...", and the only contributor was "Julia.Detar" (talk))
- 17:52, 1 August 2023 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page IFs ECONOMIC MODEL DOCUMENTATION (content was: "WORKING PAPER 2023.03.25 (replaces 2015.07.20) IFs ECONOMIC MODEL DOCUMENTATION Authorship: Barry B. Hughes, David K. Bohl, Mohammod T. Irfan, and José R. Solórzano In addition to Barry B. Hughes, the initial developer and documenter of IFs, many others have contributed directly to the building of the economic and other models. Mohammod T. Irfan and José R....", and the only contributor was "Julia.Detar" (talk))
- 17:48, 1 August 2023 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page Economics (A new version of the Econ documentation has been created.)
- 17:46, 8 May 2023 Julia.Detar talk contribs deleted page ED-Section( (content before blanking was: "5. Bilateral Elaboration of Trade and Other Interstate Flows")
- 22:25, 23 June 2022 Yutang.Xiong talk contribs deleted page Jake (content was: "jake lives in the data den China's Population <math>STEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVVEVEVEVEVEV</math>")
- 23:10, 2 March 2022 Ryan.power talk contribs deleted page File:Capture.PNG (system test)
- 17:38, 25 February 2022 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page File:08172020 rebuild base2.png (file missing)
- 20:56, 3 February 2022 Ryan.power talk contribs deleted page File:Testfile.PNG (system test)
- 21:57, 2 December 2020 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page File:Xiong Yutang Pardee Profile.jpg (not using personal profile picture)
- 20:15, 7 September 2018 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page 7.27 Version notes - November 2016 (content was: "This is where we put the version notes" (and the only contributor was "Wikiadmin"))
- 19:57, 7 August 2018 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page OECD statistics database online (content was: "= Instructions for pulling data from OECD statistics database online =" (and the only contributor was "Wikiadmin"))
- 17:13, 3 August 2018 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page Water sub-module (content was: "= Agricultural water demand = ---- <math>pi=3</math>" (and the only contributor was "Wikiadmin"))
- 21:46, 1 August 2018 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page Birth Cohort Information (content was: "The feature Birth Cohort Information is located under the Specialized Displays for Issues sub-option, which is in turn located under the Display topic..." (and the only contributor was "EmoryFerguson"))
- 21:40, 1 August 2018 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page Flexible Displays Download (content was: "The Flexible Displays can be found under Display on the Main Menu. This display feature of IFs allows users more flexibility than the [http://ww..." (and the only contributor was "EmoryFerguson"))
- 21:30, 1 August 2018 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page Use IFs Download Scenario Analysis (content was: "= Scenario Description = A scenario is a story or story outline. Thinking about the future normally involves creating alternative scenarios, or stories..." (and the only contributor was "CamrynDreyer"))
- 21:27, 1 August 2018 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page Use IFs Download Repeated Features (content was: "= Annotation = This feature of IFs allows users to quickly annotate different Run-Result-Files and Scenario-Load-Files to understand exactly what parameters have been altered and how they were altered. When you see an Annotation option,...")
- 21:25, 1 August 2018 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page Flexible Displays Download Version (content was: "= Flexible Displays = The Flexible Displays can be found under Display on the Main Menu. This display feature of IFs allows users more flexibility tha..." (and the only contributor was "CamrynDreyer"))
- 21:23, 1 August 2018 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page Geographically-fixed Displays (content was: "This display feature of IFs allows users to quickly display previously designated sets of forecasts for various countries or groups. It is more limite..." (and the only contributor was "EmoryFerguson"))
- 21:12, 1 August 2018 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page Use IFs Download Data Analysis (content was: "= <span style="font-size:xx-large;">World Map: Historic Data</span> = The World Map option is a constantly evolving program, with new features added to..." (and the only contributor was "CamrynDreyer"))
- 20:47, 1 August 2018 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page Use IFs Download Display (content was: "Flexible Displays Use_IFs_Download_Geographically-Fixed_Displays|Geographically-Fixed Display..." (and the only contributor was "CamrynDreyer"))
- 20:46, 1 August 2018 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page Self-Managed Display (content was: "= Full Set of Variables/Parameters = === Self Managed Full Set of Variables/Parameters Display === The Self Managed Display Full Set of Variables/Para..." (and the only contributor was "CamrynDreyer"))
- 20:44, 1 August 2018 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page Basic Report (content was: "The Basic Report can be found as a sub-option under Display on the Main Menu, as well as under the [" (and the only contributor was "CamrynDreyer"))
- 20:43, 1 August 2018 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page Use IFs Download Geographically-Fixed Displays (content was: "Geographically-fixed Displays are found as a sub-option under Display on the Main Menu. This display feature of IFs allows users to quickly display p..." (and the only contributor was "EmoryFerguson"))
- 20:42, 1 August 2018 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page Use IFs Download Flexible Displays Download Version (content was: "The Flexible Displays can be found under Display on the Main Menu. This display feature of IFs allows users more flexibility than the [http://ww..." (and the only contributor was "EmoryFerguson"))
- 20:41, 1 August 2018 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page Specialized Displays (content was: "Population Education Health Use_IFs_Download_Millennium_..." (and the only contributor was "CamrynDreyer"))
- 20:41, 1 August 2018 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page Environment Use IFs Download (content was: "= Advanced Sustainability Analysis = The Advanced Sustainability Analysis sub-sub-option can be reached from the Display option on the Main Menu, the S..." (and the only contributor was "CamrynDreyer"))
- 20:40, 1 August 2018 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page World Values (content was: "= World Value Survey by Age = To access the Cohorts of World Value Survey, choose Display from the Main Menu followed by the Specialized Display sub-op..." (and the only contributor was "CamrynDreyer"))
- 20:40, 1 August 2018 Wikiadmin talk contribs deleted page World Map and All-Variable Displays (content was: "= World Map, Lorenz Curve, Gini, Histogram = The World Map, Lorenz Curve, Gini sub-sub-option can be reached from the Display option on the Main Menu,..." (and the only contributor was "CamrynDreyer"))