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- (NEW) Master Sheet of Tables
- (NEW) Master Sheet of Tables Series
- (NEW) Master Sheet of Tables Series (A-GDP)
- (NEW) Master Sheet of Tables Series (GE-Z)
- (NEW) Series Name
- (NEW) Tutorial Series Name
- ASPIRE Database, World Bank
- Acknowledgements
- Activate Pre-Run Scenario for Display
- Add New Page
- Adding exogenous forecasts to scenarios in IFs
- Additional resources
- Advanced Sustainability Analysis
- Agriculture
- Agriculture Data
- Agriculture preprocessor
- Alternative Data Sources
- Alternative India Population Data Sources
- Alternative India Population Sources
- Alternative Modes for Use
- Annotation
- Another page for United Nations...
- April 2016 consolidation
- Aquastat FAO's Global Information System on Water and Agriculture
- Aquastat data
- Audrey
- August 2016 model validation and verification (version 7.23)
- August 2019 consolidation
- BGR data
- BP data
- Balance of Payments and International Investment Position statistics (BoP/IIP) from IMF
- Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
- Barro-Lee
- Base comparison analysis write up examples
- Basic Functionalities
- Basic Report (Download)
- Basic Report for Countries/Regions or Groupings
- CIA World Factbook
- Carbon Emissions Data (CDIAC)
- Center for Systemic Peace
- Change Selected Functions
- China
- China's Data Sources
- China's Economy
- China's Population
- China's Preprocessor Series
- China's Provincial Age-Sex Cohorts
- China's Provincial ForecastNetMigrationRate UNPD
- China's Provincial GovConGDP
- China's Provincial GovtEdPubGDP
- China's Provincial GovtHIGDP
- China's Provincial HouseConGDP
- China's Provincial Households
- China's Provincial PopMigration
- China's Provincial PopulationUrban
- China's Provincial PopulationYouthDepend
- China's Provincial TFRMedUNPD
- China Sub-Regional June 2017 Consolidation
- Computations
- Consolidating data
- Consolidation
- Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS)
- Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)
- Core Series
- Core Series.
- Country/Region, Group or G-List
- Country Profile
- Current Version Note
- Data
- Data Analysis
- Data listed 2015 and 2100
- Database files in IFs
- December 2016 version notes
- December 2016 vetting
- Define, Drivers, Explain, Code and Delete
- Demo Page
- Development Mode Features
- Diplometrics
- Display
- Display Menu Options
- Doing Business
- EconDash
- Economic Freedom
- Economic data
- Economic preprocessor
- Economics
- Economy
- Economy Data
- Education
- Education Data
- Education by Age, Sex, and Level
- Education data
- Education preprocessor
- Ellie
- Energy
- Energy Data
- Energy Information Administration (EIA)
- Energy data
- Energy preprocessor
- Environment
- Environmental data
- Environmental preprocessor
- Eurostat European Commission
- Example on a report for initial and last year
- Extended Features
- FAOSTAT Food Security
- FAO FishstatJ Data
- FAO Land
- FAOstat Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- File Management
- Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC)
- FishStatJ Software for Fishery and Aquaculture Statistical Time Series
- Flexible Displays
- Flexible Displays (Download)
- Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions Data
- Fraser International
- FreedomHouse
- Freedom in the World Report
- Full Set of Variables/Parameters
- GDP & GDPPCPPP from IMF World Economic Outlook & WDI
- Gender Statistics, World Bank
- General Display Options
- General replication instructions
- Geographically-Fixed Displays
- Geographically-fixed Displays (Download)
- Global Footprint Network
- Global Health Expenditure Database
- Global Health Observatory (GHO)
- Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP)
- Global nuclear weapons inventories
- Governance
- Government Spending
- Government consumption preprocessor
- Guide to Scenario Analysis in International Futures (IFs)
- Guided Scenario Analysis
- Health
- Health Data
- Health and Mortality
- Health data
- Health preprocessor
- Household Energy Database
- How Do I...?
- How Do I...? Lessons 0-4
- IFs.db
- IFs Base comparison
- IFs Bibliography
- IFs Economy Model Documentation: Extension for Poverty by Age and Sex
- IHME Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Population
- ILOstat
- IMFBoP International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments
- IMFWEO International Monetary Fund World Economic Outlook
- IMF COFOG Classifications of Functions of Government
- IMF Fiscal Monitor
- IMF GFS Government Finance Statistics
- IMF Global Debt Database
- IRF World Road Statistics
- Importing data (general instructions)
- Index.php
- Index Page For All Other Version Notes
- India's Agricultural Data
- India's Data Sources
- India's Economic Data
- India's Education Data
- India's Energy Data
- India's Health Data
- India's Population Data
- India's Population Series
- India's Preprocessor Series
- India's SocioPolitical Data
- India 2017 Consolidation
- India Energy
- Infrastructure
- Infrastructure Data
- Infrastructure data
- Infrastructure preprocessor
- Instructional Use of IFs (For Classrooms)
- International Diabetes Federation
- International Energy Agency (IEA)
- International Futures (IFs)
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
- Interstate Politics (IP)
- Introduction to IFs
- Joint Monitoring Programme
- June 2016 consolidation
- Labor
- Lesson 0: IFs Vocabulary
- Lesson 1: Display
- Lesson 2: Scenario Analysis
- Lesson 3: Data Analysis
- Lesson Introduction
- Main Menu Map
- Main Menu Map Pop-up
- Master Sheet
- May 2016 consolidation
- Millennium Development Goals
- Minorities at risk
- Model validation and verification
- Mortality Database
- New Page
- OECD.iLibrary
- OECD Education at a glance
- OECD Factbook
- OECD Information Technology Outlook (ITO)
- OECD Main Science & Technology Indicators
- OECD Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)
- OECD Science & Technology
- OECD Social Expenditure Database
- OECD Statistics Database Online
- OECD The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- OECD iLibrary
- Oil & Gas Journal
- Ongoing Project Documentation
- Penn World Tables (PWT)
- Population
- Population Data
- Population Reference Bureau (PRB)
- Population by Age and Sex
- Population data
- Population preprocessor
- PovcalNet Online Poverty Analysis Tool
- Poverty and Inequality Platform, World Bank
- Preprocessor
- Project Documentation
- Provincial Population
- Publications on IFs
- Pulling Data From ILO
- Pulling Other Series
- Pulling SSPs
- Quick Scenario Analysis with Tree
- RCP Representative Concentration Pathways Database
- Rebuild Base Notes
- Repeated Features
- Result replication instructions- Trade-offs and synergies in alternative pathways to achieving human development through the Sustainable Development Goals framework
- Result replication instructions-the impact of COVID-19 on long-term projections of poverty
- Result replication instructions: How achievable are human development SDGs on our current path of development?
- Result replication instructions: The impact of COVID-19 on global extreme poverty: a long-term projection
- Result replication instructions for Sudan at the crossroads
- Result replication instructions for The Impact of COVID-19 on Long-term Projections of Poverty
- Running the Model
- Rural Access Index
- SDG Dashboard
- SDG data
- Sandbox
- Scenario Analysis
- Scenario Description
- Selecting Variables/Parameters Options
- Self-Managed Display (Download)
- Self Managed Display (Complete Flexibility)
- Social Accounting Matrix (SAM)
- Socio-Political
- Socio-Political data
- SocioPolitical preprocessor
- Source File
- Specialized Displays (Download)
- Specialized Displays for Issues
- Spectrum
- State failure data
- State failure preprocesor
- State failure project
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
- Sub-modules
- Sub-regional data
- SubRegionalization Handbook
- Support for IFs Use
- Tobacco Free Initiative
- Transparency International
- Transport
- UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Database
- UIS/UNESCO Institute for Statistics
- UNDP Human Development Reports
- UNDP United Nations Development Programme
- UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS)
- UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund
- UNSD Environmental Indicators
- UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA)
- UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs
- Understand IFs
- Understand the Model
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
- United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
- United Nations Population Division (UNPD)
- United Nations Statistics Division: MDG Indicators
- Use IFs (Download): Economy
- Use IFs (Download): Education
- Use IFs (Download): Environment
- Use IFs (Download): General Performance Analysis
- Use IFs (Download): Health
- Use IFs (Download): Millennium Development Goals
- Use IFs (Download): Population
- Use IFs (Download): World Map and All-Variable Displays
- Use IFs (Download): World Values
- Use IFs (Download) Data Analysis
- Use IFs (Download) Display
- Use IFs (Download) Repeated Features
- Use IFs (Download) Scenario Analysis
- Use IFs (Download Version)
- Use IFs (Online Version)
- V-Dem Varieties of Democracy
- Validation
- Variable Selection Options
- Variable names
- Version 7.70 (July 8th, 2021)
- Version 7.80 (December 9th, 2021)
- Version 7.81 (January 6th, 2022)
- Version 7.82 (February 8th, 2022)
- Version 7.83 (March 25th, 2022)
- Version 7.84 (May 3rd, 2022)
- Version 7.85 (June 7th, 2022)
- Version 7.86 (June 16th, 2022)
- Version 7.87 (June 28th, 2022)
- Version 7.88 (July 5th, 2022)
- Version 7.89 (August 9th, 2022)
- Version 7.90 (October 28th, 2022)
- Version 7.90 IP1 (August 12th, 2022)
- Version 7.90 IP2 (August 17th, 2022)
- Version 7.90 IP3 (September 9th, 2022)
- Version 7.90 IP4 (September 21st, 2022)
- Version 7.90 IP5 (September 27th, 2022)
- Version 7.90 IP6 (September 30th, 2022)
- Version 7.90 IP7 (October 17th, 2022)
- Version 7.91 Final (December 2nd, 2022)
- Version 7.91 IP1 (November 9th, 2022)
- Version 7.92 (December 19th, 2023)
- Version 7.92 IP1 (December 9th, 2023)
- Version 7.93 (January 24, 2023)
- Version 7.94 (February 14th, 2023)
- Version 7.95 (April 14th, 2023)
- Version 7.96 (April 24th, 2023)
- Version 7.97 (May 22nd, 2023)
- Version 7.98 (May 31st, 2023)
- Version 8.00 (June 1st, 2023)